HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-03-12, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 12, 1953 »• YOUR Mercury Lincoln DEALER IN HENSALL OFFERS One of the Largest Selection of Late Model Cars in this District! OVER 14 MODELS — 46 — 52 OVER 10 MODELS — 29 — 41 5 New Cars For Immediate Delivery Phone for DemonstrationOpen Every Evening These Cars Are Reconditioned and Guaranteed Bob Cook Motor Sales Located Next to C.N.R. Tracks PHONE 178 HENSALL ■ Hensail And District News Hensall Council Hensall council ordered im­ provements on the village streets at its meeting last week. The members asked the county road commission to grade and gravel Mill street and re-surface Richmond North and Queen streets, north of Wellington, Reeve A. W. Kerslake reported on the visit of the eei’ who discussed ing of roads. The Department was asked to move the sign at Richmond North and No, 4 High­ way. The council decided to join the Association of Mayors and Reeves for $10. The clerk was instructed to notify the Clipper Coach Ltd. to s t o p b u r n i n shavings bors. E. R. checking- stated they were in good repair. He has made a. recording for a local radio station. Clerk-treasurer J. A. Paterson reported tax arrears for 1952 at $562.01. have county engin- the re-surfac- of Highways g sawdust and which annoyed neigh; Davis reported on the catch basins and Prepayments of taxes amounted to nearly $3,000. School Bus truck driven St. Marys. SIMPLICITY WASHERS are designed to help you take the drudgery out of washday. Well-built, sturdy, and handsome, the Simplicity Washer has a porcelain tub and Lovell wringers. To prove the reliability of the manufacturers, there’s a two-year warranty on the mechanism. Simplicity Washer $134.50 Hits A ridge, the rear end of a bus on No. 4 Highway half mile north of Hensall on Friday afternoon. Students of Exeter District High School aboard the bus escaped injury. Bettridge suffer­ ed chest bruises and was treated at the office of Dr. dard. Clare Masse, R.R. was the bus driver. Constable Elmer Zimmerman, of Exeter, estimated damage to the truck at $500. Bettridge said his vehicle skidded on icy pavement. by John Bett- . slammed into stopped school a J. C. God- 3 Zurich, Provincial Tim new SIMPLICITY CLOTHES DRYER eliminates all weather wrorries. saves time, saves clothes and h a'v'* less ironing for the housewife. It costs little to operate and requires only a small space. It’s complete- h automatic. See it today! R. E. Russell Phone 109 Exeter Easter SHOPPING Sponsor Euchre And Dance Kippen East Women’s Insti­ tute sponsored a very successful euchre and dance in the town hall Friday, March 6. Winners for euchre were: ladies, first, Mrs. Ken McKay, of Kippen; second, Miss W. Gray, Hensail; consolation, Mrs. T. Kay, Kippen; men’s first, Car McClinchey, of KKippen; second, T. Kyle, Hen­ sall; consolation, Russell Fergu­ son, Hensall; lucky lunch prize, Mrs. E. Schroeder, Hensail. Hank Norris and his Ranch Boys vided music for the dance. pro- Is In Full Swing at McKnight & Walper Auxiliary Plans Bake Sale The Ladies Auxiliary to Branch 468, Hensall, held their monthly meeting in the Legion Hall on Tuesday, March 3 with president Mrs. S. Rannie in the chair. The members voted to donate tea towels and lunch cloths at the next meeting. Plans were made for a bake sale and tea to be held in the near future. Ten dollars was voted to be sent to the Legion Scholarship Fund. An invitation was extended to the Auxiliary Zone Commander, Mrs. Hall, to visit the April meeting. Mrs. Garnet Allan was the winner of the mystery prize. Bingo was played and the ners were Mrs. Bertha Moir, A. Clark, Mrs. K. Buchanan, Inez McEwan. win- Mrs. Mrs. Choose Your SUIT, TOPCOAT or ARROW SHIRT Now 1 Saturday Is Deadline For EASTER DELIVERY of MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS! McKnight & Walper Phone 81 Craft Display Successful The Guide craft display in town hall on Saturday, March 7 was a splendid success. Ruth Soldan, Brownie pack leader, and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin, badge secre­ tary, explained how the work shown illustrated the programme in guiding. Merit badges demon­ strated included Golden Bar and Golden Hand for Brownies, and Second Class, Cook, Laundress, Hostess, Child Nurse, Pioneer, Needlewoman, Handy Woman, Knitter, Leathercraft and Home­ maker for the Guides. W.I. members responded ’gene­ rously to the request for dona­ tions to the bake sale in charge of Mrs. W. Spencer and Miss W. Gray. Mrs. R. H. Middleton made tea served by the Guides and Golden Hand Brownies under the supervision of Mrs. E. R. Shad­ dick. the Weekend Trap shoot At the held was ible and of 24. Dr. J. Jarrott, of Kippen, shot at 100, broke 73. Shot at 75: W. Lumby, Goderich, 65; “ “ “ . ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ , 56; J. , 67; H. Mathers, Exe- 5 6; W. R. Cooper, Kippen, Lloyd Venner, Hensall, 63; at " A. Chester Wilson, Exeter, Brintnell broke 22. weekend trap shoot at Kippen John Anderson high with 67 out of a poss- 75. In the doubles Anderson A- Gilbert tied with IS out W Hedley Propse, Goderich, Anderson, ter, 57; shot 39; 50: J. Gilbert, Goderich, Gilbert, Goderich, 40; Lee, Hensall, 39; H. Exexter, 35; H. Green, 38; shot at 25: Russell Visits Amber Rebekah Mrs,- Mabel Tweedie, rich, District Deputy paid her official visit Rebekah Lodge on Wedneslay evening, Marell 4. At the con­ clusion of the meeting presided over by Mrs. Leona Park, N.G., a program was enjoyed consist­ ing of a piano selection by Mrs. A. W. Shirray; reading by Miss M. Ellis, and a sing-song of Irish tunes with Mrs. Edith Bell at the piano. Refreshments were served. The Lodge recently do­ nated $25 to the Overseas Flood Relief. Lodge of Gode- President, to Amber Evening Auxiliary Meets The regular monthly meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church was held Monday evening, March 9 in the church. Mrs. B. Kyle and Mrs. R. Mock were hostesses and Mrs. L. Chap­ man, chair. Mrs. H. Horton read the Scripture Lesson and Mrs. P. McNaughton gave an inspiring devotional reading referring to the text “Rise up and let us Go”, at the conclusion of which she offered p rayer. Miss W. Gray read an invitation from the Arnold Circle of Carmel Church, requesting the group to be* pre­ sent at their Easter meeting to take place on March 16. The Auxiliary members gratefully ac­ cepted. Another invitation was received from the Women’s Mis­ sionary Society (United Church) to attend the birthday party on Friday, March 27 at 8 p.m., which was also accepted. At this time the president ex­ pressed thanks to the group for letters and cards received while in hospital. The matter of pur­ chasing films was brought up by Mrs. D. McKelvie, Mrs. R. Mock and Mrs. J. Flynn were named to conduct the Mission Band for four Sundays. Mrs. R. Broderick and Miss Mary Goodwin favoured with a pleasing duet accompanied by Mrs. J. C. Goddard. Mrs. W. J. Rogers very capably with the study chapter, Healing Ministry”. Mrs. Naughton gave the visiting mittee report. Those named for March are Mrs. D. Kyle and Mrs. Pearl Passmore. The hostesses and social committee provided refreshments, president, occupied the dealt “The Mc- com- Message From Kippen By MRS. A. GACKSTETIER of St. Andrew’s met pn Wednes- at the home of W.M.S. Meet The W.M.S. United Church day afternoon Mrs, Norman Dickert with Mrs. Emerson Kyle as co-hostess. The first vice-president, Mrs. Joe Mc­ Lellan, presided and opened the meeting with the theme, “Com­ munity Grace and Fellowship in the Church”. Mrs. Emerson Kyle was in charge of the worship period. Thirty members answer­ ed the roll call with “A Good Book I Have Read”. The visiting committee for March is Mrs. Emerson Kyle and Mrs. R. Dins- dale. , It was decided to pack a bale for overseas relief in the near future at the manse. Anyone in the community desirous of send­ ing articles in this bale kindly leave them at the manse this month. The history of “Abide With Me” was Mrs. Morley Cooper. Leod favored with a strumental. Mrs. A. gave the topic “Our Angola Mis­ sion”, from the study book, Along African Trails”, Personal Items Joan Sinelair tune to fall last her arm. Mr. and of Mitchell district on Mr. and of near Hensall visited on Sun­ day with the former’s .niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gack- stetter. Miss Berta Benindyke, who for the past two years has worked in the snack bar at the R.C.A.F. Station Centralia, last week ac~ Httron County Leads In Cattle Production Moro eiittle are being raised in Huron County than in any other county in Ontario, a re- port on livestock for the Depart­ ment of Agriculture reveals. Total number of cattle in the county as of December 1, 1952, is 168,500. This is 7,000 more head than in Grey County, which has the second largest number of cattle. Middlesex lias the third largest number-—13 7,3 0 0; Huron has the second largest number of swine—117,000. Perth has 124,000. Middlesex has 54,- 100. Total number of sheep and lambs in Huron is 6,200. Grey has the most—21,400. Middle­ claims 11,510 and Perth 4,020. The number of horses in Hu­ ron is 7,260. Perth has 7,030 and Middlesex, 6,750. sex r the hymn given by Mrs. Mc- piano in- Gackstetter had the misfor- weelc and break Ivison Torrence,Mrs. visited friends in the Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Ferguson cepted a position in the Bank of Montreal in Exeter. •Morley Cooper and J. W- Mc­ Lean returned last week after a pleasant trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair attended the funeral of the late A. Broadfoot near Egmondville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Forbes and fam­ ily, of Tilbury, moved last week to their new Igge recently Jarrott Bros. Mrs. Alice ___, __ ___ visited on Friday evening with her mother, Mrs. A. McClymont. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Deckert visited on Sunday with relatives in Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Sproule, of Exe­ ter, visited Sunday with Mr, and ■Mrs. W. Meilis. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith spent Sunday with relatives in London. Mrs. Wyman Sparling, of Lon­ don, and Mrs. George W. Thomp­ son, of Hensall, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Norman Long. home near the vil- purchased from the Cook, of London, ■< FlI \w RE-FJNISHEP NEW FLOORS LIKE GLASS . , , ... OLD FLOORS LIKE NEW LINOLEUM ☆ HARDWOOD ☆ CONGOLEUM ☆ RUBBER TILE ☆ PLASTIC WALL TILE ☆ MARBOLEUM BROADLOOM AND RAMBOW CARPETS NEW FLOORS LAID Residential and Commercial <— Free Estimate Leroy Thiel T. And T. Flooring Sales and Service Linoleum, Tile and Floor-Sanding Phone 240 — Zurich Herb Turkheim 'B Attention Farmers Contact Us Before Buying Grass and Clover Seed Montcalm Seed Barley ATTRACTIVE PRICES W. G. Thompson & Sons Limited HENSALL PHONE 32 W PLUS PLUS Phone 29 STAINLESS STEEL DOUBLE TUB everlasting-rust-proof PLUS Human Hand Washing Action. Washes a full load in 6 to 8 minutes, Cleanest Washing Action known, Beatty Giant Press Wringer. One piece Cast Iron with balloon tolls, Shift Easy Wringer Lever and Pressure Control* Famous Beatty Direct Drive (No Belts) mech* anism with ball bearings. Only five working parts* powerful than any other* For Your Old Fashioned Washer Oh This New Beatty Personal Items Jean Henderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, Hensall, was successful in the vocal class, girls under 13, at the Ki wants Music Festival in Stratford on Tuesday morning. Jean was highest in the class and is a pupil of Mr. John L. Nicol, A.C.C.O., Hensall. Mr. William Bell, of No. 4 Highway, was removed to Clin­ ton General Hospital Sunday, where he is receiving treatment. Miss Elaine Beer, of Loudon, visited this week with her pa­ rents, Mr. • and Mrs. Fred Beer. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Love and sons, of Kincardine, were recent visitors with Miss Mavis Spencer and Mr. Albert Spencer. Mrs, Pearl Case, of London, visited during the past week with friends in Hensall. Miss Kay Bell, of London, spent several days this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell. Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander visited during the past week with relatives in London. F/C George Mirehouse, R.C.­ A.F. Centralia, visited during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell. Miss Castle, of this week with law and sister, John Alexander. Mr, and Mrs. rented the residence of Mrs. John MacBeath and intend moving in the near future. Mr. John MacGregor spent a few days in Toronto this week attending the Cattle Breeder’s Sale of registered cattle, where he had two entries. Mrs. Doc Comeron visited with the London, visited her brother-in- Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis have friends in Seaforth during past week. Master Brian MacLean, Exeter, spent a few days week with his grandparents, and Mrs. John MacGregor, Mr. Walter Funk, spent the weekend mother, Mrs. Funk. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. ......._ family sxpect to move 'shortly into the house they rented from rs. J. McBeath. Mrs. E. R. Shaddick spent the 'St part relatives in Mr, and and family, weekend guests with Mrs. E. R, Shaddick. Leonard Noakes and William Cameron attended the Warm Air Heating School at Kitchener for five days last week. The week previous to that Fred Peters, Harold Knight and Bill Pink spent four days in St. Catharines attending the OIT Burner SchooL All are employees of Pink's phiniblng and heating company. of last Mr. Brantford, with his Davis and of this week with. Toronto. Mrs. Harold Scruton of Port Dover, were Mr. and ■’ oamERCURY The exciting new ’53 Mercury is a style master­ piece in the modern tempo. Mercury’s style is ’way-ahead today. Tomorrow it will he a tradition. Every day more and more Canadians are enjoying a Road Test in Mercury. Each driver, each rider, is en­ thusiastic about Mercury’s easier handling, smoother riding, pilothouse visibility and livelier performance. Inspect and Road Test ’53 Mercury yourself. You must see ’53 Mercury to fully appreciate its perfection of line and true beauty of interior styling. You must drive '53 Mercury to experience the thrilling response of the smoother, ’53 Mercury 125 Up. high- comprcssiou V- 8 engine. Learn for yourself why ’53 Mercury is the greatest performer on any road and is 'way-aliead in style. 3-WAY CHOICE IN TRANSMISSIONS: Mcrc-O-Matic Drive or Touch-O-Matic Overdrive (both optional at extra cost); or Silent-Ease Synchronized Standard Transmission. MercOry salutes fiftieth anniversary 1M3 MERCURY CUSTOM FOUR-DOOR SEDAN ITWrewnW ttttt, rear fender shields and bumper-critic guards are available al extra cost.V8 'ROAD TEST . ...................................... ............... A............. MERCURY" BOB COOK MOTOR SALES HENSALL, ONTARIO 10 New Models tn Stock! 20 Late-Model Trade-ins To Pick From!TELEPHONE 178 SOUTH END SERVICE PHONE 328 EXETER FOR A 'SAFE-BUY' IN A USED CAR SEE YOUR MERCURY DEALER