HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-03-26, Page 9M. 4ft WE WANT YOUR WEIGHED AT (A <A c C uOau p-m -E5V TOP PRICES YOUR DOOR Howard Ferguson, District Representative Riverside Poultry Co. 1236 TRAFALGAR ST., LONDON London 7-1230 Phone Collect 680-r-2 Hensall i I' «- Z March 26, 27 and 28 Bargains in a Big Way For Exeter's Dollar Day! DOLLS AND STUFFED ANIMALS Reg. $1.98 to go for ................................................. $1.00 All others .................................................................. $1.00 off CUP AND SAUCER SPECIALS Reg. $1.00 to $1.98 for ............................... 690 to $1.49 ROYAL BRADWELL JUGS $1.25Reg.- 98^ Reg. 98$ Reg. 79$ to to to $2.89 $2.50 for ...750 to 950 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 26,1953 . . .1--- .tn. . .............. ..............., i ’lL , ...... || Grand Bend W.l. Hears Thedford Florist The Women’s Institute’s March meeting was held in the town, hall with “Agriculture and Can­ adian Industries” being the topic, Mrs. Carlyle Taylor, who -was in charge of the program, intro­ duced the speaker, Mr. Luscher, of Thedford, who spoke on the growing and care of flowers. “Plant in the full of the moon,” he said. Other hints were; No wet feet for lilies. Care should be taken on the placing of stones' in a rock garden, so it is not just a pile of stones. Peat moss, or well rotted manure should be mixed with heavy soil. He gave a lovely potted Christmas rose to the Institute which had been grown outside in his garden. All enjoyed his talk very much and he was thanked and invited back by the president, Mrs, Edward GUL The convention at Guelph in May was discussed. Mrs. Garnet Patterson is the area delegate. A letter was read by Mrs. Emery Desjardine from our sis­ ter Institute in England thank­ ing us for the Christmas parcel. The nominating committee for April is Mrs. Wellwood Gill, Mrs. Roy Morenz and Mrs, Earl Burr. Pot holders are to be brought to the April meeting and there will be a display of handwork done during the winter. Mrs. Alex Hamilton reported for the hospital, There is an ap­ peal for worn white cotton and dusters and sewing to be done. A duet was enjoyed given by Mrs. Mae Holt, Mrs. Emery Des­ jardine with Mrs. C. Smith at the piano. Mrs. Roy Morenz com­ mented on the motto, “One is nearer God’s heart in the country than anywhere else on earth.” There were 37 members and five visitors present. Mrs. Law­ rence Mason and her committee served lunch. the the re- the TEAPOTS for .................750 to $1.98 PLATES for .................. 500 to $1.89 LUNCHEON SETS Reg $2.50 for .................................................................. $1.50 All other table linens, laces, etc., at 30% reduction Reg. $2.25 Reg. $1.79 Reg. $2.00 to to to LADIES’ ECLIPSE SLIPS i $3.98 for ........................... $1.89 BABIES’ DRESSES i $3.95 for ........................... $1.00 DRESSES (Size 2 and 3) > $3.59 for ........................... $1.00 to to to And Don’t Miss Our 290 Bargain Corner! $2.98 $2.98 $2.29 The Hollow Tree Gift Shop Caven Auxiliary Meets With Mrs. Simmons One of the highlights of meeting of the Auxiliary of W.M.S. this month was the port of two delegates to C.G.I.T. Conference held in Sar­ nia early in March. Phyllis Cann and Marilyn Strang gave an in­ teresting account of their trip and the Conference which was attended by In Training tario. A special vice was carried out in which all of the members participated. Mrs. James Taylor read an ac­ count of the Christian Missionary work which Jack Miner carried on along with his work with our feathered friends. The main topic of the evening was an introduction to the land of Africa which was very aptly presented by Mrs. Arthur Whil- smith. She told something of the characteristics, customs, re­ sources and potentialities of this land of which we are becoming more and more aware. At the close of the meeting which was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Simmons, a talent table was set up. This has been a feature of the meetings for the past year and is the means by which the Auxiliary raises their expense money. Three members are asked to bring a “talent” to each meeting, usually in the form of baking, preserves, vege­ tables, eggs and so on. These articles are then priced and sold to members of the group. 150 Canadian Girls from Western On- Easter Worship ser- Extra Special PAINT SALE TOTAL VALUE $6.25 1 Quart SPRED SATIN ........ 