HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-03-12, Page 6& Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 12, 1953 •F Graham Chisel Plows will be shown ip a MOTION PICTURE FILM jn Varna Township Hall Monday, March 23 at 8:(>0 p.m. Also see the New Goodrich Silo Cap that Prevents " Spoilage in Grass and Corn Silage Sponsored by Your Local Graham Plow and Gobi Equipment Dealer R, M, Peek, Kippen ADMISSION FREE Let An Active ^Vant-Ad Be Your Salesman A FOR SALE FOR SALE ALL STEEL manure spreader, in good condition. Apply Exeter Farm Equipment._____________________J2c SPENCER COAL and wood stove, in excellent condition- Apply John An- drejicka, R.R. 1, Crediton. 5:13* BUTTON HOLE ATTACHMENT - Complete kit for Singer Sewing ma­ chine. Regular $13.00 for $8.50. Phom Exeter 546 daytime only. 12< TEAM OF work horses, seven and eight years old. Apply Lome Devine, 165-r-10 Dshwood or R.R. 2. 12* Eight Hereford Heifer calves, vac­ cinated, ten to twelve months old. Apply Warren Brock, R.R, 1 Gran­ ton. 12* FOR SALE—Holstein cow, fresh heifer and calf. Apply H. Murless, Clandeboye, 12c TREDDLE SEWING machine, in perfect running condition; also ches­ terfield chair, suitable for recovering. Apply Times-Advocate. 12* 1940 CHEV HALF-TON truck. In good condition. Phone 68-M Exeter.12* Drilling and fertilizing speed and efficiency hit a new high when you use a John Deere-Van Brunt Model "FB" Grain Drill. With a Model "FB" you make planting and fertilizing one speedy, low-cost job , , . drill accurately and distribute ferti­ lizer in the rows at speeds up to six miles per hour! Automotive-type wheels and Timken tapered roller bearings make possible this smoother, faster travel. Low-wheel construc­ tion provides a shorter seed drop for more uniform placement of seed. Adjustable-gate fluted force-feeds operate with un­ failing accuracy, Jackknife spring pressure on the furrow openers assures even, drilling depth in depressions and over ridges. Star feeds distribute from 24 to 1,680 pounds of com­ mercial fertilizer per acre. See us for complete information. 25 WEAKER PIGS. Phone 31-r-25 Dashwood. 12c GENT’S 3-PIECE SUIT, Wack stripe, size 38, $22.50 or best offer. Inquire Mid-Town Cleaners, phone 33. 12c 1500 BALES OF HAY at 50 cents per bale: also 500 bales of wheat straw. Apply Wally Wein, phone 54 Dash­ wood. ____ 12:19c 1 BROWN TWEED overcoat; one 3-pice brown suit. Inquire Mid-Town Cleaners, phone 33._____________42c OUR TRUCKS are taking up too much room on our lot. So come in and get yourself a better truck at prices you can afford. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reg. Armstrong Motors, phone 216 Exeter. FOR SALE — Massey 3u-row crop tractor with scuffler, 3 years old, fully equipped; also 2-furrow plow. Wi 11 sell separately. “Wesley Venner, Hensail, phone 42,______________12* SAVE $74 — Krause one-way disc plows to fit Ford or Ferguson trac­tor. Will work up a seed bed. Es­ pecially built for after-harvest work. Regularly $273.50. While they last, $199.50, Reg, Armstrong Motors, phone 216 Exeter. THORO SYSTEM basement water­ proofing, Make your cellar dry and liveable . . . with the famous Thoro system of waterproofing. Do it your­ self. Inside application. For free estimates on materials write or phone C &W Supplies, G. K. Crocker, phone 59 Exeter. 12c FOR SALE—Wedding cake boxes at The Times-Advocate. Rated Used Cars FOR SALE—A metal covered box with hinged top for holding grain, size about ■ 3x3x4. Apply at Times- Advocate. 12:19* 1950 AUSTIN, black, in good condi­tion, ’53 1 icense, $825 (one-haj original price) or best offer. Phon* 596-j-12 Exeter. 12:19, PROPANE GAS brooder, used one season; also colony house, 12x14, Apply William Sparrow, phone 165-w Grand Bend. 12c FOR SALE—Late model Leonard re­frigerator, 7 cu, ft., $200; also walnut Duncan iPhyfe drop-leaf extension table, extends 72 inches, needs re­ finishing, $25, —Phone 443-W-3 Ex­ eter. 3-5tfc '41 FIVE-PASSENGER Plymouth Coupe, new battery, new rear-encl, 23,060 miles on new engine, block heater and radio, $450 cash. —Phone 717-j-3 Exeter. 