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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-03-19, Page 6
Page 6 ■ff THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 19, 1953 FOR YOUR NEW EASTER AND SPRING Try A Toni « Home Permanent Mrs. Ken McCrae Phone 70-J Dashwood > ■■ ■ Seven Royal Canadian Nfcvy destroyers served in Korean waters during the first -two years of the war, three of them completing two full tours of duty. J, NORMAN COWAN BOOKKEEPING Systems, Service, etc. INCOME TAX RETURNS Dashwood 40-r-13 Sarepta Hay Post Office ■ GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES 4 % INTEREST An Attractive Short-Term Legal Divestment Principal and Interest Fully Guaranteed CROWN TRUST COMPANY F, R. Hughes, Manager, 284 Dundas St., London HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO Ontario Branches at London, Brantford and Windsor Applications Received Through Your Local Agent Or Solicitor Dollar Day Specials Beavers Hardware White Face Steel Tapes, 6 ft. Galvanized Chick Founts ...... Enamel Dishpans ................... Drill Press ................................. Coal Scuttles ............................. Dishes, 38-pc. Sets ............ . M.C. Waterless Cleaner ........ • Mirror with Shelf Coleman Gasoline Lantern ...................... Dr. Bell’s Stock Medicine ........................ Vsed Metal Ice Box ................................... 1 Clare Jewel Coal and Wood Range, white enamel, high shelf, 18-inch oven, gun metal top ................................................ 1 Large Round Coal and Wood Heater Reg. SALE PRICE $1.15 $ ,75, .59 ,45 1,15 .75 29,95 17.50 1.75 1.00 17.95 12.95 1.49 ,75 2.00 13.50 9.95 | price 20.00 '185.00 145.00 • 35.00 25,00 OTHER ITEMS GREATLY REDUCED Take Advantage of Special Taxi Rates To and From Exeter During this Sale! '■ ■ ISTIMATC KNOW WHAT Need car repairs? "VVe YOU’RE PAYING FOR Build Big Business Through Little Ads This Spring I FOR SALE FOR SALE BABY chicks for sale MISCELLANEOUS 3-PIECE GABARDINE suit, black, size 38-40, 1 pastel blue misses’ suit, size 12-14, all in good condition. — Phone 685-3 or apply 32u William Street. 19c RONSON LIGHTER—Brand new. Kit retails at $8.50. Will sell for $7.09. Apply at Tlmcs-Advncate. i9ne GREY GABARDINE ruincuat. size 1 18, in new condition. $15.u”. —Phone 144 evenings, _________________19* FOR SALE—Studio couch in good condition. Apply 235 Anne-St. 19c OATS—$51.06 a t<>n. Centralia Farm- ers’ Supply._____________________19c 1950 FORD PICKUP, miles,excellent shape insole and out. Knob by tires. Wiiat offer’s? Phone 26-R, Exeter, 905 Main Street.________19*. GIRL’S ROSE coat set, with brown velvet trim. Size 6x. Also red dress with plaid trim, size 7. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners.__________ 19* DOG — Light brown Collie. —-Phone 639-R, FOR SALE—1 2-wheel trailer with stock rack in good condition. Apply to Jos. Ferguson, phone 6SU-r-2. 19* SIX GOOD Holstein cows; also Surge milking machine with new guarantee. Apply Charles Deitrich, phone Crediton 20-r-3. 19:26:2* TEAM OF work horses, seven and eight years old. Apply Lome Devine. 165-r-lrt Dashwood or R.R. 2. 19* BRAY CHICKS. Rising prices on egg markets ask for steady egg production. This Hatchery has dayolds in a variety of breeds and crosses; prompt shipment; limited quantity started. Ask us for prices. Agent— Erie. Carscadden, .phone 246-W Ex eter. We SEWAGE DISPOSAL — Have your seiitie tanks, wells and cisterns pumped the sanitary way. —Irvin. Coxon. Milverton, Ont., 'Phone 75-r-4.19:26:2:0* FOR SALE—A metal covered box with hinged- top for holding grain, size about 3x3x4. Apply at Times- Advocate. 12:19* 1950 AUSTIN, black, in good condi tion, ’53 1 icense, $825 (one-half original price) or best offer. Phone 596-3-12 Exeter. 12:19c 1500 BALES OF HAY at 50 cents per bale; also 500 bales of wheat straw. Apply Wally Wein, phone 54 Dashwood. 12:19c WEDDING CAKE BOXES—Get them at The Exeter Times-Advocate. WE HAVE THE BEST quality cod liver oil. Bring your own containers. Also have hog worm oil, a very sa tisfactory product to rid your hogs of worms. —L, V. Hogarth, phone 266 Exeter. 