HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-04-09, Page 12Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 0, 1953
If you have an invention and
cannot afford to patent it contact
The Montreal Gadget Club
Box 34 Place p'Armes
This Week In
See The New
Snow Glaze
; The local bowling team, The
i Skunks, were entertained, at the
• home of Mrs. Gordon Prance on j Thursday evening last.
. Miss June Watters, of London, ! spent Easter weekend at the
I home of her parents, Mr. and
I Mrs. Fred Walters.
I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong
’of Hensail; Mrs. Wib Batten and
| Mr. John Batten visited Sunday
! with Mr. Alt Brooks, who is a
! patient in Victoria Hospital.
Now On Display At
... ........ ..............-...................—a
Sunday and
Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wednes
day afternoon, and during
the evenings throughout the
i Miss Joy Whitlock, of St.
Thomas, visited over the week-
! end. at the homes of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Ford and Mr. and
Mrs. Freeman Horne.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ford,
of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs.
W, Dickey and family, of Wood
ham, were also guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Ford on Sunday.
Mrs. Nelson Clarke, Farquhai*.
visited during the past week
with her daughter, Mrs. William
Walters and Mr. Walters.
Mr. Jerry Grubbe spent the
weekend at the home of his
parents, Mr., and Mrs. Philip
Grubbe, at Greenock.
Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake assisted
, at the trousseau tea for Miss
Annie Elford, of Elimville, on
; Wednesday last at the home of
! her- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will
' Elford.
; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock and
; Margaret were guests of Mr. and
i Mrs. Goldwwyh Glenn, Brinsley,
I on Sunday.
Mrs. Joseph Davis
Egmondville Native
Funeral services for Mrs. Jo
seph E. Davis were held from
the Hopper-Hockey funeral home
on Saturday, April 4 at 2 pan.,
conducted by the Rev. A. E.
She was the former Sophia
Steinhagen and was born in
Egmondville 83 years ago. After
their marriage, Mr. and Mrs.
Davis lived in Dashwood for a
time before coming here many
years ago.
Mrs, Davis was a member of
Main Street United Church.
Besides her husband, she is
survived by four sons, Charles,
at home, Clifford, of London,
Gordon, Toronto, Roy, Mount
Ulla, N.C.; two daughters, Mrs.
Emma Stevenson, Windsor, and
Mrs. L, Burkhart, Cleveland;
one brother, Charles Steinhagen,
Dashwood, and one sister, Lena,
of Cleveland.
Burial was made in the Exeter
Report From
Topics From
Recent estimates show that
the average Canadian telephone
user, in paying his bill, annually
contributes $12 in taxes to the
' Federal Government,
Our used cqrs have been thoroughly overhauled
or cheeked wherever necessary. We have 20 cars in
stock from 1952 to 1925 models.
Remember . . .
Reg Armstrong Motors
Phone 216 Exeter
M—.—■ ........................ . ...
Your New
E. L. Chaffe & Sons
Easter Visitors
Mis» Betty Lou Garrett with her
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Westman
and Linda with Mr. and Mrs, H,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Berger, of Lon
don, with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Mr. John Newby, of Sarnia, with
his parents’.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bendall, Dar
lene and Ray, of St. Marys; Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Pye and Harry Pul
len, of London and Mr. and Mrs.
Trevor Foster, of the Mitchell Rd.
Miss Mary Zubal is holidaying
with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Zubal
and family.
Mr. Roy Moore cut his hand
Monday with an axe requiring sev
eral stitches.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mitchell,
Joan and Shirley visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Douglas Westman and
baby in London Monday evening.
Mr. Haysel Perrins attended the
warble fly control meeting at the
agricultural office in London on
Mr. Warner Hudson has bought
the farm of Mr. Harold Doan.
Mr. Ken Ellis has been appoint
ed village constable for 1953.
Mis<?. Veda Bowman returned
home from St. Joseph’s Hospital
Tuesday afternoon.
Holy communion was observed
at Wesley United Church Sunday
when 14 new members were wel
comed into the church: Mr, and
Mrs. Saward, Clare Sceli, Leonard
Hack, Jim and Ruth Dickenson,
Helen and Betty Bennett, Bob.
Parkinson, Bob Biddle. Phyliss
Grose. Anna Westman and Shir
ley Grose. There were three
transfers of membership, Mr. and
Mrs. Garfield Garrett and Mr. Ed.
.Mr. Lon Middleton spent Sundav
at Carlingford with E. Tinnings.
At the annual meeting of the
Edgewood Jr. Institute the follow
ing officers were elected: presi
dent. Laura Parkinson; first vice-
president, Norma Dann; 2nd vice-
president, Shirley Hartwich; re
porter, Marie Parkinson; county
director, Barbara Hartwich; pian
ist. Jean March all.
