HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-04-09, Page 4Page 4 THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO' THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 9,1953 POP’S Taxi Service Phones: Exeter 357 and 545-r-S JI-™.........................u.wbw*----- ,ft' J ?l.rn.wj' j.!'' W’*,lfi^ll*y* W NOW 11 Repairs to all makes of BICYCLES at Ron Westman’s Sports and Auto Supply PHONE Sil EXETER ! |- . ........... ! I........... -■■■■ Used Cars 1951 Dodge Sedans (2) 1949 Dodge Custom Sedan 1948 Dodge Coach 1947 Dodge Coach 1947 Dodge Five-Passenger 1946 Mercury Coach 1940 Dodge Sedan 1940 Chrysler Sedan 1935 Plymouth Sedan ★ ' 1953 DODGE CARS AND TRUCKS ON DISPLAY ★ 1953 FERGUSON TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT Hensail Motor Sales Dodge, DeSoto, Sales, Service HENSALL ONTARIO Tractors We can supply you with a braud new Ferguson Tractor or Implement. One Brand New 1952 Ferguson At Greatly Reduced Price Also a DAVID BROWN, A DEADER, AN ADDIS-CHALMERS and four FORD-FEBGUSONS from 1941 to 1950. We Stock Parts for Ferguson Tractors Let Ds Give You A Price On Your Present Tractor On A New Ferguson! BRING YOU TRACTOR IN And Have It Checked, Ready For Spring Work Reg Armstrong MOTORS Phone 216 Exeter Personal Items Mrs. Letitia gangster of Lon­ don is visiting at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Len Noakes. Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Davis and family of Toronto visited during the past week with Mr. A. Spen­ cer and Miss Mavis, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mock mo­ tored to Toronto this week where Linda underwent an operation for the removal of her tonsils. Miss Grace Johns of ElimviHe is holidaying with her grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Ten­ ner. Mrs. William MacLean, Brian and Allan visited this week with Mrs. MaeLean’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MacGregor. Mr. Bruce Glenn, of Toronto, spent the Easter weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Glenn. Miss Faynie Logan returned home on Saturday after spending the winter months in the south­ ern states.• Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kipfer of Lucan and Miss Irma Kipfer of Toronto spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer. Miss Betty Moir of London was a weekend visitor at the home of her mother, Mrs. Bertha Moir. Miss Wilma Kyle of the local Bell Telephone office is attending the conference in London this week. Miss Dolly Hildebrandt has'ac­ cepted a position as operator at the Bell Telephone office in Lon­ don and commenced work there this week. Mrs. Gertrude Kune was taken seriously ill on Sunday and re­ moved to Seaforth Hospital by ambulance where she remains in a serious condition. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and Donna, of Blenheim, spent the Easter vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen, returning home on Tuesday of this week- Easter visitors with Mrs. C. M. Hedden and Herb were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hedden and Karen, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shorthouse, Gwen and Virginia, Lloyd and Orville Hedden, all of St. Cath­ arines, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hed­ den, Bobby and Jimmy, Dresden. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Marshall of Hamilton and their son, Wal­ lace, Toronto, were Easter visi­ tors with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clark Sr. Mr. and Mrs, Borosh, of Tor­ onto, spent Easter with the lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Shepherd. Mrs. Stanley Mitchell is con­ fined to her room with illness. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moir, of Chatham, spent Easter with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Moir. Mr. and Mrs. R. Petzke and Marlene spent Easter Sunday with relatives in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Bell and family, Toronto, were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell. Mrs. Frank Cousins, London, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. "William Smale. Nursery Stock! We Are Now Taking Orders for Shrubs and Perennials # & $ * ORDER EARLY Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Ltd. Exeter and Crediton Hensail And District News Special Music, Flower? Feature Easter Services Large congregations were pres­ ent at the special Easter services held in Hensall’s three churches, Beautiful spring f 1 o w e r s and Easter lillies were much in evi­ dence. At the United Church Rev. W. J. Rogers chose the text from Paul's letter to the Collossians. Soloists were Mrs. Pearl Pass- more, Miss Mary Goodwin, Dr. D. MeKelvie and Mr. S. Rannie. The following were received into the church membership by transfer