2-5tfc FOR SALE—Late model Leonard refrigerator, 7 eu. ft., $200; also walnut Duncan -Phyfe drop-leaf extension table, extends 72 inches, needs refinishing, $25. —Phone 443-W-3 'Ex eter._____________________ 19:26:2:9* ’41 FIVE-PASSENGER Plymouth Coupe, new battery, new rear-end, 23,000** miles on new engine, block heater and radio. $450 cash. —Phone 717-J-3 Exeter______________5:12:19* 5-R00M COTTAGE, 18x2S, to be moved. Insulated, storm window’s and screens, built-in cupboards. Suitable for lakeside. Apply Jack Essery, Cen- tralia, Ont,______ _ _____12:19c BEATTY WASHING machine. Write Box 102 or ph. 393-W Exeter. 3-5ffc MAGAZINES—New and renewal sub scriptions for any magazine are re- ceived at The Exeter Times-Advocate DINING ROOM SUITE, in good condition. Phone 86-J Crediton. 19cORGAN, cutting box, hatchery, rock ing chair, cutter, quite a number of dishes. —Miss Dora Hackney, Exeter, 19* *■ ■ .................................... ■ Service with Courtesy ■ f bargain. Get our esti mate today! in advance — give ex- pert service in the will tell you the cost SATISFACTION GUARANTEED / Reg Armstrong Motors (Successor to Newton Motor Sates) Phone 216 Exeter <(Dollar Days AT Larry Snider Motors MEAN Extra-Special Values FOR YOU! Be Sure To See Us On March 26, 27 or 28 1 ■ ★3 Electric Clocks for ’46 to ’48 Ford Reg. $12.50 ..........SPECIAL $5.00 Rear Fender Fins for *49 to ’E>1 Ford Reg. $1L95 ......................................... SPECIAL $6.00 Ford Tractor Filters (Carton of Four) Reg, $6.00 ............................................ SPECIAL $5.00 •k Traetor Air Ctearter (One Only) Reg. $i:L7o .................................... SPECIAL $11.00 Immersion Engine Heater (Twa Only) Reg. $10.00 .......................................... SPECIAL $8.00 ★ Larry Snider Motors “Your Ford * Moti^tch tteater” PHONE 624 EXETER ■ Exeter Cab Supertest Station PHONE 465 DAY OR NIGHT GARAGES -■ ■ Open this Sunday, Wednes day afternoon, and during the evenings throughout the week; EXETER MOTOR SALES H BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A real opportunity for two young men interested in getting ahead. FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT we will set you up in the business of making Concrete Tile You need not have much cash if you are sincere, » Apply in writing to Box ACM, % The Exeter Times-Advocate Better Buys Used Cars ’51 METEOR COACH Overdrive, Radio, Dark Green ’50 METEOR COACH Light Green, Bettei’ Than New ’48 PLYMOUTH Excellent Condition ’48 AUSTIN SEDAN Light Green >47 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Light Blue ’46 MERCURY COACH Dark Blue ’46 CHEV SEDAN Surran Seat Covers, Dark Green ’38 >36 ’50 FORD COACH PLYMOUTH COACH STUDEBAKER TRUCK Where You Get Your Russ And Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER PRINCESS BETH kitchen stove, coal or wood, in good repair. Will sell cheap. Write Box H6 Hensali, 19* MONTCALM BARLEY—Grown from seed hot water treated for smut. Also early Alaska oats, and timothy seed, 1952 crop. Charles Prout, phone 378-w-1 Exeter.______________19:26:2* TWO REGISTERED Scotch Shorthorn bulls. Apply Ed Stire, phone Zurich 10H-r-2.__________________19; TUDOR’S IN HENS ALL have a grand display of summer yard goods. Be penny wise—sew and save. See these materials at Tudor’s in Hen- sail! __________________19c HAVE YOU SEEN the Wash Crepe and Miracord dresses at Tudor's in Hensali? Size 12 to 52—yes we have them up to size 52.___________ 19c AMERICAN PERCALE at 75c a yard at Tudor’s in Hensali. An 80 square cotton that is ideal for dresses, aprons, kiddies1 wear, housecoats, smocks. ________________________19c NEW PATTERNS in plastics at Tu dor’s in Hensali. Dress up your windows with plastics from Tudor's in Hensali. 19c EMPLOYMENT WANTED AUCTIONEERING, no sales too big or too small. —Col. Deslie Glanville, Box 215 or telephone 66-R Crediton. 19:26* STOCK WANTED DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone ‘STONES' collect Ingersoll 21 or Exeter 287.3-5tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G, J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc ATTENTION FARMERS — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. tfc WANTED PASTURE for ten to twelve year lings. S. D. Wein, phone 7, Exeter.19c APARTMENT OR HOUSE—Tp Ex eter, for couple with one child, Ap- ply Times-Advocate,____________19c DRIVING TO ALBERTA—Need pas senger. Licenced driver preferred. — Phone 41-M Crediton.