Jr. Farmei' officers are: presi
dent. Harold Hartwich; first vice- president, Ken Weir; second vice-
president, Pob O’NTe’l; secretary
treasurer, Hugh Jeffrey; county
director. Ken Jeffery.
helo ^°Trrr
come in and choose from
" cockshutt’s complete line
We Will Carry A
Full Line Of Parts
our complete stock of parts arrives, we have
with our distributor for fast service on all
E. L. Chaffe & Sons
"Your Friendly Reliance Dealer”
—Continued from Page 5
must follow the topography,
rather than making a dangerous
and unsighly gash across the
“The high ridge near the high
way gives little choice of route,
but one good central pass has
been Located, which decides the
port of entry. Here entrance
facilities, a parking lot, certain
administrative features and some
commercial activities will be
grouped. The highway frontage
opposite the entrance should
also be acquired to prevent un-
desireable exploitation. Behind
the first range of dunes, the
terrain gives greater choice of
route and makes possible the In
clusion of such scenic features
as lookout points and a river
drive in this first main road.
“As development advances
there will need to be an entry
road near the northern boundary
to serve the lakeshore cottage
area. The beach road will be
extended north and south, the
southern branch eventually con
necting with another river cross
ing and an extended river drive.
If required, an auxiliary southern
entrance can be opened from the
river drive to the highway fol
lowing the general route of the
present trail.
The Forest
“The major part of the proper
ty would J>ecome part of the
Ausable Authority Forest man
aged by the Department of
Lands and Forests under the
present agreement with the
Authority. Reforestation and fire
protection are the great needs
here. Intensive recreational use
is impractical in this section, al
though hiking and riding trails
and lookout points might be
developed. It is certain that the
recreational use of adjacent
areas, although highly undesire-
able, will intensify the need for
fire protection.’’
Supvise Service
Special Easter services were
held in the local churches on
Sunday, commencing with a Sun
rise Service in the Evangelical
Church at 6:30 a,m., sponsored
by the Youth Fellowship. Guest
speaker was Rev. Gordon Wan-
less, of Woodham. Musical num
bers wert given by the Y. F.
Choir. Following the service,
breakfast was served.
Services held in the morning
and evening in the Evangelical
Church were largely attended
and six new members were re
ceived into church membership
at morning service.
Easter School Piugram
An Easter program was pre
sented in the United Church
School by members of the differ
ent classes and was under the
direction of Miss Rosalie
Church service followed,
Rev. Parrott delivered an
message. Two anthems
rendered by the choir,
baskets of flowers and Easter
lilies adorned the platform, in
cluding two baskets in memory
of Mrs. George Mawhinney, who
passed away one week
Large congregations
both services.
Personal Items
The April meeting of
Women’s Institute will
in the Community Centre
Wednesday evening, April
when election of officers
Tilley, Miss Winnifred Tilley has
returned to Clinton where she
is employed by the Bell Tele
phone Company.
Mr. and Mrs, M. Teller, Park
hill, called on Mr. and Mrs. F.
W. Clark on Sunday.
F/S and Mrs. Joseph Morgan
and family, former Crediton
residents, who have spent the
past two years at Whitehorse,
called on many old time friends
here. F/S Morgan has been
transferred to Clinton Air School.
Master Roy Smith, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Smith, is con
fined to his room through ill
ness, with Dr, F. Morlock in
attendance. Roy’s friends wish
him a speedy recovery.
Misses Pauline Faist and Mar-
aret Rats spent several days in
New York.
Mr. Ezra Oestreicher, Windsor,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. William Oestreicher.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Faist and
sons, of St. Thomas, spent Sun
day with Mrs. M. Faist.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser are
spending this week in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Morlock,
of London, and Miss Burma Mor
lock, R.N., of Toronto, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lambie
and son, of London, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Haugh and daughter,
of Hay, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Fink
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey spent
Sunday in Zurich.
Holiday visitors in town in
cluded Misses Ella Morlock, of
Hamilton, and Lula Morlock, of
Windsor, with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Edward Morlock.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Dale and
sons, Donald and Ted, Bramp
ton, and Miss Janet Kestle, R.N.,
of London, with Mr, and Mrs. F.
W. Clark.
Mrs. Beatrice Tate, of Water
down, with Mrs. J. Fuller
Miss Maleeda Schenk.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson
Anne, of London, with Mr.
Mrs. Edwin Beaver.
Mr. Fred Amy, of Toronto, at
Mr. and Mrs. Russel
Thrtje From Centralia
To Attend Coronation
Three airmen from RCAF
Station Centralia will attend the
Coronation of Queen Elizabeth
.......... ' 213
IL They are among the
RCAF officers, airmen and
women who will represent
Air Force at the ceremony.
