HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-03-26, Page 12Page 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 26, 1953 Mr. Alt Dickens, of London, apd Mrs. Bob Coleman, Lucan, visited on Monday with their sister, Mrs. Frank Coates. The uneinployment office in the town hall closed on Thurs­ day, March 18. Mrs. D. A. Anderson left last week to visit her sister, Mrs. Melvin L. Hooper in Redland, California. Miss Florence Southcott is holidaying at Clearwater Beach, Florida, Mrs. I. M. Willis, of Detroit, spent a few days with Mrs. Ed. Willis, Mrs. Harpy Weber, of Wood­ ham, visited on Tuesday after­ noon with Mrs. Thomas Bell. Rev. C. W. who accompanied Roy Wilson, of Florida, arrived after six weeks south. Sgt. Harry Stevens and wife, of Ottawa, called on old friends in Exeter and at tlie Centralia Airport the forepart of the week. ■ » » ■< ar GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES 4 % INTEREST An Attractive Short-Term Legal Investment Principal and Interest Fully Guaranteed CROWN TRUST COMPANY F. R. Hughes, Manager, 284 Dundas St., London HEAD OFFICE; TORONTO Ontario Branches at London, Brantford and Windsor Applications Received Through Your Local Agent Or Solicitor Specials For Easter Schneiders: Famous For Quality Meats Exeter Beef Live Better 'H and Mrs. Down, ■Mr. and Mrs. Princeton, to home Monday in the sunny Stephen School Area Financial Report The following is a financial report of Stephen Township School Area for the year ending December 31. 1952: Receipts Balance on hand. Dec. 31, 1951 .................523,022.34 Legislative Grants .... 18,675.57 Township Grants ....... 8,200.00 Township Levys ........ 21,587.91 Other Sources ......... 30.82 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barnes, of Montreal, who have spent the past two months in California, visited with her mother, Mrs. E, A. Marshall, this week on their way to Montreal. Mrs. Donald Hill and David, of Windsor, visited week with Mrs. Milo Snell ■Mrs. Cree, of Clinton, visited with her niece, Mrs. John C. Snell, for the last ten days, re­ turning to her home on Monday. sop this Sgt. H. and Mrs, Stevens, of Wrightville, Que., formerly of Exeter, yisited this week with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sproule. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Taylor ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. and family, of Grand Bend, visit- Hugh Loye. Miss Maxine Parsons, London, spent the weekend with her pa­ rents and Mrs. Lloyd Par­ sons. Twenty relatives and friends ■< of Mrs. Thomas Collingwood sur­ prised her at her home Sunday on the occasion of her birthday. Mrs. has been confined, to Iter ped for the past week, is improving nicely. William Sweitzer, who COMING EVENTS MEETING to form a NOTICE — Ratepayers' meeting for S.S. 7, Stephen Township, will be held Friday evening, March 27 at 8 p.m. in the school­ house at Shipka. Every ratepayer is urged to attend. 26c MEETING—Moving pictures and slides will be shown on weed control. Of interest to. farmers i growing canning peas, soybeans and white beans. Canadian Le­ gion Hall, Exeter, April 4 from 2 to 4 p.m. Sponsored by L. V. Hogarth and Green Cross. 26c Pic-Nics — Cottage Rolls — Rcady-to-Eat Smoked Ham — Boneless Dinner Ham — Beaver Dry Cured Bacon — Special Back Bacon ORDER EARLY — SUPPLY IS LIMITED!THE Fed Beef Is Now at its EXETER BEEF Is the Stable Peak. Best We Can Buy. THE QUAL­ ITY IS GUARANTEED. Cheaper The Locker Way Exeter Frozen Foods PHONE 70 MAIN ST. T. AND T. FLOORING specializing in LAYING SANDING FINISHING New and Old Floors RUBBER, LINOLEUM, PLASTIC FLOOR TILE We Have a Complete Range of Floor-Coverings by the Yard BROADLOOM and RAMBOW CARPET Free Estimates ■« PHONE 240 ZURICH Prices Reasonable Work Guaranteed ■1 Get Your Total Receipts ........... Expenses Instruction ................. Instructional Supplies. Administration ........... Operation ................ Maintenance ............... Auxiliary Agencies .... Transporting ............... Fees :........................... Capital Outlay ............ Extraneous Payment .. Total Expenses Total Receipts Total Expenses 550,762.28 571.516.64 50,762,28 Balance on Hand. ......$20,754.36 (adv’t) DANCE LEGION HALL Friday, March 27 MUSIC BY THE SYNCOPATORS 9:30 to ? Sponsored by South Huron Junior Farmers EVERYONE WELCOME Admission 500 -* w DANCE Exeter Legion Hall to the music of Cla rence Petrie And His Night Hawks Featuring WARD ALLEN On Violin Every Sat. Night 9:00-12:00 p.m. ADMISSION 500 Coronation SOIL TESTING Day, free, held at Cann’s Mill on Friday, April 3. Tools for soil sampling avail­ able. Bring in your samples and determine your correct fertilizer analysis at no cost. We can tell you in a few minutes what your fertilizer requirements are, 26c. Schedule OF Events THURSDAY, MARCH 26 Rec League Hockey at 7:30 FRIDAY, MARCH 27 Public Skating at $:00 p.m. SATURDAY, MARCH 28 Fergus vs. Centralia Flyers Jnt. "B” OHA Playoffs MONpAY, MARCH 30 Broom Ball Playoffs: Ellmville vs. Woodham, 7:30-8:45 Public Skating, 8:45-10:30 TUESDAY, MARCH 31 Rec League Hockey at 7:30 