________ 19c HOUSEWIFE would board or look after one child, any age, while mo- ther works. Phone 346 Exeter, 19c CLIENT WANTS 50-160 acres light sand. Buildings and wafer not re quired. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Ex eter.______________________2-19tfc WANTED—A house to rent in Ex eter or vicinity. Apply Box “V”, Exeter Times-Advocate.__________1CF CONTRACTS for barley, oats and all kinds of beans. Attwyjtive prices. Seed cleaning and treating done. Buy your clover and grass seeds for a low price. W. E. Reid, phone Dashwood 87-W. 19:26:2c HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED* — Reliable girl for waitress. Also woman for clean- ing. Call Kether's Coffeeo Shop. 19c WANTED—A man to work at the cemetery. Apply to the secretary, R. G. Seldon, Exeter.____________12:19c IF YOU ARE SATISFIED With less than $400 a month, don’t reply to this ad. If you want this or more and if you have a car, write Box 78, Alisa Craig. __________ 12:19* SECRETARY REQUIRED for office in Exeter, capable of faking short hand and typing. Apply in writing to Box 7, Exeter Times-Advocate. l-15tfc SELT. TO FARMERS —A profitable business, part or full time, no investment, can he yours now. Take orders for America’s largest selling, nation ally advertised Liquid Fertilizer. Make $50 and up per week. Write "Na- Uhurs” Plant Food Company, Lon- don, Canada. , 19:26c EARN EXTRA MONEY pleasantly and easily, in yotir spare or full time, selling guaranteed and reliable Household Products of highest qual ity, at attractive prices, . Company established fifteen years. You can build your own profitable business. No money to invest. Exclusive terri tory. Either men or women are acceptable as agents. Apply to Box B, Exeter Times-Advocate. 19:26c WOMAN desiring a home or a woman willing to help to take care of it woman in a wheelchair. Phone 654AV or call at 529 Carling Street, Exeter, P.O. Dox 74,......................19* FEMALE HELP WANTED—Woman to help in kitchen; also One for rlenhlng and doing floors. Apply at South Huron Hospital, phono 760 Ex eter. Iflc Teachers Wanted Usborne Township School Area re* 'quires Protestant public school teach ers, Duties to commence fan term. Apply, stating experience, former fn- (.ipoe tor's name, to A. 0. HICKS s^crotary*Treasuref, ft.R. 3, Sxeter REAL ESTATE FARM FOR SALE—100 acres, good buildings, hydro throughout, situated miles north of Dashwood, Apply Wally Wein, Dashwood, 19:26c BAKERY BUSINESS for sale. Good retail and wholesale trade. No store attached, Excellent opportunity to expand. Good paying proposition. Ap ply Box "M”, The Exeter Times- Advocate. 3-19tlc FOR SALE—48-aere farm, barn and stable, 1’1 miles south of Crediton road on Higltwa y 81. Mrs. Pearl Wood, R.R. 3 Parkhill. 12-3tc* FOR SALE—Two-bedroom modern insulated cottage, nice living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, oil heat ed, summer kitchen, garage, large garden with small fruits, central location. Apply 125 Sanders St., Exeter, Ont, 12:19:26* 50-ACRE FARM, in Stephen Township, good bank barn, drive shed and other buildings, comfortable house, hydro, lots of water. Plowing done, 4 acres of wheat, One mile from airport, Apply Times-Advocate. 19* FARM FOR SALE—Consisting of 100 acres of choice farming land, good buildings, well drained, etc, One mile north of Zurich. Apply to William Dietrich. 12:19c 2-STOREY HOUSE, in Kirkton, large lot, stable, garage, Apply Box “M” Times-Advocate. 12:19* 3-BEDROOM COTTAGE. Nicely lo cated in Exeter. Large, bright living room. Roomy kitchen with better than usual built-in cupboards and sink. 3-piece bathroom. Full basement. This is a very comfortable home at a very moderate price, $5,500 with terms, we are also offer ing a complete small home at $4,200. C, V. Pickard, Realtor,, Main St., Exeter, Ont. $1,900. WE ARE offering an improved 3-bedroom wartime house with a cash payment of $1,900. Monthly pay ments of $31 include taxes and fire insurance. Oil heating equipment stays. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 100 ACRES for crops or pasture, Hay Twp, —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 2-5tfc 150 ACRES—Tuckersmith Twp,, 130 tillable, large buildings, electricity. Moderate price and terms. —^W, C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales man. 2-5tfc WANT A GOOD INVESTMENT? Make $3,000 a year on a $10,000 investment in real estate in Exeter. Apply at Times-Advocate. 