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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-03-19, Page 5
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 19, 1953 Page 5 » Used Car & Truck Parts AND ACCESSORIES Tires, Rafteries* Wheels, Etc. We |buy scrap metals all kinds. Cash ii| on that scrap now. Prices are high. This Weak In Winchelsea By MRS. F. HORNE I of Glenn's Auto Wreckers Phone 418-M Exeter -■ HERES-^r sawing • •.i CHAIN I SAW . . ... fit* any tractor Power Take-off. Why carry o heavy motor while sawing? The Hydra-Flex hydraulic power unit is easily attached to your tractor power take off in a few minute* — giving you a smooth 12 h.p.,entirely free from vibration. 1 and 2 man models available ,,, 18", 27", 32" and 46*'. Write for your free folder. GORDON W. EAGLESON - Phone 40-1-2 Dashwood The sympathy of the commun ity i-s extended to the relatives of the late Mr. John Johns whose funeral was held on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dilling, Of Elimville; Mr. and Mrs. Wib Batten and Mr. A.lf Brook spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. Ezra Willard, of Mount Pleasant. Mrs,- Minor Dobbs, Crediton, is spending a short time with her daughter, Mrs. Ivan Brock, and Mr. Brock. Mr. and Mrs. John Batten visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Don Penhale, of Exeter. Mr. Elwyn Kerslake visited on Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Arthur Kerslake, who is a pa tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon don, „ Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Mr. and Mrs. Wib Glanville, of Staffa, were in Toronto last Monday. Many friends and relatives from this community attended the funeral of the late Mr. Wal ker Kerslake from, the Dinney funeral home in Exeter on Wed nesday last. Mr. Kerslake, who for many years farmed on the Sunshine line, had recently made his home with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Toni Allen, of Londesboro. Mrs. Edith Reed, of St. Marys, was a visitor with her sister, Mrs. James Horne, last Wednes day. Huron Juniors Planning .Show Robert Allan, Brucefield, the president of the Huron Junior Farmers’ .Association, presided at an executive meeting when •plans were finalized for the annual meeting in Clinton Dis trict Collegiate Institute March 18. Miss Mary Carmichael, of Ilderton, Junior Farmer delegate who visited England and Scot land, will show and comment on pictures taken on this trip. The executive agreed to spon sor a variety show in the Hensail Town Hall early in May, with members of the 4-H clubs in the county taking part. Proceeds would be shared between the Junior Farmers' Association and the Hensall Feeder Calf Club. News Budget From Brinsley By MBS. L. CRAVEN ■ » Look What You Get For One Dollar! During The Town-Wide Sale, March 26, 27, 28 2 POUNDS HOME-RENDERED LARD 1 POUND BREAKFAST BACON 1 POUND HOME-MADE SAUSAGE All For One Dollar! Chambers & Darling PHONE 9 EXETER Dollar Day Specials PLASTIC REFRIGERATOR SETS Reg. $2.96 for ................................ 2 ELECTRIC HEATERS Reg. $15.00 for .............................. 2 ELECTRIC HEATERS Reg. $12.50 for .............................. 2 ELECTRIC FAN HEATERS Reg. $19.95 ELECTRIC Reg. $3.75 ELECTRIC Reg. $6.95 to $14.95 for DORMEY MIXER Reg. $32.95 for ................. Come In and See Our Display of OTHER DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS foi’ LAMPS up to $12.50 for CLOCKS V $2.00 $9.95 $7.50 $15.00 $2.75 to $9.50 $5.95 to $12.95 $25.95 Jolly Radio & Electric Lindenfields Ltd Dollar Day Specials '9 ■ !■ Flashlights Complete with Batteries Regular $2.00 DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL $1.65 Corn Broom And Dust-Pan Regular $2.35 DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL $1.89 Dust-Mop FURNITURE POLISH & SELF-POLISHING WAX Regular $3.05 DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL $1.85 Drill Kit Arid Attachment Regular $32.50 DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL $24*95 Drill Kit With Saw AND OTHER ATTACHMENTS Regular $45.50 DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL $34.95 See these Dollar Day Specials with the Yellow Price Tags! ■ Walker Kerslake George Manley Walker Kers lake, 72, of Londesboro, passed away in London, on Monday, March 9, after an illness of several months. Born in Usborne Township on September 4, 