HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-04-02, Page 9= BI6EG6S = BI666R PROFITS THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 2, 1953 Fifty Members Added To James Street Church In a special Palm Sunday ser­ vice, 23 persons joined James Street United Church on pro­ fession of faith and 27 by trans­ fer of church membership. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was observed. Monthly Meeting Of Elimville Church Groups The March meeting of the W.M.S, and W.A. was held in the church on Wednesday with 15 members and two visitors present. Mrs. Freeman Horne was in charge of the meeting which opened with Che Scripture Lesson by -Mrs. Charles Stephen and prayer by Mrs. Alvin Pym. Mrs. C. Gilfillan gave a read­ ing on Africa and Mrs. H, Ford on "Christian Stewardship." Mrs. Jackson Woods spoke on gardening. Mrs. Phil Johns gave a piano solo. Mrs. William Johns, president, read an invitation from James Street W.M.S., Exeter, to meet with them on April -15. It was accepted and the regular meet­ ing at Elimville will be held at the home of Mrs. Harold Bell in the evening of the same day. Mrs. Ross Skinner took charge of the W.A. business meeting. Pentecostal W.M.C. The March meeting of Pente­ costal W.M.C. was held in the church on March 2 6. The meet­ ing opened with hymns and prayer by Mrs. Kendrick. Roll call was answered by quotation of a Bible missionary. It was de­ cided to send another used Christmas Deacon, Africa, Plans church ra a special 28. Rev. returned Mrs. G. afternoon Ann Judson. Prayer bulletin read by Mrs. C. Blanchard Mrs. Ken Cudmoi'e closed meeting, Topics From Thames Road Uy MRS. WILLIAM RHODE cards missionary in pacel of to June Kenya. for the also tor were made illy on May 4. missionary rally on May Kendrick will obtain a missionary as speaker. Hamilton brought the address on the life of Topics From was and the By MISS JANE DTKEMAN Personal Items Mrs. William Rohde enter­ tained some 20 ladies at a brush demonstration Tuesday evening of last week. Miss Dorothy Thomson, of London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde. Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore entertained a number of young Saturday and Mrs. Grand William Kumjoinus Class United evening rooms 30. was Church in the Monday provided of Main held a Sunday evening, (D For the first 8 weeks, feed a "fresh-mix*’ Chick Starter made with National Chick Mix Concentrate supplying essential animal pro­ teins, vitamins and minerals. (2) For the next four months, feed a tasty "fresh-mix” growing mash made with National 34% Developing Concentrate. This has a growth-promoting meat-meal base and health-building vitamins and minerals. Remember, bigger birds mean bigger eggs—and bigger profits. So grow your pullets the NATIONAL way! See Your NATIONAL Dealer ioday Look for the bright Orange and Black Sign k [*1 k h i i J "A QUALITY FEED-MIX” FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED • INGERSOLL, ONTARIO Fertilize Your Crop with NATIONAL Well-Cured, Properly-Blended FERTILIZER M rs. Arthur Kerslake Following an illness of nearly three months, lake, Usborne South March year. She second daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Lyon, of Londesboro. Born in Hullet town­ ship, she came to ing her marriage 36 years ago. Mrs. Kerslake of James Street and of the Elimville Women’s Institute. Surviving besides her husband are three sons, Harold and El- wyn, of Usborne and Robert, at home; five daughters, (Dorothy) Mrs. Chester Cornish, Exeter, (Phyllis) Mrs.' Donald Case, Us­ borne, (Ilene) Mrs. Archie Web­ ber, Stephen, (Hazel) Mrs. Mor­ ley Crockford, of Toronto, and Patsy, at home; two brothers, Stanley and Joseph Lyon, of Hullett; five sisters, Mrs. Bert Lobb, Holmesville, Mrs. Eldred Holmes, Dresden, Mrs. Earl Gaunt, Mrs. Emerson Hess and Mrs. Harry Durnin, all of Londes­ boro, and four grandchildren. The body rested at the Hopper- Hockey funeral home until Tues­ day when the Rev. H. J.' Snell conducted the funeral service at 2 p.m. Interment was made in Exeter cemetery. Pallbearers were Victor Gordon Heywood, Walter Bride, Allen Westcott, Ford and Lloyd Parsons. I-Iuron 29 in was the Mrs. Arthur Kers- Township, died in Hospital Sunday, her sixty-second former Elsie Lyon Usborne follow- to Mr. Kerslake was a member United Church and Mc- Fred 4 Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs, Clifton Jaques were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hern, Shirley and Graham. Mr. Harry Lovegrove of Thorn­ dale spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykeman. Mrs. Ross Hern is a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, London. The W.M.S. held their April meeting at the home of Mrs. Wanless, Woodham. Mrs, Angus Earl and Mrs. Tom Hern had charge of the program. The Y.P.U. held their meeting Monday night with Paul Dyke­ man in charge of the program. Mr. Wanless took the topic, Mr. Norman Jaques has been confined to his home with pneu­ monia. He is feeling some better. Mr. and