2-26tl'c LOT with FOUNDATION—Basement floor, drains and water installed. Huron Street, 26x30. —Ford & Farquhar, phone 571 Exeter. 2-26tfc FOR SALE—1Q0 acres deep clay loam, suitable for cash crops or mixed farming. Medium sizes comfortable house. Barn has new stabling and silo. Hydro and water pres sure. Price $14,000.00, Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. MODERN SIX-ROOM home, l’/a- storey, insul brie covered and gar age. —Lewis Dixon, 330 Carling St., Exeter. 2-26tfc FOR SALE—Seven-room house with three-piece bath and good furnace. Large two-storey barn and garage. Extra lot. Apply 932 William Street, Exeter. 19:26:2:9:16:23* 75 ACRES, mostly arable, over 30 acres ready for spring crop, alfalfa meadow. Ample barn room, comfortable brick house, wired and -good repair, —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 2-5tfc 100 ACRES — all arable, rich, clay loam. L-shaped banked barn with conveniences. Brick house, has built-in cupboards, electricity throughout, —W. C. Pearce, Re altor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 1-2 9 tfc NICELY SITUATED 2 - bedroom modern house, almost new. Un finished upstairs. Air - condition ing oil furnace, complete bath, hot and cold water. Immediate possession. W. C. Pearce, Real tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 1-15 tfc 2-STOREY RED brick house, slate roof, oil burning hot water furnace, 2 complete apartments, 3 .genuine fire-places, 2 bath rooms. Extra lot, large barn. Reasonable terms, possession ar ranged. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. l-15tfc FOR SALE in Exeter’s business section, two-storey brick build ing suitable for any retail busi ness or light industry. For ♦par ticulars apply to C. V, Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 1-8 tfc MODERN COTTAGE with large living room -and roomy kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom. This -property is in excellent con dition and can be bought at a very reasonable price. Terms.— C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 1-Stfc NEW HOUSE, 609 Edward St. Red brick front, automatic oil furnace, two bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen, bath, upstairs unfinished. Will exchange fon older house. —-R. E. Balkwill, EXetdr. ll-20tfc STOl’ —If you wish to buy a haw red brick home in the beau* tiful town of Exeter, see ,1. W, Hern, Sanders St. West. 10-23tfc HOUSE WELL situate d for Schools, churches and shopping. Newly decorated interior, first Class general condition. Forced heat oil burner furnace. Full bath upstairs, 2-piece on main floor. Garage, garden. -**W. C. Pearce, Reaitot, Earl Barsons, Salesman. IMfitfc 4-R00M inStii-bric cottage with conveniences and furnace, rea sonably' priced for quick sale; Other houses, stores and farms. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, 9-iltfc WHY DID USERS of 36 long tube milking machines change to Surge in this district last year? Send inquiries to Lovell McGuire, phone 593-W Wingham. _____ 5:12:19:25* For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job bring it to Tudor’s in Hensali and have it cleaned the French Cleaners way. Pickup and deliver on Monday and Thursday mornings. H)-30ttc APTITUDE TESTING $1. Find your most suitable vocation. Also courses in commercial subjects. For particulars —Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street. Toronto. 19:26c FOR RENT 150 ACRES, good far cropping or pasture. Apply Mrs. Andrew Bu» ehanan, Hensail,________________19c FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT, bath, hot and cold water, full-size base ment. —Phone 164-14 Dashwood, Ont.5:12:19:26:2:9:16* FOR RENT — Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. -— Beavers Hard- ware, Exeter.