HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-02-19, Page 4h|» 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 19,1953 For Tire Deals SEE South End Service And Boy! What Deals! £ Chiselhurst W.M.S. Chiselhurst Women’s Mission­ ary Society met in the church Tuesday afternoon, February 10, with president, Mrs. Harold Par­ ker’ in the chair. Mrs. W. Brint- nell conducted the devotional period assisted by Mrs. Cal Hor­ ton and Mrs. Lome McNaughton. Twenty members roll .,.......... trio composed of Mrs. T. Brint- nell, Mrs, Beautiful with Mrs. accompanist. The study, African Trails”, Mrs. T, Brjntnell. The Woman’s Association held a brief meeting, with Mrs. R. McDonald presiding, and opened with the theme song and prayer. Roll call was answered with a Bible verse. Mrs. Brock, a new­ comer to Chiselhurst, was wel­ comed into the group. A quilting and pot luck supper will be held Tuesday, February 24. answered the call with a Bible verse. A Mrs. H. W. R. Parker Garden Carl Kinsman and sang "The of Prayer”, Stoneman as "Along was taken by as* SYN.Kippen East W»I. Kippen East Women’s successful the town February of euchre Insti- MOORE PAINTS I i ua A one coat paint for painting over wall paper, plastei* or con­ crete surfaces without a primer, Dries in one hour. Just add water to thin. One quart of Paqua makes 1 quarts of paint. COMPARE THIS PRICE 1 qt. $1-55 1 gal. $5.35 tute held a very euchre and dance in hall Friday evening, 13 Thirty-six tables were in play. The winners were as follows: Ladies, Mrs. Aubrey Farquhar, Kippen; Mrs. R. Mc­ Gregor, Kippen; gents’ John Sin­ clair, Kippen, George Walker, Hensall. The door prize was won by Mrs. John Sinclair, Kippen. Hank Norris and his ranch furnished the music for dance. boys the Hensail And District News Z Hal'd Time Dance A very successful hard dance was held in the town Wednesday, February 11, sored by Hensall branch of the Canadian Legion. Music was pro­ vided by Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks with Ward Allen. The prize for the best clog went to Mrs. Bruce Armstrong and Ken McKellar, of Staffa. These dances will be a weekly feature in the town hall here. time hall spon- Women’s Institute Health was the theme of the monthly meeting of Institute held in rooms Wednesday,, with the president, Armstronv in charge R. J. Cameron and Mrs, Sangster as hostesses, answered the roll < “What Gives Me Pep”. Lovely knitted, outfits on dis­ play were the work of Institute members for the Goderich Chil­ dren’s Aid Society. Mrs. W. IL Dougall and Mrs. G. Walker re­ ported on buying supplies for quilt blocks which were given to the members to be handed in next month. Mrs. T. Lavender spoke on the work of the Guides and their motto Prepared”. Fifty. dollars voted by the group to aid project. The ladies voted to tribute to a bake sale when the Guides sponsor a tea in the near future. Mrs. E. Geiger made a lovely wool throw which will lie given to the War Memorial Children’s Hospital, London. Mrs. George Armstrong, Mrs. R. J. Paterson and Mrs. R. Elgie were named to act on the Auxil­ iary to the Exetei' Hospital Board representing the Hensall W.L Highlight of the evening was the instructive and informative address on "T.B.", as outlined by Mrs. R. H. Middleton. The speaker discussed symptoms and treatment and stressed the bene­ fit of X-rays. Mr. .C. Forrest and Mrs. C. Kennedy favoured with a vocal duet, accompanied by Miss Greta Lammie. Mrs. F. Beer and Mrs. Inez -McEwan will be hos­ tesses for the March meeting. The program will be provided by the men, who will be guests, and cards will form the entertain­ ment. the Women’s the Legion February 11, Mrs. George and Mrs, W- , Members call with Girl “Be was this con- When did you have your oil filter checked last? ■•a; Carmel W.M.S. The Women’s Missionary So­ ciety of Carmel Presbyterian Church met in the church for their February meeting Thurs­ day, February 12 at 3 p.m. The program was arranged by Mrs. J. A. Paterson and Mrs. Inez McEwan, with Mrs. Paterson presiding. Scripture reading was read