Mrs. Don Thwaites and Dawn, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Norman Jaques. Dawn is re­ maining for a few weeks. News Budget From Brinsley By MRS. L. CRAVEN Personal Items The sympathy of the commun­ ity is extended to the family of the latefrvirs. Ellen Maguire. Mr. John L. Hotson, who has been a patient at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, has returned recently to his home here. His many friends will be glad to see him around again. Mrs. Tom Wilson and daugh­ ter, Florence, and friend, and son -Hilton, of Auburn, spent the weekend with Amos. Mr. and Mrs. Zurich; Mr. and _ _ thick and children, and Mrs. Ruth Watson, Donald and Bobbie, dined with Mr. and Mrs. James Trevethick recently. Congratulations to. Mr. and Mrs. George Prest (nee Betty Ellwood) who were married on Saturday in Brinsley United Church. Mrs. Rosser, of London, has been with her daughter, Joe Amos, in confined to her We all hope for a speedy re­ covery. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Steeper, Harvey and Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lee and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompson and family dined with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Steeper on Sunday evening. Mr. Sid Banting and daugh­ ter, of Manitoba, and Mr. Hilton Banting, of Ailsa Craig, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Allison. Miss Joyce Schenk, Miss Helen Lewis and Miss Eleanor Picker­ ing, all of weekend at Shower A shower School, McGillivray, in honor of Betty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood, on Thursday eve­ ning. A short program was pro­ vided with Mr. Earl Dixon as chairman. He kept the audience laughing with his numerous jokes between numbers. Betty, the bride-to-be, was escorted to a decorated chair by Miss Winnie Keogh. The address was read by Mrs. Andy Keogh, after which the presents were presented and opened by Miss Margaret Mercer, Miss Winnie Keogh and Eleanor Pickering. Miss Mary B. Albert Hess, of Mrs. Carl Treve- of London, who Mrs. bed. London, spent the their homes here. was held in Neil’s Miss Cromarty Farm Forum Cromarty Farm Forum met at S.S. 6 Monday night with a good attendance. Winners of euchre were: Mrs. William Harper, Mrs. Jim Howe, Thomas Laing, Wil­ liam Harper. Mrs. Bert Riley was the winner of the lucky draw. All the Farm Forums will meet in Staffa Hall Friday, March 27 when guest speaker on this occa­ sion will be S/L H. Williamson of the RCAF station Centralia. Filins will also be shown. "The Club Girl Entertains’’ Eliinvillo Club The organization meeting "The Club Girl'Entertains” held at the home of Mrs. Larry Taylor on Friday, March 27, with twelve members present, With the club leaders, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Delmer Skinner in charge. The election of officers resulted as follows: President, Mavis Mc­ Bride; vice-president, M i 1 d r e d Ballantyne; secretary, Marion Creery; press reporter, Maureen Stewart; song leader, Pat Kers­ lake. The reference files and objec­ tives of tho club tvere discussed but the name of the club was not chosen. Demonstrations of cooking measurements were made by Pat Kerslake, Mary Skinner, Grace Iloutly and Hazel Sparling. of was people Mr. family, Mrs. Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Munn and Billy, of Hensall; Miss June Borland, of Exeter, spent Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bor­ land. Mr. and Mrs, William Thom­ son, of Exeter, were- Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde, Mrs. Percy Passmore, Exeter, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Passmore. Community Night Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgert and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bor­ land were in charge of the social evening at the Thames School Friday evening, was played and awarded to Mrs. Mr. Ray Cottle, Smith, James Simpson, Lunch was served and a social time was spent. Shower For Miss Annie Elford On Thursday evening some 60 ladies gathered at the church to honor Miss Annie Elford before her approaching marriage. To the music of the "Bridal Chorus” by LaBelle Coward, Mabel Selves escorted Annie to a prettily decorated chair. The program in charge of Rosemary Passmore, consisted of a reading by Marion Lamport and piano solos by Marilyn Moores. A mock wed­ ding in which Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs. William Cann, Mildred Bal­ lantyne, Mrs. Reg. Hodgert and Mrs. Arnold Cann took part, was presented. Mabel Selves read the address and Mildred Ballantyne and La Belle Coward presented with a prettily decorated filled with After thanked all those present and asked them to her trousseau tea on Wednesday. The Three M Club Around 3d young people gathered at the church for the monthly Three M Club meeting on Wednesday evening. The meeting opened with a hymn. Mrs. Murray Christie read the Sscripture Lesson and led in prayer. Mrs. Calvin Christie gave a reading, Marilyn Moores, a piano solo, Mrs. Edwin Miller, a reading, and Mr. Kenneth Johns favored with a vocal solo. Those present were divided into four groups for a discussion on Sunday sports. The president, Mr. Harvey Sparling, spoke brief­ ly. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller were in charge of the recreation. Lunch was then served and a social time was enjoyed. Good Friday Service There will be a joint service of worship on Good Friday eve­ ning at 8:15 in the Thames Road Church. This service will be comprised of the three con­ gregations of Thames Road, Elimville and Roy’s. Two films on the life of our Lord will be shown, one depicting the scene in "The Garden of Gethsemene” and two, "The Ascension”. Special music is being prepared by the three appointments; an anthem by the Thames Road choir, a quartette from Roy’s, and a soloist from the Elimville Church. evening. Willis Gill Bend; Mr. Rowcliffe and and and Road Euchre wereprizes Irene Smith, Mr. Robert Simpson many useful opening the gifts, News of Irene and Annie basket gifts. Annie Kirkton By MRS. I. N. MARSHALL Mr. and Mrs. Bert Doupe, of Toronto, were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Doupe. Mr. ‘ . were guests with Mr. Thomas Allen Friday. Mrs. Bertha hill, spent the with her granddaughter, (Dr.) N. Amos. Mrs. Mary Gallop is holidaying with her daughter, Mrs. Lome Hodge, at Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Doupe, of Port Credit, and Miss Eleanor Doupe, R.N., of Stratford, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Doupe, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Hazelwood and other relatives this week. Master Robert Anderson and Ron Marshall gave missionary readings at the Sunday School in the morning hour. Mrs. Effie Kirkby of St. Marys spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Martha Doupe. Word has been received of the death of Edward Shier, the late Mr. and Mrs. Shier, who left Kitkton years ago to make their Colonsey, Sask. His twin sister, Elizabeth, was killed in a motor accident some time ago. He was holidaying in California and was also killed by a car when cross­ ing a street. A dedication service was held Sunday evening for tho white surplices for members of the Junior Choir. The choir rendered special music. Hon. James Gardiner and Mrs. of Ottawa spent the Mrs. GdO. and Mrs. Lewis Fletcher and Mrs. Sr. at Exeter last Hodgins, of Park­ past three weeks Mrs. son of Reubin over 50 home kt Gardiner weekend with Mr. and Allen.Mr. and Mrs. Carl ___, 1 Auburn, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John McEIroa# Mills, of Kumjoinus Class Holds Social Evening The Street social School March Music class orchestra and contests were enjoyed. Prizes were won by Tom Walker, Mrs. William McKenzie, R. E. Russell and Percy Merkley. Mrs. B. W. Turkey conducted the business and plans were made for future activities. Lunch was served by the social commit­ tee. by the games and were enjoyed. No doubt about it IS YOUR LUCKY NUMBER wFifih you buy a 1955 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER . Re.fr ig e rat or "KING OF PAIN" LINIMENT Don't suffer from common sore throat, when ; ou can do some- iing about it. Rub in soothing Minard’s Liniment — * • apply, today J Get T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home • FUNERAL DIRECTOR Member of Ontario Funeral Association • PRIVATE CAR AMBULANCE Holder of St. John’s Ambulance First Aid Certificate Portable Oxygen Equipment Hospital Beds to Rent Invalid Chair to Loan Flowers for All Occasions — We Wire Anywhere | 24-Hour Service - DASHWOOD - Telephone 70-W f (PitH the Drop in...see for yourself I also wish to take this opportunity of thanking all those who have given me their partonage and sup­ port in the past, and hope they will continue to support this garage in the future. I wish to announce that the garage formerly owned by me has been purchased by climates 1 F. W. Huxtable Phone 153-W Exeter Your IH Refrigeration Dealer Announcement Mr. Leo Regier Herb Hartman DAVID BROWN (CANADA) LIMITED announce the appointment of ALVIN SHARP Princess Street CLINTON as a dealer for 1 i i >■' I 1 S3 1 DAVID DROUIN The World's Finest TRACTORS David Brown tractors are famous the world over for dependable, low cost operation. Now in Canada they are setting a new high stand­ ard of economy coast to coast. Be sure to see the David Brown before you decide on a new trac­ tor. Check its many money-saving advantages. Your David Brown dealer will be pleased to give you all the details. and explain tho easy-to-get parts and servicing fac­ ilities. Make a date to see a David Brown today. 1 Only DAVID BROWN offers all these features 3 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM A POWER RANGE FOR EVERY FARM A CHOICE OF EITHER DIESEL OR GAS ENGINES BOTH HYDRAULIC AND PULL TYPE OPERATION BUILT-IN 2 SPEED PULLEY AND 2 SPEED P.T.O. 6 SPEEDS FORWARD ... 2 SPEEDS REVERSE You are cordially invited to inspect the DAVID BROWN TRACTOR . • nowon display at ALVIN SHARP, Princess St, CLINTON, ONT, < t