5:12:19* FOR SALE—Fence posts, brace posts, anchor posts, stakes and poles, John Hindmarsh, R.R. 2, God’erich, phone 1190-J. 26:5:12* GOOD QUALITY red clover seed, cleaned; would trade part on good alfalfa seed. Apply Gordon Prance, Winchelsea. 26:5* 17 RANGE SHELTERS, slat bottom roosts, on skids, in excellent condi­tion, only 3 years old, Cheap. Apply Grant Case, ph. 220 Zurich. 26;5:12e 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 18x28, to be moved. Insulated, storm windows and screens, built-in cupboards. Suitable for lakeside. Apply Jack Essery, Cen- tralia, Ont.________ 12c •41 CHEV HALF-TON pickup. In good mechanical condition. Apply to Earl Deitrleh, R.R, 3, Dashwood, phone 31-T-16,_________________5:12c BEATTY WASHING machine. Write Box 102 or ph. 393-W Exeter. 3-5tfc SUDBURY SOIL-TEST cabinets, very simple to operate. Every farmer should have one. Only $7.95. —L. V. Hogarth, phone 266. 19:26:5:12c MAGAZINES—New and renewal subscriptions for any magazine are received at The Exeter Times-Advocate. WE HAVE THE BEST qual^y cod-liver oil. Bring your own containers. Also have hog worm oil, a very satisfactory product to rid your hogs of worms. —L, V. Hogarth, phone 266 Exeter, 2-5tfc STOCK WANTED CHEV SEDAN CHEV COACH COACHFORD METEOR SEDAN METEOR COACH CHEV COACH CHEV SEDAN PLY. SEDAN COACHCHEV COACHCHEV COACHFORD FOR RENT WANTED DODGE SEDAN TENDERS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS j a MID-TOWN CLEANERS Phone 33, Exeter, For Free Pickup And belivery is Cleaned I i j DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone 'STONES’ collect Ingersoll 21 or Exeter 287, 3-5tfc CHAINS a. W WORK, experienced operator, logs or fire wood. Will also cut up dead apple trees. No job too big. Apply Allan Hill, Phone 46-r-22 Lucan. 12* 4-ROOM UPSTAIRS apartment, side entrance, newly decorated, 3-piece bath, hot and cold water, Apply Mrs. Silas Stanlake, Carling St., Exeter.12* LADIES: W. G. Simmons & Sons GODERICH Broderick Bros Phone 277 MID-TOWN CLEANERS Dear Mrs. South Huron: Easter is only three Weeks away and already you may have as­ sembled your Easter wardrobe. You will tvant to look your very best and if some item of your ensemble is taken from last season you may want it cleaner. zlt Easter time, a great many friends bring us clothes to be cleaned, Unfortunately we may be forced to disappoint those who bring clothes in at the last minute. This hurts us as much as it does them because our customers are our friends and we want to help them. We decided to do something about it, so we are writing you this open letter, Won’t you check up on your your clothes in early? Then there will be plenty and you will be all set on Easter morning. We’ll f enience. wardrobe now and bring of time to do a good job deliver them at your con- Sincerely yours. Mid-Town Cleaners Your Shortie Whites Come Whiter, Colours Brighter I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exe­ ter. l*tfc ATTENTION FARMERS-Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone Collect Ed Andrew, Sea­ forth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235, 5-ltfc FARM FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received for the sale of the grass farm belonging to the William H, Penhale estate, be­ing Lot 6, Con. 7, Hay Township, Huron County, Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in by March 20, 1953. Address all tenders to Asa J, Penhale, 130 John St. East, Exeter, with the word "Tender” on the outside of envelope. Executors of the estate: ASA J. PENHALE, LUTHER J. PENHALE 26:5:12c ONE GROUND FLOOR apartment, unfurnished, heated, hot and cold water, built-in cupboard, use of laundry for washing, private ent- ranee. Blatchford Apartments. 12* FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT, bath, hot and cold water, full-size base­ ment. -—Phone 164-14 Dashwood, Ont.5:12:19:26:2:9:16* FOR RENT—Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. Beavers Hard­ ware. 5-8 tfc WANTED TO BUY—Bush or stand­ing timber, hardmaple, softmaple, elm, ash, oak. State specie, acreage, lot totviifsTiJi*)' ifri IcttGT toBox M, Times-Advocate. 