HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-03-19, Page 12Page 12 T THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 19, im Sorority Holds Annual Ball Hundreds of balloons and Irish decorations carried out the St. Patrick’s theme at the fifth annual “Balloon Ball” sponsored -by Beta Sigma Phi Sorority on Tuesday night. The crowning of -Maida Rich­ ards as Sorority Sweetheart was announced at midnight by Mrs. Bob Dinney, president. Mrs. Arthur Fraser, Sorority sponsor, placed the crown on Maida’s Head. She was presented with a nosegay of flowers by Mrs. Jack Doerr and she received a gift from Mrs. Walter Bentley on be­ half of the Sorority. •* Announcements c0 Birth. Death, and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks In Memoriam Notice .75 single verse, .25 extra each additional verse, Engagement Notices are I II BIRTHS Six Babies Bern At Hospital Births at South Huron Hos­ pital during the past week in­ cluded: a daughter to Mr. and Mrs, Russell Finkbeiner, R.R. 2, Crediton, March 13, 1953; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Geoffrey, R.R, 2, Zurich, March 1.5, 1953; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holmes, 228 Algon­ quin Drive, R.C.A.F. Station Centralia, March 15, 1953; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Braw­ ley, R.C.A.F. Station Centralia, March 16, 1953; a son to Mr, and Mrs. Lome Listoen, R.R. 1, Centralia, March 17, 1953, and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Sid­ ney Ramer, R.R. 2, Zurich, on March 17, 1953. Mrs. Myrtle Hunter has taken over the position of cook at the hospital replacing Mrs. William -Melville who resigned recently. Miss Marjorie Doherty, graduate of Memorial St. Thomas, has joined pital staff. Miss Alice Claypole, tendant, requests that with colds or symptoms of flu refrain during ELLIOTT—Mr. and Mrs. Boh Elliott, of Strathroy, formerly of Exeter, announce the birth of a daughter, Diane Louise, on Friday, March 13, i953. HOODING—Don and Aileen Gooding (nee Munn) announce the birth of their son, Donald Edgar, at St. Jo- sei>b‘s Hospital, March 11, 1953; a bahv brother for Debbie. LISTOEN — LAC 'Lome and Doris j Listoen (nee Haist) are happy to I announce the birth of a son. Dan­iel Robert, on March 17, 1953, at South Huron Hospital. Weight: 1'J lbs., 9 ozs. STEWART—Feme and .Tack Stewart are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Leola Marlene, on March 11, 1953, at Victoria Hos­pital. R.N., Hospital, the hos- superin­ persons from visiting patients the present epidemic. Marguerite Pickard, spent the Miss Hamilton, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Pickard. Three-Act Comedy Finders Creepers Presented by St. Paul’s A.Y.P.A., Kirkton Wed., March 25 at 8:30 p.m. Elimvilie United Church DANCE LEGION HALL Friday, March 27 MUSIC BY THE SYNCOPATORS 9:30 to ? Sponsored by South Huron Junior Fanners EVERYONE WELCOME Admission 500 THEATRE Phone 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions FRIDAY & SATURDAY March 20 and 21 Apache War Smoke ★ Gilbert Roland ★ Glenda Farrell It's M-G-M’s action adventure melodrama of the roaring west. MONDAY & TUESDAY March 23 and 24 DEATHS FALTER — In Exeter, on Tuesday. March 17, 1959, Emily Ann Gould, willow of the late Martin F. Salter, in her seventy-ninth years. SHUTE—At her late residence, in Us» borne Township, on Wednesday, March IS, 1953, Jane Speare, widow of the late John Shute, in her eighty-eighth year. Funeral will take place Friday, March 20, from R. C. Dinney Funeral Home. ENGAGEMENTS Lhe and Mrs. William ElfordMr. ■........................ .................. to announce the engagement of . younger daughter, Annie Ruth, wish their ....., to son of . all of to take 19* Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fullard, of Ext ter, formerly of London, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest, daughter, Mildred to Alfred Gorski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gorski, of Detroit, Michigan. The we lding will take place at Westmin­ster Hospital Chapel, Loudon, on Saturday, April 11, 1053, at 11:00 o’clock a.m. 19» . ....... daughter, ____ _ Mr, William Donald Bray, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bray Thames Road. Die wedding plate quietly early in April. CARDS OF THANKS Many Farmers