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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-02-26, Page 6
Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 26, 1953 'Rec, Play-Offs Start Next Week Play-offs ip the Recreation League will start next week. Final night of regular play will be this Friday, The „ | ........... '__ a home-and.-hQme, goals-to-count, series involving all six teams. First-place team will play the fourth, second, will play and third will play Present standing Station's Juveniles Crediton Centralia Maroons Grand Bend play-offs will include sixth. fifth, PRODUCTS : ROSS HAUGH Phone 35-r-8 Dashwood For Sale 1952 MONARCH SEDAN Automatic transmission -.. $2,500 1952 FORD HALF-TON PICKUP Delux cab, only 2,000 m., $1,500 FORD ONE-TON EXPRESS Heavy duty tires, only 23,000 miles Let AW ant Ad Be Y our Salesman - An Inexpensive Go-Getter -ftr FOR SALE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED BABY CHICKS FOR SALE—Fence posts, brace posts, anchor posts, stakes and poles. John Hindmarsh, R.R. 2, Goderich, .phone ll'JO-J. 26:5:12* FOLDING BABY carriage, in good condition. Phone 224-M. 26c USED G.E. REFRIGERATOR , (de luxe), O’-s cut. ft., in good condition. Apply B. Haist, phone Crediton 2b- r-31. 2b* SEW AND SAVE. See the grand selection of yard goods at Tudor's in Hensail. Percales, Sport Denim, Dotted Swiss. Novelty Cottons. See them at Tudor's. 26c I AM EQUIPPED to test your soil this and next month at very reasonable cost to you. Call me for instructions how to take your soil to test. L. V. Hogarth, phone 266. 19:26:5:12c REGISTERED NURSES and one certified assistant required for St. Marys Memorial Hospital, St. Marys. Apply—Superintendent. 26:5c GIRL or WOMAN to help in home, in Exeter. Apply Box "S", Times- Advocate. 26c THAT BRAY CHICK order. Sent it yet? Then contact us for, prices. They have wide range, Canadian Ap proved chicks - mixed - pullets - cockerels. Limited quantity started. Order April chicks now too. Agent is Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246-J. DODGE ’49 COUPE—Air-conditioned heater, undercoated. Mileage 30,600. Excellent condition. One owner. —142 Wellington Rd. S„ London, Ont. 26* SEE THE NEW Spring and Summer dresses at Tudor's in Hensail. Mash Crepes and Miracords at $4.95 and $5.95. Up to size 52 tool 26c WE HAVE THE BEST quality cod-liver oil. Bring your own containers. Also have hog worm oil, a very satisfactory product to rid your hogs of worms. —L. V. Hogarth, phone 266 Exeter. 2-5tfc BASEMENTS DUG and back filled. loading, bulldozing and trucking. Gravel fill and top soil. Apply Lome R, Becker, phone 57-r-4 Dashwood. 19:26:5* SECRETARY REQUIRED for of fice in Exeter, capable shorthand and typing, writing to Box “7’ Advocate, of talcing Apply in , Times- l-15tfc NOTICE TO CREDITORS GOOD QUALITY red clover seed, cleaned: would trade part on good alfalfa seed. Apply Gordon Prance. Winchelsea, 26:5* 17 RANGE SHELTERS, flat bottom roofs, on skids, in excellent condition, only 3 years old. Cheap. Apply Grant Case, ph. 115 Zurich. 26:5:12e FOR SALE—A number of Holstein heifer calves. Weekends only. Write me and I will bring to your farm.— Geo, Kilmer, Box 308, Strqthroy, 26* NEW ELECTRIC brooders, 500-chick size. Apply Bev Morgan, phone 171- r-11 Exeter. _____ _________26c FOR SALE—One baby carriage used 1 year. Apply at Times-Advocate. 26c FOR SALE—Dinette suite: table, 4 chairs ami cabinet, natural finish, red trim, in good condition. —Cpl, J. Bishop. Crediton, or phone 69-J. 26c A QUANTITY OF mature guinea pigs and a number of young ones. Also in young Checkered Giant rabbits. reasonably priced. Apply James O. Stokes, Glenannon, Ont.______26c $1,200 194 8 FORD ONE-TON EXPRESS i ri/tom Priced ar $750 San PHONE 470 Elliot EXETER Top Rated Used Cars ’52 DODGE REGENT SEDAN ’51 CHEV SEDAN ’49 CHEV COACH '49 METEOR COACH ’49 FORD COACH ’48 CHEV SEDAN '48 CHEV COACH Q '47 CHEV COACH ’47 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 42 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ’38 CHEV COACH '34 FORD COACH ’46 FARGO PICKUP ONE '52 MODEL 12 cu. ft. Kylvina- tor refrigerator with large frozen food compartment. New. Less than cost price. $300. —G, I<. Crocker,i phone 59 Exeter. 