___________________tfc APRIL 1—Lower heated apartment, modern conveniences, nicely decorat ed, private entrance, garage, laundry and garden. Phone 12-J, W. Oestrei- cher, Crediton. _____________19;26c FURNISHED APARTMENT, self- contained, separate entrance. Excellent for a business couple. Apply Ti in es-Advocate._________________19c FOR RENT—3-room modern self- contained, unfurnished heated apart ment, downstairs, private entrance. No children. Phone 709-M,_______19* UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, liv ing room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, full bath, closets. Wired for range, separ ate hot water tank, separate meter, entirely private, Garage. Apply 507 William St, or phone 232-M. 19c TWO-ROOM APARTMENT, unheat ed, share bath, private entrance. — Phone 372-R or apply 429 William Street. _____ 19c MODERATE • COMFORTABLE apartment, three oi* four rooms upstairs, unfurnished. Apply Times - Advocate.19* acre of land on which is situated a two-storey white brick house; the main floor consists of large living room and dining room; one bedroom, kitchen and pantry; tlie upstairs has four bedrooms, clothes closets and bathroom. Also a large basement; never-failing well with best of water. There is also on the premises a good size double barn; some fruit trees and the very best of garden land. This is an ideal home.TERMS QF REAL ESTATE: 10 Pgr cent on day of isaie; balance in 30 days. Will be sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid, it not previously sold.HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Sherlock Manning piano, in first class condi tion; solid oak dining room extension table; 6 dining chairs; 2 oak centre tables; 3 leather rocking chairs; 2 oak rocking chains; Westinghouse electric table radio; Coleman oil burner, used one winter; Beatty washing machine, like new; New Williams sowing m a c h 1 n e ; chime mantle clock; settee; drop-leaf table; 5 kitchen chairs; kitchen clock; tapestry rug, 9x12 ft.: eongoleum rug; smoking stand; hall rack; pictures and picture frames; couch; trunk; new electric fan; electric heater; hotplate; ironing board; sewing table; electric iron; 4 bedroom suites, dressers, commodes; wheel chair; trunk; quilting frames; cupboard; quantity of sealers; crocks; assortment of dishes; galvanized tubs; numerous kitchen utensils. Many articles too numerous io mention.MISO. ITEMS: Quantity of coal; large sugar kettle; work bench; lawn m owe r ; wheelbarrow; step-ladder; new leaf rake;, garden hose; scythe; tree pruner; ash sifter; carpenter tools; 40-gal. drum; oil cans; single ladder: etc. IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER sale will be held in the Lutheran Church shed, TERMS: Cash. MRS. ANNA FINKBEINER, Executor of the late Conrad Schjlbe Estate GLEN WEBB, CLERK .ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 12:19c AT WEINCROFT FARM—Large com fortable, oil-heated four-room downstairs apartment, 3-piece bath, hot and cold running water. Apply Shel don D. Wein, phone 7 or 356. 19c NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tn the estate of ANNIE SANDERS deceased. persons having claims againstAll persons having claims against the estate of Annie Sanders, late of Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 18th day of January 1953, are required to file particulars of same with Messrs. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 28th day’ of March next, after which date the estate will be distributed, having re gard only to those claims of which notice has been received, BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario 12-3tc In the estate of HENRY DEARING deceased All persons having claims the estate of Henry Dearing, the Town of Exeter, in the ^vuul.v of Huron, who died on or about the 3rd day of April, 1952, are required to file particulars of same with Messrs. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 10th day of April next, after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Exeter, OntarioSolicitors for the Administratrix 19:26:3c W ©nuuui JiAtV UA in the County of AUCTION SALES against late of County AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery AT LOT 30, CON. 1, HAY TWP.% mile west of Kippen on No. 4 Highway on FRIDAY, MARCH 20 at 1:00 p.m. FARM MACHINERY: Massey Harris 21R 12-ft. combine; New Holland twine tie baler, 1% years old; John Deere AR tractor, on rubber, 2 years old; Minneapolis Moline R tractor, row crop, 2 years old; John Deere H tractor, on rubber, with hydraulic scuffler; 1949 %-ton Ford pickup truck; John Deere 8-ft. power take off binder, like new; John Deere 8%- ft. stiff-tooth cultivator, on rubber; International new disk, 8-ft. with 18- in. plates; Inter. 