5:12c CLIENT WANTS 50-100 acres light sand. Buildings and, water not required. W. C. Pearce, Ex- 2-19tfc EMPLOYMENT WANTED WANTED —- Young Dutch farmer, with capital,* excellent references, graduate of O.A.C., desires position as manager or farmhand on cash crop or mixed farm, preferably where owner wishes to sell or retire. Write stating full particulars. Box “B” Exeter Times-Advocate. 12c WHY DID USERS of 30 long tube milking machines change to Surge in this district last year? Send inquiries to Lovell McGuire, Thohe 593-W Wingham, _________ 5:12:19:26* I AM EQUIPPED to lest your soil this month at very reasonable cost to you. Call me for instructions how to take your soil to test. D. V. Hogarth, phone 266 ____ 19;2G:5:12o For a BjSTTEll DRY CLEANING job, bring it to Tudbr’s in Ken­ sal! anti have It cleaned the French Cleaners way, Fidkup And delivery on Monday and Thursday mornings, iO-SOtfc LOST LOST Between Exeter and Sea­ forth, plywood back-end rack of ?4- ton truck, (blue) with name "G. W. Miners". Finder please phone 82-r-9 Kirkton (collect), * PERSONAL HUSBANDS! WIVES! WANT PEP| Thousands of couples weak, worn- out because body lacks iron, get vim, vitality taking Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Introductory size only 60 cents. At all druggists. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—48-acre farm, barn and stable, 114 miles south of Crediton road on Highway 81. Mrs. Pearl Wood, R.R. 3 Parkhill. 12-3tc* FOR SALE—Two-bedroom modern insulated cottage, nice living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, oil heat­ ed. summer kitchen, garage, large garden with small fruits, central location. Apply 125 Sanders St., Exe­ter, Ont, 12;19:26* 50-ACRE FARM, In Stephen Town­ ship, good bank barn, drive shed and other buildings, comfortable house, hydro, lots of water, Plowing done, 4 acres of wheat. One mile from air­ port. Apply Times-Advocate, 12* FARM FOR SALE—Consisting of 100 acres of choice farming land, good buildings, well drained, etc. One mile north of Zurich. Apply to William Dietrich, 12:19c 2-STOREY HOUSE. in Kirkton, large lot, stable, garage, Apply Box "M” Times-Advocate. 12:19® 3-BEDROOM COTTAGE. Nicely lo­cated in Exeter. Large, bright living room. Roomy kitchen with better than usual built-in cupboards and sink. 3-pieee bathroom. Full base­ ment, This is a very comfortable home at a very moderate price, $5,500, with trems, We are also offer­ ing a complete small home at $4,200. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. $19G0. We are offering an improved, 3-bedroom wartime house with a cash payment of $1,900. Monthly pay­ ments of $31 include taxes and fire insurance. Oil heating equipment stays, C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 100 ACRES for crops or pasture, Hay Twp. —AV. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 2-5tfc 150 ACRES—Tuckersmith Twp., 130 tillable, large buildings, electricity. Moderate price and terms. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Pai'sons, Sales­man. 2-5tfc WANT A GOOD INVESTMENT? Make $3,000 a year on a $10,000 in­vestment in real estate in Exeter. Apply -at Times-Advocate. 2-26tfc LOT with FOUNDATION—Basement floor, drains and water installed. Huron Street, 26x30. —Ford & Far­quhar, phone 571 Exeter, 2-26tfc FOR SALE—100 acres deep clay loam, suitable for cash crons or mixed farming. Medium sizes com­fortable house. Barn has new stab­ling and silo. Hydro and water pres­sure. Price $14,000.00. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. MODERN SIX-ROOM home, H6- istorey, insul brie covered and gar­age. —Lewis Dixon, 330 Carling St., Exeter, 2-26tfc FOR SALE — Seven-room house with three-piece hath and good furnace. Large two-storey barn and garage. Extra lot. Apply 932 William St., Exeter. 29:5:12:12:19:26:5* LOTS for sale in Exeter, good location. —Phone 68-W. 19;26;5:12c 75 ACRES, mostly arable, over 30 acres ready for spring crop, alfalfa meadow. Ample barn room, comfortable brick house, wired and good repair. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 2-5 tfc 100 ACRES — all arable, rich, clay loam. L-shaped banked barn with conveniences. Brick house, has built-in cupboards, electricity throughout. —W. C. Pearce, Re­ altor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. l-29tfc NICELY SITUATED 2 - bedroom modern house, almost, new. Uh- ’ finished upstairs. Air - condition­ ing oil furnace, complete bath, hot and cold water, Imjnediate possession. W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. l-15tfc 2-STOREY RED brick house, slate roof, oil burning hot water furnace,. 2 complete apartments, 3 genuine fire-places, 2 bath­ rooms. Extra lot, large barn. Reasonable terms, possession ar­ ranged, W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. l-15tfc FOR SALE in Exeter's business section, two-storey brick build­ ing suitable for any retail busi­ ness or light industry. For par­ ticulars apply to C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. l-8tfc MODERN COTTAGE with large living room and roomy kitchen, two.tt bedrooms and bathroom. This ’property is in excellent con­ dition and can be bought at a very reasonable price. Terms.— C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. l-8tfc NEW HOUSE, 609 Edward St. Red brick front, automatic oil furnace, two bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen, bath, upstairs unfinished. Will exchange for older house. —R. E.: Balkwill, Exeter. ll-20tfc ■ STOP — If yoii wish td buy a heW red brick heme in the beau* tiful town Of Exeter, see J. W. Hern, Zanders St. West. 10*23tfc HOUSE WELL situated for schools, churches and shopping, Newly decorated interior, first class general condition. Forced heat oil burner furnace. Full bath upstairs, 2*pICce dn main floor. Garage, garden. *—W. C, Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 10*16tfc 4*ROOM insiiPbriC cottage with conveniences and furnace, rea* sohably priced fdr quick sale. Other houses, stores and farms. Cm. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsohs, Salesman. 9*litfe BABY CHICKS FOR SALE WANT CHICKS R 1GHT AWAY? Bray Hatchery can fill your order, day-old, started; cockerels, pullets, mixed. Wide choice in pure breds and crosses. Get full particulars from agent — Eric Carscadden. Exeter. Phone 2|G-J. HELP WANTED WANTED—A man to work at the cemetery. Apply to the secretary, R. G. Seldon, .Exeter.____________12:19c IF YOU ARE SATISFIED with less than $400 a month, don’t reply to this ad. if you want this or more and if you have a car, write Box„ 78, Aiisa Craig, 12:19* WANTED — Woman to care for two small children in modern home, five days a week, while their mother works. Apply Box 192, Crediton. 12c SECRETARY REQUIRED for of­ fice in Exeter, capable of taking shorthand and typing. Apply in writing to Box "7”, Times- Advocate. l-15tfc applications The Township of Hay is calling for applications for inspector to supervise the spraying of the cattle in Hay Township sprayed according to the “Warble-Fly Control Act, In­spector to collect payment for the spraying done. Applicants to receive instructions from the Council of the Township of Hay. All applications to be in the Clerk's office by March 12, 1953.H. W. BROKEN SHIRE, Clerk-Treasurer, Zurich, Ont.12c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of ANNIE SANDERS, deceased. persons having claims against ..... ’ ‘ in the County of All persons having claims against the estate of Annie Sanders, late of Town of Exeter, in uic Cuuuir of Huron, who died on or about the 18th day of January 1953, are required to file particulars of same with Messrs. Bell & Laughion, Solicitors of Exe­ter, Ontario, by the 28th day of March next, after which date the estate will be distributed, having re­ gard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGTON Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario 12-3tc In the estate of PERCY PASSMORE, - deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Percy Passmore, late of the Town of Exeter, in the Coun­ty of Huron, who died on or about the 10th day of February, 1953, are required to file particulars of same with Messrs. Bell & Laughton, Soli­citors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 14th day of March next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executors,Exeter, Ontario 26:5:12c In the estate of WILLIAM HENRY PENHALE, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of William Henry Penhale, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 4th day of July, 1940, are required to file particulars of same with Messrs. Bell & Laughton, Soli­citors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 14th day of March next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice ha.s been received, BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario 26:5:12c CATTLE: Holstein cow, due May 24; Holstein cow, due April 14; roan Durham cow, due May 4; part Dur­ham and Hereford cow, freshened February 28, with calf at foot; red Durham cow, due May 7; part Dur­ham and Hereford cow with calf at foot; part Hereford and Holstem hei­fer, carrying first calf, due June 25; part Hereford and Holstein heifer, camying first calf, due June 20; 3 Durham steers, averaging^ 1,100 lbs. each, ready for market; 3 Hereford and Durham heifers, rising 2 years old: Hereford yearling steer; 4 spring calves.HOGS; Tamworth sow with litter of 7 white York pigs; Tamworth sow with litter of 13 white York pigs; 10 York stockers, averaging from 125 to 150 lbs. each. , ,IMPLEMENTS. ETC.: Rubber- tired wagon; 16-ft. flat hay rack, like new; 4-section diamond harrows; 2-wheel trailer with rack; new colony house, 12x12 ft.; 1-horse scuffler; Dobbin weel sprayer, 23-ft. boom, like new; back band harness; chic­ ken shelters; electric brooder; 100-ft. snow fence; 2 80-lb. milk cans;strainer: bag trucks; wire for chic­ ken shelters; 3i-li.p. electric motor; root pulper; quantity of bags; lawn mower; feeders and fountains; chaff basket; Renfrew cream separator, milk pails, etc., etc.GRAIN: 200 bushels of Cartier seed oats.HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Westing­house deluxe 7-cubic-foot refrigera­ tor, used only two years; heavy duty 4-burner electric stove; Clare Jewel kitchen range, for wood or coal, in new condition; Quebec heater; glass china cabinet; 2 complete bedroom suites; 2 rolls of new linoleum; ex­ tension table; 10 kitchens chairs: small table; and numerous small ar- TERMS: Cash. No reserve, as the farm is sold. WILLIAM FUSS. PROPRIETOR james McAllister, clerk ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER ______________________________5:12c AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery AT LOT 30, CON. 1. HAY TWP.i: mile west of Kippen on No. 4 Highway on FRIDAY, MARCH 20 at 1:00 p.m. FARM MACHINERY: Massey Har­ris 21R 12-ft. combine; New Holland twine tie baler, I3/, years old: John Deere AR tractor, on rubber, 2 years old; Minneapolis Moline R tractor, row crop, 2 years old; John Deere H tractor, on rubber, with hydraulic scuffler; 1949 ’A-ton Ford pickup truck; John Deere 8-ft. power take­ off binder, like new; John Deere 8%- ft. stiff-tooth cultivator, on rubber; International new disk, 8-ft, with 18- in. plates; Inter. 15-run double disk drill, power lift; Harvey bale and grain elevator, 32-ft.; John Deere side delivery rake, on rubber; John Deere 12-ft. lever harrows; John Deere 7-ft. power mower; John Deere I-I manure spreader; Massey Harris 6-ft. one-way disk; tractor mounted buzz saw; cement mixer; root pulper: rubber-tired fwagon; grain box and rack; Waterloo garden tractor with lawn mower, sickle bar, cultivator and spray-painter attachments; Inter­ national 3-furrow plough; Massey- Harris 2-furrow plough; Graham chisel plow; weed sprayer with 15- foot boom; w-ater tanks; feeders; numerous other articles. TERMS: Cash. No reserve—farm sold. PROP.: JARROTT BROS. AUCT.: HAROLD JACKSON CLERK: E. P. CHESNEY CATTLE: Holstein cow with calf at foot, fresh 2 weeks; Holstein cow. carrying third calf, to freshen around sale date; Holstein cow, fresh 3 weeks; Holstein cow, milking; Hol­ stein cow, milking, with calf at foot; Holstein cow, with calf at foot, fresh since February 1; 5 yearling Holstein heifers. iThese are all good quality and very best of strain Holstein cattle,TRUCK & TRACTOR: 1949 half-ton Dodge pickup, correct mileage 44,000 miles, fully equipped in best condi­tion. Tractor—M.H. 44 row crop trac­ tor, equipped with starter and lights, power take-off, used 3 seasons, in perfect mechanical condition.Additional items to fit tractor: Gravel loader, manure loader, 4-row scuffler and circular saw. FARM IMPLEMENTS: M.H. 3- furrow tractor plow, used 2 seasons, like new; M.H. 10-ft. cultipacker; M.H. semi-spring tooth 9-ft. tractor cultivator, like new: 3-section spring tooth harrows; set lever harrows; 5- section diamond harrows; double tractor disc; steel roller; Case manure spreader on steel; M.H. binder, 7-ft. cut, in new condition; McDeering disc 13-run seed drill, like new; Allis Chalmers power driven side delivery rake; M.H. mower, 5-ft. cut; hay­ loader; M.H. ensilage cutting box: rubber-tired wagon, 16-ft. rack; steel truck wagon; 2 walking plows; hay rake; 2 garden scufflers; Vessot grain grinder: New Holland hammermill; fanning mill; thresher drive belt, like- new; 4 chicken shelters; colony house, 12x12; 3 Queen oil brooders; feeders: Surge 2-unlt milking ma­ chine, like new, 8 iSO-Ih. milk cans; strainer and milk pails; steel stone­ boat: set of scales; grindstone; emery; bag truck; set double har­ ness; riding saddle; wheelbarrow; root pulper; water tank; cream sep­ arator: quantity of oil; steel drums; lawn mower; electric radio; sausage grinder and press; sugar beet forks; new grain shovel; large vice; logging chains; large amount of numerous: miscellaneous items.HAY & GRAIN: 1,000 hales of good quality mixed hay; 360 bus. of Beaver seed oats; 16 bus, Montcalm seed barley; quantity of cob corn, TERMS': Cash, No reserve—every­ thing will he sold.MRS. BLADLEY STEWART. PROP. ELMER STEWART. CLERK ALVIN WALDER. AUCTIONEER. is AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Power Machiner and Livestock atROBERT EAGLESON’S East Williams Township, mile south and 1 mile east of Aiisa Craig, on MONDAY, MARCH 16 GIVING UP FARMING Clearing AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements and Feed Lome Finkbeiner has instructed auctioneer “William H. Smith to sell by.......................................................... 1 public auction at the farm situated lkj. MILES WEST, % MILE NORTH OF CREDITON ' on the FINKBETNER LINE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 everything on the farm. No Reserve — Farm Sold CATTLE: 19 head af cattle T.B. tested. These cows were bred by the Waterloo Artificial Breeding Associa­tion. Four-year-old choice Hereford, carrying second calf; young Hereford carrying first calf, due in May; Polled Angus black cow, 8 years old, due May 3; black Holstein, due April 10; Holstein Cow, due July 5, carry­ ing second calf; Holstein cow, due May 9: 3 heifers, rising 3 years old; 5 steers, rising 2 years old; 3 year­ ling calves; 2 baby beefs, 5 months old.SWINE: One sow, litter by side, HORSES: Black horse, 10 years old; bay horse. G years old.IMPLEMENTS: M.H. binder, 6-ft. cut: F.W. mower, 5’4-ft, cut; drill, with vertilator; double tractor disc harrow; manure spreader; set of har­rows; bean scuffler; rubber-tired wa­ gon with H rack and sliding rack; •ow tractor plow; walking plow; “ay loader; cream separa* ... cultivatoi good rubber; be::; fcU __ _ heavy w boxes with brooder oil bur gas d buttei 2-fl____ bob sleigh, ___ tor; line shaft with leys; steel roller; _______ _ King tractor on good rubber; I cedar poles; chop box; steel ...... trough; root pulper; heavy work liar* ness; 15 bee boxes with packes; Jamesway oil ' ' seeder; Queen coal oil stove. mill; stock rack, _____ .. FEED: Quantity of hay; hels of oats; cob corn. HOUSEHOLD .FURNISHINGS other articles.Everything at this auction goes to the highest, bidder. No reserve of any kind. Will be calling for bids at 1:90 sharp and the day Wednes­ day, Match 18. TERMS: Cash. WM. IL SMITH, AUCTIONEER, Creditort. «— Phohe 7-7W E, SMITH, CLERK D. fjnkbeiner, prop.5:12c and pul- '; Silver iber; fater * stove; rner; 3 drum; »r ehurt Clearing AUCTION SALE of Cattle and Farm Implements onLOT 26, CON. 15, LONDON TWP. 3U miles west of No. 4 Highway or 4 miles north of Uderton, on THURSDAY, MARCH 19 at 1:00 P.m. CATTLE: 35 head of high grade T.B. tested, vaccinated Holstein cat­ tle, half them sired by Oxford Unit —17 cows, 18 heifers and calves. Two horses. FARM IMPLEMENTS: A full line of farm implements. S. J. THOMSON. DENFIELD, PROP. MILTON BROCK & SON, THORNDALE, AUCTIONEERS the Clearing AUCTION SALE Farm, Farm Stock, Implements and Furniture Under instructions received from Mrs. Mildred Holtzman, we will sell bv public auction ON THE FARM situated 3% miles west of Exeter, 23/. miles north of Crediton, 1 mile east of Sharon school, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 FARM STOCK: Ten head of cattle, T.B, tested; red cow, due April 11; roan cow, due April 9; grey cow, due April 30; young heifer, due May 7; Holstein cow, milking; Hereford hei­ fer, rising 2 years old; 4 yearlings; 90 mixed liens, laying. , ,IMPLEMENTS: Two wagons; bob. sleigh; cutter; hay rake; seed drill; mower; 3-sectlon harrows; walking plow; turnip sower; buggy; carriage; 1-horse scuffler; stock rack; cutting box; fanning mill; 4 sling ropes; root pulper: Viking cream separator; sin­ gle or double harness; 2 horse blan­ kets; cow chains; 1,000-lb. beam scales with platform: logging chains; cant hook:z broad axe; snow fence; 2 barrels; coal oil cans; potatoes; pres- ure sprayer; water trough; crosscut saw: bucksaw; bag truck; sacks; building jack; carpenters’ tools; box tools; stock clipper; shotgun; shovels, forks and hoes; 50 sap pails; 30-gal. honey can; 2 iron butcher kettles; meat block; meat board; stock spray­ er.HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Two-piece chesterfield suite; 2 rocking chairs: 1 dining room suite and chairs; side­board; library table; centre table; tables; 2 couches; bed springs and mattresses; dressers; mirrors; bed­ding; mats; curtains; fancy work rugs; child’s rocking chair; child’s crib; kitchen utensils with antiques sealers; crocks; 1 Princess Pat stoVe, nearly new; 1 small stovei coal oil heater: Coleman iron; linoleum; many other items.TERMS: Cash, No reserve. Every­ thing goes to the highest bidder and the day Wednesday, March 25. Call­ ing for bids 1:30 sharp.FARM: Fifty acres. 8 acres of wheat, 30 acres ready for spring ’---- hen stable, ........ .......,, electricity plenty of water. Real live.acres of pasture, previous will be put day of sale. per cent. Balance in . Fifty acres, 8 _____ 30 acres in., crop with good barn, comfortable brick house, throughout, Ideal place to Twenty-five If not sold up by auction TERMS: 10 ___ ______ —30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. WM. H. SMITH, AUCTIONEER, Crediton Phone 7-7W E. SMITH. CLERK MRS. MILDRED HOLTZMAN, ’ PROPRIETRESS Clearing AUCTION SALE of Real Estate,- Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items ON THE PREMISES, East Half of Lot 157, Vol. S., In VILLAGE OF ZURICHThe undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction SATURDAY,MARCH 21 commencing at 1 o’clock p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: Consists of half acre of land on which is situated A two-storey white brick house; the main floor consists of large living room and dining room; one bedroom, kitchen and pantry; the upstairs has four bedrooms, clothes closets and bathroom. Also a large basement; never-failing well with best of water. There is also on the premises a good size double barn; some fruit trees and the very best of garden land. This is an ideal home. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: 10 per cent on day of sale; balance in 30 days. Will be sold subject to a rea­ sonable reserve bid, If not previously sold. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Sherlock Manning piano, in first class condi­ tion; solid oak dining room extension table; 6 dining chairs; 2 oalc centre tables; 3 leather rocking chairs; 2 oak rocking chairs; Westinghouse electric table radio: Coleman oil burner, used one winter; Beatty washing machine, like new; New Williams sewing machine; chime mantle clock; settee; drop-leaf table: 5 kitchen chairs; kitchen clock; tap­estry rug, 9x12 ft,; congoletim rug; smoking stand; hall rack; pictures and picture frames; couch; trunk; new electric fan; electric heater; hotplate; ironing hoard; sewing table: electric iron; 4 bedroom suites, dress- commodi ting fran sealers: dishes; kitchen ntimerotMISC. large st n o W e . iew leaf roe pru ools; ladder. __. IN CASE OF will be hold in shed.,TEAMS: Cash MRS, ANNA FINKBETNER, Executor of the late Cowad Scliilbo EstateGLEN WEBB, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER ........................... 