26c—G. TUDOPv’S IN HENSALL are showing ■, Fuiivni Ombre blouses at $2.98.Stripes and plains in several differ- ent styles.______________________26c DAFFODII.S and TULIPS, cut bloom nr in pots. Bailey's Florists, phone 276. 2Gc WEAKER PIGS. Apply Allan Westcott, phone 176-r-32 Exeter. 26’Ju TONS CORN ensilage, She.ldon Wein, phone 7 daytime, corner High- ways 83 and 4,_________________26c 3,<100 SUSSEX X RED pullets, three weeks old. These are No. 1 pullets intended for our own raising. Lake view Poultry Farm and Hatchery Ltd., phone 7.__________________26c 1950 FORD PICKUP, 19,000 miles, excellent shape inside and out. Knob- bv tire-s. What offers. —Phone 26-R Exeter, 905 Main St.____________26^ FOR SALE—Registered Aberdeen Angus hull, Enchanter Chamn II, two vears and nine months old. —Wm. ■Snow, 173-r-15 Exeter,_________26* :5 VIOLIN—Genuine German hand made Erush Heinrich Roth, made in 1725. Apply Cecil Maxwell, Hensail. 19:26c Clearance! Broderick Bros. Phone 277 Kxeter New 1952 Phil co HOME FREEZER 8 cu. ft. New 1952 G-E REFRIGERATOR 9 cu. ft. Used G-E REFRIGERATOR A-l Shape Special Prices! R. E. RUSSELL 26c We Are Still Continuing Our DRY GOODS SALE MEN’S WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS $3.95 for $2.95 PRINTS & BROADCLOTHS 20 Per Cent Off HARDWARE AT REDUCED PRICES SURGE MILKERS are safer for your cows. They do milk faster and are easier washed. Contact Lowell McGuire, your Surge Dealer. Phone 593-W Wingham. 5:12:19:26* For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job, bring it to Tudor’s in Hen sail and have it cleaned the French■ Cleaners and ~ Thursday mornings. way. Pickup delivery on Monday and 10-30tfc NOTICES MEN OR WOMEN — Can you spare two. hours an evening? Five evenings a week to earn $50.00, No door to door selling, no experience. We train you. Ap ply Mrs. Lorraine Brock, Credi ton, phone 2. 19;26:5c FOR ALL WATERPROOFING, decorating and patching on con crete and masonry surfaces, use the Thoro System. C & W Sup plies, telephone 59, Exeter, 315 Huron Street. 12:19:26:6c ANYONE GOING to England for the Coronation or otherwise, telephone Exeter 26-R, It is urgent. 26c REAL ESTATE SUDBURY SOIL-TEST cabinets, very simple to operate. Every farmer should have one. Only $7.95. —L. V. Hogarth, phone 266. 19:26:5:12c ATTENTION TRUCKERS: Your attention is directed to R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 167, r -•4 t_mim***, months of March and April; t, sections will be strictly enforced all County Roads. PETER D. PATTERSON County Engineer 167, Section 36. Subsection and 6 re Load Limits during .. ■- ..... tjies0 1 on APARTMENT HOUSE for sale, 16 rooms, modern plumbing and heating, five lots of land, half-way between Lucan and London. —Phone 7-7918 London. 26:5c WANT A GOOD INVESTMENT? Make $3,000 a year on a $10,000 investment in real estate in Exeter. Apply at Times-Advocate, 2-26tfc MAGAZINES—New and renewal subscriptions for any magazine are received at The Exeter Times-Advocate. PUBLIC NOTICE—Take notice that I have discontinued the employment and agency of Alvin J. Kellerman of Dashwood. He Is now no longer empowered to act for or on my behalf, Signed, W. E. Reid, Chatham, Ont. 26c A 6-R00M HOUSE in the village of Woodham. May be seen by appointment/ Apply Box *'S”, The Times- Advocate. 26c Clearance Sale 1952 Models WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS While They Last 8 ft. and 9 ft. $274.50 up as low as $27.50 down Clearing All Stock DUO THERM SPACE HEATERS Trade in your old heating equipment on these specials while they last! BEAVERS HARDWARE Phone 86 Exeter 26c LOT with FOUNDATION—Basement floor, drains and water installed. Huron Street, 26x30. —Ford & Farquhar, phone 571 Exeter. 2-26tfc In the estate of PERCY PASSMORE, deceased.All persons having claims against the estate of Percy Passmore, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County ot Huron, who died on or about the 10th day of February, 1953, are required to file particulars of same with Messrs. Bell & Laughton. Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 14th day of March next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received.BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executors,Exeter, Ontario 26:5:12c In the estate ofWILLIAM HENRY PENHALE, deceased. ' 'ng claims against mi Henry Pehhale, of Exeter, in the _____ who died on or . day of July, 1940, are Bell ^“Laughton, ~Soii- Ontario, by the 14th X'h next after which date will be distributed, having to those claims of which __ been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario 2G:5:12c WILLIAM HENRY, PENHALE, All persons hat „ the estate of Williai late of the Town < County of Huron, about the 4th day ox uifiy, xaiv, tiic required to file particulars of same with Messrs. L"'" " ’ “ ’“L ’ citors of Exetei day of Ma ’ the estate regard onl; notice has LOST LOST—A light brown wallet, between Avalon Coffee Shop and Bruce Rivers' store. Please leave wallet at The Times-Advocate. Reward. 12c APPLICATIONS WANTED FOR RENT $35 A MONTH, fully furnished apartment, all conveniences, now avail able. Phone 519-W, Irving Snider Apartments. 26c FOR SALE—100 acres deep clay loam, suitable for cash crops or mixed farming. Medium sizes com fortable house. Bam has new stabling and silo? Hydro and water pressure. Price $14,000,00, Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. THREE - ROOM unfurnished apartment. Immediate possession. Separate entrance. —L. Thomson apartment, phone 400-lV Exeter. 26c AT WEINCROFT FARM—Large comfortable, oil heated four-room downstairs apartment, 3-piece bath, hot and cold running water. Apply Shel don D. Wein, phone 7 or 356. 26c NEWLY DECORATED Apartment Centrally located, ground floor, three- piece bath, private entrance, unfurnished. PHONE 143 EXETER 26:5:12c SMALL FURNISHED apartment, self-contained, separate entrance, centrally located. Apply Times- Advocate. 12c MODERN SIX-ROOM home, 1’4- storey, insul brie covered and garage. —Lewis Dixon, 330 Carling St,, Exeter. 26* FOR SALE — Seven-room house with three-piece bath and good furnace. Large two-storey barn and garage. Extra lot. Apply 9 32 William St., Exeter. 29:5:12:12:19:26:5* In the Estate of WALTER CUNNINGHAM Deceased All persons having claims again st the estate of Walter Cunning ham, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 1st day of Feb ruary, 1953, are required to file particulars of same with Messrs, Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Ex eter, Ontario, by the 7th day of March next, after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Exeter, Ont. Solicitors for the Executor 3tc LOTS for sale in Exeter, good location. —Phone 68-W. 19:26:5:12c AUCTION SALES APPLICATIONS Applications will be received by the Township of Stephen for Inspec tor to supervise the spraying of cat tle for Warble-Fly. Inspector to collect payment for the spraying done. All applications to be in the hantls of the Clerk not later than March 3, 1953. F. W, MORLOCK, CLERK 26c TWO-ROOM APARTMENT, liv ing room and kitchen, full base ment and bathroom, hot and cold water. Apply to Albert Gaiser, Shipka, phone 164-r-14 Dash wood. 5:12:19:26:5* FOR SALE—New N.H,A. com pletely decorated 3-bedroom, 1- floor home. Oak and tile floors, 4-piece tile bath, forced air oil heat, copper plumbing', full base ment, laundry tubs, electric hot water heater, awnings, screen and storm sash. $4,000 cash, easy monthlly payment includes principal, interest and taxes. — Ph. 534-J, Gord Farrow. 12tf* Clearing - AUCTION SALE Horses, Cattle, Tractors, Farm Implements and Household Effects The undersigned STOCK WANTED I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exe ter. l*tfc ATTENTION FARMERS-Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone Collect Ed Andrew, Sea forth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235, 5-ltfc PERSONAL ‘'SKINNY” GIRLS! GET LOVE LY CURVES! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight-builder, Ostrex Tonic Tab lets. Introductory, "get-acquaint- ed” size only 60^. All druggists. FOR RENT—In Centralia, brick house, with bath and furnace. Immediate possession. Apply to Loretta C. Hicks, R.R. 1, Credi- ton, or William Essery, R.R. 1, Centralia. l-29tfc FOR RENT—Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. Beavers Hard ware. 5-8tfc TENDERS WANTED FARM FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received for the sale of the grass farm IJhlonging to the William H, Penhale estate, being Lot 6, Con. 7, Hay Township, Huron County, Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in by March 20, 1953. Address all tenders to Asa J. Penhale, 130 John St. East, Exeter, with the word “Tender” on. the outside of envelope. Executors of the estate:ASA J. PENHALE. LUTHER .1. PENHALE 26:5:12c McKe nzie General Store FULL LINE OF PITTSBURG PAINTS MEN'S & BOYS' WORK GLOVES Reg. $1,98 to $2.65 Sale $1,10 to $1.50 Many Other Dry Goods Specials DISHES AT REDUCED PRICES WANTED TO BUY—A colony house; feed potatoes. Phone Granton 5-r-7. 