15-run double disk drill, power lift; Harvey bale and grain elevator, 32-ft,; John Deere side delivery rake, on rubber; John Deere 12-ft. lever harrows; John Deere 7-ft power mower; John Deere H manure spreader; Massey Harris 6-ft. one-way disk; tractor mounted buzz saw; cement mixer; root pulper; rubber-tired wagon; grain box and rack; Waterloo garden tractor with lawn mower, sickle bar, cultivator and spray-painter attachments; Inter national 3-furrow plough; Massey- Harris 2-furrow plough; G r a h a m chisel plow; weed sprayer with 15- foot boom; water tanks; feeders; numerous other articles. TERMS: Gash. No reserve—farm sold.PROP,: JARROTT BROS. AUCT.: HAROLD JACKSON CLERK: E. P. CHESNEY Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Truck, Tractor, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items ON THE PREMISES, Lot 13, Con, North East Boundary, . USBORNE TOWNSHIP * 8 miles northeast of Exeter, 8 miles southeast of Hensali or H4 miles north of Farquhar The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, MARCH 24 comencing at 1:00 o’clock p.m, sharp HORSES: Team of work horses, true and reliable in every way. CATTLE: Holstein cow with calf at foot, fresh 2 weeks; Holstein cow, carrying third calf, to freshen around sale date; Holstein cow, fresh 3 weeks; Holstein cow, milking; Hol stein cow, milking, with calf at foot; Holstein cow, with calf at foot, fresh since February 1; 5 yearling Holstein heifers. These are all good quality and very best of strain Holstein cattle. TRUCK & TRACTOR: 1949 half-ton Dodge pickup, correct mileage 44,000 miles, fully equipped in best condi tion. Tractor—M.H. 44 row crop trac tor, equipped with starter and lights, power take-off, used 3 seasons, in perfect mechanical condition. Additional items to fit tractor: Gravel loader, manure loader, 4-row scuffler and circular saw.FARM IMPLEMENTS: M.H. 3- furrow tractor plow, used 2 seasons, like new; M.H. 10-ft. . cultipacker; M.H. semi-spring tooth 9-ft. tractor cultivator, like new; 3-section spring tooth harrows; set lever harrows; 5- sectlon diamond harrows; double tractor disc; steel roller; Case manure spreader on steel; M.H. binder, 7-ft. cut, in new condition; McDeering disc 13-run seed drill, like new; Allis Chalmers power driven side delivery rake; M.H. mower, 5-ft. cut; hay loader; M.H. ensilage cutting box; rubber-tired wagon, 16-ft. rack; steel truck wagon; 2 walking plows; hay rake: 2 garden seufflers; Vessot grain grinder; New Holland hammermill; fanning mill; thresher drive belt, like new; 4 chicken shelters; colony house, 12x12; 3 Queen oil brooders; feeders; Surge 2-unit milking ma chine, like new; 8 i80-lb. milk cans; strainer and milk pails; steel stone boat; set of scales; grindstone; emery; bag truck; set double harness; riding saddle; wheelbarrow; root pulper; water tank; cream sep arator; quantity of oil; steel drums; lawn mower; electric radio; sausage grinder and press; sugar beet forks; new grain shovel; large vice; Jogging chains; large amount of numerous miscellaneous items.HAY & GRAIN: 1,060 bales of good quality mixed hay; 300‘ bus. of Beaver seed oats; 16 bus. Montcalm seed barley; quantity of cob corn. TERMS: Cash, No reserve—every thing will he sold. MRS. GLADLEY STEWART. PROP. ELMER STEWART. CLERK .ALVIN WALTER. AUCTIONEER AT PUBLIC AUCTION Farm Stock and Implement^ The undersigned auctioneer -has re-’ reived instructions to sell by publie; auction on the farm of CHRIS. VAN IJREEIx>t 27, Con. 4, Warwick on paved road—3 miles east of Watford—at 12:3<) p.m.((Is. S.—-sale starts cm time) THURSDAY, MARCH 26 the following valuable property: CATTLE: The entired herd of high quality and high producing vaccinated grade Holsteins—llolstein. cow, 3- years, fresh 1 week; 2 Holstein cows, 4 years, fresh 1 week;. 