12:10c le: Clearing AUCTION SALE Livestock, Farm Implements, Grain and Household Effects Oh the Farm Premises ....... LOT 24, CON. 7, HAY. TOWNSHIP, PARR LINEmiles east of Zurich and 1 mile north; of2% miles south of., Hifisgreen The . undersigned auctioneer has icon Instructed to sell by public ......auction on ...WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1$ commencing at i o’clock p.m. sharp. WORSES; Pefeheron work tdSm, true and reliable m every way, Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Tractors, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items On the premises, CON. 2, LOT 13, USBORNE TWP. 134 miles east Vs mile south of Exeter on Huron Street The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction, onTHURSDAY, MARCH 26 comencing at 1:00 o’clock p.m. sharp CATTLE: part Durham and Jersey cow, due first week in April; Hol­stein cow, due middle of April; Hol­ stein coW, milking, due In August; Holstein heifer, carrying second calf, due around sale date; Holstein cow, milking, calved November 1; blue cow, due later part of April; part Angus and Holstein cow, duo latter part of March: 3 Holstein heifers, rising 2 year; ‘ “ rising 1 yeai calve: “ "■ rising ........... TRACTORS: Junior “■ “ with ______weights. This t and ...............ditic... ■ equipped ..... ....__, _and beet lifter inFARM IMPLEMENTS S-ft. bindei ‘ slmtt. 3-fui._.. ........plate fertilizer drill with ti hitch and markers, like new; drop-head hay loader, like new; Hammer Mill, like new; 50-ft. belt; Cockshutt 8-ft, double Kingwyse -12-ft. bale elevatcr, Case rubber-tired f. like new; M.H. hoi wheel manure spree 4-row bean and beet ago blower; “ bath mowei spring-tooth ____ . wRtifLtooth Cultivator, Width IcvOr harrows; McDeerin ladder; _M.H. side dj.’,^.. Fleury Bissel S-ft» cultipacker; 12-ft. dump rake; r:„.'Au _____ .®-‘tdn truck wagon equipped- with beet tack; 2-wheel trailer and stock rack; set of hob sleighs and platform, like new; bag truck; 1,200* lb, scales; Massey*Hatris root pulp’- er: milk cooler; pig crate; set of britohOn harness; set of sling ropOs; logging chains; stool barrels; many to mention,HAY & GRAIN: Quantity of baled hay; 0 bushels alfalfa seed; loo bushels mixed grain; 6 tons oob corn, more nr loss. pash. No rhsorve, Every* tlimg will bo, sold, RIISSELD MORLEY, BROP. GARNET HICKS, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 12:10* .calveddue later ar._, _ _ and Holstein cow, ' ” ‘ 3 Holstei.. ______ 3 Holstein heifers,3 Holstein heifer calf; Holstein bull, old: _ ___ old;1 Hereford2 years old. m: StandardStarter, ssey Harris. 102 tractor, equipped . lights and wheel . ----- .-..ctor is in A-l shape111 be sold in guaranteed con- McDeering Farmail A tractor, with lights, 2-row scuffler good condition. ------“ITS: McDeering in new condition; Cock* ■ow plow: McDeering 13- ‘.rkctor M.H.; case drive disc; new;‘eader. * I i f K ♦’ * dieel chair; trunk; cupboard; quantity rs; assortment of l tubs; numerous Many articles too crock! amzed islls. 1............................... mention,Quantity of coal; work bench; lawn I'roW; step-ladder; den hose; scythe; sifter; carpenter ; oil cans; Single ?alv iter to ..........ITEMS: ( ar kettle;; wheelbai rake; .. ..ner; 40*gaL ' etc. Igi ; gar- ash drum DAD “WEATHER sale the Lutheran Church Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Truck, Tractor, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items ON THE PREMISES, Let 13, Con. North East boundary, OSBORNE TOWNSHIP 8 miles northeast of Exeter, 8 miles southeast of Hensan or 1’4 miles north Of Farquhar . The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sen by public auction onTUESDAY, MARCH 24 cefncnclnw at .1:00 o’clock p.m. sharp HORSES: Team of work horses, LWe and reliable in every way, factor sp........... •se drawn steel .tier; McDeering drill; Case for- hg 5-ft. cut oil RAcctfoh . _ , M.H. 9-ft. 3-section 15-ft. ----hay side delivery rake,- ...2,..M.IL Bradley rubbCr- 2;Whftel trailer and platform’, like” new? bag' triick;%20(>* MeDeerl..„ _ McDeering h a r r o w s ; 4f