by Mrs. S. Dougall and prayer was offered by Mrs. R. McLaren. Members answered roll call with the text w ere of Y. the roll call with "Faith”. Arrangements made for the World Day Prayer to be held in Carmel Church Friday, February 20. Plans were discussed for making money and it was decided to have sunshine aprons as a money making scheme. Mrs. M. Dougall and Mrs. J. Paterson rendered a duet, "I Shall Not Pass Again This Way". Mrs- M. Dougall took the topic from the first chapter of the study book on "Africa”. President Walker was in charge of the business portion of the meeting. Mrs.G, Enjoy Turkey Dinner Thirty members of Amber Re­ bekah Lodge enjoyed a turkey dinner at Monetta Menard’s, Exe­ ter, Wednesday evening, Febru­ ary 11, in commemoration of the fourth anniversary of the organ­ ize: ion of the lodge. Mrs. Mabel Tweedie, of Goderich, District Deputy President, will pay official vist to the lodge at first meeting in March. her the Personal Items Mrs. Howard Harris, Detroit, spent a few days with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. Rannie and family, last week. Miss Betty Mickle, nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hospital, London, visited recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and Ann spent Tuesday of last week in Ridgetown visiting with the former’s mother, Mrs. George T. Mickle. •Miss Betty Moir, of London, spent the weekend at her home here. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Hedden and Karen, of St, Catharines, spent the weekend with Mrs. C. M. Hedden and Herb. Mr, Lloyd Venner has pur­ chased the residence of the late Mrs. C. S. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Heal, of Wingham, were recent visitors with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heal. Mrs. Edna Corbett spent the weekend with her son and daugh­ ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cor­ bett. Mr. Don Adams spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cor­ bett. Mary Lynn Kennedy, daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Clarke Kennedy, entertained a number of friends at her birthday party at her home this week. Miss Margaret Campbell, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Camp­ bell, underwent an operation for appendicitis in Clinton General Hospital on Saturday: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alexander visited during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dilling, of London. Miss Ruth Alexander was a re­ cent visitor with her brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Simpson, of Kirkton. Mrs. A. Crerar and Allen were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mitchell, of London. Cannel Church Ladies Aid Mrs. R. J. Cameron was hos­ tess at her home Tuesday after­ noon, February 11 foi’ the meet­ ing of the Ladies Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church. Mrs. John Soldan conducted the devotional and read a suitable poem, "I am the Door". At the business per­ iod a letter of thanks was read from the John Milton Society expressing thanks for gift of money forwarded recently from the group. Five dollars was voted to the Hensall Girl Guides to aid them in their work.. Final arrangements were made for the Valentine tea and baking sale being held in the church Satur­ day, February 14, with Mrs. Earl Campbell as convenor. The World Day of Prayer will be held in that church February 20. Mrs. E. Munn, Mrs. R. J, Cameron, Mrs. W. R. Bell re­ ported on floor covering for the church entrance. Mrs. Alex Mc­ Gregor brought a box of yarn to the meeting donated by a firm in Guelph, from which members will knit articles. Mrs. Cameron showed print patches to be used for quilts. Mrs. John Solldan closed this portion of the meet­ ing with a poem, “Guest Un­ honored". Mrs. J. B. Fox offered prayer. Mrs. W. R., Bell, presi­ dent of the society, was in charge of the meeting. February Sale This Is During Certain family! the Month for Exception Values. A|I We Ask Is that You Come to the Store this Great Sale and See for Yourself