The three are: CpI- R. T. Bur
ford, Cpl. J. £>. Miller and
W. C. Brennan,
be held
will be
spending three
at the home
Mr. and Mrs.
The Canadian Wildlife Service
Is applying television to the
study of fish and their habits in
a trout lake near Banff, Alta.
Mrs. Sareh Burgess
Buried Saturday
Funeral services for
Sarah Burgess who died at the
Rest Home, Ailsa Craig, April
1 2, were held from the Thomas
Stephenson and Son funeral
home, Ailsa Craig, on Saturday,
with the Rev. Sydney Davison
officiating. Mrs. William Dixon,
of Parkhill, sang “The Beautiful
Garden of Prayer”.
Mrs. Burgess is survived by
the following step-children, Mrs,
: Walter Richman (Elsie), of St,
•■’Catherines, Mrs. Lin Craven
(Mary Mildred), Ailsa Craig,
; Mrs. Winegardener (Maggie), of
Parkhill, Mrs. Aimer Mellin
(Lizzie), Wheatley and Mrs.
Edwin Gamble (Hannah), of
Sparta, A son John predeceased
■ her in 1952,
Pallbearers were Stanley Bur
gess, John and William North
grave, Tom
and Alonzo
. cemetery.
and George Dixon
was made in Mars
of her
the home of
Mr. and
martin, of
William Woodall, of Windsor,
with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wood-
' Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hey, of
Detroit; Mr. K. LillOW, Windsor,
and Mr. Stelk, Of Bradford, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Haist
and family, of Fenwick, with
Mrs. H. Finkbeiner.
Mr. and Mrs. George Vincent
and Mrs. William Benninger, of
Detroit, spent the weekend with
Mrs. Samuel Lamport. Mrs.
Benninger is remaining with her
mother for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Fahtner,
of Toronto, spent several days
with Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Fahr-
li er.
Mr. and Mi's. Eugene Fink
beiner and daughter, Hamilton,
were weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mi’s. Joseph Finkbeiner.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schenk
and daughter, of Toronto, visit
ed during the weekend with Mr,
and Mrs. Hugo Schenk.
Visitors on Monday with Mrs.
A. M. Berry were her three
sisters,, Miss Ruth Reeve, of To
ronto, Mrs. Laura Routledge and
Mrs. William Wyatt, of London,
and Mrs. Lome Bamford, of Lon
Mi1, and Mrs. John Smith, who
have been seriously 111 for some
time, are now able to be Up and
around again. Their daughter,
Mrs. G. H. Spafling, of Walker
ton, is spending some time with
them while they are convalesc
Mrs. William
Lambeth, and
Every 24 hours.
beats 103,68!) times; your
travels 108,000,000 miles
breathe 3'8,240 times; you
3% pounds of food; and you
'speak 4,800 words.
News of
Report On
Grand Bend
Easter Sunday saw Grand Bend
churches filled.
The United Church member
ship increased by 17 by profes
sion of faith and six by transfer.
The Rev. W. C, Smith delivered
an Easter message to a crowded
church. The choir, under Mr.
Douglas Gill, provided special
music, including the “Hallelujah
Chorus”. Kenneth Flear sang a
solo, “Open the Gates of the
Mr. Gill
assist with
singing at
the evening,
with the “Hallelujah Chorus”
played in duet by Mr. Gill at the
organ and Mrs. W. C. Smith at
the piano,
Misses Jean and Audrey Mason
1 of London visited Mr. Roy Mason
over the holiday.
Miss Colleen Gill, of London,
spent Easter with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood Gill.
Miss Elaine Gill, London, visit
ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Eddie Gill, last weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gillard,
Toronto, spent Easter with Mr.
and Mrs. Garnet Patterson.
Miss Pauline Mason, London,
was with her parents,
Mrs. Mansell Mason,
Miss May Patterson,
market, spent Easter ’brother, Mrs, James Patterson,
j Master Robert Knight, of Lon
don,, is the guest of Master Jim
my Patterson for the Easter vaca
Mr, and Mrs. James Grigg
tertained their daughter for
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Webb,
London, visited Mr. and Mrs.
gin Webb, over the holiday.
Mr, Gerald Webb, of Toronto,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Webb.
Mr. Hartle}' Swark, of Sault
Ste, Marie, visited his sister, Mrs.
Arthur Stevenson, and Mr. Ste
venson over the holiday.
Dr. Braun
Windsor, spent
Mrs. Wally
Miss Marjorie
Monday in London.
Mr. and Mrs. James
shanks, Detroit, spent
end at their cottage
O’ Pines.
