HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-03-05, Page 10Page 10 TH® TIMES-APVOCAT®, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 5, 1953 Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? .Thousands .of couples are weak, worn-out, ex­ hausted solely because body lacks iron. Fornew vim, vitality, try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Supplies 'iron you, too, may need for pep; supplemen­ tary doses Vitamin Bi. Introductory or ’’get- acquainted’* sizu only 60£. At AU druggists. I I............... ■ ---- -------- --------------- Service with Courtesy ■ PHONE 405 DAY OR NIGHT Supertest Station GARAGES i Ladies’ Bowling —Continued from Page 4 team. A 541 triple and 208 in one game by P. Perron was big­ gest boast among losers. The Skunks took Merry Maids for a seven-point ride with the help of two 600 triples by D. Prance and B. Christie. B. Chris­ tie came one point below the week’s best when she bowled 647 in three games and 235 in two. Naid'i Francois took honors on the Maids’ team with 544 and 207. Five points went to the Jolly Jills after three games with Hi- Anne Brock sparked the .........................and losers News of EJimville Ry MRS. ROSS SKINNER I. Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during the evenings throughout the week; ED’S IMPERIAL Service Station H Light;. winners with 694 and 21 D. Pfaff replied for the with high 561. In spite of a 420 total cap, to their opposition, Cats pulled five points out hat to put them in second place after their’ match with the Jolly Six. Kay Hay bowled high 575 and 260 for the Cats and top opponent was E. Robinson with 594 and 218 for the losing Six. Frisky Sisters ended up with five points and a tie for second, position, a result from their games with Yarn Spinners. High scores, 566 and 226 were bowled by E. Robinson for the Sisters. Spinners’ best was 531 by A. Ford. LADIES' LEAGUE STANDING P 82 80 80 77 76 75 73 72 71 69 64 63 Happy Gals ... Alley Cats .... Frisky Sisters Hot Pogs ..... Skunks .............. Jolly Jills ........ Busy Bees .... Hi-Lights ...... Merry Maids .. Yarn Spinners Wee Hopes ... Jolly Six ...... handi- Alley of the G 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 ■IT WILL BE HERE SHORTLY jBfc---;---^4 "'nI Exeter Farm Equipment DICK JERMYN Exeter; Phone 508 Elimville Euchre Club was held on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns as hosts, Winners for the evening were; laides’ high, Miss Verda Kellett; gent’s high and consolation prize, Mrs. bert Reilly. This week Air. Mrs. Grant Ford are hosts. Miss Donna Mureh and Brian Middleton, of spent the weekend, with Mr. Mrs. Harold Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Russell King family, Sunday Cooper. Mrs. a few days with her sister, Mrs. L. McFalls, of Exeter. Mrs. Maynard Margison, Barry and Alan, of London, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Del- mer Skinner. Mr. Johnny Ridley Ro­ und Mr. Loudon, and and on with Mr. and. Mrs. Bruce of Crediton, visited Weston Horne is visiting ! Report From Edgewood By AIRS. ROY MOORE Personal Items Mr, Don Middleton spent Fri­ day in Hamilton. and Mrs. Gordon Eaton Bill with and Mr. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mathers and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dann Kenneth. Mrs. Victor Westman is with the flu. Miss Barbara Zuball spent a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Zubal. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore spent Thursday in London visiting and Mrs. Tommy Pye. Mrs. James Larson is in with the flu. Miss Frances Cook, of Wood- stock, spent the weekend with Olla Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hobbs had the hydro turned on Friday. Anne Hardie, of Revere, had her ankle broken on Tuesday at school. Mr. Joseph Zubal and Mary visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ seph Zubal, Jr., and girls. Mr. and Mrs. James Larson had the hydro turned on Friday afternoon. Fawn Fonun A social evening was held at Revere School Monday night which everyone enjoyed. It was arranged by Mrs. H. Westman, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bowman, Mrs. C. Gowan and Lance Hudson. Haysel Perrins was chairman. Films were shown by Miss Joan Leslie and Miss Verna Mc­ Combs, Granton teachers. Be­ tween films, entertainment was supplied by the pupils, including tap dancing by Marie Dunlop, ac­ companied by her mother at the piano; community singing led by Mrs. G. Rathburn and Mrs. C. Gowan; bubble dance by Mrs. Rollier, of Granton; harmonica selections by Mr. Mel Westman, Julius Rollier “ companied by Cecil Bowman by request. A vote of thanks • by Mr. H. Kennedy. sick Mr. bed and Ken Ellis, ac- ■Mrs. gave Dunlop. Mr. a step dance was tendered V Commission Sales & Exchange Next Door to Ron Westman's Canadian Auto Stores, Exeter WE BUY WE TRADE WE SELL Timmy Wins Paralysis Fight With Easter Seals Help Red-headed, 