HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-04-02, Page 6Fage 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 2, 1953 Half-Price PAINT SALE AU Paint Stock Including Murphy Paint, NarVQ Enamel, Kem Tone, Keip Gio Is Clearing at Half Price I,Cf1. f-1 .-i 11.-!,:..!.:, ..............................;/ ' -r-i-i-.i 'j-"i — .. '.r 'i'.nm.'c. : < j . i .. c: n c ir-n.-t .1, • ■ - - ’Where Prices Meet Purses7 - Right Here In The Want Ads FOR SALE GLEN ROBINSON FOOD MARKET Centralia Phone 750-w-l FOR SALE—Three milk cans. Apply Ross Clarke, Crediton, phone 59-r-ll. M* CLUB MONETTA •EVERYBODY IS TALKING about the new plastic drapes in Tudor's window in Hensall. Be sure to see them—27- and 36-ineh width. ____2e FOR SALE—Late model Leonard re­frigerator, 7 cu. ft., $200; also walnut Duncan Phyfs drop-leaf extension table, extends 72 inches, needs re­finishing, $25. —Phone 443-W-3 Ex­eter. _________________19:46:2:9* INGLIS WASHING machine, used 4 years, in excellent condition. Also Raymond sewing machine. Apply D. i\ Joynt, Hensall. 3-26tfc FOR SALE—Registered Cartier seed oats; also oat straw, loose. Apply John Kabat, Clandeboye, Ont, 26:2:9* YOU SAW IT in Weekend Picture Magazine—now see it at Tudor’s in Hensall. Gothic Crescent bras in Ny­ lon and Cotton.__________________2c ■a FOR SPRING MANY FARMERS like the Surge milker because it’s backed by Surge service. Ask the man who owns one. Call Lovell McGuire, phone 593-W Wingham.________ 2:9:16:23* AS1< TO SEE the new Ripples light­ tveight all-nylon girdle at Tudor’s tn Hensall. The sensation for Spring and Summer.____________ ________2c BOYS’ 3-PIECE grey tweed suit, size 6, $5.00. Apply 123 Gidley Street. 2c FOUR USED TIRES, size 4.40x21.— William Walters, R.R. 1, Woodham.26:2**52 CHEV SEDAN Custom Radio *50 PLYMOUTH COACH $1,495 *50 METEOR COACH Light Green ’50 DODGE SEDAN Very Low Mileage *47 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Better Than New, 18,000 Miles Sorority Plans Work At Victoria Park At their meeting this the home of Mrs. Ted members of the Sorority- further improvements to Park on ground installed and the with shrubs and flowers. A report of the “Balloon Ball” committee indicated it had a successful event socially financially. Mrs. Bob Dinney and atweek Buswell, planned Victoria Huron street. The play­ equipment which they there will be repaired park will be beautified ’48 AUSTIN MG MERCURY COACH Very Clean ’38 FORD COACH been and ’36 PLYMOUTH COACH ’50 STUDEBAKER Half-Ton Truck South End Service Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER Mrs. Glenn. Bonnallie and Miss Jaqui Forte were in charge of the pro­ gram. The guest speaker, the Rev. A. E. Holley, took as his theme ‘‘Happiness Through Understanding,” touching on meeting strangers and standing a foreigner's ] view. Mrs. Howard^ Klumpp gift. Mrs. Ross^Tuckey, : Gaiser and Mrs. Jack served lunch. under­ point of won the Mrs. Art Fulcher FOR SALE FOR SALE — Alfalfa, timothy and yellow blossom sweet clover’ seed, good quality at reasonable prices. Ap­ ply Blackwell Bros., Parr Line, phone sS-r-8 Zurich, 26:2* Six GOOD Holstein cows; also 40 good Hereford yearlings. Apply Charles Deitrieh, phone Crediton 20- r-3. 26:2- 2 HOLSTEIN COWS, close UP; also 24-42 George White thresher, new in 1950. Apply Gerald Godbolt, phone 378-J-2. 2* IT'S TUDOR'S in Hensall for Cur­ tains and marquisettes by the yard. Also hemmed celanese and drion. 2c FOR SALE—One electric Internation­ al milk cooler, 9-can capacity, in good running order; Massey-Harris milking machine, with new pulsator. in perfect condition; one 5-year-old Holstein cow, due to calve. —Harold Taylor, phone 39-r-S Kirkton. 2* FOR SALE—Baby carriage in good condition. Apply Mrs. Harold Webb, Grand Bend, Ont., phone 12. 2* 5<E BALES OF HAY; also 12 chic­ ken shelters. Phone 493-W Exeter. 2* 9-P1ECE OAK dining room suite, in good condition, reasonably priced. Apply Lorne Chapman, R.R. 1, Ex­ eter, phone 6S3-r-13 Hensall. 