HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-04-09, Page 7T THE TIMES-AD VO CATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 9, 1953 Page 7 Wool Growers’Organization WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. WESTON, ONTARIO Reliable Grading Direct Settlement Shippers may obtain sacks and twine without charge from EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP Box 71, Exeter or by writing direct to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay St., Toronto Canada 1 w Bradt-Hackney Exchange Vows Miss Dora Hackney and seph Bradt were married by Rev. Donald on Saturday, mony was Presbyterian The bride dress with navy and white ac­ cessories and a corsage of white hyacinths. They were attendee) by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hackney, Mr. and Mrs. Bradt left wedding trip to Niagara and upon their return will ■their home in Exeter. JQ- the Sinclair at 1 p.m. April 4. The cere- performed at the manse. wore a navy sheer for a Falls make This Week In Whalen By MBS. F. SQUIRE Meteor Mercury Lincoln Used Car Lot ’50 PLYMOUTH COACH Light Green, Sunvisor ’49 METEOR COACH Two-Tone, Factory Condition ’49 FORD CQACH Light Color ’46 MERCURY COACH Beautiful Condition ’46 CHEV SEDAN ’41 FORD COACH *38 FORD COACH ’37 TERRAPLANE COACH ’36 PLYMOUTH COACH ’50 STUDEBAKER TRUCK Half-Ton South End Service Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER M It’s Fertilizer Time! Have You Ordered Yours? If not, now is the time while there is a good sup- of well cured ferti- on hand. Analysis Available ply lizer All P. L. McNaughton Agent Phone 55 Hensail By MISS JANE DYKEMAN There will be an Easter Can­ tata by the Woodham Choir in Zion United Church on Sunday, April 12 at 8 o.’clock. Mr. George Earl, Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ man Brock. Miss Phyllis Hern, of London, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Cushman and Michael spent Sunday eve­ ning with Ml’, and Mrs. Jud Dykman. Michael is remaining for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dobson and Gwen, of Kirkton, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hopkin, of Science Hill, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hern spent Sunday with Mrs. Martene, of Dashwood. Guests with Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Hern on Saturday eve­ ning were Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Nixon and Karen, of Weston, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thompson and Keith, Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques, of Exeter, spent Friday_evening with Mr. and Mrs. Melville’Hern. Mr. and Mrs, entertained Mrs. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. and family, Mr. Passmore and and Mrs, Milton Kellar and fam­ ily on Friday evening. Mrs. Sugden spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Livingston, of Winthrow. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Snell and Billy, of Grimsby, spent the weekend with Mr. and Epliriam Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam and Mr. and Mrs. Orville and Billy spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wescott, Eden. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ogle, of Strathroy, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hunter, Eden. Allan Jaques Percy Passmore, Frayne Parsons, Lome Passmore and Mrs. Aimer family and Mr. Mrs. Hern Snell The Canadian 1952 tomato crop was harvested from 42,630 acres. Special Gospel Services EVANGELIST — Moses H. Roth, Baden, Ont., at the Zurich Mennonite Church APRIL 9 — 19 AT 8.00 P.M. COME PRAYING, RECEIVE A BLESSING! BRING YOUR FRIENDS “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found.” Isa. 55:6 FARM PROFIT BUILDERS by GOOD/VEAR MARATHON TRUCK TIRES Cut truck tire costs from the start With the Good- ytar Marathon! It's bar- gain priced . . . guaran­ teed, built to give long service. SOLUTION 100 Let us Weight your tractor tires with Solution 100! It makes any tractor tire work better! Ends periodic infla­ tion checks by assur­ ing constant, correct tire pressure. KLINGTITE FARM BELTING Klingtitebritingclelivers ah the power . . all the time! It clings to pulley surfaces, prevents loss of power through slippage! Won’t stretch » .. Won’t shrink! You do more and better work in less time when you use the best, yet you pay no more! Here are just 4 farm profit builders from out complete lineup! SUPER SURE-GRIP TRACTOR TIRE Super Sure-Grip’s o-p-e-n c-e-n-t-e-r tread with its deeper bite gives greater traction and longer