HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-04-16, Page 4P*ge 4 THE T1MES-ADV0CATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 16,1953 t- —F SupertesT ””lC',po*En Meteor Mercyry Linepin and Mercury Trucks Entertains Groups The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Paul's Anglican Church Thurs­ day afternoon entertained the Alissionary Societies of Trivitt Memorial, Exeter; St. Church, Seaforth; St. CHinton; St.* James? Aliddleton. President Mrs. R. H. Aliddle- ton conducted the meeting. Slides on the study book, "Tliiiie Is The Glory”, were shown, and a solo, "Green Pastures,” was sung by Miss Jean Henderson. Rev. C. L- Langford closed with the benediction. Tea was served and a social hour spent. Thomas Paul’s, *50 *50 50 ’49 '46 ’40 '41 ’38 ’36 50 CHEV COACH, light blue, 18,000 miles, PLYMOUTH COACH, green. AUSTIN SEDAN, grey, FORD COACH, grey. MERCURY COACH, good as new. CHEV COACH, black. FORD COACH, black, in beautiful condition. FORD COACH PLYMOUTH COACH STUDEBAKER TRUCK, half-ton. Women’s Missionary Society The Women’s Missionary ciety of Carmel Presbyterian Church met in the church school­ room on Thursday for their April meeting. The program was ar­ ranged by Mrs. Malcolm Dougall and Mrs. AV. R. Bell, with Mrs. Dougall presiding. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. A. Logan. Mrs. Dougall spoke on ‘Africa’, illustrating her talk colored picture map. Edwards led in prayer. Bell offered the study. Walker and Mrs. S, So- a B. W. G. with Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Dougall were appointed delegates to the Presbyterial to be held in Sea­ forth May 4. Hensall And District News Council Plans Street Work Hensall council investigated the resurfacing of village side­ walks at its meeting last week. Of Centralia, price of $1,70 The sidewalks on Saturday. g Time will South End Service Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER Quality Cleaning Wien You Send YOUR CLOTHES To 1 Mid-Town Cleaners PHONE S3 EXETER Free Pickup And Delivery Come in and pick out a quarter of Beef this week, We will have beef from Choice Hereford Hei­ fers —• fed yearling class. WE GUARANTEE THE QUALITY. Fresh Beef Liver - Heart - Tongue 39c lb. Our chill room, cutting room, slaughter house and up-to-date equipment is open for your inspection. We have, the most modern and completely equipped Locker Plant in rural Ontario. We would like to show it to you. x Silverwoods Ice Cream Is Delicious Try the family package—%-gallon—with a pac­ kage of 12 Delicia Kreem Cups $1.25. Make your own cone cups at home. Live Better Cheaper the Locker Way Exeter Frozen Foods PHONE 70 MAIN ST. C. McDowell, quoted a tentative per square yard, were looked over Daylight Savin„ start at 12.10- a.m., Sunday, April 25, and end at 12.01 a.m. Sun­ day, September 27. Council agreed to charge Tuckersmith township for the services of the fire brigade at the farm of W. Caldwell $75, and at the farm of G. Brander- hurst $50. J. A. Paterson reported the 1952 tax arrears as being $455.S8 and prepayments on the 1953 fazes as being Council collector remaining return the tax roll regular meeting. The assessor and council were authorized to attend the assessors’ ton. Mrs. C. complaining other things. A grant of ed to the Public School, Council requested AV. Allan to remove the pile of gravel placed on the street to the east of property and keep his trucks the roadway. instructed to collect unpaid $3,035. the all taxes at the tax the and next members of meeting- in Walker- Mitchell appeared about taxes and $2,000 was award- Hensall W.l. Plan For District Annual ■ The monthly meeting of Hensall .Womens Institute liis off Legion Backs Rec. Council Donald Dayman presided the monthly meeting of, the Hen­ gall Branch of the ’Canadian Legion held in the Legion