2c FOR SALE—Two young Holstein cows, just freshened; also some re- sristered Ayrshires, springing. Apply Hilton Truemner, phone 85-r-ll Zur­ich. 2* FOR SALE—Used child’s tricycle, 2- 5 years. Apply Ross Clarke, Crediton, phone 59-r-ll. 2* FOR SALE—Girls’ light green spring outfit, size 4. Can be seen at Brody Cleaners. 2* KITCHEN CABINET, Saxon Trea­ sure coal and wood stove and kit­chen table. Apply Harvey Godbolt, phone 378-j-1 Exeter. 2c BUILDING, suitable for cottage, 16 x 20, to be moved. Phone 502 Exeter. 2c SIX WEAKER PIGS—Norman Klein- feldt, phone 36-r-ll Dashwood. 2c CCM BICYCLE—Lady’s, in good eo,n- tion, reasonable price. Phone 553-M. 2c 3-SECTION STEEL land roller. Ap­ ply Lorne Johns, R.R. 1, Centralia, phone 32-r-21 Kirkton. 2c 1949 METEOR DELUXE coach, best offer. Apply 120 Empress Ave., RCAF Centralia’, phone 285-W-2. 2* 1935 “MASTER” CHEV two-door, priced for quick sale, cheap trans­portation; man's C.C.M. bicycle with balloon tires; three - way portable Sparton “Hiker" radio, works on battery, A.C. or D.C., includes shoul­ der strap. Phone 438-M Exeter, after 6:00 p.m. 2* EXETER DAIRY EQUIPMENT — Chore Boy milking machines and Wilson Zero Spray front opening milk coolers, Wilson food freezers, door­ ways to better living. For demonstra­ tion contact your dealer, Elmer J. McBride, phone 706-R Exeter. 2:9c FIVE-ROOM HOUSE — Three miles east of Centralia airport, hydro throughout. Phone 206-R Exeter. WANTED BANK MANAGER requires unfurn­ ished dwelling in Exeter, 3 bedrooms preferred. Apply at the Bank of Nova Scotia. 2c GOING WEST—Vicinity of Calgary. Have room for one passenger. Paul Balkwill, phone 89-J Exeter. 2* URGENTLY REQUIRED by air force officer, wife and child: four-room ajiartment or house, unfurnished, in Exeter area, Apply Box "G”, Times- Advocate, 2* CONTRACTS for barley, oats and al) kinds of beans. Attractive prices, Seed cleaning and treating done. Buy your clover and grass seeds for a low price. W. E. Reid, phone Dash­ wood 87-W. 19:26:2c LADY who desires care in quiet home in Exeter. Apply Box “H”, Times- Advocate. ' 2* WANTED TO RENT—Dutch family would like to rent a house in or near Exeter. Apply Times-Advocate, 26:2* SMALL TWO-HORSE grader. Reply stating condition and price to Box “Y”, Times-Advocate. 20:2* WANTED TO RENT—Farm, 50-100 acres. Apply George Poortinga, R.R. 2, Kippen, phone G84-r-22 Hensall.26c UNFURNISHED APARTMENT for young couple with one child. Phone 64i8-W. 2c $1,500 ON MORTGAGE, safe invest­ ment. Apply Box "S", Exeter Times- Advocate. 2:9c WANTED TO BUY —A child’s cot (drop sides), —Ross W. Hern, Gran­ ton, R.R. 1. Kirkton 4-r-7, 2* BABY TENDA — In new condition. Phone 108-W Lucan. 2* FOR RENT FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT, bath, hot and cold water, full-size base­ ment. —Phone 164-14 Dashwood. Ont.5:12:19:26:2:9:16* FOR RENI’ — Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. —Beavers Hard­ ware, Exeter. _ tfc HOUSE witii HYDRO. Apply Mike Ryan, Mount Carmel. 26:2c 2-ROOM APARTMENT and garage. Immediate possession. Apply Times- Advocate. 26* 3-ROOM APARTMENT, private bath, ground floor, on Main Street. Avail­ able latter part of April. Also bed- sitting room and private bath. Cook­ ing facilities, available now. —Phone 348, John Ward. 2* MODERATE COMFORTABLE apart­ ment, three or four rooms upstairs, unfurnished, Apply Times-Advocate. 2c FOR SALE NOTICES LOST HAVE you SEEN the 'new Glacier plastic at Tudor’s In llensall, 54-inch width in grey, green, red, yellow, blue. Heavy weight too. 2c WE HAVE THE BEST quality cod­ liver oil. Bring your own containers. Also have hog worm oil, a very sa­tisfactory product to rid your hogs of worms. —L, V. Hogarth, phone 266 Exeter. 2-5tfc Township of Hay To Owners of Cattle to be sprayed for Warble Fly in the Tpwnship of Hay: Cost of One Spray 17eCost of One Brushing ... 10c Payable to Inspector at conclusion of second application. HAY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL26; 2c LOST—Black Cocker Spaniel Friday night. Rewal'd. Apply Kay lrrayne, phone 464. * STOCK WANTEP MONTCALM BARLEY—Grown from seed hot water treated far smut. Also early Alaska oats, and timothy seed. 1952 crop. Charles Prout, phone 378-w-l Exeter.