Inspect . ,>op Building Close to 200 inspected the new Co-Op mill on Brock street at the Open House on ’Tuesday. Directors conducted tours through the building and visitors enjoyed coffee and donuts served by the members’ wives. Mr. Don Slinger, nutritional fieldman from United Co-opera­ tives of Ontario, Guelph, answer­ ed questions on feeding and general health of farm animals. Prizes were won by -Mrs. John Bray, Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Brace Shapton, H. Van der Wey, and William Sillery. The new Co-op refrigerator and a full line of feeds were on display. Director Wilfred Shapton was iu charge of the open house com­ mittee. Comments About Centralia By MRS. F. BOWDEN •ff! *Town Topics Items of Social and Personal Interest Ija and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. vVe and pur readers are interested in you and. your friends. Tel. 770 Benefit Euchre And Dance Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton Friday, March 27 Proceeds for Injured Hockey Players ” A Play Entitled Look Out Lizzie Sponsored by the Crediton Community Youth Fellowship to be held in Creditpn Hall Friday, March 20 Admission 500 and 250 Ml and Mrs. Jack Smith were ip. Burlington on Saturday at­ tending the wedding of Miss Frances Strath and Mr. Glenn ■Peyster. Mr. apd Mrs. Allen Fraser visited in Detroit over the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer, whose son KennetlZwas home on leave prior to leaving for the west coast en route to Korea, Mrs. Witmer is a sister of Mrs. Fraser. Mrs, W. R. Sillery and niece. Miss Agnes Prebble, of Ilderton, visited with Mrs. Mcllwraith and family, of Owen Sound, for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Shapton visited with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J Ollen-Bittle iu Toronto over weekend. Elmer McFalls, former ployee of Exeter Cabs, has cepted a position in London. Rev. H, J. Snell addressed Masonic Lodge of Glencoe Jack ■ the em- ac- Mrs. Mary Hannigan has re­ turned from a visit of three months with her daughter, Mrs. T. J. Page in Lynwood, Cal. Miss Jeannette Young, of Guelph, spent the weekend with LAC Clayton and Mrs. Needham, “Mr. and Mrs. Tea Hannigan and children, of Essex, visited Mrs. M. Hannigan on Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. William Jef­ feries, of Burlington are spend­ ing several days with her this week, Robert Southcott and Jack Delbridge took the boys of the former’s Sunday School class of James Street Church to Toronto Saturday to see the Maple Leaf- Boston hockey game. Mr. Joseph Davis was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, Sat­ urday evening in the ‘Hopper- Hockey ambulance for treatment. Mrs. J. S. Grant, of Glencoe, was admitted to Victoria Hos­ pital, London, Monday for treat­ ment. Mrs. T. Orville Southcott was admitted to Victoria Hospital, London, -Monday. -Her condition at present is quite serious. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Emmett and friends from London, sur­ prised Mr. William Fraser at his home on Thursday night in honor ef his birthday. personal Items Mr. and warden, Mr. Penwwarden Essery, R.N., Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Essery and family. F/0 J. L. and Mrs. Andrew, Georgia and Philip, Fort spent tlie weekend with Andrew’s parents, Mr, and George Hicks. Miss Evelyn Wright, of toria Hospital School of Nursing, is holidaying at her home. Miss Doreen Proctor, London, was a recent weekend visitor with Miss Donna Bowden. AC2 Robert Tripp, of Aylmer; Mr. and Mrs. William Ford were visitors over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Tripp. I Mrs. D. Dixon has been assist­ ing her mother, Mrs. Harrison, at the post office, while the postmaster, Mr. Ray Lanunie, has been off duty. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shoebottom, Richard and Anne were in To­ ronto one day last week. Miss Beatrice Essery, Sarnia, was a guest at the Blackwell- Sweet wedding in Exeter Satur­ day and spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and -Mrs. Wellington Skin­ ner and Arlene were recent visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. Foster in St. Marys, who have returned from a trip to Florida. We extend our sincere sym­ pathy to Mrs. Percy Simpson in her bereavement. Mr. Norman Mitchell moved on Thursday of last week to his new home in London.1*’ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Godbolt have sold their farm and will take up residence in Mitchell in the near future. Their sale of farm stock and implements on Thursday of last week drew a large crowd and the members of the Women’s Association did a flourishing business- in the sale of refreshments. Mrs. Winer and -Mrs. Boyes were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable. Women’s Missionary Society The March meeting of. the W.M.S. was held in the school­ room of the church on Tuesday evening. Mrs. G. leader and opened with a hymn. The meeting was “The the Lord’s Supper”, passages were read and Mrs. Gates, took up the study and was assisted .Kipp, Mrs. George Hicks and Mrs. A. McFalls, The president, Mrs. M. Elliott, took charge of the business. Lunch was served by Mrs. George .Hicks, Mrs. M. Elliott and Mrs. Fred Howe. Centralia W. A. Plans Supper The Centralia Women’s Associa­ tion met in the school-room March 4 Mrs. Will Essery was in charge of the devotional period. Rev. G. G. Burton gave an educational talk on the bird life of Newfoundland, noting the var­ ious species of birds also familiar to different parts of Canada, and making special reference to those making their homes on the high rocky cliffs. He reminisced on his life as a boy enjoying the streams and rocky cliffs of hig homeland. Mrs. Ken Greb, president, thank­ ed the speaker and others tak­ ing part in the program. Various reports were read and plans were completed for a St. Patrick’s supper on March 19, Ar­ rangements were made for the selling of hot dogs, sandwiches arid coffee at Mr. Harvey Godbolt’s sale on March 12. Articles needed for the kitchen were approved. Twenty-five answered the roll-call with two new members joining and two visitors. Mrs. G. Godbolt, Mrs. G. Burton and Mrs. C. Mc­ Curdy served lunch. Mrs. Fred Pen- and Mrs, Harold and Miss Beatrice bf Sarnia, visited SPILLS AND THRILLS The Roman I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Willis wish to I hank the Exeter Legion members, the truck drivers, Mrs. Herman Cann and Mrs. Douglas Harness- who helped them pack and move into their new home in Exeter. 19* Mrs. Simpson and son, Kenneth, wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sym­pathy shown them in their recent bereavement for the beautiful floral tributes, cards and letters of sym­ pathy, Special thanks to Rev. Gordon Parker, Ailsa Craig, and Dr, Flet­ cher, Exeter, and those who acted as pallbearers. 19* I wish to extend my sincere thanks to all those who remembered me with cards, letters, flowers, gifts and visits, or in any other way, while a patient in the hospital and during my illness, —Mrs. Jas. Turner, Lu­ can. 19* Mr. and Mrs. Thos. D. Allen wish to express their sincere thanks for the floral tributes and many kind- —J _ ...... . their 19* extended to them in bereavement. Ruby Chambers wishes to her sincere thanks to , neighbors and relatives nesses recent Miss press friends, ________ ___ ___ __ .... cards, visits, treats and flowers while in South Huron Hospital and since returning home, with special thanks to the hospital staff and .Dr, Milner. * 19* Mrs, Melvin (Eva) Allison and fam­ ily wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the kindness and loving sympathy extended to them during their recent sad bereavement for the beautiful floral tributes and sympathy cards received. To those who loaned their cars. Special thanks to the pallbearers and flower bearers —also Rev. W. C. Parrott and Dr. A. 33. Letts and grateful thanks to the Thos. Stephenson & Son funeral directors. 19c Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Des.jardine would like to thank their friends and neighbors who helped in any way during their recent fire. It was .very much appreciated. 