1880, the younger son of the late George and Mary (Manley) Kers lake, he farmed near Winchelsea, with the exception of a few years spent in Centralia, until he re tired to Londesboro, in 1947, to reside with his daughter. He was united in marriage on February 17, 1909, with the late Maude Fletcher, who predeceased him on May 1, 1949, One son, George, died in 1919. He was a faithful member of Londesboro United Church. Left to mourn his passing are one daughter (Genevieve), Mrs. Thomas B. Allen, Londesboro; three grandchildren, and one brother, Wellington Kerslake, of Hensall. One sister, Mrs. Rebecca Stewart, Exeter, passed away in 1949. Funeral services were held .at the Dinney Funeral Home, Exe ter, on Thursday, March 12, con ducted by Rev. S. H. Brenton, Woodstock, a former pastor, with interment in Exeter cemetery. Pallbearers were Cecil Stewart, Victor Snell, Allen Fletcher, Clarence Fletcher, Willows Moun tain and William Govier. Theron Creery, Ray Fletcher, Gordon Penhale and Thomas C. Allen carried the floral tributes. Rela tives a'nd friends attended from Ardath, Sask., Lambeth, 'London and surrounding districts. The sympathy of the commun ity is extended to Melvin Allison in the latter’s mother nie Morgan. Also Banting in the death ter. The funeral of the Morgan was held 1 from the residence of her daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Allison (nee Eva Morgan), of West Mc Gillivray, directed by the Thomas Stephenson <fe Son Funeral Home, Ailsa Craig. The service was conducted by Rev. C. W. Parrott, pastor of Brinsley United Church, of which she was a faithful member. A request solo was sung by Mrs. Lin Craven, entitled “Almost per suaded’’. Interment was made in St. Janies' Cemetery, Clandeboye, The sympathy of the commun ity is extended to our rural mail carrier, Mr. Thomas Reid, in the death of his brother, the late William Reid, of Lieury. Mrs. Carl Trevethick and child ren of London spent a few with her mother, Mrs., Ruth son. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Morley ed recently with Mr, and Russell Glenn, of Arkona. Mrs. Harvey Tweddle held a plastic demonstration on Wednes day last, Mr. John L. I-Iotson and" Mr. and Mrs,Mr the death of the late Min- Mr. Hilton of his sis- to i late Minnie on Tuesday days Wat- visit ors. Report On Grand Bend By MRS. IRENE MEYERS Mr. Roy Mason was taken to hospital in London for treatment of a severe haemorrhage last, week. Mrs. Lovey is recuperating with her daughters, Mrs. .Ulens and Mrs. Mathers, in London. Mr. Stewart Webb is ill at his home, R.R. 2, Dashwood. Mr, and Mrs. Minard were in town on Wednesday. • Grand Bend members of Exe ter Night School attended “Open House" Thursday evening, mark ing the closing of the classes. Grand Bend and Parkhill Lions Clubs are planning a visit to Thedford Club in the near future. The W.A. (Legion) held a very successful Penny Bingo, Thurs day evening. The U.C, Bazaar and Tea held in the church parlors Wednesday last was well attended and the proceeds satisfying. There will be a Human Rights exhibit in the Library March 20 to March Library 'will be open afternoon from 2.00 to Saturday evening from 9.0'0, March 21. On from 25. The Saturday 4.00 and 7.00 to Tuesday, March 24 the Library Board will serve tea in the afternoon from 3.00 to 4.30. Silver collection will be for supplement of -Lib rary funds, due to loss of grants from Huron County and Stephen Township. The exhibit is free and it is hoped many will see it. The L.O.L. 219, Greenway, thanks Mr. Bossenberry for the Aldon Theatre for- the play "Finders, Creepers" which play ed to an appreciative audience last Thursday. ». Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Mathers are opening a new novelty busi ness in the store occupied by Monetta Menard. Mr. and Mrs. Mathers are leaving the Brenner House at the end Mrs. F. Milner a guest of Mrs. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. _____ weight spent Friday in London. Mrs. Rendle spent a few days last week daughter. Mrs. W. sister, Mrs. last week. Mi", and Mrs. M. Smallmaii have been confined to the house with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Patter son (nee Jean Paul) have a new baby daughter. Miss Muriell Follis, Sarnia, called on Miss Maty Yeo during the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. A. Morenz visit ed their daughter, Mi’s. J. Cor bett, in Hensall on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, George MaiOr, of Detroit visited Mr. aiid Mrs. Al bert Motenz on Saturday. Miss Elaine Gill, of London, visited her parents, Mt. and Mrs. Eddie G1U» over the weekend. Mr. aiid Mrs. Norman YuYitbull and Mr. pnd Mrs. Mansel Mason are due back from Florida tills Xyeek. Mrs. George Graham has re turned from Gogahia, Northdtii Ontario, whet© she lids • been Visiting her daughter, Mrs, GOfry Coyiio, since Christmas, of this month, of Exeter was Lois Biffin on Herbert Wain in London with her Middlesex Refuses Exeter Hospital Grant Financial aid in the form of $500 grant to South Huron jspital, Exeter, was sought by >eve Fred Dobbs, of Biddulph, a meeting of Middlesex County a Il< R< at Council. His request and a similar one by Reeve Milton Brock, of West Nissouj'i, for St. Mary’s Memor ial Hospital, were refused. While some councillors agreed these hospitals might be caring for Middlesex patients, they were reluctant to set a precedent. William patients London. Miss London, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stew art Witherspoon. Mrs. Martin Watson enter tained a number of ladies n,at a quilting on Thursday Afternoon last. Miss Ida Hardy spent Monday with Mrs, .Jack Trevethick. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Trevethick, Grace and Ruth spent Sunday evening with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Neil, of Lieury. Mr. Neil had the mis fortune to fall breaking a num ber of ribs. Mrs. Wesley Morley has re turned to her home after spend ing some time with friends in .Sarnia. Maguire are at present in St,Joseph’s Hospital, Viola spent Witherspoon, of the weekend with WANTED We Have Customers For ■ REFRIGERATORS, WASHING MACHINES, SMALL AP-yseu PLIANCES, ETC. We Have a List of Customers USED GARDEN TRACTORS, LAWN MOWERS, CARS, TRUCKS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Only People Collect Old Age Pensions Sell or Trade Your Used Merchandise RON’S PLACE COMMISSION SALES AND EXCHANGE Ron Westman, Manager DESIGNED TO MEET THE HAULING NEEDS OF EXPANDING CANADA Completely NEW W. Baker visited her Schwartz, in London, For 1953, Mercury Trucks introduce "built- around-the-driver” Cabs-—Custom and Stan dard. Everything here is new and everything new is here ... to make the driver’s job easier and safer. Entirely new "Driver-engineered” Cab interiors feature new smartness—new roominess—new comfortable three-man seat—new all round visibility—new curved instrument panel—new wider doors. Mercury Truck "Driver-engineered” Cab exteriors look big, they are big—they are engineered to improve overall truck operation —to make Mercury Trucks the best Oii the road. OTHER NEW "DRIVER-INGINEERED” FEATURES NEW TRANSMISSIONS "SERVICE-ENGINEERED” — Synchro-Silent transmissions are "standard” on all. Mercury Trucks for '53! Mercury Trucks also intro duce steering column gearshifts on ALL Light Duty Trucks. Automatic Drive or Overdrive are available (at. extra cost) on 1953 Mercury Truck Senes M-100. NEW BRAKES "SAFETY-ENGINEERED"—All-new Self energizing action, reduces need for extreme pressure. NEW SPRINGS "STRENGTH-ENGINEERED”—’53 Mercury Trucksintroduce new longer, Wide-Span springs. De flection rate is reduced—dll loads are Cushioned. 5 GREAT ENGINES <5 SALUTING FlfTIETH ANNIVERSARY | Here they are—the new 1953 Mercury Trucks—introducing a completely new concept of truck design. Mercury Trucks for ’53 present new handsome appearance—new time-saving features —new visibility—new conveniences—new power ranges—new models—new wheelbases—and there’s completely new comfort and safety with the new—built-around-the-driver—"Driver- engineered” Cabs. Yes, ’53 Mercury Trucks have more of every thing truck operators need and want. Completely new-’53 Mercury Trucks are "strength-engineered ” for durability—have stay-on-the-job stamina. New axles, new transmissions, new "short-turn” chassis design make handling easier and faster. Mercury Trucks offer FIVE "power-engineered” V-8 engines ranging from 106 Up. to 155 Hp. . . . each teamed with proven "Loadomatic” economy. Completely new "Driver-engineered” Mercury Trucks are truck- engineered—truck-built to meet the hauling needs of expand ing Canada. AfdHF /r W/TMTRUCK DEALER SOUTH END SERVICE EXEtER HENSALL, ONTARIO 10 New Model* In Stock! 20 Late-Model Trade-in* To Pick Froth! BOB COOK MOTOR SALES telephone 17s PHONE 328