12-year-old Bruce McGregor, of yernonville, who has won a five-year fight against paralysis until he can ride his pony and be a Wolf Cub, has been chosen Canada’s Timmy for 1953. Seventh in the succession of children chosen to wear that name as symbol of the thousands helped annually by the Ontario Society foi* Crippled Children, Timmy of 1953 will journey to Ottawa to meet Canada’s Gover- The Story In Saintsbury By MRS, H. DAVIS The Guild of St. Patrick’s Church met on Wednesday after­ noon at the home of Mrs. M. McDonald with 16 members and two visitors present. Mrs. R. Greenlee, president, was in charge assisted by Mrs. J. Dickins. Rev. Griffin spoke. Next roll call to be answered with an article for the bazaar. During the afternoon Mrs. E- Bridges, who is leaving this com­ munity to live in Lucan and Mrs. M. Lewstig, whose husband is be­ ing moved to Camp Borden, were presented with a cup and saucer. Mrs. C. read the address to the ladies and Mrs. R. Greenlee made the presentation. Both ladies were completely surprised. Mrs. C. Davis was elected treasurer to replace Mrs. Bridger. The ladies spent the remainder of the afternoon quilting and the hostess assisted by Mrs. C. Davis and Mrs. Jack Dickins served lunch. A lucky draw was won by Mrs. L. Weiberg. Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. T. Kooy were Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Herbert, all of Bid- dulph, Mr. and Mrs. M. Neil, of Crediton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Littleton of McGillivray. Master Leroy Maguire has the chicken pox. On — - - - Griffin guests Kooy. Mr. guests Coleman on Saturday evening. Air. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and Heather were Friday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis. Mrs. Hugh Davis was celebrating a birthday. On Thursday, Mrs. Davis and Hea­ ther were guests wjth Mr. and Mrs. George McFalls. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and Heather were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mur­ ray Brintnell, of Exeter, and Sun­ day evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee and boys. Mr. and Mrs. George McFalls and family were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. E. Hicks and Mrs, P. Mack. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hess, of Zurich, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Squire and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire, Squire, Mr. and Mrs. Donald were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins. Mr. and Mrs. Joan, and Miss were Wednesday with Air. and Airs. Hugh Davis and Heather. Comments About Centralia By MRS, F. ROWDEN Breen, London, visitors with their Mrs. Robert Breen. Howse, Woodstock, a couple of weeks Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hod­ gins and Mr. Norman Mitchell visited with Mr. and Mrs, John Blair in Lucan on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson visited with the latter's parents in Glencoe over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. were Sunday son, Mr. Mrs. W is visiting with her law, Rev. Miss Donna Bowden was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Swan in Watford, Miss Edna Brown, of Toronto, and Mr. Grant Brown, London, spent the weekend at their home in the village. Mr. George Godbolt, who has been in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, for several weeks, re­ returned home on Thursday of last week. Mr. Reid Brown spent a few days this week with relatives in Barrie. Miss Agnes Anderson returned last week from Victoria Hospital to the home of her sister, Mrs. Murray Elliott. -Mrs. T. Boyes, Mrs. Elmer Wilson, Mrs. R, Schroeder and F. Bowden were Monday attending the late Mr. W. nor-General and to Toronto to attend the opening on March 5 of the Society’s campaign for $475,000. The money comes from the sale of Easter Seals, sold by members of the more than 20 0 Service Clubs Society and aid its work. Bruce, who wears a wide grin with a missing tooth, fell from his father’s disc­ seeder five years ago when he was trying to help. The machine passed over his body, breaking his spine. He was. rushed to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, was kept there for seven months. Doctors thought at first he wouldn’t live, later doubted that he would walk. But today Bruce walks. True, he uses crutches and wears braces on his legs, and he can even move around wthout the crutches if he can balance him­ self against a wall or railing. He goes to school, has kept up his studies and is in seventh grade at Black School, S. S. No. 14, in Haldimand Township. Sometimes he rides his pony, “Major”, to school, a gift from the Wolf Cubs and Boy Scouts of North­ umberland and Hastings Coun­ ties. And he has joined, the Cubs and is an active member. Life has become no problem for Bruce. He doesn’t grieve about his injury nor his inability to run. He gets more thrill