wear than any other 'tractor tire! Under year-round conditions for any farm operation it gives you the greatest pull on earth! LOOK FOR THIS “HIGH SIGN” OF QUALITY FRED HUXTABLE PHONE: 153 W _ INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER SALES & SERVICE AUTHORIZED GOOD/VeAR DEALER Personal Items Mr., and Mrs. Luther Rowcliffe of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Langton, London, were Good Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fitzgerald, London, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodgins and family, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Hodgins and family, Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Squire and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire were Friday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clare Bryan near Granton. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hodg­ son, London, spent the Easter weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson and Carol visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson, of London. Miss Angela O’Brien spent weekend in Windsor with and Mrs. Bert Newman, Mr. spent Mrs. home Gary O’Brien, Lucan, with Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien dur­ ing the Easter vacation. Mr. George Ear], Exeter, visit­ ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen. Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Squire, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire Visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire, Prospect. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pym, Exeter, ’ " Tom Smith, Wiarton, Mr. and Mrs, Alex William the Mr. William Currie, who some time with Mr. O’Brien, returned to in Wingham Saturday. visited has and his and Mrs. called on Mr. and Mrs, Baillie and Mr. and Mrs. Morley, Sr. recently. Mr. and Mrs. William Jr. and Janice were guests with Mr. and Mrs. . Pym, Elimville. Mrs. William Brooks, London, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie. Mr. Harvey Herbert, Bramp­ ton, was a weekend visitors with Mr. Wilfred Herbert. Miss Willis entertained the children and pre-school children to an Easter party on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson and Glenn visited recently with Mr. and Exeter. Mrs. Ronnie, with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parkin­ son. Mrs.. Ray Parkinson and fam­ ily spent Good Friday with Mrs. Arthur Hardie, of Devizes. ■Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson were in Exeter Tuesday attend­ ing the funeral of the late Mrs. Arthur Kerslake. Mrs. Dennis Hunter, Dearborn, Mich., Miss Alice McClentock, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Whalen, of London, were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Whelihan. Mr. and Mrs. William Hodgson and Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ mond Hodgson, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgson and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodgson and family were Saturday eve­ ning guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carter, Metropolitan. Mrs. William Hodgson, Mrs. Alex Bailllie, Mrs. William Mor­ ley, Sr. and Elva were at Wood­ ham Thursday afternoon at the W.'M.S. meeting. Woodham enter­ tained several auxiliaries. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Morley and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. O’Neil, of Denfield. Turkey Dinner The Euchre Club met at the schoolhouse on Monday evening for their final party of this season when all sat down to a turkey dinner. The remainder of the evening was spent dancing. Messrs. Laverne Morley, William French and Art Cann donated the turkeys. Mrs. Arthur H o d g i n s Laura, of Clandeboye, were Friday visitors with Mr. ■Mrs. William Morley, Sr. Morley, Sunday Mrs. Wilson Morley, of Ralph Parkinson and London, visited Sunday and Good and Double-Ring Ceremony Solemnized In Crediton In a double-ring ceremony performed by the Rev. W. C. Parrott in the Crediton United Church, Edith Winnifred Mack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ fred D. Mack, Crediton, became the bride of George Edgar Leslie, son of Mr. and Mrs, Alex M. Leslie, of Mount Royal. Easter lilies and spring flowefs decor­ ated the church. The bride, who was given lit marriage by her father, wore a floor-length gown Of shell pink satin and net with over-skirt of draped net. Her fingertip veil was held by flowers bouquet Miss sister’s orchid taffetta and net arid car­ ried a bouquet of spring flowers, Barbara