2 Holstein cows, 3 years, due sale time: 1.Holstein cow, 3 years old, due April 16; 2 Holstein cows. 5 yrs., fresh 1 wk.; 2 Holstein cows, 5 years, due sale time; 1 Holstein cow, 6 years, due sale time; 2 Holstein cows, 2 years, due sale time; 2 Holstein cows. 2 years, milking. Jersey, 4 years, milk ing; Holstein heifer, open; 2 black steers, black heifer, white faces, .2- yettr-olds (Hereford steer, 1 year; “3 Holstein heifers, 1 year, vaccmated; 6 young calves; Hereford bull, 2. years, , „ „.MARE: Black mare, 10 years, good in all harness.MACHINERY: John Deere A trac tor, 2 years, good as new, with Row- Cron cultivator attachments; hyarau** lie power-tool attachment (never- used); John Deere 32-plate disc, 2 years; IHC 3-furrow adjustable acebottom tractor plow; J.P, tractor corn planter, on rubber (new); IHC 15-disc power lift' fert. grain drill (with markers); IHC land cultivator; J.D. beet lifter, 2-row; Geo, White rubber tire wagon, 2 years; new flat hay rack; Cock. No, 4 spreader; drop-head hay loader; 18-ft, Fleury- Bissell double roll cultipacker (new)t IHC No. 6 mower in oil, horse or tractor; 3 sects, light harrows (new); 4 sects, light harrows; 3 sects, hook tooth harrows; 3 1-horse seufflers, all good; 2-furrow gang plow; 5-ft. pea harvester; 6-ft. M.H. binder; IHC team cultivator (new); J.I. Case trac tor side rake, 4-bar, new; 4-ft. steel water trough; <6 -ft. steel water trough; 8 milk cans (80 lbs.); 14 snow fence corn cribs; oil brooders, 2 years; general purpose loader with 4-h.p. air cooled motor (a good one); IHC potato digger; hay fork, sling chain and many other small articles used on a farm. , , ,500 hales g-oocl hay; 25 bales wheat straw; 100 bushels Ajax oats; har ness, collars; 2,000 scales.1952 PONTIAC BIG SIX: Fully equipped, low mileage, sold subject to a reserve bid.HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 8 - piece- dining room suite; 3-piece chester field suite; organ; studio couch; lib rary table; writing desk; l’indley cook stove (new); bedroom suite;, hall rack; Singer sewing machine. TERMS: Cash day of sale. Everything without reserve as proprietor has sold the farm and is leaving the country. CHRIS VAN BREE, PROP. HECTOR McNEIL, AUCT. Phone Alvinston 613-r-c 190 is Clearing AUCTION SALE of Cattle and Farm Implements onLOT 26, CON. 15, LONDON TWP, 3% miles west of No. 4 Highway or 4 miles north of Ilderton, on THURSDAY, MARCH ’19 at i:00 p.m. CATTLE: 35 head of high grade T.TJ, tested, vaccinated Holstein tie, half them sired by Oxford —17 cows, 18 heifers and calves, horses.FARM IMPLEMENTS: A full of farm implements, S. J. THOMSON, DENFIELD, PROP. MILTON BROCK & SON, THORNDALE, AUCTIONEERS cat- Unit Two line Clearing AUCTION SALE of Real Est&te, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items ON THE PREMISES, East Half of Lot 157, Vol. S„ in VILLAGE OF ZURICHThe undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction SATURDAY^ MARCH 21 REAL- ESTATE; Consists of half the Clearing AUCTION SALE Farm, Farm Stock, Implements and Furniture Under instructions received from Mrs. Mildred Holtzman, we will sell by public auction ON THE FARM situated 3% miles west of Exeter, 2% miles north of Crediton, J* mile east of Sharon school, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 FARM STOCK: Ten head of cattie, T.B. lested; red cow, due April 11; roan cow, due April 9; grey cow, due April 30; young heifer, due May 7; Holstein cow, milking: Hereford hei fer, rising 2 years old; 4 yearlings; 90 mixed hens, laying.IMPLEMENTS: Two wagons; bob sleigh; cutter; hay rake; seed drill; mower; 3-section harrows; walking plow; turnip sower; buggy; carriage; 1-horse scuffler: stock rack: cutting box; fanning mill: 4 sling ropes; root pulper; Viking cream separator; sin^ gle or double harness; 2 horse blankets; cow chains: 1.000-lb. beam scales with platform; logging chains; cant hook; broad axe; snow fence; 2 barrels; coal oil cans: potatoes; pres- ure Sprayer; water trough; crosscut saw; bucksaw; bag truck; sacks; building jack; carpenters’ tools; box fools; stock clipper; shotgun; shovels, forks and hoes; 50 sap pails; 30»gaL honey can; 2 iron butcher ’ kettles; meat block; meat board; stock sprayer. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Two-piece chesterfield suite; 2 rocking chairs; 1 dining room suite, and chairs; sideboard; library table; centre table; tables; 2 couches; bed springs and mattresses; dressers; mirrors; bedding; mats; curtains; fancy work rugs; child’s rocking chair; child's crib; kitchen utensils with antiques sealers; crocks; 1 Princess Pat stove, nearly now; 1 small stove: coal oil heater;,Coleman iron; linoleum; many other items.TERMS; Cash, No reserve. Every thing goes to the highest bidder and the day Wednesday, March 25. Calling for bids 1:30 sharp. FARM; Fifty acres, fi acres of wheat, 30 acres ready for spring crop with good barn, hen stable, comfortable brick house, electricity throughout, plenty of water. Real ideal place to live.Twenty-five acres of pasture.If not sold previous will be put up by auction day of sale, TERMS: 10 per cent. 