1 U-Pint RIPOLIN ENAMEL 1 4-Inch NYLON BRUSH...... FOR $ $ DAYS $3.50 $2.20 .55 1c Rock Spar Varnish Sale i - EXTRA GAL. 10 QT. SIZE $2.73 - EXTRA QT. 10 %-Pt SIZE .95 , EXTR'A %-PT. 10 ONLY THREE DEALS TO A CUSTOMER LINDENFIELD’S Si 2 S. H. Junior Farmers Hold Annual Banquet The annual banquet of South Huron Junior Farmers was held on Friday night, March 20 in the Thames Road United Church. Guest of honor was Mr. Gor­ don Bennett, director of exten­ sion for the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Following the banquet, enter­ tainment was provided by Charlie Paul and the Thames Valley Ramblers. Exeter Guides Learn Swimming At Stratford For several months two car­ loads of Girl Guides have been going- to Stratford each week to receive swimming instruction at the Y.M.C.A. pool in Stratford under supervision of Mrs. Fred Mills. Of these, four girls Jane Far­ row, Maxine Watson, Shirley Harness and Norma Keller have passed the swim tests for their first class badges. Norma Keller is now trying for the swimmer’s badge in advanced swimming in order to secure her gold cords. Rena Murray, Sandra Mc- Knight, Jane Harness and Norma Veal are still taking instructions each week in preparation for receiving their badges. Arrangements for the course were made by Captain Roberta Luxton and Mrs. Max Harness, Lieutenant, and is sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary, Exeter Branch, Canadian Legion. Report On Grand Bend By AIRS. IRENE MEYERS Personal Items Mrs. Herman Gill was ad­ mitted to hospital in Exeter last Friday. Mr. Gill is remaining in Exeter for the present. Mrs. A. Wilson has been in Victoria Hospital since last week. Mrs. Bossenberry, Sr. motor trip to Seattle. Mrs. Ross taken to St. last Tuesday. Mrs. Herbert Wainwright spent Thursday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haist at­ tended the Eastern Star banquet in Parkhill Friday evening. Everyone is fishing for suck­ ers this week. Miss Janis Gill entertained the young fry in celebration of her seventh birthday Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Jack- son, accompanied by Mrs. Lois Biffifn, attended the banquet given by the Eastern Star in Parkhill last Friday evening. Mrs. William Bossenberry visited her parents in last weekend. Miss turned Mrs. turned __ ____ ___ ...__ ing a month with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stanlake. -Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stanlake and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fleer visited friends in Wheatley, Kingsville and Detroit last week. Mr. Herman Kennedy called on friends in town on Sunday. Mrs. J~ack Witherspoon spent Tuesday in London. The exhibit oft Human Rights, assembled by the Department of Education and exhibited Library, was attended appreciative audience. Mr. and Mrs. Robert ., is on a Arizona, Cal., and Desjardine was Joseph’s Hospital Detroit has re-Frances Cassidy from Florida. Brinda Ratcliffe to her home after spend- has re­ in the by an __ _______ _____ Felton and Mr. and Mrs. George Yeo, of Detroit, visited in town this weekend. Miss Anne Negryn, of London, spent a long weekend with her parents. Mr. K. Young, and Mr, Fred Negryn were in Toronto during the week. Bend Couple Mark Nuptials Mr. and Mrs. Humphry Webb Celebrated the golden annivers­ ary of their wedding recently. Their family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Webb and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gratton (Olive) and family were present. Mr. Gratton brought along his Recorder and secured pictures and recordings of incidents re­ calling happy memories of 1903. Mr. Webb said it was a bright sunny day with very little snow. The young couple attended by Mr. Adolphus Allen and Miss Jean Turnbull, in the presence of 30 guests, exchanged vows be­ fore the Rev. S. A. Carriere. Then a spanking team of bays was hitched to a shining surrey and the couple drove off amidst a shower of rice and confetti. They returned when dinner had been prepared and enjoyed the evening With their friends. Mr, and Mrs. Webb Settled on their farm on con 21 Stephen Where they remained until they retired 14 years ago. For the past two years they have occupied their new home in Green Acres. Mrs. Webb entertained neigh­ bors to afternoon tea. The couple have the happy faculty of mak­ ing friends and were presented with many gifts and a shower of cards from far and hear. We hope they may celebrate many more anniversaries with their family and friends. Miss Heather Webb, grand­ daughter of Mrs. Saul