________ 19:26:2* THREE DUCKS and a drake, phone 164-r-l Dashwood. 2* MISCELLANEOUS LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and repaired. Beat the spring rush. Ex­ pert service. Fisher's Hardware, Main Street, Exeter, 2:9c REAL ESTATE OPERA HOUSE building opposite Town Hal). Main floor suitable for offices or stores, apartments upstairs. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, E&rl Par- sons, Salesman._______ 4-2tfc LUCAN 2-STOREY brick house cen­trally located, new furnace, 3-piece bath. Centralia 3-bedroom house, hot water furnace, built-in cupboards, 3- piece bath, barn, henhouse. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales­ man. 4-2tfc FARM ON HIGHWAY 83, three miles from Exeter, five acres of land, house, hvdro, water. Buildings in good condition. Phone 129-M. 2* NEW COTTAGE at Southcott Pines, Grand Bend. Living room, dinette, kitchen, three bedrooms, bath, fire­ place. nicely wooded lot, very dose to lake. II. E. Balkwill, Exeter, Ont. _____________________ ‘ 2c REAL OPPORTUNITY. Fuel and feed business. Long established in thriv­ing Western Ontario town. Can be substantially expanded. Well worth Investigating. Illness forces sale. Reasonable terms, GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA —R, 1J. Paterson, Hensall, Ontario, Phone 51.______________________2:9c BEAUTIFUL SOLID BRICK home for the discriminating buyer. Best corner residential location. All conveniences and facilities. Five bedrooms. Ideally located for professional residence Many extras. Must be seen to be appreciated. Reasonable terms. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA —R. B. Paterson, Hensall, Ontario, Phone 51.______________________2r9c DESIRABLE BRICK residence, dou­ble lot, South Main Street, for sale. Immediate possession. Excellent buy. Apply Bell & Laughton.______26:2:9c comes WHY PAY HIGH RENTS??? Be thrifty, own your own home. Come and see me. New five-room cosy house, full dry basement, conven­ iences, built-in cupboards, quiet, warm. Deal with owner, no middle­ man. Apply Gerald Cockwill, Mill St., Exeter. _______________________26:2* POULTRY FARM for sale: Lot 3, Con. 3, Twp. Hullett, Huron, 40 ac. all tillable, 80x45 barn converted to house several thousand layers. Brick building with modern conven­ iences. Drilled well. Reply to Vet- erans’ Land Act, Guelph._______26:2* BAKERY BUSINESS for sale. Good retail and wholesale trade. No store attached. Excellent opportunity to expand. Good paying proposition. Ap­ ply Box "M”, The Exeter Times- Advocate. ________ 3-19tfc FOR SALE—48-acre farm, barn and stable, 1% miles south of Crediton road on Highwa y 81. Mrs. Pearl Wood, R.R. 3 Parkhill.______12-3tc* 3-BEDROOM COTTAGE. Nicely lo­ cated ' ‘ ’ .......... room, than sink, ment. home $5,500 ing a C. V. _______ ______ . , Exeter, Ont. 100 ACRES for crops or pasture, Hay Twp. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman._____2-5tfc in Exeter. Large, bright living Roomy kitchen with better usual built-in cupboards and 3-pieee bathroom. Full base- This is a very comfortable at a very moderate price, with terms, we are also offer­ complete small home at $4,200. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., 150 ACRES—Tuckersmith Twp., 130 tillable, large buildings, electricity. Moderate price'and terms. —~W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales- man. ________________ 2-5tfc FOR SALE—100 acres deep clay loam, suitable for cash crops or mixed farming. Medium sizes com­ fortable house. Barn has new stab­ling and siio. Hydro and water pres­sure. Price $14,000.00. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. MODERN SIX-ROOM home, 1%- storey, insul brie covered and gar­age. —Lewis Dixon, 330 Carling St., Exeter.__________________ 2-26tfc FOR SALE—Seven-room house with three-piece bath and good furnace. Large two-storey barn and garage. Extra lot. Apply 932 William Street, Exeter. 19:26:2:9:16:23* 75 ACRES, mostly arable, over 30 acres ready for spring crop, alfalfa meadow, Ample barn room, comfort­ able brick house, wired and good re­pair. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman.______ 2-5tfc 400 ACRES — all arable, rich, clay loam. L-shaped banked barn with conveniences. Brick house has built- in cupboards, electricity throughout. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Pai’- sons, Salesman. . l-29tfc NICELY SITUATED 2-bedroom mod­ern house, almost new. Unfinished upstairs. Air-conditioning oil furnace, complete bath, hot ana cold water. Immediate possession. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman.l-15tfc SEWAGE DISPOSAL — Have your septic tanks, wells and cisterns pumped the sanitary way. —Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Ont., phone 75-V-4. 19:26:2:9* PEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free Of charge. For pi-onipt and efficient service phone 'SIONES collect Ingersoll 21 or Exeter 287. ________________ 3-5tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —-G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc ATTENTION FARMERS — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animate, Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. tfc BABY CHICKS FOR SALE For a BETTER DRY CLEANING Job bring it to Tudor’s in Hensall and have it cleaned the French Cleaners way. Pickup and deliver on Monday and Thursday mornings. 10-30tfc ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS writeBox 500 Exeter, 20:2:9:16:23* BRAY STARTED PULLETS—or hay- olds—for prompt shipment. Get good stock for the good markets. Ask us for prices and particulars, let’s have your order. Agent—Eric Carseadden, Exeter Phone 246-J. 2c PUT IN YOUR ORDER now before tlie spring rush to get your water ponds and basements dug and bull­dozing done. By the hour ok contract, Go anywhere. Lorne R. Becker, tele­ phone 59-r-4 Dashwood, 26:8* CHICKS—CHICKS—CHICKS;/ Day old and started chicks available. Some 4 weeks old. Hy-Line chicks available in April. —Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London, 2e SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED and dead animals removed free ot charge. — Lucan Salvage and Scrap, phone 108-W. 2* FOR PROMPT and efficient pickup and delivery in Exeter, call 68-M. Parcels of any kind, —Elmer Willis Delivery Service. 2c HELP WANTED Teachers Wanted Usborne Township School Area re­ quires Protestant public school teach­ ers. Duties to commence 1 Apply, stating experience, spector's name, to A. G. HICKS Secretary-Treasurer, R.R, fall term, former in- 3, Exeter IF I CAN FIND an honest young man with a car, I will set him up in his own sales business without investment, in the Exeter area. Ap- ply P.O. Box 6, Harriston._____26:2c SECRETARY REQUIRED for office in Exeter, capable of taking short­hand and typing. Apply in writing to Box 7, Exeter Times-Advocate, l-15tfc JUNIOR CLERK WANTED — for Banking Institution—17 to 21 years of age—High School Education—male or female—Bank of Montreal, Lucan, Ont._________________________1:9:16c MAN WANTED for Rawleigh busi­ ness. Sell to 15(10 families. Good pro­fits for hustlers. Write today. Raw- leigh’s Dept. D-202-S, Montreal, 2:9:16:23:30c A PERMANENT BUSINESS, part time or full, to limited number of farm men. No investment. Take or­ ders for America’s largest nationally sold LIQUID FERTILIZER. Steady $50 and up weekly income. Write “Na-Chur' ’s Plant Food, Box 84, London, Canada,________________2c STENOGRAPHER, with knowledge of general office rountine preferred, but not essential, for The Bank of Nova Scotia, Exeter._____________2c JUNIOR MALE CLERK required in­ terested in making banking a career. Good opportunity for a bright boy.— The Bank of Nova Scotia, Exeter. 2c SALESMAN—We want a salesman. Experience not necessary as you will be suitably trained. Car an asset, preferably but not necessarily mar­ ried. All applications held in confid­ ence. Apply Box "M”, Exeter Tlmes- Advocate. 