of certificate: Mr. anil Mrs. W. Clement, Mr. and Mrs, H. MeMurtrie, Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Love, Mrs. Harry Armstrong, Mrs. Raye Paterson. Communion service was observed. At the evening service Mr. > Rannie contributed a solo. At Carmel Presbyterian Church Rev. J. B, Fox chose for his morning theme44' “Easter Comes Alive”, At the evening service, Mr. Fox spoke on “The Easter Family of Ideas”. Special Easter anthems were sung by the choir at both serv­ ices. Flowers on the altar were placed, in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs, James Hoggarth by members of the family. Rev. C. L. Langford delivered an inspiring Easter message at St. Paul’s Anglican Church Sun­ day morning. Mrs. R. II. Middle­ ton was at the organ consol. Easter lilies and carnations were placed in memory of the late Mrs. Ann Berry by her sons, Wilson and Edward. •Home From The South Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen returned home last Friday after spending four months vacationing in Florida. They had the pleasure of meeting some Hensail friends who were also vacationing there. Mr. and Mrs. McQueen report a most delightful holiday with ideal weather and beautiful flowers in abundance. Chimney Fire Hensail Fire Brigade respond­ ed to achimney fire at the home of J. Branderhurst. 1% miles east of Hensail on Good Friday. Shingles were burning two feet around the chimney on the roof when the fire truck reached the scene, making the run in a record time of two minutes. Neighbors and firemen rendered valuable help with very little damage by smoke and water re­ ported. Special Easter Meeting Mrs. W. B. Cross presided for the Easter meeting of the Wo­ men’s Missionary Society held in the Ignited Church. Mrs. T. C. Coates and Mrs. Lome Eiler were appointed delegates to the Pres- byterial to be held at North St. United Church, Goderich, Friday, April 17. The group accepted an invita­ tion from the W.M.S. of James Street Church, Exeter, to be their guests Wednesday, April 15, Mrs. G. Armstrong and Mrs. N. E. Cook were appointed transporta­ tion committee. A bale will be forwarded to headquarters in Toronto in May, for European relief. Mrs. A. Clark presented the study assisted by Mrs. W. Henry and Mrs. A. Alexander. Mrs. Eva Carlile presented notes on Chris­ tian Stewardship. Mrs. Lome Ei­ ler contributed a vocal solo. BackMn 1910 it took 35 man­ hours to produce an acre of corn yielding 26 bushels. Today, with modern machinery, the same acre, producing 38 bushells, re­ quires only 17 man-hours. SPRING TONIC FOR PLEASURE A Good Used Car From Exeter Motor Sales ’51 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE ’51 DODGE SEDAN ’50 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN ’50 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, Airconditioning, Undercoating in. all these cars. ’50 DODGE COACH ’49 PLYMOUTH SEDAN * Airconditioning, Undercoating MS DODGE SEDAN ’47 DODGE SEDAN Radio, Heater ’46 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE M6 FORD COACH ’46 CHEV SEDAN Ml AND MO CHEV COACHES Ml CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN Fluid Drive MO DODGE SEDANS (2) i i PHONE 200 Fred Dobbs, Proprietor Sales EXETER Come In Now For Your Spring Tune-Up Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Campbell spent the Faster weekend holiday with relatives in Windsor. Mr. Don Bell, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bell, of Windsor, visited over the holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. "William R. Bell.Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale returned home after spending the past several weeks in?Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Storey and family, of,Delhi, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schroeder and Mrs. Eme- lia Schroeder.Miss Shirley Chapman, nurse­ in-training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Chapman.Mrs. Robert Munn returned home after spending the winter months with members of her family at Hamilton and New York. Mr. and Mrs. George Gould and daughter, of London, visited recently with Mrs. Gould’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wal­ ker. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton and family, of Port Dover, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E, Shaddick and Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNaughton. Miss Elvira Churchill, of Tor­ onto, was a recent visitor with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. Shaddick. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foster and family, of Wingham, were recent visitors with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster. Mr, and Mrs. Lome Ballantyne, of Detroit, spent Faster with the former's mother, Mrs^ Carrie Bal­ lantyne, and "Miss Katie Scott and Mrs. Graham. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Sararus, of Toronto, visited recently with the former’s mother, Mrs. S. Sararus,, Mr. Thomas Shaddick returned home after spenfling several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton in Port Dover. Mr. and Mrs. James Paterson returned home after a month’s motor trip to Florida. Mr, and Mrs. Al Pearson and baby, of Toronto, spent the week­ end holiday with Mrs. Pearson’s mother, Mrs. Annie Saundercock. Mr. and Mrs. Alt Scholl and Garry were recent visitors with relatives at Moncton. Mrs. Stokes and children, of London, visited recently with the former's mother, Mrs. Eva Car­ lisle, and Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlisle. Dr. A. R. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, of Guelph, visited re­ cently with Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren. Mr. and Mrs. James Bengough and Billie and Miss Cassie Dou- gall spent the Easter holiday with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Petty, of Toronto, spent the weekend with the former’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. William Petty. Mr. James Petty, Miss Flora Petty and Mr. and Mrs. James Dayman returned home after spending the winter in Florida, i Miss Isobell Alexander, of Tor­ onto, visited during the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander, and sister, Miss Ruth Alexander. At the afternoon service in Chiselhurst United Church on Sunday, Mrs. W. J. Rogers pre­ sented two solos. Mrs. Benson Stoneman was in charge of an enjoyable program during the Sunday School hour. The last in the current relig­ ious services will be held in Car­ mel Presbyterian Church Sunday evening, April 12, at 7:30. The two congregations, Hensall Unit­ ed and Carmel, will combine at this service. A film will be shown —“South of the Cloud”. Forty Easter boxes were de­ livered to the sick and shut-ins of the village from the United Church. Mrs, W. R. Dougall and Mrs. George Hess were in charge of the project., Beautiful Easter eggs were won at Middleton's Drug Store by Mrs. Maude Hedden and at the Kosy Korner restaurant by Jack Hyde. Mrs. Jack Fasken (nee Mary Merner), of Elora, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Merner, of Zurich, was the lucky winner of $56',000. in the Irish Sweep­ stakes. Mrs, Earle Sproat has left with friends on a motor trip through the southern states to Florida and will return through the New England states. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCloy and family, of Toronto, spent Easter with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hess, Kathy, who has spent the past few weeks with her grandparents, returned home with them. The many friends of Mr. T. C. Coates are pleased to see him out, again following his recent illness. Mr. W. R. Dougall, who under­ went a major operation at Vic­ toria Hospital, London, is improv­ ing nicely, Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Kipfer, Lu­ can, Miss Irma Kipfer, Toronto, were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer and Mr. and Mrs, E. Kipfer. The Ladies’ Choir under the direction of J. L. Nicol, A.C.C.O,, are presenting a concert in the town hall Tuesday, April 14, at 8:30 p.m. , Mr. Eugene Forester, of Water­ ford, on the Bank of Montreal staff there, has been transferred to the Hehsall branch to replace Mr. R, S. Thurtell as accountant. Mr. Thurtell was transferred te the Leamington branch, Group i of the Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church, of which Mrs. Clarence Reid Is the leader, realized $38 at a booth at the auction sale of Mr. s. Mc­ Arthur. in the booth were Mrs. W. R. Bell, Mrs. C. Reid, Mrs. C. Vollhnd, Mrs. A. Hoggftrth, Mrs, Alex McGregor, Mrs. R. Faber, Message From Kippen By MRS. A. GACKS1WTRR Personal Items Miss Sinclair and Miss Little, of Toronto, were weekend guests off Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair. Mr. Dick Diyong, of Stratford, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Benindylt. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bower­ man, of ListoweJ, spent the weekend with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. William Workman, Mr. and Mrs. William Bell have returned home after a very pleasant holiday in Florida. Mrs. D. Kilpatrick, Belgrave, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Arthur Anderson and other rela­ tives. Mr. Harold Jones and Mr. Norman Dickert spent a day last week in Clifford. Mr. Bob Love, of the Uni­ versity "of Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr; and Mrs. A. Gackstetter and girls visited on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Elmore Gack­ stetter, near Exeter. Dr. James .Tarrott, of New York City, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Catherine Jarrott. Mr, and Mrs. Perkins, London, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood. Mrs. W. L, Meilis spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Gibson, in Wroxe- ter, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren spent the weekend with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wren in Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brown, of Windsor, spent the weekend with the latter's sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper, Sr. • Mr. Jack Hyde, of Windsor, spent the weeeknd with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hyde. Mrs. Joe Le Gerd and Sarie- Sue and Billy, of Weston, are spending this week with their aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Long. Mr. and Mrs. Cornish and family, of Goderich, were recent visitors with Mr. Robert Thomp­ son. Miss Marion Thomson, of Londesboro, is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Preistap, of Mitchell, visited Sunday evening with the latter’s father, Mr. Robert Thompson. Mrs. Jennie Schilbe, Exeter, and Mrs, Alice Cook, London, visited recently with their mother, Mrs. A. McClymont. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hayter, of Pontiac, Mich., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Moffat. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Peck were Mr. John Elder, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Elder, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Howe, Betty and Billy, Hyde Park, and Mr. Tim Wright, London. Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Moffat and children of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Moffat. W.M.S. Hold Easter Meeting, The W.M.S, of St, Andrew’s United Church met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A, MeMurtrie with Mrs. R. M. Peck as co-hostess. The presi­ dent, Mrs. John Sinclair, opened the meeting and Mrs. Bert Faber had charge of the worship period. Mrs. R. M. Peck gave an Easter poem. Thirty-one members answered roll call and there were 15 visitors. An invitation was read and accepted to attend the W.M.S. meeting in James St. United Church, Exeter, on Aprill 15. Mrs. Robert Elgie and Mrs. J. W. McLean are the visiting com­ mittee for April. Mrs. William Kyle and Mrs. John Henderson sang two duets accompanied by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot. The guest speaker was Mrs. ("Rev.) W. J. Moores, of Thames Road, who spoke on “Who Shall Roll Away The Stone?”. Mrs. E. Kyle moved a vote of thanks to the speaker. Mrs. Harry Caldwell and Mrs. J. Sinclair extended thanks to the hostess and those taking part. Communion Service Held A large .congregation was pre­ sent at St. Andrew’s United Church on Sunday morning for special Easter service and Com­ munion. Rev. Norman McLeod, B. B. B.D., delivered a fine ad­ dress on “The New Life”. Twelve young people joined the church on profession of faith and two by certificate. The choir under the leader­ ship of Miss Jean Ivison chose for their anthem “I Know That My- Redeemer Liveth”. Miss Gerta Benindyk sang a Solo, “Before The Dawn”. At the evening -the choir .pre­ sented the cantata “The Easter Guest”. Mr. Don Bell took the solo number and Carol McMur­ tries and Ann Sinclair sang duet parts. Aldcrico-Caithveil The home of Mr. and Mrs, Harty Caldwell, Kippen, was the setting for a very pretty Easter wedding oh Saturday, April 4 at z!:30 p.m, when their eldest daughter, Ellen, became the bride of Vernott Lloyd Alderdice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Alder- dice of Red Wing, Ontario, The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Norman McLeod be­ fore an arch of spring flowers banked With ferns. The wedding I music was played by Jack Cald­ well, brother of the bride, and I the soloist, Bon Bell, sang “I Kippen Team Win Shoot One of the largest shoots in the history of the event at Kip­ pen was held Good Friday, during wwhich 4,000' targets were thrown. Kippen won the Blue Top Trophy. Teams were present from Goderich, Dwarf, Rjdgetown and Kippen. The next big shoot will be held at Kippen May 24 for the Tenner Trophy. Practise shoots will be held every two weeks until that time. The members of the Kippen team are: Sam Dougall, Toni Sherritt, Bill Kyle, Lloyd. Venner, John Anderson. Fiddlers Contest Two dozen top-flight fiddlers from Western Ontario ranging in age from 15 years to 89, attract­ ed capacity crowds in competi­ tion at the Western Sports .Fair, Queens Park, London. William Hyde, of Hensall, 89, who has played the violin for 77 years, placed second in the 60 years and over class. In the 60 and over group, winners were; Art Romph, Sarnia, William Hyde, Hensall, and Jack Flynn, Lon­ don. Nelson Howe, Cromarty, was first in the 21 to 60 age group, with Bill Collins, Seaforth, and Cecil Maxwell, Hensall, and Stan Mills, Granton, tied for third. Love You Truly” and “Because”. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, looked charming in a floor-length gown of white Chantilly lace and nylon net over satin. Her chapel veil of nylon net was held by a coronet headdress and she car­ ried a bouquet of white ’mumsj Miss Isabelle Caldwell, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid, wore a ballerina-length gown of orchid nylon net over taffetta with matching -headdress and she carried a bouquet of yellow 'mums. Grant McLean, of Hensall,, was groomsman. For the reception -at St. Andrew's United Church, Kip­ pen, the bride's mother received in a navy and white suit with red accessories, while the groom’s mother chose a navy sheer dress with white accessories. Both wore corsages of white carna­ tions. The bride's table was decorat­ ed with daffodil and orchid tapers, silver bowls of sweet peas, and was centred with the three-tier wedding cake. Serving the 40 guests were Miss Norma Leeming, Kinburn, Miss Mar­ garet Stevens, Walton, and Mrs. Kenneth McKay, Kippen. For their wedding trip to the southern states, the bride chose for travelling, a navy su.it with red accessories. Guests were present from Sea­ forth, Hensall, Kippen, Listowel, Toronto, Pontiac, .‘Redwing and Bayfield. Students Fyespnit Concept Hensall town hall was ' filled for the annual spring concert Wednesday, April I presented by the students of the Hensall Pub­ lic School. The concert was well received and the program was judged one of the best for some time. Door receipts amounted to $125. Highlighting* the program were two operettas, “Three Little pigs,” by grades one and two, “Peter Rabbit,” by the intermed­ iate grades, group numbers by the kindergarten, the play, “Beg Your Pardon” by the seniors and Alice Blue Gown Drill by the senior girls. The following students partici­ pated in the main program events: Alice Blue Gown Drill, Margaret Moir, Mary Ann Ran­ nie, Jane Horton, Mary Anne Vanhorne, Beth Goddard, Jean Noakes, Gwen Spencer, Margaret Smillie, Joyce Peters; “Three Little Pigs and Bad Wolf”, Donnie Ferguson, Robert Middle­ ton, Jack C-hipchase, Eric Mous­ seau; play, “Beg Your Pardon”, Billy Kerslake, Donald McLaren, Gladys Baker, Joan Koehler; “Peter Rabbit”, Mary Scane, Jean Henderson, Carol Brown, Peggy Goddard, Billy McKinnon, Ken­ neth Richardson, Wayne Forrest. The program was in charge of principal John F. Blackwell, and teachers, Miss W. Gray, Miss R. Avery, Miss M. Schiek, Mrs' H. Scane. The costumes were made by the teachers assisted by mothers of the students. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer, Elaine and George enjoyed a telephone conversation with Cpl. John Beer, of the R.C.A.F., Winnipeg, and Mrs. Beer last week. The recep­ tion was very clear. Ready for inUaitt wte o« It# fian Jjf wall bracket, PRESTO to ao amatf, *> Ufa If a handled ea»ily e*n by • child. it fttkt mare fowtr fA«* «*<*•• guto&era a»a»y iM •»• wtifM Effective a<aia»t electrical, ail, gawliw •ad all types ef firea. ffa you’ll want one for kittb- «a. car, <arage, attic, Doa’l delay. Boat lake chaacca with your loved oaef safety. Write, Wire or Phone 2-4772 332 Central Ave. LONDON, ONT. Field - Lawn - Garden Highest Obtainable I QUALITY — PURITY — GERMINATION ; J Order Early! [ Jones MacNaughton Seeds Ltd. i EXETER and CREDITON Exeter 664 — Phones — Crediton 3-W ! n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------■ How much work can one man do fe, in one day ? (Mi ‘‘W;< ’• ?! Enough for ten men, or even more, if he multiplies his efforts with the latest farm implements, such as field cultivators, milking machines, combines and tractors. And, when ten ‘men’ are hard at work, you make ten times as good use of every hour. And your income is, of course, greatly increased. So, if a lack of ready cash Stands between you and any one of these mechanical farm-hands, you owe it to yourself to look into the question of a B of M Farm Improvement Loan. Drop in at your local B of M office just as soon as you find it convenient. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the low cost of a B of M Farm Improvement Loan, and at-the easy repayment terms that can be arranged. Boost your income by multiplying the results of your work. Bank of Montreal Exeter Branch: C. E. SHAW, Manager Centralia (Sub-Agency): Open Mon, Wed. & Eri. Grand Bend (Sub-Agency): Open Tuesday Ctedhion Branch: CHARLES PARKlNSOxN, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday arid Saturday) DashwOod (Sub-Agency): Open Mon. Wed. & Eri. Hensall Branch: WALTER JARRETT, Manager WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVEH WALK H LIFE SINCE f 8 H -- ■. ■ 1 .. , i aih