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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-03-05, Page 4
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 5, 1953Page 4 Hensail And District News letter From By MBS, A- GACKSTETTER Monetta Menard’s ftby your plenty — and . and Mr. fam- Harpley By MRS. M. MQDGINS Comments About Cromarty By MRS. K. McKELLAR Message From Kippen Somebody** Going To Pay For This! Damage caused car can cost you _ UNLESS you play it smart and carry adequate liability insurance. Look into this NOW! W. Herman son “The Insurance Man” Telephones; Office 24 Res. 162-J EXETER Mr. William "Wright, Washing ton, D.C., visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Storey and family, of Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. William Guest and son, Darrell, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Storey on Sunday. "We extend our sympathy to the family of Mr. Lome Me- Kellar whose death occured at his home in Staffa on Monday. The Marian Ritchie Auxiliary held a quilting at the home of Mrs. Samuel McCurdy on Friday afternoon. Y.P.S. The Y.P.S. met Sunday eve ning with Carolyn© Walker pre siding. Kenneth Walker read a passage of Scripture and Mr. Duneanson led in prayer. Ethel Mae Norris read a story and Patsy Ramsay and Carolyns Walker sang a duet. Mrs. Calder McKaig had charge of the topic. Cromarty Y.P.S. was well rep resented at a social gathering of the young people of Stratford Presbytery at First Church, St. Marys, on Friday evening. Sponsor Carinval A very successful carnival was held at the arena Tuesday eve ning sponsored by the Hensall Park Board. Many lovely fancy and comic costumes were in evi dence on the ice. Over $50 in cash was given away in prices. Judges were Mrs. T. J. Sherritt, Mrs. A. Clark and William Fair bairn. Following are the various winners: Girls under 10 (fancy): Sharon McBride, Peggy Goddard, Ann Mickle, Girls under 10 (comic): Gwen Forrest, Dorothy Parker. Girls 10 to 16 (fancy): Gerald ine Harburn, Valentine girls, Norma Passmore; girls 10 to 16 (comic); Joyce Faber, Jean Npakes, Gwen Spencer and Gladys Moir; Bobby rick, under chase, boys under 10 (fancy): Middleton, Jerry Brode- Robert McKelvie; boys 10 (comic): Jack Chip- Brian Bonthron, Keith Anderson; boys 10 to 16 (fancy) Jerry McClinchey, David Noakes, Jack Bell and Wayne McBride; ■boys 10 to 16 (comic): Jim Baynham, Bill Kerslake, Don MacLaren: best dressed couple: Elaine Bell and Mary Lou Mc Lellan; Beth Goddard and Vera Tinney; Dorothy Monroe and Ed na Deitz; youngest skater: Brian Fink; oldest skater: Mrs. Russell Broderick; ladies fancy costume: Mrs. Russell Broderick. H. J. CORNISH & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J. Cornish, L. F. Cornish, D. Mitchell 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. Keeping Up To Date New wrapping materials—new con tainers for fruits and vegetables— new poultry bags all add to the Quality of Frozen Foods. We are now using Kraft paper with Polythene or Cellophane coat ing for wrapping meat. Conclusive tests made by such firms as Can adian Industries Limited tell us that this will add considerably to the quality of Frozen Meats. We will soon display a complete line of Polythene Bags for use in your locker, refrigerator, frozen food compartment, etc. Car Stolen A 1951 Dodge was stolen from Hensall Motor Sales garage on No. 4 Highway from a group of cars on an adjoining used car lot last Thursday night, The car was not missed for some time after the theft because it was thought than an employee, was using it. The proprietors of the garage are T. C. Coates and Roy Campbell. Provincial Constable Elmer Zimmerman of Exeter investigating. is Make Tliis Your Headquarters For All Materials For Packaging And Wrapping Frozen Foods xeter c This week we are shipping EXETER BEEF to Toronto and London. This was the result of visiting relatives in. Exeter who use our EXETER BEEF. You are missing something if you have never used EXETER BEEF. WE GUARANTEE THE QUALITY ‘‘Live Better Cheaper The Locker Way” Young People’s Society The Young People’s Society Carmel Presbyterian Church met on Monday night. The following convenors were elected: worship convenor, Gerald Bell; missions convener, Al Hoggarth; fellow ship convener, Neil Taylor; pro gram convener, Mary Campbell. These officers along with the president comprise the program committee for the year. Follow ing the election of conveners, all the newly-elected officers to gether with the conveners were installed by the minister, Rev, J. B. Fox. The Society will meet twice monthly on the second and fourth Wednesday evenings. The new study book, "We Believe”, was introduced, and one of the chapters discussed. The meeting concluded with a game and re freshments. of Dr. James Jarrott, of New York is visiting his mother ,Mrs. Cath arine Jarrott. Mrs. Wm. Martin visited on Fri day with Mrs. B, Simmons in Victoria Hospital, London. Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs. A. Gackstetter were Mr Mrs, W. Horney, of Exeter; and Mrs. E. Gackstetter and ily of near Exeter; Mr. Edward Gackstetter and Mr. John Gack- stetter, of near Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gackstetter, of near Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Atkins, of near Zurich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broadfoot. Charles Switzer is ill, We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith and fam ily spent Sunday with friends in London and St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. S. Cudmore and family, of London, spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Taylor, of Stratford, visited on Mrs. Dinsdale and Whiteman. Mrs. W, Dilling is the best of health. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alexander, of Hensall, visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. John Alexander. Miss Jean Ivison was in Guelph on Monday attending the funeral of her cousin, Dr. Little. Mr. Edgar Smith, of Guelph, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. John Jarrott. . Mrs. Smith, Who had spent a week with her parents, returned home with him. Mrs. Wm. Horney, of Exeter, spent a week with her niece, Mrs. A. Gackstetter. On Monday evening the L.O.L. of Woodham, presented their play “Look Out Lizzie” to a large audi ence. Between acts Mrs. McLeod fovored with a piano instrumen tal and Miss Gerta Benindyk and Mr. Hank Benindyk favored with a duet accompanied by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot. Flowers were placed in mem ory of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Sinclair. Mr. Morley Cooper and Mr. J. W. MacLean returned after spending some Florida. Reopening Services Well Special services were Sunday with Miss Mabel not enjoying Personal Items Dr, Harry Joynt, Mrs, Joynt and Judith Ann, of Toronto, spent the weekend visiting with the former's mother, Mrs. Alice J oynt. Mrs, L, Parker, of Exeter, visited this week with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tudor. Miss Martha Heideman, of Clinton, was a weekend visitor with Mr, and Mrs. Archie Mac Gregor and Donald. Miss Shirley Chapman, nurse in-training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Chapman. Mrs. A. Crerar and Allan were recent visitors with relatives at Listowel. ■Mrs. Emalie Schroeder re turned home after spending several weeks with relatives at St. Clair Shores, Mich. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Koehler and Mrs. Nancy Koehler, of To ronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Koehler and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Erb, Mrs. R. Luxton, of Clinton, visited recently with her mother, Mrs. R. M. Kirby. MiE® Ullien Holiday of St. Thomas spent the weekend witli friends here. Miss Etta Jarrott, of Toronto, and Dr. James Jarrott, of New York, visited during the past week with their mother, Mrs. Catharine Jarrott. Mr. Charles Fee is assisting at the local C.N.R, depot during the onion season. Mrs. Edna Corbett spent weekend at the home of son-in-law and daughter, and Mrs. Ed. Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale are spending several weeks in Florida in the interests Of Mr. Drysdale’s health. Saturday, March 7 has been chosen as the day for the tea and home baking sale and craft dis play illustrating the program of the Brownies and Girl Guides. The affair is sponsored by the local association of Girl Guides and will be held in the Council Chambers of the town hall at 3:30 pan. Members of the Women’s Mis sionary Society of the United Church met in the church school rooms last week and quilted three quilts. Mr. Charles and Russell Mc Gregor qre helping Mr. Clifford Sherritt to do some repair work on his barn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ridley at tended the funeral of Mr. Cy Green on Friday at Grand Bend. Mr. Hector Murray entertained a number of his friends on Thursday evening at a progres sive euchre party. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter and Mrs. Fred McLinchey went to Detroit on Sunday to visit their mother, Mrs. Maria Hayter, who had the misfortune to fall and break her hip. You’ll relish opr home cook- courteous service, and pleas ant surroundings! Dietician- planned menus, budget-priced for the family’s enjoyment. Exeter the her Mr. Exeter Frozen Foods PHONE 70 MAIN ST. Mr. Fred Smallacombe, one of Hensail’s oldest residents, was taken seriously ill at his home here and was removed by ambu lance to the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. C. Faber, where he is resting comfortably. IVE >GOOD USED cub i From Reg Armstrong Motors You’ll Find Reg Armstrong Motors Is Tops for Good Used Cars. Smooth Performing, Smooth Riding, Excellent Conditioned Cars with Lots of Good, Trouble-Free Mileage in Them. Why Walk, When Reg Armstrong Motors Has Just the Car for You? *52 Dodge Automatic Transmission, Radio, Sun Visor, Air Condition Heater, 8,000 Miles *52 Plymouth Two-Tone Sedan Pvadio, Air Condition Heater, Visor, Slip