Whiting, flower girl, Wore orchid marquisette over taffetta and carried a nosegay 6f sweet peas. Bruce McBain was groomsman and Bryce Mack, brother of the bride, Mrs. wood, presided at the organ and T. H. ~ ‘ the soloisft. Fol’ the reception at the bride's homo, Mrs. Mack received wearing navy blue with havy andt White checked Cape and navy accOssories. The ki’lde changed to a navy satin striped taffetta, dress, beige top coat and navy Acces­ sories tor their wedding trip to Michigan. Upon their return, -Mr* and Mrs. Leslie will make their home in Toronto. a headdress and she carried of calla lilies. Rosalie Mack, as maid of honor, of a her wore was an usher. Kenneth McCrae, Dash Hoffman, Dashwood, was EXETER TABERNACLE P.A.0.0. Rev. JI. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer. Thurs., 8 p.m.—Challengers meet at the home of Mrs. C. Blan­ chard. Fri., E. Sun., Sun., Sun., Service-—the day of Pentecost fully came. We invite you to church, 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Speaker: Mr. Cud more. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m,—Morning Worship, 7:30 p.m.—A Good Song THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH This Sunday, 2:30 p.m, — Ser­ vice in Exeter Canadian Legion Hall. All welcome. JAMES ST. CHURCH Rev. II. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, AAV.C,M., Musical Director 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Sermon Subject: “Take Not Holy Spirit from Us.” Anthem by the Choir, p.m,’ The ern this The A warm welcome is extended to all. the 7 —Evening Worship. Exeter Order of the East- Star will be present for service. Junior Choir will sing. Organist School in School. MAIN ST. CHURCH Rev. A. E. Holley, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Sunday, April 12— 10 a.m.—The Church all Departments. 11 a.m.—The Nursery 11 a.m.—“W.M.S. Easter Thank- offering Service.” Guest Speaker; Mrs. Thompson of Wingham. Duetists: Mrs. G. Grant and •Mrs. Wm. McCool of Wingham. Anthem; “Lift Up Your Heads.” p.m.—“The Third Dimension.” Come and bring a friend. 7 Il- •< Announcements Birth, Death, and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks In Memoriam Notice .75 single verse, .25 extra each additional verse,- Engagement Notices are BIRTHS .75, for for and .75. AP.PDEBY—Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ap­pleby, Simcoe, are .pleased to an­ nounce the arrival of their. James Ernest John, on April 3, 1953; a. grandson and Mrs. Fred Appleby, of HUNKIN — Mr. and Mrs. Hunkin announce the birth — ___daughter on April 5, 1953, at South Huron Hospital, Exeter. JAQUES—To Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jaques, of Crediton, a. son, on April ■1, 1953 (John Wesley). SCHROEDER—To Mr. and Mrs. Le­roy Schroeder, London, a son, on April G, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. DEATHS _ son, Friday, for Mr. Simcoe. .Wilfred of their DAVIS — At her late residence, in Exeter north, on Thursday, April 2, 1953, Sophia Steinhagen, beloved wife of Joseph E. Davis, in her eighty-fourth year. HUNKIN—At South Huron Hospital on Monday, April 6, 1953, Shirley Elizabeth, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin. MARRIAGES JONES-HAMILTON — At the_______________ __ James Street United Church on Monday, April G, 1953, Dorothy Jane Hamil­ ton, of Exeter, to Mr, Herbert Jones, of the R.C.A.F. Centralia, by Rev. H. J. Snell. They were at­tended by Mr. and Mrs. George Wright. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wolfe, of Brodbagen, wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Dorene Luella, to Henry Dick Wat­son, Centralia. The marriage will take place in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodbagen, <m Saturday, May 9, at 7:00 p.m. 9c CARDS OF THANKS Maryanne Hostel! wishes to say "thank you” to those who kindly re­ membered her With visits, treats and cards during her recent Illness, with special thanks to South Huron Hos­ pital staff and Dr. Mol’lock. 9c The family of the late Mrs. Arthur Kerslake wish to thank their mr-** frio ‘ ‘ ‘ the the: for . wish to thank their relatives and neighbor clness n the! to thank.... .....1 1... _ and sympathy ... recent bereave: I fL., ' " 'Also It hit flow -t Sot Church' Comments About Uy MBS, K. MeKELLAR TRIViTT MEMORIAL — Anglican — Rector: Rev. C, L. Langford, B.A., M.A. »y ^r zn ,o, in- ad ia, is, st, nd BS. >n, ne les nd of ich the yas ■ind md By, ion Huron County Cromarty Crop Report Mrs. Ethel Currie and Miss Barbara Norris, of Winnipeg, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and