out of things around him than lots of other boys, and he still helps his dad, Neil McGregor, when its time for milking. He can operate the tractor like an old hand. The Society's doctors and therapists are very proud of their young patient as an evidence of what can be done for youngsters who have been stricken by in­ jury or diseases such as crippling who back the it year round in and G. for brother and sister-in- and Mrs. G. Burton. Donna Bowden was R. B. Williams Phone Either 44-9 Kirkton - Drover or 287 Exeter ■--------------------------------------------------------------------■ Exeter District CO-OP Visit Your Co-Op Today! Thursday J. Barker and Joyce McFalls evening guests WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NEXT WEEK’S TIMES-ADVOCATE and Mrs. Norman M. Mac- evening MILL W6r CRESTLINE VICTORIA Davis, past president, Thursday evening, Rev. and Kevin were dinner with Mr. and Mrs. T. and Mrs. H. Davis were with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr. This Week In Whalen By BIBS. F. SQUIRE Alr. and Mrs. in London on the funeral of S. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McFalls visited with their daughters in London over the weekend and attended a birthday celebration for Mrs. Andrew Isaac, a former resident of this community. polio. As for Bruce, he’s all ex­ cited about going to the big luncheon in Ottawa and the sportsmen’s dinner in Toronto where he will meet celebrities he knows only by name. and more * G3EJ , £;..... Come In And Talk It Over We Sell On Commission • CARS, TRUCKS, TRACTORS, FARM EQUIPMENT • PIANOS, FURNITURE, STOVES, APPLIANCES • E1CYCLES, TRICYCLES AND TOYS • HORSES, CATTLE, PIGS AND SHEEP Change Your Surplus Merchandise Into $ $ $ Ron Westman, Manager The euchre club met in the school house on Friday night with eight tables in play. The com­ mittee in charge was Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Squire and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Squire. The prizes were won by the following: La­ dies’ high, Mrs. Gerald Hern; men’s high, Graham Thompson; lone hands, Mrs. Roy Hodgson; consolation, Gerald Wallis. On Thursday, Friday and Mon­ day there was no school, as Miss Willis, the teacher, was sick. Mr. and Mrs. William Shervill, London, Mrs. Fred Brock, Mrs. Russell Brock and David, Chisel­ hurst, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Morley, Sr. Thursday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morley,v Jr., wefe Mr. ahd Mrs. Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Morley, Carol and Jimmie “ ' Miss Carol Langford, Marys, her aunt, and Mr. Squire. Mrs. George Squire entertained at a brush demonstration home on Monday evening. Mr. ahd Mrs. Ronald Squire were Thursday evening 2‘ guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Dic­ kins, Lucan. Mrs. Frahk Parkinson spent a few days last week with Mrs. John Wilson, Stratford. Sunday visitors With Mr. and Frank Parkinson were Mr, Mrs. Harold Bell, London, Mr. and Mrs. Gordofi Dbck- and family, Munro. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen ahd Donald were Monday evening din­ ner guests of Mr. and Mts. Har­ old Hern, Zion. Mr. ahd Mrs. George Arksey and Jean visited on Saturday with Mr, ahd Mrs, Glen Froates, London. Saturday evening visitors With Mr. ahd Mrs. Ron Sduife were Mr • “ Mr. ahd London, Millson Hill. Foste; . of St. spent the weekend with Mrs. Grafton Squire, at her dinner aw© comfort AU. THE WAV’ MW METEORS REM 'WOWDERR/OE*' A greatly improved suspension system with double-acting shock absorbers and custom- selected Hydra-Coil springs, reduces road shocks as much as 80% . Meteor rides more smoothly than ever before. 3-way choice in transmissions in all 3 Meteor series. Merc-O-Matic Drive Or Totich-O-Matic Overdrive {both optional at extra Cost); or Silent-Ease Standard Transmission. The most powerful engine in the low price field! It’s yours in ’53 Meteor Customline and Crestline Series. V-8 of course—for supreme smoothness in per­ formance—for proven dependability and longer life. It’s the same type of engine that powers Canada’s highest- priced cars . . . the one type of engine you’ll want to investigate now more and more, makers are swinging to V- 8’s. Meteor’s superior V-8 performance is the result of over 20 years’ research, and continuous improvement by the Com­ pany that has built more V-8 engines than all other manufacturers combined . . . what better assurance that Meteor offers most for you! Let’s visit your dealer ... see Meteor’s finer styling and superb appointments. Then drive this better value and judge for yourself! PSf YOU’RE INVITED...TRY "METEOR WONDER RIDE” BEFORE YOU DECIDEiUtS W HENSALL, ONTARIO 10 New Models In Stock! 20 Late-Model Trade-ins To Pick From!TELEPHONE 178 ahd Mrs. Tom Urlin, Arva, Mrs. William Walls, of and Mr, and Mrs. Ralph and Donnie, Prospect PHONE 328 EXETER -FOR A 'SAFE-BUY’ IN A USED CAR ... SEE YOUR METEOR