'Balance in 30 days, Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. WM. T-t. SMITH, AUCTIONEER, crediton Phone. 7-7W E. SMITH, CLERK■MRS. MILDRED HOLTZMAN, PROPRIETRESS Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Tractors, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items On the premises,CON. 2, LOT 13, USBORNE TWP.IM miles east 16 mile south of Exeter on Huron StreetThe undersigned auctioneer has- been instructed to sell by public- auction, onTHURSDAY, MARCH 26 comencing at 1:00 o'clock p.m. sharp- CATTLE: Part Durham and Jerseycow, due first week in April; Holstein cow, due middle of April; Hol stein cow, milking, due in August; Holstein heifer, carrying second calf, due around sale date; Holstein cow. ‘ milking, calved November 1; blue eow, due later part of April; part Angus and Holstein cow, due latter- part of March; 3 Holstein heifers, rising 2 years old; 3 Holstein heifers,, rising 1 year old; 3 I-Iolstein heifer calves; 1 Hereford calf; Holstein bull, rising 2 years old.TRACTORS: Massey Harris 102' Junior Standard tractor, equipped with starter, lights and wheel weights. This tractor is in A-l shape- and will be sold in guaranteed condition. McDeering Farmall A tractor, equipped with lights, 2-row scuffler- and beet lifter in good condition.FARM IMPLEMENTS: McDeering- S-ft binder, in new condition; Cock- shutt 3-furrow plow; McDeering 13- plate fertilizer drill with tractor hitch and markers, like new; M.H. drop-head hay loader, like new; Case- Hammer Mill, like new; 50-ft. drive belt; Cockshutt 8-ft. double disc; Kingwyse 12-ft. bale elevator, hew; Case rubber-tired tractor spreader, like new; M.H. horse drawn steet wheel manure spreader; McDeering 4-row bean and beet drill; Case for age blower; McDeering 5-ft. cut oil bath mower; McDeering' 3-sec.tion spring-tooth h a r r 0 w s ; M.H. 9-ft. stiff-tooth cultivator; 3-section 15-ft. width lever harrows; McDeering hay tedder; M.H. side delivery rake; Fleury Bissel 8-ft. cultipacker; M.H. 12-ft. dump rake; Bradley rubber- tired 6-ton truck wagon equipped with beet rack; 2-wheel trailer and stock rack; set of bob sleighs and platform, like hew; bag truck; 1,200- 1b. scales; Massey-Harris root pulp er; milk cooler; pig crate; set of britchen harness; set of sling ropes; logging chains; steel barrels; many articles too numerous to mention. HAY & GRAIN: Quantity of baled hay; 6 bushels alfalfa seed; lOO1 bushels mixed grain; 6 tons cob corn, more, or less. TERMS: Cash. No reserve. Every thing will be sold. RUSSELL MORLEY, PROP. GARNET I-ITCKS, CT^ERKALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER ___ 12:19e Of 1 Clearing AUCTION SALE Livestock and Implements . MiltOn Brock will 'sell for THOMAS LEE 1 mile east of Brinsley, Lot 15, Con, 9, McGillivray WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 commencing at 1, o'clock the following: HORSES; 1. grey mare, 10 years; black Perch eron mare, 8 years.CATTLE: I fall cow, milking, far row; 1 roan cow, due at time of sale, 7 years; 1 red cow, with calf at side. 6 years: 1 fat farrow cow: 1 red and white cow, duo April 14, 5 years; I roan cow, due time of sale, 6 yfai's; * cow< milking, due Oct, 17, 9 years; 1 farrow cow, 3 years; 1 steel', 2>£ years; 8 Hereford steers, 2 years; 4 Hereford heifers, 2 years; 2 3-year-year-old heifers, with calf at foot; 2 Durham heifers, 1% years; 1 Durham steer, 1% years; 3 Durham steers, 1 year; 2 Durham heifers, 1 year; 3 tall calves.IMPLEMENTS: M.-H. binder, trac tor hitch, 7 ft.; M.-H, 5-foot oil bath mower; M.-4T, manure spreader, tractor -hitch; M.-I-t. 13-run disc drill, tractor hitch; Bissell disc harrow, 14-plaie, nearly new, horse drawn; M*“H> heap scuffler, horse drawn; Walking plow, nearly now; M.-lj, hay loader; j side delivery rake, 2 seasons; 1 rubber tire Wagon: i set scales; 1 clover imncher; 1 set scows, nearly now; rubber tired wheelbarrow, nearly now; net of good . double harness; sot clippers; number of pew tongues; other articles: 1 coal brooder stove and hoover; 1 De Laval cream separator; 1 Renfrew cream separator,TERMS; Cask. J’ROI»RH6TORMilton brock, auctioneer 19:260