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 Fergus vs. Centralia Flyers Fourth Game of Series (if necessary) Drama Club will be held ip EXETER TOWN HALL Thursday, March 26 Anyone Interested Is Invited to Attend p.m.Square And Modern DANCING MRS. a A. WHEABLE, of Lon­ don, will speak on "The United Nations" in James Street United Church, Wednesday, April 15 at 2:30 p.m. Benefit Euchre Dance Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton Friday, March 27 Proceeds for Injured Hockey Players Tea and Bake Sale Sponsored by the Caven Circle of the Presbyterian Church Former Telephone Office Saturday, March 28 at 3:00 p.m. ■< Chainway Dollar Days Specials Ladies* Anklets Colors or White 4 , .,. $1.00 Animal or Sonora Blankets (Make Dandy Motor Rugs) Reg. $3.79 SPECIAL $2.79 Lyric THEATRE To The Music Of CLARENCE PETRIE And His Night Hawks Featuring Ward Allen On His Violin e Phone 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions FRIDAY & SATURDAY March 27 and 28 The Lady In The Iron Mask k Louis Hayward k Patricia Medina The all thrilling, all in techni­ color adventures of the Three Musketeers and that swaggering, swashbuckling son-of-the-sword— D’Artagnan! MONDAY & TUESDAY f March 30 and 31 Sally And Ste. Anne ★ Ann Blyth 4r Edmund Gwenn People have more fun than anybody—except the O’Maynes. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY April 1 and 2 a Dreamboat ★ Clifton Webb ★ Ginger Rogers You can't imagine more fun funnier motion picture! or Town Hall, Hensail Thursday, March 26 ADMISSION $1.25 & 750 Sponsored by Hensall Branch Canadian Legion. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY March 27 and 28 ★ Ray Bolger •k Allyn McLerlio ■fr Robert Shackleton “WHERE’S CHARLEY” (In Technicolor) A riot of laughs and color with 11 song hits. SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY March 31 and April 1 “ASSIGNMENT PARIS” ★ ★ ★ Here smuggled Dana Andrews Marta Toren George Sanders is an inside story from behind the Iron curtain. Aflame with Action and Adventure. NEWSREEL, CARTOON AND ADDITIONAL SHORT SUPPER Served in Crediton Community Centre by Members of United Church W.A. Tuesday Evening, March 31 comencing at 6:00 p.m. Admission: Adults $1.00 - Children 400 Lyric Theatre Thursday, April 9 —r- Showing — “STOP YOUR KILLING ME” Starring Roderick Crawford and Clare Trevor TWO SHOWS STARTING 7:30 AND 9:30 P.M. All Proceeds to Go to the Ladies’ Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital Be: April Blind Christian Jew, Formerly of London, England, Speak at the Evangelical United Brethren Church Crediton Subjects Win J, 8:00 p.m.—“How I, a Jew, found the Lord Jesus Christ.” -■ ■< April April Hear Rev. Alexander Marks Wed., April 1 Through Good Friday, April 3 2, 8:00 p.m.—.Beautiful Colored Pictures of the Land of Palestine will be shown, which will include some of the holy places. 3, 10:30 a.m.—Rev. Mr. Marks Will give an illustrat­ or sermon on "The Jewish Passover and how ob­ served today, and its relationship to the Lord’s Supper”. Notice To Farmers The Huron County Agriculture Comittee is sponsoring a PUBLIC MEETING to learn if it is the wish of the farmers of Huron County to form a Livestock Protective Association. Associations have been formed in Elgin, Middle­ sex and Lambton Counties and have had a decided effect on reducing Cattle Rustling and Poultry Thefts. The following speakers have been secured — MR. R. H. GRAHAM, Assistant Livestock Commis­ sioner, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. MR. STEWART BROWN, Sheddon, President, Elgin County Association. SGT. NEEDHAM, Ontario Provincial Police, Huron . County. Clinton Town Hall Friday, April 10 commencing at 1:30 p.m. All Farmers in Huron County Are Invited to Attend ■ ’■A. H. ERSKINE, Clerk? County of Huron. 0LADIES’ Lisle Hose (Made in England) 2 pnta$1.00 EASTER ■ Tea And Home Baking Sale '■N Silver Dollars Bed Spreads TEN ONLY $5.19 Sponsored by Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary t Traquair’s Cannon Towels Plain Colors or Striped $1.00 LEGION HALL Saturday, April 4 3:00 5 The Huronia Male Chorus ‘and accompanying CAS resent their third operetta I The Yeomen Of The Guard I by Gllhert and Sullivan^ ’>iii*iiiiiiih<H<itrii<hiWiiiiiliiriri<riiiiTiiiiirriiiri*iiiiii<ttii!tiiii*iiiiiitiiiiUiiniiUiiihrHii«riihrnii>f<iir<<U<it«i>ftiir>i<iiiiriiihr«>'>' FANS! PLAYERS! See All Our SpecialsCome In Come To The EXETER TOWN HALL A R EHARD IBEX Blankets 70x90 - Pink or Bide Trim $5.88 Nylons Sub-Standards 66C PAIR GIRLS* Purses Sifc Styles Red, Crfdeh, Brown, Blue ■ Friday, March 27 IttahMMHl | CORONATION SILVER DOLLARS USED AS CHANGE! j | LIMITED QUANTITY — ONE TO A CUSTOMER 1 PLAY BALL! QUALITY AT TATR PRICES r_^._n FM0NE 27 EXETER. BASEBALL MEETING in the South Huron District High School Gymtorium EXETER Wednesday & Thursday, April 1 & 2 at 8:00 o’clock sharp *Admission: Reserve 750, Rush Adults 500, Children (12 ahd under) 350 EACH 8:00 pan. To Organize Exeter Ball Club for ’53 everyone Welcome For reserve seats contact W» G. Cochtand, phone 14 DON’T MISS THIS PRESENTATION IT’S BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER!