The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-03-12, Page 11Support The Easter Seal Campaign THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 12, 1953 WORLD KIOHTH RrSERvEO Lucan And District News for Den-R.R.l late that this Gilbert Cartel* suffered a on Friday but is improv- and his to with the other cars. Thursday night at the Community Memorial the Lucan Home and and Community Centre Stewart Sceli were Mrs. Sceli, Mr, and Mrs." Odd and Carolyn, all of Comments About Clandeboye By MRS. O. J. PATON Personal Items Many from Lucan attended “■Medway Meanders" presented grandparents, Mr. G. Banting, while were on a trip AND ACCESSORIES Tires, Batteries, Wheels, Etc. We buy scrap metals of all kinds, Cash in on that scrap now, Prices are Irigh. me ANttbiuii , one stressed need of a book shelf in FAt* Used Car & Truck Parts Glenn's Auto Wreckers Phone 418-M Exeter Canadian farmers know the struggle, at maple sugar time, of hauling the sap to the sugar house — especially if there has been an early thaw. So we were interested in hearing how one farmer, who used aluminum tubing for sum­ mer irrigation, also used it as a spring pipeline to carry the sap from his .trees to the sugar house some distance away. Light, strong, easily handled aluminum has a way of stimulat­ ing people’s ingenuity in their search for short cuts that will save them time and money. Today more than a thousand different Cana­ dian firms are manufacturing ar­ ticles made from aluminum supplied by Alcan. (Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd.) “Immediate service” IN YOUR LOCALITY FOR Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service 4 3%% Guaranteed Investments 2% on savings — deposits may be mailed For prompt attention call RAYE B. PATERSON Trust Officer Hensail, Ontario* Phone 51 or any office of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA TORONTO • MONTREAL OTTAWA • WINDSOR NIAGARA FALLS • SUDBURY CALGARY • VANCOUVER Mrs, Erskine Guest Speaker The W.M.S. of the Clandeboye United Church at their March meeting 4 had Mrs. A. Erskine, district president, as guest spea­ ker. In her address, “The BiblD —in My Life, in the Home, the Nation", she ker. In her address, “The Bible in the the branches and the value of the’ Leaders Training Course at Al­ ma College. She suggested some of the members attend year. Mrs. T. Collins presided the meeting with the call to wor­ ship and the topic and the Rev. E. M, Cook closed the meeting with prayer, Mrs. Arthur Simpson was hos­ tess and served refreshments. Personal Items Mrs. stroke ing. Mrs. with her son, Murray, and fam­ ily ip. Ailsa Craig, had the mis­ fortune to fall and wrist recently. Benny Regan and Simpson returned on ning from a tliree-week motor trip to Florida. George Thompson of Lucan accompanied them on the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Hodgins, Elaine and Robert returned on Saturday from spending the win­ ter at Winter Park, Orlando, Florida. Mr. Henry Belling is spending some time with his daughter, Mrs.-'Art Rrophey, of Greenway. He had been with his daughter, Mrs. Eldon Young, weeks when he Drilling for school property with Mr. Reed son in charge. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. T. Kooy, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Herbert on Saturday night. Mr. H. Murless the interior of his expects to have it into some time in Mr. L. Derbyshire lias offered his new house in the village for sale. Congratulations to Messrs. Karl OJNeil, Jack Harrison, Alan Harvey at the week. Edsell Collins, who is break her Maurice Friday eve- for several was ill." water on the started last week and Mr. Thomp- Jack Dickins, Mr. is working on new home and ready to move April. Hill, Cecil Carter and Ovens, who won prizes Seed Fair in London last Hillcrest Farm Forum Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sigsworth entertained the Hillcrest Farm Forum on Monday evening. Topic —How important is the appear­ ance of the farmstead? The groups thought it should be one of the important points of farm­ ing as it adds value to the farm and keeps up the morale of the farmer and his family. . In answer to home improve­ ments with little cash outlay, a good driveway, flowerbeds and shrubbery are not costly improve­ ments.