26* WANTED SEAFORTH GODERICH GROCERIES SPECIALS Heintz Ketchup ......................... Dew Kist Corn, 20-oz., 2 for Maple Leaf Salmon, half .... Libby's Tomato Juice, 48-oz., Carnation Milk .............. 2 for Maxwell House Coffee ....... CLIENT WANTS 50-100 acres light sand. Buildings and water not required. W. C. Pearce, Ex eter. 2-19tfc //J.:/ WARBLE-FLY SPRAY Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the contract to spray cattle in the Township of Stephen for the control of Warble-Fly. Township will supply spray material. Work to be done under the direction of the Township Inspector. Tenders to be in the form of price per head for two sprays. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk not later than March 3, 1953. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. F. W. MORLOCK, CLERK CONCRETE BRIDGE BIDS Township of Stephen called by the Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen for the construction of a Concrete Bridge on Lot 22, Concession 14, in the Township of Stephen. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Clerk. Low est tender not necessarily accept ed. Marked cheques of $200.00 must accompany tenders, and must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than 1:00 p.m. March 3, 19 53. F. W. MORLOCK, CLERK 12:.l9:26c EXETER SMALL POULTRY .farm, 2 miles north of Zurich. Modern house, built-in cupboards, new sun porch, bath and garage. All newly landscaped. Three - storey barn, poultry equipment. Applly Mr. Harvey Clausius, phone 9 6- r-3 Zurich. 12:19:26* 75 ACRES, mostly arable, over 30 acres ready for spring crop, alfalfa meadow. A m p 1 e barn room, comfortable brick house, wired and .good repair. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 2-5 tfc 100 ACRES — all arable, rich, clay loam. L-sliaped banked barn with conveniences. Brick house, has built-in cupboards, electricity throughout. —W. C. Pearce, Re altor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. l-29tfc SEVEN-ROOM modern house in Grand Bend, full basement, glassed-in porch, garage connect ed with house. On lot deep and 150 feet House built five years ply Glen Beach, Blyth, 100 feet frontage, ago. Ap? 19:26* NICELY SITUATED 2 - bedroom modern house, almost new. Un finished upstairs. Air - condition ing' oil furnace, complete bath, hot and cold water. Immediate possession. W. C. Pearce, Real tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. l-15tfc When it conies to dowrtright durability ... to rugged strength for taking the gaff of fast, steady plowing behind today’s ttactors, John Deere Truss-Frame Plows are unsurpassed. They’re the only plows with Truss-Frame construction . . . which breaks down the shocks of hard work and distributes thein over the entire frame ,. . which offers you extra strength without bulki ness, without sacrificing clearance. They’re the only plows with genuine John Deere bottoms—‘bottoms known for more than a century for light draft, long life, and albarGurid top-notch field performance. See us for complete details about John Deere Truss-Frame Plows. EXCAVATION WORK called by the Township of Stephen Tenders will be received the Township of Stephen for excavation work on the Link Drain Repair, A marked cheque of $200.00 must accompany ten der. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted: Tenders to be in the hands of tlie Clerk not later than 2:00 p.m. on the 3rd day of March, 1953. F. W, MORLOCK, CLERK 12:19:26c by the 2-STOREY RED brick house, slate roof, oil burning hot water furnace, 2 complete apartments, 3 .genuine fife-places, 2 bath rooms. Extra lot, large barn. Reasonable terms, possession ar ranged. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 1-15 tfc FOR SALE in Exeter’s business section, two-storey brick build ing suitable for any retail busi ness of light industry. For par ticulars apply to C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter.__________l-8tfc MODERN COTTAGE with large living room and roomjr kitchen, two’ bedrooms This property is dition and can very reasonable C. V. Pickard, The undersigned auctioneer has been Instructed to sell by public auction onLOT 26, CON. 6, PARR LINE, HAY TOWNSHIP 1’4 miles south of Hillsgreen, 2% miles east of Zurich and 1’4 miles north, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 commencing at 1 o’clock p.m. sharp HORSES: Two Percheron work horses, both mares.CATTLE: Black cow, with calf at foot: Ayrshire cow, milking, fresh ened January 2; Hereford cow, due latter part of March; Durham cow, due end of April; black cow, with calf at foot, due in July; black cow, with calf at foot, due end of September; Hereford cow, milking: roan cow, milking; Hereford cow, due end of March; Hereford cow, with calf at foot, freshened February 10: Hereford farrow cow; Hereford heifer, 2 years old; 3 Hereford steers, rising 2 years old; 4 spring and winter calves. These are all the very best quality cattle.TRACTORS: W - 3 0 International tractor on steel, including road rims, high compression unit, installed one year ago. This tractor is in A-l con dition. Allis Chalmers Model B tractor on rubber, used one season, equipped with scuffler. one-furrow plow, and power take-off. All in brand new condition, Three-furrow International tractor plow; Inter national tractor cultivator, like new; M.H, tractor disc; horse drawn cultivator: M.I-I, bean puller and seuf- fler; M.H. 11-run fertilizer drill; M.H. 13-run grain drill; M.H. 6-ft. mower; M.H. 6-ft. cut binder; Cockshutt No. 4 side delivery rake, like new; walking plow; dump rake; Cockshutt manure spreader on steel; set of new bob sleighs with platform: single scuffler; rubber-tired wagon 16-ft. flat hay rack, like new; set of harrows; root pulper; top buggy; pressure sprayer; 45-gal. steel drum; 2 cutters: stock rack; 2,000-lb. platform .scales; fanning mill with sieves; set of sling ropes; bag truck; pig crate; De Laval cream separator; 2 colony houses on skids; coal chick brooder, large size; electric fencer; 2 fattening crates; round hay track; chop boxes; grass seeders; chicken feeders; chicken shelters; steel water tank; double harness; quantity of planks; lumber and wood; pig derrick; block and tackle; chains; shovels, forks, and many articles too numerous to mention,HAY AND SEED: Quantity of haled hay; 3n bushels of Alfalfa seed; _________ Clare new; kitchen range; timer electric stove n cabinet; bedstead f’inge and mattress; vanity bed. dresser; lantern; churn and mical toilet; bench in kitchen cabinet: : kitchen cupboards. No reserve, as the 7 bushels red clover seed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: ■Tewol stc ■ Westingh with ovei complete6 kitchen Coleman butter ti and vicei linoleum ........ .TERMS: Cash farm is sold.ORVILLE SMITH, PROP. EARL WEIDO, ■ CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT, ive, 1 ike : ouse 4-bi n; ki tchewithi spichain's; ■ iron and[•ay;chei; pot•celai10x12I ft.; the and bathroom, in excellent con- be bought at a price. Terms.-— Realtor, Exeter. l-8tfc NEW HOUSE, 609 Edward St, Red brick front, automatic oil furnace, two bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen, bath, upstairs unfinished. Will exchange for older house, —R, E, Balkwill, Exeter. ll-20tfc EXCAVATION WORK called by the Township of Stephen Tenders will the Township of excavation Municipal cificatious office of cheque of paiiy tender. Lowest or auy ten der hot hecessarlly accepted, ’tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk hot later ji.rn. on the 3rd day 1953, F. W, MORLOOK, STOP — If you wish to buy a new red brick home in the beau tiful town of Exeter, see J. W. Hferii, Sanders St. West. 10-23tfC by the be received Stephen for on the Steeper Plans and spe- be ?e6n at the A marked work Drain. may the Clerk $200.00 must accent' HOUSE WELL situated for schools, churches and shopping. Newly decorated interior, first class general condition, Forced heat oil burner furnace. Full bath upstairs, 2-piece on main floor. Garage, garden. —W. C, POarce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 10-16 tfc than 2:00 of March, CLERK 12:10:26c 4-ROOM insul-bric cottage with conveniences and furnace, tea* sohably priced for quick hale, Othei* houses, stores and“ farms. —W, U. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsbhs, Salesinah. 9-lltte AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction on .ANDREW STREET, EXETER-. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29 at 1.00 o’clock the following: Clai'e Jewell enamelled cook stove, coal or Wood, rangettc, 2-burner hot plate, 2-burner electric stove, 3 beds with springs, wardrobe, ice box, 50 ft. of hose, writing desk, radio, 50 record 3 tables, pictures and frames, clocks, mirrors, bed pan Big Ben alarm clock clothes horse, garbage can, floor lamp, parlor lamp, Curtains and rods, tea pot, coffee pot, dishes of all kinds, wood and coal, chesterfield with chair, floor lamp, table lamp good iron pump and piping, cor ner bracket, roll of wire, 3 small tables, step ladder, good laWn mo wer, quantity of bedding and many other articles. The following will also bo sold at the sale, date JeWell cook stovo, heater, two tables, 3 antique chairs, couch, sideboard, dressef, 2 washstands, kitchen cupboard, Washing machine, sewing machine 2 beds and sptingS. TERMS: Cash MRS. LAURA GAISER, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Allot. Clearing auction SALE of Horses, Cattle, Tractor and Farm Effects The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction onLOT 26, CON. 6, PARR LINE 1’4 miles south of Hillsgreen 2’4 miles east of Zurich an<J 1% miles north, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4th, 1953 Sale consists of W-30 Interna tional tractor on steel and Allis- Chalmers model B tractor on rub ber, used one season, as well as a full line of other implements. Also best of quality grade cattle. Full list of sale in next week's issue. ORVILLE SMITH. Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auct. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture, Full Line of Carpenters’ Tools, House and Property w. E. Nairn will sell by public auction onLOTS 17 AND 18 ON EAST SIDE OF 23 HIGHWAY IN KIRKTON onTHURSDAY, MARCH 5 commencing at 1:00 p.m.FURNITURE: Dining room table, 6 chairs, buffet and mirror; couch, new; writing desk; 8-day clock: kitchen table; 4 chairs; glass cupboard: Clare Jewell range (good): Westinghouse 3-hurner electric stove: furna- cette heater; New Reliance sewing machine (good); Apex vacunin cleaner: small electric heater; kitchen stool; 3 beds; 2 dressers; 3 stands; chest of drawers; 3 rocking chairs; 3 upholstered chairs; bookcase; several odd chairs; 2 pedestais; 3 small tables; card table; linoleum; sealers; a quantity of coal; 3 cords hard wood.CARPENTERS’ TOOLS; Hammers, saws, chisels, squares, planes, rabbit plane, 50-ft. steel tape, 3 braces, hits, turning lathe and chisels, rope stretcher, 20-ft. extension ladder: 4 sten- ladders (3 new), rope shingling ladder, ’4-horse and 2 ’4-horse motors, 5 gal. motor oil, asnhalt shingles, cross-cut saw, one-man saw, bucksaw, wheelbarrow. 2 lawn mowers, rakes, hoes, shovels, crowbars; log ging chains, quantity of rope, trestles, ereepies, 2 vices, carpenter’s bench, tool chests, complete set of socket wrenches, quantity of nails.TRUCK: A 1940 Dodge panel truck.PROPERTY: A 1’4-storey frame house with dining room, living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, good cellar, double garage and workshon. nice grounds and garden. The property will be sold subiect to reserve bid.CHATTFl/S: Cash. No reserve. MRS. WESLEY HODGE. PROP. W. E. NAIRN, AUCT, AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Household Furniture The undersigned auctioneer- has re ceived instructions to sell by public auction inCENTRALIA on THURSDAY, MARCH 5 at 2 o'clock the following: REAL ESTATE: Large frame house with big kitchen; large barn; five lots. This is a nice to live, a good location on the Street.FURNITURE: Dining room with 5 chairs; othei’ articles.Washing machine; lawn mower; set harrows; land roller. TERMS: Chattels—cash; terms of real estate made known on day of sale.For further particulars apply to NORMAN MITCHELL, PROP.FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT, brick place Main suite Clearing AUCTION SALE of Automobile, Tractor, Farm Implements, Cattle, Grain and Household Effects ON THE FARM PROPERTY ON LOT 14, CONCESSION 11, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 2’4 miles west, 1 mile north of Crediton, or 1’4 miles east and 3 miles south of DashwoodThe undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction onTHURSDAY, MARCH 5 commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. sharpAUTOMOBILE: 1949 Ford Custom Coach, like new. This car is in per fect mechanical condition with low mileage. TRACTOR: Allis Chalmers W. C. tractor, on rubber, will be sold under new tractor guarantee, CATTLE: Roan Durham cow. due in March; roan cow, carrying second calf, due at time of sale; Hereford heifer with calf at foot, 2 months old: Holstein cow, milking; Hereford heifer, bred 2 months: Hereford steer, rising 2 years old; Hereford vearlin.tr steer.FARM IMPLEMENTS! Fleurv 2- furrow tractor plow; tractor scuffler; International 11-hoe fertilizer drill; 7’4-ft. .semi-tooth cultivator......—tired wagon; 16-ft flat rack Harris 6-ft. cut hinder; harrows: - -. hob 12; box; cap. horst gi bi •ea: ■eai ,tek i ola fi pasture trimmer for mower; bean puller 4-row 221 bean and beet scuffler complete with all attachments; International 1950 No. 62 harvester combine complete with bean attachment, windrow pickup, straw s p r e a d e r, scour clean, grain tank and Continn ental motor; Bell threshing machine, wood body, 28-inch cylinder, 45-inclj body; 18-ft. elevator and straw shredder; 1949 Gehl forage harvester, power driven with hay and com attachments; Gehl forage blower with mounted 1 -cylinder Waukesha motor as power, equipped with unloader, pipes and elbows extra, complete With 2 forage harvester racks. FARM IMPLEMENTS: MeDeering3 - furrow A.C. bottom adjustable tractor plow: MeDeering 13-run grain fertilizer drill; Allis Chalmers side delivery rake, power driven; Minneapolis Moline tractor disc, 32-plate; multicrop windrower, 8-foot swath, right hand cut power driven; McD. S’4-ft. eleven stiff tooth cultivator; Cockshutt No, 10, 10-ft. spring-tooth cultivator; 4-section diamond har rows; 3-section diamond harrows; MeD, 4-section spring-tooth drag- harrows: Eniss bean windrower; McD. ail steel rubber-tired wagon; M.H. manure spreader on rubber; Lotz No. SOX corn grinder. The above mentioned machinery is all like new.M.H, 3-drum steel roller; Int. No. 4 horse drawn corn cultivator; Int. 13-run grain drill with grass seeder attachment and tractor hitch; Oliver 2-row horse scuffler; 8-ft. Fleury- Bissel lime spreader; 2-wheel trailer with stock rack; Garber grass seeder will fit on any tractor; Adams rubber-tired wagon; Viking No. W-75 cream separator with motor; Universal Co-Op milking machine, 2 single units; 10 80-lb. milk cans and dairy equipment; 1-ton chain hoist: heavy tractor chains for big and small tractor; colony house, 12x14 ft.: chic ken shelters; oil brooder stove and feeders; new rubber - tired wheel - harrow; 200 4-inch tile; 10 hydro poles; end posts, fence posts: set of sleighs witli platform: tarpaulin, 7x>; ft.; silo band and couplings for 12- ft. silo: set of scales: brand new cattle dehorner and hoof trimmer: 15 rods chicken fence; new and used lumber; wood stove; Cyclone seeder; numerous 5-gal. cans; John Deere farm tire pump; logging chains: stoneboat; 3 newly built corn cribs; quantity of window sash; numerous amount of small articles. HAY AND GRAIN: 300 bushels of Clinton seed oats; 100 bushels Carter seed oats; 1,000 bushels mixed grain; 200 hales of oat straw: 30 tons forage harvested hay, timothy and alfalfa; 40 bales of second cut alfalfa; 150 bales alfalfa and timothy; 10-ft. grass silage. TERMS: Cash, This is an extra, large sale and will start sharn on time. Plan to attend. No reserve, ns the owner is giving up farming duo to ill health. HARVEY GODBOT/T, PROP. GARNET HICKS. WM. ALLTSON, CLERKS ALVIN AVALPER, AUCTIONEER 26;5e Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Feed on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 Full list in next week’s paper, LORNE FINKBEINER, PROP. W. H. SMITH, AUCTIONEER Crediton - Phone 77-W AUCTION SALE of Frame Building LUCAN To be sold by auction at the ANGLICAN RECTORY IN LUCAN on SATURDAY, MARCH 7. 