Pollock, 'won the Citizenship Award at Okemos High School, Lansing, Mich. Miss Webb is the daughter of Dr. Donald and Mrs. Webb, both formerly of Grand Bend, Friends Hpnor Ann Rivers On Friday evening, March 20, Miss Ann Rivers was guest of honor at a surprise miscellan­ eous shower at the home of ’Mrs. Reg. Knight at which nearly 40 guests were present. A mock wedding provided fun and enter­ tainment. Fellow employees at the Lon­ don Division qf Supertest Cor­ poration presented Ann with an electric tea Kettle in honor of her approaching marriage, March 28, Legion Auxiliary Plans April Events The Ladies Auxiliary to Exeter Branch 167 of the Can­ adian Legion held their meeting in the Legion Hall on March 23 with a good attendance. President Heywood opened the meeting in the usual manner. A thanks was read for parcels sept to in Westminster, decided to have a tea at the Legion April 4 the letter of birthday veterans It was sale and on Saturday, euchre on April 13, proceeds of both to go for the hospital fund, An invitation has been sent out to Seaforth, Brussels and Blyth Auxiliaries to attend the next meeting on April 27 to wel­ come the new zone comm.ander, Mrs. Hall, who is to be a guest, Mrs. Will Hodgert won the lovely quilt donated to the Aux­ iliary by Mrs. The draw took time dance on A parcel has bert Witmer, who is at present in Korea. It was voted to form a visiting committee consisting of Mrs. Stan Frayne, Mrs. Jack Cutting and Mrs, William Parker. The mystery gift was won by Mrs. Elmer Harness. The social part of the evening was spent playing bingo. The lucky win­ ners were: Mrs. Lee Learn, Mrs. Jack Webber. Miss Agnes Cut­ ting, Mrs. Pete Durand, Mrs. Bill McLean and Mrs. son. The next meeting in the Legion Hall April 27. two bake Hall and a Luther Reynolds, place at the hard March 12. been sent to Gil- Glen Robin- will be held on Monday, For Sale NEW 1953 PONTIAC For Immediate Delivery! Dodge Regent Sedan Chev Delux Sedan Chev Standard Sedan Ford Custom Coach Predicts Good Fruit Prospects “I still think prospects are good for the apple industry,” said Prof. C. P. Kelly, of the Ontario. Agric- tural College, Guelph, when he spoke in Clinton Thursday at the annual meeting of the Huron Fruit Growers’ Association. /'I’ve been an optimist in the apple industry for quite a while/' said Prof. Kelly. “Apple growers have had a rough ride the last four or five years. If there is any group of agriculturists that have really been put through the wring­ er, the apple growers are that group,—but the pendulum has to swing the othes way some time/’ There is no doubt, said Prof. Kelly, that the acreage of orchards in Ontario is steadily shrinking in extent, and that the dangers of over-production are being reduced accordingly. Prof. Kelly was one of a panel of five experts who answered ques­ tions fired briskly by the apple growers who were in attendance at the 28th annual meeting of the H.F.G.A. His forecast of better times for Ontario apple growers was buttressed by another of the five .experts, George Mitchel), of Thornbury, president of the Geor­ gian Bay Fruit Growers Associa­ tion. WE OFFER ALL CASH PURCHASES OF GRASSES • CLOVERS • SUNDRIES Farmers! Take Advantage of this Genuine Savings Opportunity! $ Save Real Dollars $ Jones MacNaughton Seeds Ltd EXETER and CREDITON Exeter 664 — Phones — Crediton 3-W in FURNITURE All Lamps Reduced 15 per cent WITH EVERY 3-PIECE Bedroom Suite (Bed, Dresser or Vanity and Chiffonier) We Will Give You FREE One Spring Mattress VALUE $29.50 WITH A 2-PIECE NYLON Chesterfield Suite PRICE $249.00 We Will Give You FREE YOUR CHOICE OF ANY ONE ONLY See Our Special One Chrome Yellow Table Prices On LA-Z-BOY AND CONTOUR Chairs EXETER PHONE 277 An RCA-Victor Table Rad io FREE with each RCA-Viclor Plymouth Sedan Dodge Sedan Chev Coach Chev Coach EXETER Four Yellow Chairs Regularly $69.00 Dollar Days Special $49,00 * Your Choice of a SPECIAL ON Record Albums Featherweight Iron FREE with each Days Specials Don’t Miss Seeing Them’At SNELGROVE’S $79 Regularly $54,95 • SPECIAL ............ HOTPOINT (Tank Type) Vacuum Cleaner BUY ONE ALBUM Of 78 R.P.M. Records YOU GET ANOTHER FREE Of Equal Value! Regularly $114.50 SPECIAL .............. Waffle Bakers Regular $17.95 WHILE THEY LAST .... 4> I ’52 ’51 ’51 ’51 ’50 Chev Delux Sedan ’50 Chev Standard Coach ’49 Meteor Coach ’49 Chev Delux Coach ’48 Chev Sedan ’47 ’46 ’40 ’38 Hotpoint Kettle or a Hotpoint Hopper-Hockey Furniture PHONE 99 BARG A MS savings SPARTON HIKER Portable Radio