19c Miss Lillian Haist wishes to thank the relatives and friends for the Ikiiidness and sympathy extended dur­ ing her father’s illness and death, also to Rev. J. V. Dahms,*Rev. M. E. Router of New Hamburg, Dr. "Mil­nor, R. C. Dinney, the W.S.W.S. of the Evangelical U.B. Church, pallbearers, the flower bearers to those who loaned cars. Many thanks to the friends members of the Exeter District Opeiative who visited us at,.our open house: to the ladies who served fee; and to Bruce Rivers & Son supplied the wffee and sugar. IN MEMORIAM ex- her for the and 19* and Co- cof- who 19c EILBER—Jn loving remembrance of our dear sister, Mary, who passed away one year ago, March 20, 1952. And brother-in-law, George, who passed away four years ago, February 21, 1949.it’s only a wonderful journey From the old world to the new, "Where goldc-n gates have opened wide To let our loved ones through. And there, with just the same glad smileAnd tlie hearts we cherished so, Will wait until we meet In the land where loved ones go. —Dearly remembered by the Family. 19* PENHALE — In .proud and loving memory of our only son and bro­ ther, Flight Lieut. Allan Frayne Penhale, R.C.A.F., who was killed while on active service against the enemy Marell 21, 1945.—Lovingly remembered by the family. 19* COMING EVENTS PLAY, entitled “Look Out Liz­ zie” sponsored by the Crediton Community Youth Fellowship will be held on March 20 in Crediton Hall, Admission 500 and 250. 5:12* Vic- Burton was the meeting theme of the Sacrament, of Scripture by Mrs. Kipp Mrs. Burton book chapter by Mrs. R. ★ Sterling Hayden ★ Richard Carlson Bombshell story of the navy’s Helldrivers scorching the Pacific ekies! TEA AND BAKING Circle of Caven Circle of Caven Church will hold a and tea in the former telephone office Saturday, March 28, 3 ,p.m. 12,19c SAI/E—-The Presbyterian Presbterian baking sale WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY March 25 and 2d 4- Esther Williams * Victor Mature M - G - M’s miracle technicolor musical, inspired by the true story of bathing -beauties. A HAM SUPPER will be served at Clandeboye United Church on Tuesday, March 24, from 6 to 8 p.m. Films**will be shown includ­ ing the Royal Tour. Admission $1.00 and .50. 19c School Teachers Hear Talk On Poetry The monthly meeting Of the Exeter Unit, F.W.T.A.O, was held ln‘rExeter Public School on Wednesday, March 11. There Was a short business meeting followed by a social evening. The members enjoyed piano selections by The guest Helen Hardy, College staff, of Exeter, She gave an interest' ing and “HOW FIRST S I IO IV EVERY SATURDAY G F.M. EUCHRE PARTY — The Odd­ fellows and Rebekahs of Exeter Will hold a euchre in the Odd­ fellows’ Hall Wednesday, March 25, at 8 p.m. sharp, welcome! Admission fellows1' wives add please bring lunch. Everyone 500. Odd- Rebekahs Chariot Race at the Kids Karnival Friday night provided plenty of excitement for spectators and participants alike. Here the “horses” help their driver escape after a spill on the boards. —Jack Doerr Mrs. Emily Salter Lifelong Resident Mrs. Emily Ann Salter, 7 8, widow of Martin F. Salter, died at her home last night. Though she had been ill for the past week, her death was unexpected. Mrs. Salter, the forem Emily Ann Goulld, was born in Exeter and had lived here with the ex­ ception of three years, when the family made their home in Lon­ don, where Mr. Salter died 38 years ago. Mrs. Salter was a member of James Street United Church. She is survived by one son, Charles, of Wingham; two daugh­ ters, Meta, at Mrs. Charles one brother, Windsor, and James Shapton and Mrs. Walter Hear Special Speaker For his final sermon in a series in conjunction with the Teacher Training course which has been carried on in James St. United Church weeks, Rev. H. his text, “The Teaching”. Mrs. William who conducts the “Sunday School of the Air” program, was the special speaker at the meeting which followed the regular church service. She spoke on the need for interesting young people in Sunday School work and training them to become leaders. for the past six J. Snell took as Theme of Jesus’ Pike of Ilderton, home,, and Helen, Reeves, Seaforth; Harry Gould, of two sisters. Mrs. Topics From By MISS JANE DYKEMAN Mission Band The "Sunshine” Mission Band held their, meeting on Friday, March 13. The worship service was taken by Mrs. Norman Brock. The minutes were read by Greta Stephens. Business was discussed; Marie Johns and Earl Stephens have the next meeting; Doris Cornish, Shirley Jaques and Helen Hern take lunch for the next meeting. Barbara Hern and Shirley Jaques took up the collection. The meeting was taken by Ed­ ward and 'Wayne Hern. A story was given by Lome Hern entitled “There’s a Thing We Love”. Doris Brock played an