Mr. and Mrs. Morey have re
turned from Texas to Beach O’
Mr. and Mrs. S. Truscott, De
troit, were In their cottage for
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. J. McC. Gunii
spent Easter in Oakwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Parry have
opened for business in Ted West’s
Mr. and Mrs. Art Haist have
opened their snack bar for the
Mr. and Mrs, Fred McGregor,
Petrolia, spent Tuesday with
friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Klopp are
home from Florida.
Mr. W. Cochrane, St. Thomas,
spent the weekend opening Hill
side Cabins.
Miss Mary Yeo spent the holi
day with her family in Detroit.
Mr. Peter Eisenbach reports a
very poor maple-syrup run this
Miss Ruth Sutherland is spend-
;ing Easter vacation with her fa
ther in Parkhill.
Mrs. J. Witherspoon and Linda
are spending the week with
friends in Midland.
Mrs. William Jewer attended a
wedding in Owen Sound over the
weekend, ’the groom’s mother,
Mrs. Watson, flew from Scotland
for the wedding and Is now the
guest of Mrs. Jewer, before re
turn flight to Scotland.
Mrs. Nellie Dorter, of London,
spent Wednesday, in town.
Mrs. Herman Gilt Is recuperat
ing at home. We are glad to see iT ’ ......... ... agairti
Marshall, Safnia,
Vista last week-
had the Junior Choir
two numbers in part
a musical service in
This service finished
Elgin Skinner, of Toronto, is
spending the Easter holidays with
his parents, Mr- and Mrs. Everett
Miss Demon Murch, of London,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Belk
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carroll and
Anita, of Toronto, visited for a
few days with Dr. and Mrs. Robt.
Reilly and family. Mrs. Reilly,
Ricky and Bobby returned with
them Monday to spend a few days
visiting iri Toronto,
A large number from here at
tended the operetta “Yeoman of
the Guard" in Exeter Wednesday
and Thursday evenings,
The Elimville W.M.S. and W.A.
are invited to James St, W.M.S.
meeting Wednesday, April 15th.
Mrs. Wheable, of London, will
speak on "Canada and the U.N-”
The Elimville W.M.S. meeting will
be held the same evening at the
home of Mrs. Harold Bell.
The Elimville ’ Euchre Club was
held Tuesday evening of last week
with Mr, and Mrs. John Miners
as hosts. Winners were: Mrs. Wm
Johns, Wm. Routly and Mrs. Gil
bert Johns, The final meeting will
be held Friday evening in the form
of a supper with the play-offs to
Mr. Bert Boyce, of Chiselhurst,
visited on Sunday with his daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs.
Harvey Sparling,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parish and
family, of London, visited on Sun
day with Mr. Harry Sparling and
family. Ronald and Murray are
staying for their holidays
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Robinson, of
Avonbank and Mrs. R. Bell, of
Exeter, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephens.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Stephens,
of London, visited over the week
end with Mr and Mrs. Austin Djl-
(Intended for last week)
The Elimville Euchre Club was
held with Mr, and Mrs. Delmar
Skinner as hosts. Prizes went to
Mr, and Mrs. Jud Dykeman and
Miss Ruth Skinner.
The ladies of Elimville and Win
chelsea presented Miss Annie El
ford with a miscellaneous shower
at the home of Mrs. Philip Johns
Tuesday evening. Mrs. Ross Skin
ner escorted Annie to a beautifully
decorated chair and read the ad
dress. After receiving and opening
the gifts, assisted by Miss Sandra
Walters and Miss Margaret Johns
Annie thanked everyone in a most
pleasing manner. Sylvia and- Carol
Johns showered her with confetti
and everyone joined in singing
“For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow."
A sing song was enjoyed with
Marilyn Moores at the piano.
Miss Elaine Johns has been con
fined to bed with the chicken-pox
Elimville and Woodham played
their final game of broomball in
Exeter Monday evening with
Elimvlle scoring 1-0.
Want to
relieve them
Minard’s Liniment
rub it in well. You’ll
get relief, and
quick, too!
For Exeter District
Beavers Hardware are equipped to give you Television Re
ception From American Stations, This summer without
waiting until London begins broadcasting in November.
Wo invite you to inspect our mod
ern Television Service equipment
and facilities — to give you not only
a TV set but SERVICE on any set
you may choose.
We have been appointed by Sunshine Waterloo Company
as their representative for Exeter district and will carry a
full line of these famous bicycles and parts. Sunshine pro
ducts are wrell known in Exeter, having been handled prev
iously by W. Martin. Come in and look them over.
Beavers Hardware
Mr. and
for the
of New-
with her
and family, of
the weekend at
Desjardine and
Desjardine spent
M. Cruick-
the week
in Beach
the reeve smile
Mr, and Mrs.
were at Huron
Mr, and Mrs.
Laron spent Friday in Colling
W. F. B. Mac-
Your Westinghouse Dealer