2:9“ FOR SALE BY TENDER frame building In good condition, 16’x25’, metal roof, situated on "Winch. School grounds. Building to be moved from grounds. Tenders to in the hands of the secretary April 14, 1953. A. G. HICKS, SEC..R.R. 3, Exeter, Ont. 26:1:8c 16’x25', with situated on Winchelsea : re- be by AUCTION SALES STOCK SURPLUS SALE On the Premises, / MAIN STREET, EXETER Opposite Town HallThe undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on ‘w SATURDAY, APRIL 4 at 1:00 p.m, sharpTHE FOLLOWING; Enterprise cook stove; Norge, Shur Heat, Silent Glow oil heaters; 2-burner hotplate; Williams refrigerator, 10% cu. ft.; galv. wash tubs; aluminum pressure cookers; copper boilers; Coleman gas iron; electric iron; fence stretchers; thermometers; wash boards; enamel tables; sleighs and toboggans; floor mops; cross-cut saws; web saws; flower pots, various sizes; garden hose; chicken feeders; weeders; hy­ draulic jacks; small jacks; large as­ sortment of carpenter tools; vices; harness; rubber belting; garden spades and shovels; hay knives; hog troughs; trap nests; electric brooders; extension ladders; assortment of pails; tractor jack; large assortment of shirts and overalls; mineral feeds; radio; electric clipper; lawn mower; assortment of rubber boots; plastic hose; hand saws; carpenter levels; assortment of paint brushes; 4 trou­ ble lamps; electric soldering irons; clothes-line wire; paint; liquid ferti­lizer; cuttlery; extension cords; scythe; store counters; large assort­ ment of miscellaneous items. Plan to attend this sale. No re­ serve. Everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash. EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP. PROP. ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 26:2c ous to mention.HAY, GRAIN & SEED: 15 tons of best quality mixed hay; 450 bushels of choice mixed grain, oats and bar­ lev; io bushels of good. clean red clover seed; 2 bushels of timothy and red clover seed. . .HORSRS: Matched black Clyde work team, true and reliable in every w&y*CATTLE; Part Durham and Here" ford heifer, due iir September, with calf at foot; 2 part Hereford and Polled Angus heifers, due in October, with calf at foot; part Durham and Jersey cow, due in September, with calf at foot; roan cow, 5 years old. due at time of sale; part Hereford and Angus cow, due middle of April; part Durham and Hereford cow, milk­ ing, due in October; Jersey cow­milking, due in October: Durham cow, milking, due in September; white Durham cow, milking, due in September; part Durham and Here­ ford cow, due in September; 3 part Hereford and Durhams, due in Octo­ber, with calf at foot; part Durham and Hereford cow, witii calf at foot, fresh six weeks; part Durham and Hereford cow, with calf at foot, fresh two weeks; 5 Hereford heifers, due in September and October, with calf at foot: Hereford heifer, carry­ing first calf, due before sale date; 4 fall calves; dark red Shorthorn bull, 20 months old. This is an ex­ceptionally good herd of cattle.HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Heintz- man piano, all newly reconditioned; 3-piece chesterfield suite, like new; a beautiful combination china cab­ inet; 2 odd chairs; new cedar chest; dining room extension table with &• matching chairs; variety of dishes, sealers, crocks; butter dish; single steel bed; good velvet Brussels rug, 4x3% yards, in good condition; coal oil stove, black with cream trim­ ming, has oven attached and thermo­meter, 5 burners—3 cooking burners and 2 oven burners: guitar, etc., etc. TERMS: Cash. No reserve; every­ thing will be sold. This is an extra large sale. Everything ip in first class condition and will start sharp on time. So come early!WM. DIETRICH, PROPRIETOR STADE & WEIDO, CLERKS ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 26c SIGN OF GOOD FRIENDSHIP Hundreds of thousands of Canadians across the country know that The Bank of Nova Scotia sign is ’'a sign of good friendship’’^a place to get prompt, courteous service from the kind of people you like to do business with. We’re extending this service as fast as we can. That’s why we’re happy to announce the open ing of a new branch at 622 Main St., Exeter. Mr. H. W. Kelson, manager of the new branch, has had many years of banking experience. You'll find he's a good man to know!