What Your Money Can Buy. We Are that You Will Be Surprised and Pleased. Don’t Miss this Great Sale Oppor- Sale Starts Thursday, February 19 to March 4 9 Girls’ Coat Sets To Clear At 331/a OFF -- - Also --- Girls’ Two-Piece Jumpers, Corduroy Dresses, Skirts, 2 Dozen Girls’1 Wool Skirts Assorted Coats One Rack Spring Coats LONGS AND SHORTIES • 7 Long Coats, Sizes 18-14-14x • 7 Shorties, Sizes 12-20 • 12 Children’s Long Spring Coats,. Sizes 3-8 Special One Rack GIRLS’ JUMPERS Assorted Ladies* Panties Silk, tricot, nylon trim, 390 Dr. Denton CHILDREN’S Sleepers 1/2 PRICE Mcunic OIL FILTERS HAVE 8 TIMES MORE FILTERING CAPACITY! Don’t take chances with a "plugged” oil filter! We’ll check it FREE ... and in a few minutes! If it needs replacing, we’ll install an efficient Chryco Micronic filter. Chryco Micronic filters remove harmful abrasives as tiny as a micron (.000039 of an inch); provide up to 950 sq. ins. of filtering area (ordin­ ary filters provide only 69). Chryco Micronic filters retain J6 more destructive grime per sq. in.; provide greater filtering speed; give cars and trucks economical protection. Be safe! Specify Chryco Micronic! ♦CHRYCO is a trademark of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada. Limited Organize Society Twenty young mel Presbyterian ed in the church night, February 10, for a social time and for the official organi­ zation of the society. The fol­ lowing were elected to office: President, Orville Taylor; vice- president, Edith Love; secretary, Jean Mousseau; treasurer, Shir­ ley Bell. A lunch committee was appointed as follows: Grace Mc­ Leod, Jean Mousseau, Mary Campbell, Neil Taylor, The or­ ganization will meet twice a month. people of Car- Church gather­ parlors Tuesday Exeter Motor Sales FRED DOBBS, PROPRIETOR Phone 200 Days Valentine sale was of Carmel Saturday by the A very successful tea and home baking held in the schoolroom Presbyterian Church afternoon, sponsored Ladies Aid. The ladies realized $42 which will be used for the work of the Sunday School. Burns-Ducharme St. Joseph’s parish was the scene of the marriage of Elva Ducharme daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ducharme, “ ' ', Burns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan­ iel Burns, ~ . Feb, 14th. Msgr. J. E. Boudreau officiated for the wedding. Escort­ ed by her father, the bride was gowned in white nylon net over satin and carried a bouquet of red American Beauty roses. As maid-of-honor, the bride’s? sister, Eleen Ducharme, was gown­ ed in yellow, and the bridesmaids, Mrs. Joseph Morrison and Mrs. Wilfred Faubert, were in blue. They carried bouquets of carna­ tions and Talisman roses. The groomsman was Fergus Burns, brother of the groom, and the ushers were Joseph Burns and Lea Perry. At the reception in the Zurich community hall the bride's mother wore a green dress with a pink and white carnation cor­ sage. The groom’s mother was dressed in blue with a similar cor­ sage. For travelling to Montreal and Toronto the bride wore a grey suit and topcoat with green accessories. They will live in Windsor. Zurich, and Kenneth Dublin, on Saturday, Zurich W.L Zurich Women’s Institute met in the Zurich town hall for their February meeting and had as their guest speaker Mrs. Wil­ liam H. Edighoffef, who spoke on "Community Activities and Public Relations”. The speaker praised the Women’s Institute for the splendid work they have been and are doing in home and community, as well as giving a helping hand wherever it is needed such as the South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Children’s Aid Society, Goderich, and foster homes, etc. Two hundred dollars was voted to the South Huron District Hospital. Mrs. David Meyers, secretary for the penny round-up for the district for the Canadian Mental Health Associa­ tion, Toronto, explained the need of finance for the upkeep help of the ones in need that penny bags could for. This was voted carried. Contributing to the were Robin Meyers and Robert with vocal duets, selections on the piano and violin by Mr. and