Covers, Outside Mirror, Cigar Lighter, Very Low Mileage Sun > *51 Dodge Grey. This Car Has to Be Driven to Healize the Perfect Condition of its Motor, Interior and Exterior, Looks Exceptionally Good *52 Plymouth Sedan Beautiful Blue Paint. Not Soiled, Air Condition Heater, Car Looks and Buns Like New I *50 Chev Sedan Built-in Radio aticH Conditioned Heater, anted this Car to ‘ Most ’51 Cars of Course, Air We Will Guar- Be Better than *50 Chev New Slip Covers. Mechanical Condi tion A-l. Paint and Tires Very Good. Priced to Sell. 0 We Have Others From $125 Our Policy Is To Guarantee You Satisfaction (Successors to Newton Motor Sales) RHONE 215 £>AY OR NIGHT EXETER, ONTARIO rd . Phone 88 Make PEEP, MOISTURE- HOARDING with a JOHN DEERE Model'llB"Disk Harrow Mellow, moisture-hoarding seedbeds that get crops off to a fast start can be yours with a John Deere Model "JB" Disk Harrow, The standard-weight Model "JB" assures you of better seedbed preparation on every job because it is designed to work atJWZ angle in' plowed ground or normal soils without "burying." You work all the soil thoroughly. In harder ground or stubborn stalk or root systems, you can add weight as necessary to secure proper penetration—the "JB” is built to "take it." Heavy-duty frame, heat-treated disk blades, hard-metal bearings, and other outstanding features assure long, dependable service. Positive rope control, or hydraulic Powr-Trol make it easier to do good disking with a. Model "JB." See us for complete information. W. G. Simmons & Sons EXETER SEAFORTH GODERICH WHEN YOU WANT of the late Miss Kathleen Robb, of Stratford, who passed away suddenly Monday evening. tn Friday time in Here’s Simple Logic PHONE 69 EXETER“SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS”315 HURON STREET 4 London, her pa* Mrs. Den- Par- sup- Jack of London, with her Ernest Attended __| ... __ held in St. Andrews United Church Sun day with a good attendance. Rev. N. McLeod, B.A., B.D., spoke at both services and gave credit to those who have been responsible for beautifying the church. Bask ets of flowers adorned the altar in memory of the late Mr, and Mrs John Bell, Mrs. Robert Cooper, Mr. Robt. McBride and Mr. and Mrs. William Sinclair. Don Bell sang "Bless This House”. The male quartette of Roy’s church assisted the choir at the morning service with Mrs. McCullough as accom panist. In the evening the Zurich Octette were present with Mrs. Milton Oesch at the piano. The members were Delbert Geiger, A. Mellick, Newell Geiger, Menno Oesch, John Gascho, Urban Pfile, Milton Oesch and Oscai’ Greb. Topics From Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rhode, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. William Cann,, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pass- more, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bor land, and Mrs. Irene Smith spent Wednesday evening with Mrs. G. Wiseman and Mr. Edgar Mon teith. Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore, David and Dennis,, Mr. and Mrs. William - * - Glenn, more, were guests Snow. Miss the weekend with Miss Carol Ann Hume. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Passmore, Sharon and Paul, Mr. and Aimer Passmore, David and nis, Mr. and Mrs. Frayne sons were Sunday evening per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Box, of London. Mrs. Aimer Passmore, David and Dennis spent a few days the beginning of the week with Mrs. Percy Passmoi'e, of Exeter. Mrs. Percy Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley, of Exeter, Mrs. Frank Gallings, Granton, spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore. Miss Nona Pym. spent the parents, Pym. MisS visited rents, more. Mr. . . . .. .. . Jack and Joanne, spent the week*- end with the former’s mother, Mrs. Hodgert, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer GibsOn, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rohde and Jini, of Mitchell; ■Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rohde, of Exeter, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, William Rohde. Messrs. Fhilip Johns, Lewis Johns, "William Rohde, Edgar Monteith, William Lamport and Roland Williams attended a beef ring meethg at the home of Mr. Ernest Pym on Saturday evening when they decided they Would not he able to run the beef ring this year. The sympathy of the ctunmni* ity is extended to the relatives Rohde, Douglas and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pass- Rosemary and Beverly, Friday evening supper of Mr. and Mrs. William Nancy Passmore spent ■Weekend Mr. and Mrs. Helen Passmore, on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pass' and Mrs. Mac Hodgert, Go To A Furniture Store GO TO A REFRIGERATION MAN WHERE YOU GET QUALIFIED, EXPERIENCED SERVICE *53 KELVINATOR NOW ON DISPLAY Pioneered the Manufacture of the First Electric Refrigerator for the Home. From this Unparalleled Experience, Kelvin- ator Brings You Today the Most Beautiful, Conveniently Designed Refrigerator that Ever Graced a Canadian Kitchen,