instru­ mental “Toys on Parade”. Mrs. Gerald Hern read a story entitled "Hosanna Hosanna”. Mary Dic­ key read a poem, “My Lovely Irish Rose”. Mrs. Harold Hern gave the study book entitled "Nyangas Two Villages”. Mr. and -Mrs. Norman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl and Mr. and Mrs, Hem spent Sunday- George Earl, - casion being i Mr, Will Stephens, of Byron, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern. Tommy and Edward Hern at­ tended the organization meeting of the 4-H clubs at Exeter on Friday night. Mr. Bob Hem left Toronto Wednesday night in charge of a carload of cattle destined for Nova Scotia, The Y.P.U. held their meeting Monday night with Doreen Brock and Tommy Hern in charge. Games were enjoyed and sing­ songs and taps brought the meeting to a close. Miss Lynda Dykeman enter­ tained five of her school friends at a birthday party on Monday night, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Norman Jaques were Mr. Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Floyd Lenore, Elimvilie; Mr, and Bill Moores, of Rannoch Mr. Don Parsons, Hensall. Bob MacCormick spent Brock Angus Harold with Mr. of Exeter, the oc- Mr. Earl’s birthday. -Michael Farrow, speaker was Miss formerly of Alma and now a resident informative talk on to Appreciate Poetry”. • Miss Hardy feels that if the child 1 can See that the poet is uttering - a cry he Will be more apprecia­ tive of the boom. She illustrated her point by reading different crys of such people as Shake­ speare, Thomas Hardy, Bliss I Carman and Robbie Burns, Mrs. and and Mrs. and -Mr. Sunday with Keith Hern. Miss Phyllis Hern, of London, spent the weekend with her pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern. Mr. and Mts. Melville Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern and family and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jaques and Ray spent Sunday with Mr. and Mts. Malcolm Spetoce and family, of Blanchard. We wish to extend our sym­ pathy to Mrs. John Johns and Tennyson ih their reCeht be­ reavement. Mr, and Mrs. Milton. Kellar and family, of Exeter, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs, Jaques; Mrs. Wellington Brock a few days with Mrs, of Strathtoy. Brock and Tom day. Mr, and Mrs. visited with Mr. Hern. Allan Mt. went spent Ogle,Tom Wellington down Snn- Bill and Mts. Gerald Thomson Gutbush,x both of Exeter, and four grandchildren. The body is Dinney funeral home where private funeral service will be conducted on Thursday, -March 19 at 2 p.m. Interment will be made in the Exeter cemetery. resting at the a Message From Kippen By MRS. A. GAOKSTETTER of Exeter, her mother, the -weekend Mr. and -Mrs. Walter McBride and family, of near Exeter, visit­ ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie McBride. Mr. and -Mrs. Harold Jones, Grant and Kenneth, visited re­ cently with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Shipman. Mrs. John H. Cochrane visited recently with her sister, Mrs. B. Brightmore in London. Mrs. Robert -McBride spent a few days last week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBride, near Exe­ ter. Mr. Hugh McMillan is some­ what improved ih health in Sea­ forth Hospital. Mrs. J. Scliilbe, visited recently with Mrs. J. McClymont. Mrs. Forbes spent with relatives in Tilbury. -Mrs. McClymont celebrated her birthday on Monday. Mrs. Alice Cook, of London, Mrs. J. Scliilbe, of Exeter, Mrs. J. Ducharme, of near. Dashwood, and Mr. Orville McClinchey, of Varna, all mem­ bers of the family, called during the day. x Mr. Robert Thompson is spend­ ing a few days with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stokes, in London. Mr. Ross Love attended the annual meeting of the Ontario Hog Producers Association held in the King Edward Hotel in Toronto as .a delegate for, the Hay Township Federation of Agriculture on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. While there he visited his son Bob who is attending the University of Toronto and also his nephew, Mr. Howard Love. Charles S. Switzer The death occurred in Clinton Community Hospital on Tuesday, March 17 of Charles S. Switzer, of Stanley Township, near Kip- pen, in his sixty-second year. The late Mr. Switzer had been in failing health since October last and was removed to Clinton Hospital two weeks