-To paint the buildings and add new fences with gates, im­ prove appearances. The members in answering the last questions on the Forum, felt that each family is gradually adding things to make the farm home more attractive. The next meeting is to be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Banting, Lucan, on March 16. Topic—The United Nations looks at Farm Forum. The usual social hour spent in playing euchre. was The Story In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS Mrs. H. Carroll Davis attended held in London Abbott, bride- PHONE... ONE OF HIS PATIENTS CANCELLED A dental appointment.... GO HE CAN TAKE YOU RIGHT AVJAY./. NOW HURRY! A Three-Car Crash , Mrs. Margaret McLeod, of Lon­ don, and Mrs. Ethel Davies were ______, admitted to St. Joseph’s Hospital at the Medway School March 4, Friday evening following a three- " - - — - -- car crash on No 4 Highway at Birr. They were on their way to Lucan to the home of Mr. Elmer C. Cooper whose wife had died a few hours previously in St. Joseph’s Hospital. Mrs. Mc­ Leod is a sister of Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Davies’, a daughter. Mrs. Davies’ car skidded into a car driven by Ivan Aydelotte, of Windsor. A third ca,r driven by Francis J. Nelligan, of London, collided Damage was estimated at $3500. Mrs. Carrie L. Cooper Funeral services for the Mrs. Carrie L. Cooper, who after four weeks in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, passed away on Friday, March 6 in her sixty-eighth year, was held from the C. Haskett and Son Funeral Home Monday, March 9 at 2 p.m. The Rev. E. M. Cook of the Lucan United Church officiated. Interment was in Nairn Cemetery. The pall­ bearers were Ernie Ross, Mel Culbert, J. R. Boon, N, W. Was-’ nidge, Cap Howard and J. Murray. Daughter Mrs. Simon Cooper spent her childhood on a farm one and a half miles south of Lucan. Before returning to the village,, she lived in Strathroy. She is survived by her husband, Elmer C. Cooper, of Lucan; one daughter, Mrs. John Davies (Ethel), of Ailsa Craig; one son, James W. Cooper, of Dundas; one sister, Mrs. Mar­ garet McLeod, of London, and one brother, Malcolm, Denfield. R. of the late Mr. and Guilfoyle, Mrs. Open House Last week being “Education Week", the Lucan Public School staff held “Open House" on Fri­ day afternoon giving parents and friends the opportunity to visit the school and talk over the educational welfare of their children with their teachers. The Home Economic class from grades seten and eight, with their teacher, Miss J. Hossie, had charge of the tea room. Mrs. C. Davis, and Mrs. W. J. a bridal shower for Miss Mabel elect of this month. Mr, and Mrs. C. Ings, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lovie, of Sarnia, were Saturday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Carroll. Mrs; Ings, Mrs. Lovie, Mr. Harry Carroll and Mr. Ronald Carroll were celebrating their birthday anniversaries. Mr. afid Mrs. 0. Dale, of Lon­ don were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. Barker. Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis and Heather were Sunday dinner guests with Mrs. R, Dickins, of Exeter. Miss Joyce McDonald is con­ fined to the house with mumps. Mr. and Mrs. R. Greenlee and Mr. and Mrs. IL Davis and Alexia were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee. Mr. R. Greenllee was celebrating a birthday anniversary. Lenten Service will be held on Thursday evening in St. Patrick’s Church at 8:30 p.m. , Mr. and Mrs. Orland Squire and family were Sunday guests with Mi*, arid Mrs. George Mc- Falls. Mr. Ern Micks, Mrs. P. Mack, Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Davis add Heather tyere oveniiig din­ ner guests. Anglican W,A, Ms. J. F. Wagland was hos­ tess for the March meeting of the Anglican Church W.A. on Wednesday, March 4. She was assisted by Mrs. Jack Hodgins, Mrs. James Hodgins and Mrs. William