Hall, Monday. E. R. Shaddick was ap­ pointed secretary treasurer to re­ place Jim Clark who recently resigned after holding the posi­ tion for three years. , A special meeting is being held next Monday night to appoint representatives to the Recrea­ tion Council and committee will report regarding Coronation celebration. Plans were discussed for the public meeting in the towxi hall, Wednesday, Aprill 22 when a Recreational Council for village and community will formed. for the be been C Of C Plans Fiddle Contest A meeting was held in Hensall Monday evening of the commit- tee organizing the Western On­ tario Champion Fiddlers’ con­ test, The contest will be held at the Hensall Arena, Friday June 5. More prizes will be given this year ’including 32 prizes in var­ ious classes and over ( cash. Ages in the classes are 75 to 100; 51 tox75; 3 to gO; 21 to 35; juniors 20 or under; ladies open; best step dancer; best ladies step dancer; . best square dance set. Entries will be received the night of contest. The following committees were appointed: ,Stage and floor, Earl Dick, C. jiMaxwell, Fred IT a r b u r n, N. Jones. Sound, lights and decorating stage, Jack and Bob Drysdale, H. Bonthron, Dr. D. McKelvie. Gate and prize money, W. W- Jarrett. Entry, W. Spencer, M. Drys­ dale. Booth, Hess, Bill Judges, arty; '■-Ross Frank Scott, Ripley. This' evenet is sponsored by Hensall Chamber of Commerce. Comments About Cromarty By AIRS. IL McKELLAR $250 in Bert Horton, George Fairbairn. Fred Harburn, Crom- McKay Alillsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoggarth and family, Wallaceburg, visited during Easter week "Hoggarth and Air. garth. Mr. Ernie Luxton after spending the relatives at Filmore, Sask. The ladies of Cromarty men’s Alissionary Society guests of the ladies of Church, Mitchell, on Thursday, it being their Easter thankoffering meeting. ■ • Air, Walton Kerslake is a pa­ tient in the South Huron Hos­ pital, • Exeter. Mr. Everett Kerslake, Toronto, visited With his parents, Mr. and Airs, W, Kerslake, on Saturday. A large number of the friends and relatives attended the fun­ eral of Mr, Joseph Worden at; Staffa on Saturday. Air. Frank Stagg visited with Air. and Airs. Reg Stagg, Russell- dale, on Sunday. Air, Gordon Houghton and Miss Shirley Gale, London, spent the weekend with Mrs, M. Houghton. with Mrs. R. James Hog- has returned winter with Wo- were Knox Attend O.E.S. Service Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell and Mrs. J. E. McEwan attended service in James Street United Church, Exeter, Sunday evening together with 100 members of Exeter Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. Plan To Form Rec. Council Mr. R, E, Secord, London, Com­ munity Programme Director, ad­ dressed a public meeting in the town hall Wednesday, April 8 and discussed the purpose and the formation of a Recreation Council for the community. It was agreed to form a Rec­ reation Council. Two represent-, atives from various organizations of the village are to be invited to meet with the town council in the town hall, Hensall, Wednesday April 22, to discuss the matter further with a view of setting up a committee. Mr. Secord will also be present at this meeting. Rev. W. J- Rogers was chairman for the meeting. INVENTORS If you have an invention and cannot afford to patent It contact The Montreal Gadget Club registered Box 34 place P'Armes Montreal, qur. NO. 1 Top Soil SOD FREE Sand Cement Gravel Fill Gravel Clay Fill W. C, MacDonald Contractor PHONE 520 EXETER It’s Cotton Pickin’ Time AT TUDORS Snowy white fine high count cotton lingerie for sumer wear: CAMISOLES (eyelet trim) ............................... $1.98 HALF SLIPS (eyelet trim) ............................... $1.98 HALF SLIPS (eyelet trim) ............................... $2.95 FULL SLIPS (eyelet trim) ............................. $3,95 