Mrs. E. Stelck; piano solo by Mrs. M. Oesch; poems by Mrs. Newell Geiger and Mrs. Stelck. President, Mrs. Gus Roche, took the chair for the business per­ iod. Mrs. N. charge of the meeting. Dresses 10 CREPES, LACE TRIM Reg. $22.95 FOR $9.95 7 CREPE DRESSES Reg. $18.95 FOR $4,95-$6.95 3 Ladies* Suits 12, 14 Wools and Corduroys 8 Casual Jackets 50% OFF and be on and said sent and program Geiger was in Mrs. Dave Sangster of the telephone staff has been enjoy­ ing a three weeks' vacation. Mrs. Don Cooper, of Exeter, was re­ lieving in her absence. » 13 Housecoats 331/3 off Winter Hats Reduced Half Price Also One Box of Summer Hats Nylon Hose 51 gauge 15 clenier Reg. $1.50 FOR 790 Ladies* Wear Blouses Slightly Soiled REDUCED 25% Corduroy Suits 4 at $18.95 TO CLEAR % PRICE 11 Light Weight Winter Coats Ladies’ and Girls’ 331/3 OFF OTHER ARTICLES Too Numerous to Mention /HHIHHIIKIIIIIIIIIlOlUHIIIIIIinillllllllHUliniUHHIIIU'? All Purpose Coats 9 gabardines, good styles 50% OFF McCREERVS Children’s Wear s KELVINATOR Brings You Today The Nights 684-J House Destroyed By Fire Fire Friday night, Feb. 13th levelled the one-and-a-half storey frame dwelling on a farm on the second concession of Hay Town­ ship-, foun miles south-west of Hensall. The farm is owned by Albert Keyes, of Exeter. Occupants of the house, Mr. and Mrs. Don­ ald Mitten were visiting neighbors when they saw the fire. The young couple lost all their furniture and personal belongings. Loss was es­ timated at $4,000. Cause of the fire is undetermined. The Zurich fire brigade responded. Most Beautiful, Conveniently, Designed Refrigerator That Ever Graced A Canadian Kitchen Cromarty Farm Forum Cromarty Farm Forum met at S. S. 6, Hibbert with a good at­ tendance. The discussion was on the St. Lawrence sea-way. After the discussion period euchre was played. The winners were: ladies. H. Dow. Arlene Hogarth; men, Bert Riley, John Hogarth: lone hands, George Wallis. There will be no meeting next week as it is review night. The next meeting, March 2nd, will be in charge of Mr. and Mrs. John Hogarth. Films will be shown in the school in place of a program, « <* * MAGIC CYCLE DEFROSTING Faster . < . Safer . . . Better BUTTER CHEST ROLL-OUT DAIRY SHELF HANDY DOOR SHELVES MOISTURE-SEAL CRISPERS Plus Many More OUTSTANDING FEATURES JOHN DEERE sets the pace again! This time with a great new standard-tread trac­ tor— the 2-3-plow John Deere Model ”AR.” Modern from the word "go,” it of­ fers you new power, new speeds to handle your drawbar, belt- and power-driven equipment at maxi­ mum capacity .♦. new comfort and ease-of- handling features to reduce fatigue, save inuscle work . . . and proved John Deere two-cylinder performance that cuts operat­ ing and maintenance costs to rdek-bottom. There’s your choice of cyclonic-fuel- intake engine in gasoline or dll-fuel type . . . there’s hydraulic Powr-Trol for effort­ less control of drawn implements. Such extra values aS self-starter and lights, Powr- Trol, power shaft, and belt pulley are in­ cluded a$ tegular equipment. See us for complete information about the new John Deere Model ”AR” Ttactor. EXETER W. G. Simmons & Sons GODERICHSEAFORTH Percy Passmore - The funeral of the late Percy Passmore Thursday afternoon of last week was one of the largest to be seed in this community for some time. The service was held in the James Street United Church and the large auditorium was almost filled. The floral tributes Wefe exceptionally numerous and beautiful. ReV. H. J. Shell pre­ sided for the service and was assisted by Rev. Robert Pass- more, of Norwich and Rev, J. Moores, of Thames Road. Mrs, William Cann and A, W. Morgan sang a duet yond the Sunset" W. Mrs. "Be­ yond the Sunset”. -Members of Huron County Council and for- mer members wete present In a body. The pallbearers and flowef- j benreers were all nephews of the | deceased". See The Space Saving Models Only 2414,/ Wide TAKES 25% LESS WIDTH THAN FORMER MODELS Different Models TO CHOOSE FROM 6.1 Cubic Feet to 10 Cubic Feet Service Is Our Business315 Huron street PHONE 59 EXETER