ago. He was born in Goderich Township, a son the the late Mr. and Mrs. James Switzer, In 1917 he was married to Ruby Currie, Clinton, and lived in Exeter before mov­ ing to Ills late residence in. 1925. He is survived by his sorrow­ ing widow, two daughters, Betty, of Northern Ontario, and BOrva, at home, aiid two sons, Eric and Donald of Clinton; one sister, Mrs. Geofge Lindsay, Bayfield; two brothers, Morris, Vancouver, B.C., and Earl, of Goderich Township, The body is resting. at the Bail and Mutch funeral home in Clinton until Friday at 2 p.m. when, public funeral services will be conducted by Rev. Nor­ man McLeod, Of St. Andrew’s United Church, Kippen. Burial will be made In Clinton cemetery. Pallbearers were John Mc- MtirtHe, Clevis Cochrane .Alvift McBride, Nelson Hood, Stahley Love, William Stevart, the at their annual “Ladies’ Night" held in the Anglican Church on Friday night, Mrs. Snell accom­ panied him and they attended the banquet with Rev. and Mrs, H. J, Mahoney, formerly of Exe­ ter. Mr. and Mrs. Lex -McDonald motored to Glencoe with Rev. and Mrs. Snell on Friday and ‘•visited in-law, Peirce. Mr. in South Huron Mrs. Coates lias been confined to her bed at her home. Mr. Elmer McBride has pur-| Miss Elva. Morley, Mr. and chased Maple Grove farin', south [ Mrs. William -Morley Jr. and Mr. their daughter and son- Mr. and Mrs. Frank William H.Coates is ill Hospital and This Week In Whalen By MRS. F. SQUIRE NOTICE An IMPORTANT MEETING in the interests of conducting an organized SOIL SURVEY in Hay Township will be held in the Township Hall Zurich Wed., March 25' of Exeter, from Mrs. Milo Snell. He takes possession 1954. Weekend visitors and Mrs. Hilton Ford and Mrs. family Galil and family, of Port Perry; Mr. ' - ---- Jackie Lloyd H. T. Mrs.Birr, is visiting witli lier sister, Mrs. George Jaques. Mrs. Marian Hagerman and two children, Noreen and Ross, of Regina, are visiting her pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley, for several weeks. Mrs. " John Rowe is quite ill at her home, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Biggart and Barbara are back in town after a holiday in Las Vegas, Nevada. April with were: John Brintnell and Mr, and Mrs, Mr. Mr. and Ron and -Mrs. J. T. Gusso of Guelph; Mr. and i Ford and Mr. and j Miller, of Exeter, Samuel Stephenson, of and Mrs, Mrs. High School Cagers —Continued from page 1 ford on Friday night, March in Waterford. The South Huron team won 37-18. The first game played in Exeter on Tuesday, March 10, was won by our girls by the score of 50-28. Thus the Exeter team won the round by the score of 87-46. In the game Friday night, Jean Taylor was the high scorer with 21 points. Julie Dunlop made eight points, Pat Tuckey, six, and Beth Taylor, two. The guards, especially Pat Hopper, Mamie Taylor and Lorna Taylor, deserve credit Waterford team Joy Wilson scorer for the with nine points. The half-time score was: South Huron 24, Waterford 11. The South Huron girls now go to the WOSSA tournament held in Loudon on Saturday, March 21 to compete with the other Senior 'B' girls. for the WOSSA championship. Junior Girls Defeated 77-35 By BETH TAYJDOR On Friday night, the Junior girls played their final basket­ ball game in Waterford where they were defeated 38-24, mak- iny the score of the round 77-35. The Waterford team had the advantage of a 28-point lead which they piled up in a game the previous Tuesday at Exeter. Regardless of this, the Juniors entered the game bravely and tried their best to pile up as many points as possible. They lacked the height that 4he Waterford girls had and conse­ quently were held down. The score at half-time was 19-8 for Waterford. Perla Hern was high scorer for SHDHS Juniors, hooping 11 points, Joan Thompson, and Marilyn Skinner, Pudlow whs Waterford Petting 18 points. 