• A SIGH OF GOOD FRIENDSHIP i. 2-STOREY RED BRICK house, Slate roof, oil burning hot water furnace, 2 complete apartments, 3 genuine fire-places, 2 bathrooms. Extra lot, session arranged. W. C. Pearce, Real- tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. l-15tfc FOR SALE in Exeter’s business sec­ tion, two-storey brick building suit­ able for any Vetall business or light industry. For particulars apply to C. V, Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. l-8tfc MODERN COTTAGE with large liv­ ing room and roomy kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom. This pro­ perty is in excellent condition and can be bought at a very reasonable price. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Real- tor, Exeter. l-8tfc NEW HOUSE, 609 ItklWafd St. Red brick front, automatic oil furnace, two bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen, hath, upstairs tin- finished. Will exchange for older house. R. Ifl. Balkwill, Exeter. Ji 1-20tf STOP —If you wish to buy a new l'ed. brick home In the beautiful town of Exeter, see J. W. Hern, Sanders street West.................. ; 10-23tfc HOUSE WELK situated for schools, churches ftnd shopping, Newly decor­ ated interior, first class general con­dition. Forced heat oil burner fur­ nace. Full bath upstairs, 2-piece oh main floor. Garage, garden. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales- man.... .............................10-»16tfc 4-tlOGM TNSUL-BRTG cottage With conveniences and furnace, reasonably priood for quick sale, W, C. Pearce, izanitoi’, Earl Parsons, salesman. 9-lltfc SALE OF LAND BY TENDER Tenders are invited for the sale of the undermentioned parcels of land belonging to the late Thomas Welsh of Hensall, Ontario. Sealed tenders accompanied by a certified cheque for 10 per cent Of the ten­der will be received by the firm of Bell & Laughton, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix, up to and including the 10th day of April 1953. The lowest or any bid not ne­cessarily accepted. Immediate posses­ sion to be given on the closing of the purchase of the said lands. * Parcel No. 1:The north half of Lot No. 19, in the 4th Concession north of the Egremont Road, in the Township ' of Warwick, County of Lambton. Parcel No. 2:The east half of Lot 26, and the west half of Lot 27, Concession 4, Township of Stanley, County of Huron. Parcel No. 3:The west half of Lot 35, .Con­ cession 3, Township of Usborne, County of Huron. Parcel No, 4:Lands in the Village of Hensall south of the Mill property being comprised of five acres of land more or less. BELL & LAUGHTON Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix 26:2c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Feed W. E. NAIRN will sell by public auction, on MONDAY, APRIL 6 onLOT 16, CON. 11, USBORNE TWP. 1 mile south of Farquhar, 3 miles northwest of KirktonHORSES: A matched team of black Percheron mares, 10 years old, quiet, 30 cwt.; 1 bay horse.CATTLE: 1 Durham cow, 8 years old, due last of April; 1 Holstein cow, 4 years old; 1 Durham cow, 7 years old, milking (fresh); 1 Durham- Holstein cow, 3 years old, milking (fresh); 2 Durham heifers, 2 years old; 2 Durham steers, 1 year old; 1 Durham heifer, 1 year old; 1 Dur­ ham bull, 2 years old; calf, 2 months old; 1 Durham cow, 6 years old, due in April; 2 Holstein cows, 6 years old, due in April. IMPLEMENTS: John Deere tractor on steel; M.H. grain binder, 6-ft.; F.W. mower, 5-ft.; M.H. seed drill, 15-h.; M.H. disc, 12-plate; Maxwell hay loader; cultivator; steel wheeled wagon; 1 flat rack; wagon; 1-horse scuffler; sleigh; buggy; cutter; M.H, manure spr'eader; rake; plow; fan­ ning mill; DeLaval cream separator; hay fork, ropes, pulleys; fence stret­cher; sling ropes; britchen harness; 4 collars; 1 single harness; forks; shovels; quantity of clover hay; 200 bus. Alaska oats; 100 bus, feed bar­ ley; sap pan, buckets. One colony house, 10x10; Rock hens. Other ‘articles too numerous mention. TERMS: Cash. IRVINE GOWAN, PROP. W. E. NAIRN, AUCTIONEER Complete " DISPERSAL SALE Consisting of 60 Head Choice Durham and Hereford Cattle and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, LOT 