All Sanforized, Too 1 0k TUDOR’S Phone 70 — Ladies’ Wear - Dry Goods — Hensall . . ,..... i ....... a beth Moffatt Worden. Except for five years in Usborne he had lived in Hibbert all his life. He had been ailing- for the past six months. He was an elder of ’Staffa United Church and took an active part in community af­ fairs. Surviving are three sons, Lyle, Alvin and Russell, all of Hibbert; one daughter, Mrs. W. P. (Pene­ lope) Fell, of Hibbert; one sister, Mrs. J. W. Miller, Staffa, and eight grandchildren. Joseph Worden The funeral of the late Joseph Worden, of Staffa, was held from his home with Rev. Staffa, and Rev. D. A. McMillan, of Ilderton, officiating. Inter­ ment took place in Staffa ceme­ tery. Mr. Worden, who was in his ninety-second year, was born in Hibbert Township, a son of the late William Worden and Eliza- Saturday afternoon A. H. Daynard, ofGrand Mrs. the was held in the Legion rooms April 8, with Mrs. G, Armstrong in the chair. Members answered the roll call by “Name a tree and promise to plant it”. Rev. J. B. Fox, guest speaker, spoke on "India” under two headings, general interest and personal interest. With one-thirt­ ieth of the world’s size, and one- fifth of the world’s population, India is a land of heights and plains, splendor and squallor, wealth and poverty, learning and ignorance, advancement and prim­ itive ideas. Christianity rates last on the list of religions. Of personal interest, and living conditions there’, Mr. Fox dealt with his school life in India, having been brought up there as a mission­ ary’s son. Some interesting articl­ es from India were displayed. Reports of standing committees Were read. Lovely infant’s sets were on display and these will be donated to the Goderich Child­ ren’s Aid Soiiety. Mrs. E. Norm­ inton and Mrs. G. Hess were named to procure tickets for quilt draw to be held in June. The quilt blocks were donated by Mrs. Letitia Sangster, Mrs. B. Edwards, Mrs. T. Richardson, and Mrs. A. Alexander were appointed to act as nominating committee, to pre­ sent slate of officers at the next meeting. Mrs. F. Beer reported on the District Executive meeting held April 1. Institute members were requested to make pot hold­ ers and have same ready at next meeting in order that they may be presented at the District Annual. Plans were discussed for the district annual in Hensall United Church ~May 27. The following committees were named: favors, Mrs. G. Schwalm, Mrs. R. A. Orr; decorating, Mrs. L. Mickle, Mrs. W. Spencer; menu, Mrs. G. Hess, Mrs. Al. Drysdale, Mrs. R. Elgie, Mrs. R. H. Middleton, Mrs. AV. O. Goodwin, The institute members voted a Branch of Mr. Fox results of the town calling a meeting Mrs. F. Beer and Airs. E Norm­ inton were named to act as Institute representatives at this gathering. Jean Henderson favored with a pleasing vocal solo, accompanied ,by Miss Gladys Luker, and Beth Goddard rendered an enjoyable violin solo accompanied by her mother. Miss Phyllis Case and Mrs. W. Bell will be hostesses at the May meeting, when Seaforth Institute will be special guests. On this occasion, Mrs. J. AIcEwan, Airs. J. Paterson and Airs. I Faber were hostesses. have Miss will near Fertilizer suddenly in Vic- London, Monday admitted to hos- day. He was born "ll WONDER RIDE” BEFORE YOU DECIDE Whitewall fires and chrome wheel trim rings optional at extra cosh "MF -r—- me/eor> tie tnosf- exeiftig rife cfgffr Choke of 3 Uarumittiont in all Meteor Models s Merc-O-Matio Drive, greatest of all automatic drives, or thrifty Touch-O- Malic Overdrive (both optional at extra cost), or Silent-Ease Standard Transmission. Personal Items Miss Violet Hyde has confined to her home with ill­ ness. Mr. William Bell of the Lon­ don Road, who has been a pa­ tient in Clinton Hospital for the past number of weeks, is im­ proving. Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. McLaren are spending a week with their daughter and son-in-law, Air. and Airs. Dorland Evans, Water­ loo. Their grandson, Robert, who spent the Easter vacation with them, returned home with them. Mr, Milton Love, who has been a patient in. Arictoria Hospital, London, for treatment on his arm, returned to his home last week. Mrs. John Mousseau, Bend, visited with Air. and C. L, Jinks last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. pftle purchased the residence of Mary Ann Hoggarth and move into the village in the future. Mrs. S. Sararas has rented the residence of Mrs. G. Hudson on main street-and expects to move in the latter part of the month. Members of the Women’s Alissionary Societies of Hensall and Chiselhurst United Churches were guests of James Street United Church AVednesday after­ noon and were addressed by Mrs. G. A. Wheable, London, who spoke on "Canada and the U.N.” ■Airs. Herbert Blatchford, of Exeter, was a guest on Sunday last with Air. and Mrs. C. L. Jinks. Miss Minnie Reid returned home last week after spending some months vacationing in St. Petersburg, Florida. Harold W. Carter Dies Harold Whitney Carter, 41, of Clinton, died toria Hospital, night. He was pital the same in Clinton, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Carter, and was employed at Clinton RCAF Sta­ tion. Surviving are his widow, the former Ruth Hedden, Hen­ sall; six children, Catherine, Pat­ ricia, Rosemary, David, Michael and Janet; brothers and three sisters. ••• Phone 55 Comeut Time! Tnj the KNIFE $25.00 to the Hensall the Canadian Legion, at this time spoke on the meeting held in hall. The Council is on April 22, ’ • ’ apTHARVESTERS rORAGt«t\KollNN1N0 Have You Ordered Yours? If not, now is the time while there is a good sup­ ply of well cured ferti­ lizer on hand. All Analysis Available CUSTOMLINE FOUR-DOOR SEDAN ARE SO First mother: "How is your little boy doing in school?” Second mother: "I won’t know until I get his report card inter­ preted, I gotta find out whether means ‘putrid ‘perfect,.” Hensall M&teor -for you I $ Take a good, close look at one of our Case Forage Harvesters. Turn the knife wheel pulley by hand. Notice how easy it turns, how it keeps on rolling. This is just o«e reason why the Case is “The Lightest Run* ning Forage Harvester of ’em All." We’ll show you wore reasons why it pulls so light, works so, well, lasts so long—how both Standard and Long-Cut models han* die all forage crops, standing or windrow-* cd—-green, wilted, or Cured. Are You Part Of A Partnership? If you have a business partner have you made an agreement with him that allows the sur­ viving partner to buy the busi­ ness? Business life insurance will relieve the survivor of the financial burden involved in buying up the other half of the business. Tt places both families in a much stronger financial condition. See me, for particulars. Harry Hoffman NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. A Mutual Company — AH Profits for Policyholders Phone 70-W Dashwood Meteor styling for you . .. it’s the sleekest, most proud-to-own beauty in the low price field. Meteor comfort for you * . . its "Wonder Ride" gives the softest, quietest ride you’ve ever known. And Meteor performance for you . . . it’s V-8 and that fheans smoother getaway, greater dependability and longer engine life! Meteor offers three distinctive series..* two great V-8 engines by the world’s largest builder of V-8’s. Truly, there’s more of everything for you in ’53 Meteor—fastest- selling Meteor ever! See your Dealer soon! YOU’RE INVITED...TRY "METEOR BOB COOK MOTOR SALES HENSALL, ONTARIO 10 New Models Io Stock! ' 20 Late-Model Trade-ins To Pick From! TELEPHONE 178 END SERVICESOUTH PHONE 328 EXETER FOR A 'SAFE-BUY’ IN A USED CAR SEE YOUR METEOR DEALER