13, for holding the to 18 points. was the high Waterford team seven, . , six. high scorer A. for School Concert —Continued from Page 1 accompanied and directed club and quartette numbers. Connie Sharpe and variety to their verse Raymond . , and Nancy Tieman delighted the audience with theif piano selec­ tions. Grant and dhan McDonald ap­ peared in solo niimbers and later in the “With Which repeat, panied Mrs, . a ladies’ double trio in excellent renditions of “Rock of Ages” hud “Lassie O’ Mine”, Members of this group were: Doris Swartz, Botina Stone, Maxine Reeder, shitioy Anderson and ituth Swartz with Marie Wlldfong at the piano. glee O s 11 a n d, Eleanor Marie Hodgson lent the program with Speaking selections. Pannell, of London, program sang together, a Song in My Heart”, they were called back to Lawrence Wein accorn- them at the piano. Harold Sturgis directed Wilfred Herbert were the com­ mittee in charge of the Friday evening euchre. Eight tables were at play with prizes going to: Mrs. William French, ladies' high; Ross Duffield, men’s high; Grafton Squire, lone hands, and Jimmie Foster, consolation. Mrs. Milne Pullen was hostess on Thursday afternoon for the March meeting of the W.A, and W.M.S. Mrs. Roy Hodgson was in the c-hair for the W.A. Theme of the meeting was “The Work­ ing Christian”. Mrs. French read the Scripture passage and Elva Morley offered prayer. During the business meeting, plans for a social evening on March 26 were made. The com- mitte in charge for the program are: -Mrs. Alton Neil, Mrs. Cecil Squire, Mrs. William Morley Jr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield. Mrs. Ronald Squire vocal solo. Mrs. Cecil leader for the the Scripture Lesson. The theme of the meeting was “Community of Grace”. The study book on Africa was taken by Mrs. Ray Parkinson and Mrs, Bert Duf­ field. An invitation from Wood­ ham W.M.S. was accepted for April 2. Janies Street, Exeter, extended an invitation to an open meeting on April 15. Mrs. Roy Hodgson favored with a piano solo. Mr. William Hodgson is spend­ ing a few days in Windsor this week with Mr. and Mrs. David' Hodgson. Mr. and‘Mrs. Gordon Johnson and Carol were Thursday eve­ ning dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann, Thames Road. Angella, Margaret and Phyllis O’Brien spent the weekend in Lucan with Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien. Mr. and were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Johnson and family, London, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon'- Johnson. Mrs. Hazel Roberts, Ilderton, visited over tlie weekend With her cousin, Mrs. William Morley Weir, of Millbank, a pastor of this church, on Friday with Mr. and at 8:30 p.m. Huron Co. Agric. Representatives will be present Films Will Be Shown Farmers Please Attend! Carl L. Oestricher, Clifford F. Pepper, President. Sec.-Treas. Hay Township Federation Unit SCHNEIDER’S DUTCH TREAT Meat Supper Thursday, March 26 beginning- at 7:00 p.m. KIRKTON UNITED CHURCH Duffield. Mrs. favored with a Squire was the W.M.S. and read and Mrs. Harold Carter family, of Metropolitan, Sr. , Rev. former visited ■Mrs. William Morley Sr. Mr, and Mrs. Weir’s twins, Douglas and Joan, aged seven, took first prize at Stratford Musical Festival last week for a piano duet. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson and Glenn were at Thorndale on Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Blight. Mr. Blight had a leg amputated about two years ago and now has had to have the other one amputated. Mrs. Blight and Mrs. Parkinson are sisters. Mt. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson, of the Base Line, spent Wednes­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Squire and Douglas were in Eketer -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Squire. Mr, and Mrs. Arlow Copeland, Kirkton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and MrS. George Arksey. -Mr, and Mrs. Milne Pullen and Donald visited recently with Mr. George Earl, EXeter, % «■ including Slides and a Good Program Auspices of “The Class That Counts” Adults 75 - Children 350 THE HURONIA MALE CHORUS AND ACCOMPANYING CAST Present Ttyeir Third Operetta The Yeoman Of The Guard High School Gymtorium Wednesday, April 1 Thursday, April 2 at 8 p.m. sharp RESERVE ADMISSION: 750 RUSH ADMISSION: Adults 500 Children (12 and under) 350 For Reserve Seats Contact W. G. Cochrane, Phone 14 Exeter Don’t Miss This Presentation! It’s Bigger and Better than Ever ■ » DANCE Exeter Legion Hall to the music of Clarence Petrie And His Night Hawks Featuring WARD ALLEN On Violin Every Sat Night 9:00-12:00 p.m. ADMISSION 500 Friday, March 20 * 6.30 p.m. THAMES ROAD UNITED CHURCH Guest Speaker Gordon Bennett Good Program $1.25 Pei* Plate Get your tickets from any Executive Member