other friends in the community. They are on. a return trip from Florida where spent the winter. J Mrs. Jean Chalmens and pavid, of London, spent the jer weekend with Mr. and .Thomas Wren. winter’" with Mif Mrs« John Wallace and ,aret Ann are visiting relatives of TP Niagara Falls and Buffalo. . . and Mrs. H. R. Currie, .ondon, spent the Easter week- parents, Mr. and Irs. Otto Walker. Miss Marguerite Duncanson, of ’oronto, is spending the Easter olidays with her parents at the Hicks, of London, visited Sund; with their parents, Mr. apd Mr William Hicks. Mrs. W. T. Ulens returned i i( her home on Saturday aft?4” spending the ...A’ Lillian Ulens in Windsor. Mr. Dawson Woodburn, ronto, is spending the Eastf Mr. vacation at his home here. ■Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Br nd with her phey and daughters, of Parkhir visited on Sunday with Mr, ai Mrs. Arthur Brophey and fami? Mr. and Mrs. Louis Doan, i London, visited Sunday with Mianse? apd. Mrs. Lawrence Curts a’ family. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mellin, Wheatley, called on friends a relatives over the weekei They attended the funeral Mrs, Mellin's mother, Mrs. Bi gess, on Saturday at Ailsa Cra Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eaglesc, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eagleson a Wayne, of London, visited Su day with Mr. and Mrs. Willi; Eagleson. The infant daughter of and Mrs. Gordon Woodburn able to return home hospital on Thursday. Mr. Jim Geromette week with his trucks struction work at Barrie. from left for of Chevrolet tol of the congregation. News of Kirkton By MRS. I. N. MARSHALL they son, Has* Mrs. Mar | By G. W. MONTGOMERY I Farmers in the south end of the county have commenced work on the land this week. However, it is not expected that any seed­ ing will be done for approxi­ mately one more week. Seed grain continues to very short supply, with tered seed of some of the popular rarities being pra ly impossible to secure. Demands for open and sows in quite brisk, as also is the market weanling pigs. Dinnerware be in regis- more ctieal- bred Now Or|, Display At Lindenfields many i’s for shown ____ _______icnt, floral tributes and ' special thanks city rem* vers at ....... „ ....... ...nth Hu pital and Victoria Hospital." ' ’ s Claypole and of the late _____ . thank all those who so . .....tempered and helped during ___ recent sad bereavement. Special hanks to Dr. Fletcher, Rev. A, E.the Hopper-Hockey funeral , and also to the neighbors for beautiful flowers and to ” - helped in any way, —Mi Norman Heaman. . Joseph Davis and family to express heart-felt thai neighbors, ' ’ ’ “ “ ds, Id .... the beautiful sympathy cards, to those who so her with cards, whil_e a jjatient a. thanks The Mack v._ kindly rei thei. . tl....Holley home, the who Mrs. Mi like, ki...J for their ....... .................for beautiful floral tributes and ........ of sympathy in the loss of a dear wife ami mother, Special thanks to Bev. A. 15. Holley of Main St. Hi “ ' Church, pallbearers, and all helped in so many ways. IN MEMORIAM to far tisli Mis. rrily i to lomberod icl visits ■on Hos-Special staff, 9* Charles .....cl nt., for their If those •. and 9* would ._ ___ ___ __ik« to__j, friends and relatives natty acts of kindness and ds ritedWho0* a 9* AIRRATRN—In loving memory ot dear mother, Mrs, Mabel Fairbait who passed nWfty April W, 1931.Her memory is a keepsake. With which We will ‘never part. Though God has her in Ills keepit Wo. still have her in our hearts.—Ever remembered by her sens dftd daughters. 9* ihg ■ Mr, and Mrs. W, N. Binning nd Richard Mitchell visited with ier parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Mc- |<ellar on Easter Sunday. Mrs. Robert Lavery, Staffa, is ’isiting with her niece, Mrs, T, -aing, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen at- ended the thirty-fifth wedding mniversary of her parents, Mr. ind Mrs, Stanley Dow, on Good ‘Friday. 