Haskett. The president, Mrs. Jack Murdy, presided and Mrs. T. A. Hodgins and Mrs. W. Dickins led in the prayers. Miss Lina Abbott read the Scripture Lesson and Mrs. T. C. McFar­ lane led in the Litany\ A letter from Mrs, is still in was read, showed a the bank. United Day of Prayer held in the United amounted to $15.16. dent reported three had been quilted in An invitation was the United Church W.M.S. to at­ tend their movie “The King’s Man”, to be shown in the United Church, March 12. It was de­ cided to invite Mrs. Jacklin, of St. Marys, to be guest speaker at the chapter “Thine viewed Mrs. Harvey Abbott April meeting which will be held at the home of the president, Mrs, J. Murdy. Anglican News Thanks to the Ladies’ Guild, . the new stairs to the basement of the Anglican Church has been completed and should add great­ ly to usefulness of the basement. On Sunday evening, the Rev. Mr. Wagland held his third Fire­ side meeting taking for his sub­ ject “The Oxford Movement’’, which proved very interesting. Another m ember, Kathleen Ryan, was added to the League of Loyalty. 5 and 6. The following Lucan pupils assisted on the program: Margaret and Marilyn Brownlee, Elva Young, Joan McLean and Douglas Stone. Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Sceli were William Sceli, Mr, and Lloyd Lucan. On Lucan Centre School sponsored the play “Abigal Goes Haywire”, put on by the young people of Winthrop. Six-year-old Keith Banting,‘of Bowmanville, spent two weeks with his Mrs. V. parents Florida. Mrs. E. Bridges, who is mov­ ing into the house now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. John Blair, was presented with a cup and saucer by the Guild of St. Patrick’s Church, Saintsbury, last Wednes­ day night. Ward Hodgins, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hodgins, who. had been in the hospital for some time, got home this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ford of Lon­ don were Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hedden. Miss Betty Dobbs of Toronto spent the weekend with .her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobbs. Her many Lucan, cousins offer congratulations to Mabie Echo Abbott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Abbott, of London, whose marriage to Warren Bruce Flan- nigan will take 14 at Church ciles, Lofidon. Mr. and Mrs. family, of Detroit, were weekend visitors of Mrs. Irene Coursey and family. The Ice Follies of 19 53 will be presented by The Kitchener- Waterloo Skating Club at the Lucan Community Arena on March 13. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mains and Elizabeth were Sunday visi­ tors with Mrs. W. Dickins. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coughlin and family of London spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Earle Young. Mr. Lou Weir, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins. Mr. Earl Collins, formerly of Lucan, has undergone a series of operations at the Civic Hospital, Ottawa, but is on covery though it sary to remain in some time. Mrs. McGalpin her home with a bad attack of the flu. Mrs. Wes Revington was called back again to .the house of her daughter, Mrs. Harry McNaugh­ ton, where Mr. and Mrs. Mc­ Naughton and baby were all down with the flu. The baby was very ill with penumonia but all are on the road to recovery now. Mrs. Harold Hodgins, who has been in ,St. Joseph’s Hospital for some weeks, is making satisfac­ tory progress. ‘ Mrs. Don Revington and small children after spending a week with Mrs. Revington’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Jarvie, of Wind­ sor, returned home on Sunday with Don. Correction in Lucan news, March 5: The last paragraph of the account of Anglican Guild meeting should have been print­ ed with the Library Board news. Mrs. L. Cobleigh, who has been very ill for some time, was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital on Satur­ day. Miss Agnes Fox, of Strathroy, is spending a few days with Mrs. T. C. McFarlane and renewing acquaintances in the village. Three-month-old Barbara Lynn Graham, of Chatham, made her first weekend visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mit­ chell Haskett. She was accom­ panied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Graham. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cummins of Toronto, aunt and uncle of Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Casey have been confined to their home with very bad colds. Congratulations to Mr. Robert Smith, of Toronto, who is now the father of a little girl. Robert, who is the son Of Mr, and Mrs, Murray Smith, spent his child­ hood in Lucan while his father was manager of the bank here. Mrs, Gerald Atkinson and son, Michael, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Atkinson. place on March of Christ Dis- Fred .Ford and Mrs. Frank G. Seaton ■Mrs. Frank G. Seaton, a native of Granton, passed away in St. Mary’s Hospital, London, in her sixty-fourtli year. Daughter of the late James and iSusan Mc­ Cauley, she was married to Mr. Seaton 47 years ago and had lived in London for 27 years. Be­ sides her husband, she is sur­ vived by two sons, Douglas and William, both of London, daughter, Audrey, Mrs. George Lockrey, also of London, and a sister, Mrs. William Tuft, and. brother, Ward McCauley, both in Saskatchewan. Service was held at the Needham Memorial Chapel with interment in Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens. The Rev. R. R. Conner of King St. United Church, officiated. one Teachers Convention Mrs. Anne Cameron of S.S. 1 Biddulph—the Coursey School— was hostess for the March meet­ ing of the Biddulph and North London Teachers’ Association on Tuesday, March 3. The 13 teach­ ers present answered the roll call with a craft suggestion for St. Patrick’s Day. Mr. Hyde, mathe­ matical teacher at the London Normal School, was the guest speaker. He gave a most interest­ ing talk on the teaching , of mathematics in public schools and reasons why some children disliked the subject. Inspector D. G. Smith of London was present at the meeting. Daiice Winners of the highlights of evening Square One Tuesday o _____ ___ at the Seed Fair was the square dance competition which was won by the dancers from Central El­ gin Junior Farmers with Ilderton placing second and Ailsa Craig and Lucan groups tying for third place. the entertainment Joint Birthday Celebration Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins, of Lucan, attended a joint birth­ day celebration on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll When Mr. Carroll, his son, Ronald, Mrs. Cliff Ings and Mrs. Jack Lovey, all of London, whose birthdays all fell ovdr tlie weekend celebrated together. Other guests were Mr, .and Mrs. Hugh Carroll. 7 A.Y.P.A. Rally Last Monday night the ing ■ members from the A.Y.P.A. attended the Rally held in St. Jftines* (Westminster), London; F. Wagland, Miss Joan Hodgins, Miss Marion Coursey, Miss Vivian Stanley, Miss Marlon Ashworth, Mr, , Roscoe Hodgins and Mr. Brie Hodgins. follow- Lucan Lenten Ohufch Rev. J. the road to re­ will be neces- the hospital for is confined to Hockey News In the best-of-seven W.O.A.A, Intermediate “C” group finals! the game on March 2 ended 111 tie in overtime. On March Goderich Zurich downed 10-5 and on March 6 at the score was 7-5 In favor a 4-4 4 at Lucan Luchn of Zurich. Are Lucan fails dbtvn- hearted? — No! No! No! While there is life there is hSpe, and all, old and young, are pulling for their Irish Six* Win Eaton Trophy Walter A. Vail, field, and son, Campbell, won the Eaton Trophy at the Seed Fair for the highest number of points in grain seed and corn. Mr. Vail has been an annual exhibitor and frequent prize-winner. They had 72 points. In second place was Erwin Scott and Son, of Lucan, with 69 points, and in third place was Hiram L. O'Neil with §6 points. The Eaton Trophy was a beautiful silver entree dish. Bernard Benn, of Lucan, won the Junior Farmer’s Award do­ nated by Warden Nell L. Olde. Fail1 Winners many ‘'Hvho Middlesex Seed Show in London, Middlesex Seed Among the entries at the Fair and Food appear the names of the follow­ ing local winners, many of whom won