4 P.M. A 1’4-storey frame building, 21x31,. tongue and grooved lumber, formerly used as garage, to bo removed from premises. H. HODGINS, C. CORBETT, Wardens 26:2a AUCTION SALE of Farm Implements and Household Furniture The undersigned auctioneer has re ceived instructions to sell by public- .auction atLOT 17, CON. 4, STEPHEN on FRIDAY, MARCH 6 at 1:30 o’clock the following: IMPLEMENTS: Allis Chalmers B tractor; 2-row sucfller; now bean puller; 4-row sugai; beet drill; Oliver 2-furrow tractor plow; seed drill: 4 diamond harrows; M.H, side rake; McC. cultivator: hydraulic double disc; M.H. binder; double harness; wagon; rack; .scuffler; 500-chick of straw; forks, shovels, chains, hand scuffler; sling ropes; 300 bales Warner brooder; 1,000 - lb. scales; whiffletrees, neckyokes and other articles. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; Kitchen stove; laundry stove; 6 kitchen chairs; table; General Electric radio; sideboard: robe: chest of drawers. TERMS: Cash. No reserve as the farm Is sold. RALPH WILLIS, PROP. FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT, ; rubber - Massey- 3-section ....... _____ pair sleighs; new colony house. IDx- 10 rods chicken wire;cement water trough: .bGilm Mftssfjy** I*T&’ _ logging chain; iprayer; Viking cross-cut saw: half barrel of strainer pail: and many ar- i mention, mixed grain. Chcster- ir; exten- ; kitchen iftntity of tc. i, e 6-ft. vui inriuifr,' o-n Fleury double disc;cut rods chicken beam • scr' :e gr culling 1,000-lb.ris 1- ■sa-T foirliw The Editor 372 Bay Streets Toronto,, Ont.,. February 10, 1953 Editor, Times-Advocate, The The Exeter, Ontario Sir: I am doing some work on Dr. William Dunlop (1792-1848) an officer of the Canada Company and a founder, with John Galt, of Goderich, I am most anxious to> hear of correspondence, memoirs, or any published material by Di\ Dunlop or concerning him. A death-mask of Dr. Dunlop was exhibited at the Canadian. National Exhibition sometime in. the middle nineties. It seems since to have disappeared. I would be most grateful to hear from anyone who has any know ledge of its existence. I would like also to hear of letters of Louisa -McColl, who became Mrs. R. g. Dunlop, a sister-in-law of the Doctors. I would be most grateful for any help your readers may give me in this work, W. G. Graham H Walmer Rd. Toronto EFFECTS starfield cha chen chair: ; radio: iron;. No ; ches : kit neater metricCash, be sold, ai 'Stable ict; 1 rs; el. RMS: , ...:i _ ___ URBAN AYOTTE. PROP. GLEN WEBB, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT, Extensive AUCTION SALE Consisting of 70 Head of Cattle, Tractors, Thresher, Combine, High Class Farm Machinery, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items ON THE FARM PREMISES LOT 3, ....... J -------------- ------ The »eei ibh■aleTIL...... .thing will S<etc., e ■e serve 'ery- CON. 1, USBORNE TWF miles north of Centralia, miles south of Exeter, on No. 4 Highway undersigned auctioneer strticted to sell by auction on THURSDAY, MARCH 12 commencing at 12 o'clock p.m. sharp REGISTERED HEREFORD BULL: "Advance Domino”, 3 years old. A real individual. Convince yourself by seeing his stock. Holstein cow, due at time of sale; 14 Holstein cows, milking, freshened since October, some rebred; 2 Holstein heifers, bred in November; 2 Holstein heifers, open; 20 Hereford and Durham steers, 2 years old; 1G Hereford steers and heifers, 1 year old; 13 Hereford fall and winter calves; purebred Holstein hefi'er ettif; 1 goat. TRACTOR, THRESHER * COMBINE: Oliver 77 diesel bower stan dard tractor, used 2 yeans, will bo sold under new tractor guarantee;; International Farmali Super A tractor, fully equipped, in A-l mechanical condition, equipped.with 2-furrow AC*. bottom plow; 7-ft. cut 21 U. Int, trailer mower; special high cut h i: Marks Ninety-Second Char Friends congratulated Mrs. Caroline Oescli, of Blake, on having celebrated her ninety- seebnd birthday oh February 16. The day was spent at the horn© of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oesch. The family was pre sent but the event was quietly observed. Mrs. Oesch is reinafk- ahiy smart tor her age, and takes much enjoyment out of life. (Zurich IJeerald)