1 Mr, Ken Cuthill, Winthrop, has •jbeen engaged to work in the mill. Mr, and Mrs. Ted Storey and children .visited over the weekend with her parents in Kincardine. c Mrs. George Jarvis, Saskatoon, spent a few days with Mrs. Moore at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris on Sunday. W.M.S. Special Meeting The Women’s Missionary'1 So­ ciety held a special Easter meet­ ing in the church on Good Fri­ day evening, when the program provided in the Glad Tidings was followed with Mrs. Duncanson as leader and Mrs. Sorsdahl as nar­ rator. Short passages of scripture were read by Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs. C. McKaig, Mrs. M. Lainond ^and Mrs. T. Laing. Mrs. Thomas ■Scott Sr. led in prayer.M A film, “The Challenge of ■■Africa”, was shown and a male ^■quartet composed of Messrs. E. Tempi eman, F. Stagg, R. Laing and L. Sorsdahl sang two nuni- ■Baers, “Christ Died for Me” and M“Near the Cross”. Several mem- Mfcers from the Staffa. and Exeter ^Societies were present. ■■Y.P.S. Hold .Service M The regular Easter service of ^Othe Y.P.S. was held on Sunday ^■evening with the president, Miss ■IlMaryaret Walker, in charge. Mrs. R. D. Sadler read a passage of _ scripture and Miss Ethel Norris led in prayer. An address was given by Mr. L. Sorsdahl. A young people’s choir led in the singing of the hymns and also provided several special musical numbers. H Hardware L5.M.F.T CARS 1952 1951 1951 1950 1949 1949 1949 1949 1947 1947 1950 1946 1949 ft -.-A-, s\ ft ft a, 1950 Dodge Coach, radio, visor, lovely Ford Coach, radio, above average Chev Sedan, radio, low mileage Ford Club Coupe, nice ..... ... Ford Sedan, radio, visor, realy nice .... Mercury Coach, radio, visor ................. Dodge Coach, radio ................................. Plymouth Sedan ........................................ Ford Sedan .............................,................. Studebaker Sedan, spotlight ......... Austin Sedan ............................................... Hudson Sedan, a buy at .......................... Anglia ............ ,....... Jawa Motorcycle ...................................... TRUCKS Ford 3-Ton Chassis and Cab, 176” w.b. Dodge 3-Ton Dump Stake ..................... Ford 3-Ton Dump, combination body .. Ford Pickup, nice ................................ ...... Ford I-Ton Express TRACTORS Ford, Ford Ford, Ford, Ford, Case^ new, to clear at Demonstrator ... motor lovely st epup a buy overhauled transmission. NEW HOLLAND AND DEARBORN FARM EQUIPMENT 1,995. 1,795. 1,750. 1,395. 1,395. 1.295. 1.295. 1.295. 995. 895. 750. 650. 495. 95. 1^695. 1,595. 995. 895. 850. 1.250. 1,100. 795. 695. 550. 425. Larry Snider Motors Personall Items Miss Doris Foley, of Guelph, spent the Easter weekend with her mother, Mrs. Thomas Foley. Mr. Alvin Harding, ~ ’ spent the Easter week parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harding. Easter services were the Kirkton United Church and the Anglican Church on Friday morning with very good attend­ ances. Mrs. M. Routly, of St. Marys, is holidaying with her daughter, Mrs. Alex Crago. Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Ham­ mond and daughters, Joyce and Shirley, of Fergus, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Routley. Ron and Bill Marshall spent their Easter vacation with David and Brian Christie, at London. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stewart and little daughter, of Sarnia, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Francis. and Mrs. Bert Alver and son, of Toronto, Petrolia, with his William held in Mr. daughters and were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roundell. Sunday guests with Mr. Mrs. Earl Watson and Mrs. N. Watson were Mrs. H. Lambton and Mr, Piper, and Mrs. A. Mrs. Ronald of Seaforth, Ron Timms, Miss Muriel Davis, spent the weekend Blanche Switzer. Mrs. M. Gregory this week with ‘Mr. at Byron. ■Master Danny Funnell, Wood- * < sDGiit liis jElftstGr v&Ccition. Mrs. Tru- and of Sarnia; Mr. Robertson, Clinton; Broome and family, and Mr. and Mrs. of Sarnia, Stratford, with Miss is spending B. Leonard stocltf with his grandmother, man Tufts. Mrs. Fred Roger, been a patient at Beck Hospital, London, for some time, spent the weekend at her home in the village. The regular meeting of the Kirkton Young People was held at the home Of Donna Stone. Marion Routley whs in charge of the meeting. Lunch was served by the hostess. Kirkton WX Mrs. Orville Roger was hostess for the March meeting of Kirk­ ton W.I. with Mrs. Stuart Shier presiding, Mrs. G. Allen read the Scripture. Mrs. C. Switzer gave a report on the district meeting of the South Perth institute held ill Stratford. Mrs. H. Anderson was guest speaker and had as her topic “Home and Country”. Mrs. Glen Allen rendered a piano solo. Mrs. Clayton Smith gave a demonstration on making choco­ lates. Roll call was answered by naming a form of pioneer enter­ taining, It was decided to char­ ter a bus to go to Guelph in ■May, Refreshhieiits Were served by hostess and committee, who has Memorial During 1951, figured on a capita basis, Canadians each tend the movies 18 times. per at-« “Your Ford - Monarch Dealer” PHONE 624 EXETER