19, CON. 12, HAY TWP. 1’4 mile west of Zurich and a half-mile south The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp VERY CHOICE LIVE STOCK: Cattle—Roan Durham cow, with calf at foot, fresh two weeks; red Dur­ham cow, with calf at foot, «■ fresh one month; red Durham cow, milk­ ing, bred January 23, with calf at foot; red Durham cow, milking, bred November 15; part Holstein and Dur­ham cow, "with calf at foot, fresh two weeks; roan Durham cow, due- at time of sale; Hereford cow, with calf at foot, bred February 7; roan Durham cow, due in June; red Dur­ham cow. witii calf at foot; roan Durham heifer, with calf at foot; part Jersey-Durham cow, due before sale date; part Jersey and Durham heifer, carrying first calf, due before sale date: Hereford heifer, with calf at foot; Durham heifer, due around sale date; roan Durham heifer, with calf at foot; reel Durham heifer, due around sale date; red Durham heifer, ready for market; 3 Hereford grass steers, averaging 1,000 lbs. each; 10 Durham and Hereford steers and heifers, averaging 700 ibs. each, rea­ dy for market: 13 Durham and Here­ford steers, averaging 1,100 lbs, each, ready for market; 6 Durham and Hereford fall and winter calves; re­ gistered Hereford bull, "Domino” breeding, a read herd sire.Plan to attend this sale. This is an outstanding herd of cattle. Con­ vince yourself by seeing them on sale day. All young cattle vaccinated. No reserve. Every animal will be sold!MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: 250 cedar posts of various sizes will be sold in Jots of twenty; International electric cream separator, used one year; six feet of corn silage. TERMS: Cash.JEROME DIETRICH, PROP. EARL WEIDO, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 26c to Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Tractor, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain and Household Effects On the Premises, CON. 2. LOTS 29 AND 30, USBORNE TOWNSHIP 2% miles north of Exeter, miles east on Hurondale Corner undersigned auctioneer has been NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of HENRY DEARING deceased persons Jiaving^olaims in the’ All persons having claims the estate of Henry Dearing, the ToWn of EXeter, I.. t’..„ --------of Huron, who died on or about the, 3rd day of April, 1952, are required to file particulars of same with Messrs. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontarid, by the 10th day of April next, after which date the estate Will be distributed, 'having re­ gard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Exeter, OntarioSoliCRors for the Administratrix 19:26:3c against late of County In the Estate of RHODA COULTlS late of the Town of Exeter, in — County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. Creditors and other having claims against the above estate are required to .send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned, on or before the 20th day of April, 1953, after Which date the estate’s assets will be dis- ........................ ' '" ' ‘ ns the trlbuled having regard Ohly to ciai that have then been received, W, G. COG HR AN E Barrister arid Solicitor Exeter — Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 2:9;H6c' Extensive AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Auto, Tractor, Live Stock, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain and Household Effects LOT 25, CON. 11, HAY TWP. 1 mile north of ZurichThe undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction onTHURSDAY, APRIL 9 commencing at 12 o’clock p.m, sharp REAL ESTATE: Consisting of E% of Lot 28, Blind Line, east of Zurich, Hay Township, Babylon Line; 50 acres of choice clay loam; all tillable land with the exception of a good young orchard and 3 acres of marsh land; also a never-failing well with best of spring water, This is an idea) grass farm,TERMS of Real Estate: 10 percent, day of sale, balance in- 30 days. AUTOMOBILE: 1949 Special Delux Dodge 4-Door Sedan, correct mileage 16,000 miles. This car is in all around new conditio: guaranteed. TRACTOR: ...... _ _ _ _____ in new condition, equipped with etdrteri hydraulic lift, 2-furrow plow and spring-tooth FARM IMPLEMENTS: binder, ~ .................pair hoe seed used cut. wagon, ----- ---- ----.... ................. .... ure spreader in new condition; 16-ft, flat hay rack, like new; McDeering drop head hay loaden, like new; Woods electric roller. equipped with 1-h.p. inotor; Renfrew electric cream sepafatoi*. like new; dump rake section diamond harrows; steel ‘ wagon; Oliver sCUffler; M.