several awards: Lucan Erwin Scott, Cecil Robb, Ber­ nard Benn, John Dewan; Clande­ boye — Alan H. Hill, Harvey Owens, John L. Harrison, Cecil Carter, Karl O’Neil, Stewart Cunningham; Denfield — L. O’Neil, W. A. Vail and Sous, Hiram O’Neil, C. J. Haskett, T. J. Walls, Alex McComb, Bob Lewis, C. J. Haskett; Granton —John K. Riddell. had A two-man team from the Lucan Junior Farmers’ Club, Roy McComb, R.R. 2 London, and Bob Lewis, R.R. 2 Denfield, took first prize in the Middlesex interclub seed judging competi­ tions. IL is the second consecutive year that the Lucan club took the prize. Harold Hodgins, who St. Joseph's Hospital, The treasurer’s report balance of $61.15 in The collections at the service Church The presi- crib quilts February, read from May meeting. The first of is by T. new study book, Glory’’, was re­ Jack Murdy. McFarlane, Mrs. Hodgins and Miss Lina will be hostesses for the the the Mrs. C. Granton W.I. Mrs. Carman Dann was hostess for the Granton W.I. when 17 members answered roll call by naming a manufactured article made from grain. Mrs. Kenneth Gunning read the scripture. Dur­ ing the business session the pen­ ny round-up was discussed and a donation made. The sum of $10 was voted to the Granton Library and $10 to the European Flood Relief Fund. Four delegates were appointed to the W.I. Canada Day to be held in Toronto in August. The motto, “He tree, plants hope", Mrs. Gordon Dann rent events by Mrs. son and- household Bert Jones. Guest Keith Riddell, who also presented several films. Mrs. Gordon Dann, Mrs. Beecher Hanson and Mrs. Bert Jones assisted the hostess. who plants a was taken by and the cur- Beecher Han­ hints by Mrs. speaker was Canadians eat 90,000 hogs weekly—and want them lean and tender! “NATIONAL” is packed with animal protein for rapid growth, loaded with vitamins for balanced with essential minerals. It gives you a fast, pork-producing grower with less grain... a grower that produces top quality bacon hogs, which means more profit for you. health and See Your NATIONAL Dealer to-day 'WT/Onflr WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED INGERSOLL ONTARIO Look for the bright Orange and Black Sign CONCENTRATE "A QUALITY FEED-MIX” FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE Fertilize your Crop with NATIONAL well-cured, properly-blended FERTILIZER ORD YOU’VE NEVER SEEN A TRACTOR TO MATCH THIS! Built-in Live-Action Hydraulic System* with Constant Draft Control, Imple­ ment Position Control and Manual Touch Control • Provision for a complete range of remote hydraulic cylinder* applications • Hy-Trol, for extra-fast hy­ draulic response • New lightning-fast governor • New weatherproofed ignition New rotating exhaust valves • New live PTO* • 3-Point implement hitch New streamlined row-vision hood '• Selec-Trol* for hydraulic control of front and rear mounted implements • A lot morel *Soid »t>pnratoiyt Jubilee model ^AtOSTAPWINCEPHydrau/ic System in any Tractor/ EXTRA POWER with Mew Overhead Vahre Engine! Yes* it’s on display right now, waiting to show you what a really modern tractor can and should be. It’s waiting with extra power, extra size, extra weight. It’s ready to dem­ onstrate new handling ease, comfort and convenience. It’s eagerly waiting to introduce you to tile most advanced hydraulic sys­ tem in any tractor. We call it Live- Action Hydraulic Control. That means split-second hydraulic response any time the tractor engine is running. Then there’s a choice of hydraulic speeds when you want even faster action. It is called Hy-Trol. This new tractor is waiting with its great new overhead valve Ford “Red Tiger” engine. With its greatly reduced piston travel, lessened friction and other advanced design features, this engine develops ample reserve power with new-economy of gas and oil. Most important of all, Ford’s Golden Jubilee Model is waiting to show-you what it can do—what this great combination of modern advance­ ments and every time-proved Ford Tractor advantage means in more and better work, done more easily and more profitably. Convenient terms available FARM EQUIPMENTj