-JL puller; set of Sleighs; 3-drum roller; Chatham fanning mill, plete with sieves; 2,000-lb. cap, ...... form scales: bag truck; new Colony house, 12x12 ft.; scalding trough; 2 Coekshutt walking plows; clover buncher; cutter; pig crate; 8 5-gal. cans of Na-Chur fertilizer; new Hol­ man 5-ton jack; numerous Pig troughs; stone boat; 2 sets of double harness; single, horse scuffler; grind­stone; taj’paulin, 12x12; block and tackle; shotgun; logging chains; but­ cher kettles and stands; sausage grinder and press; large quantity of good twine and grain bags; sap cans; 50 sap pails; spiles; set of sling ropes: eider barrel; Cyclone seeder, now; cross-cut. saw; nock- yokOs; pails, forks, shovels, double­ trees; and many articles too numer- and will be sold fully 1949 Ferguson Tractor ‘””..‘1, equipped with Cultivator. ---------- ______ McDeering , 7-ft. cut, in new condition, of trucks extra; McDeering 13- dise; fertilizer drill with grass Attachments and tractor hitch, M.-H. mower, 6-ft. rubber-tired M.-H. man- one season, . used two seasons: used one season 4- truck bean steel com- piat- 1’4 The ______„__ ________ __ ___instructed to sell by public auction on • FRIDAY, APRIL 10 commencing at 1:00 p.m. sharp HORSES: Belgium mare, 9 years old; Clyde mare, 12 years old. A. good reliable work team.CATTLE: Durham cow, due middle of April; part Hereford and Durham cow, due latter part of April; part Holstein and Jersey cow, due latter part of April; Durham cow, due be­ fore sale date; Durham cOw, due first week in May; part Hereford and Holstein cow, due before sale date; 2 yearling Durham heifers; 5 fall calves, Durham and Hereford; Here­ ford bull, rising 3 years old. HOGS: Part Tam and York sow, carrying third litter, due middle of May; part Tam and York sow, car­rying second litter, due latter part of April. TRACTOR AND FARM IMPLE­MENTS: Allis Chalmers "B" tractor, used two seasons, in guaranteed new condition; Massey-Harris two-furrow tractor plow; 11-hoe Cocksliutt ferti­ lizer drill; 1.1-hoo disc grain drill; Massey-Harris binder, 6-ft. cut; 3- section spring-tooth harrows; steel tire wftgon; 2-3 horse cultivator; steel truck wagon; 3-section diamond har­ rows; dump rake; John Deere 2-fuf- row tractor' plow; Massey - Harris rnitnui'6 sDi’CAXlor with tractor hitch c 2%-h.p. ______ „_____ Maxwell mower, 5-ft. cut; McDeering cream separator; bag truck; walking' plow; ' ' ... root tity 25-ft, ging .... Many mention. HAY AND GRAIN: 300 bales of quality timothy and alfalfa; quantity of loose bay, second cut alfalfa; itfo bushels of Clinton seed oats. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS; Williams piano; oak rocking chairs; antique style chairs; bedsteads, with springs and mattress; Washing machine with gas ihotbr; dressers arid commodes; numerous congoiemn rugs; centre ta­bles; buffet; small tables; pictures: all kinds of dishes; kitchen set; table and chairs; quilts, Comforters stove, in good condition stove; Quebec heater; etc,, etc. TERMS: Casii farm is sold,GEORGE DUNN, , „ GARNET HICKS, ALVIN WALPER, At tractor plow; Massey - Harris sproiitlGr with tr^tetor hitch" London gasoline e n g i n e ; r; bag truck; walking' clipper; stone boat: chicken shelters; qttan- quantity of fire wood; large iron kettle; log- td ; horsepulper;of tile; • ladder; ,____,chains; forks; shovels. articles too numeroustoo No r ., cook. ____ coal-Oil pails, sealets, oserve as the PROP. CLERK KITTONEER COMMUNItV AUCTION SALE VILtAGfil’oF^REDiTON SATURDAY, APRIL 11 If you have anything to sell, phono, 7MV Crediton,.......WM. H. SMITH, AUCTIONEER and your articles will bo UStea. 38^