HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-02-12, Page 12Page 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER. ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, 1953 Classifieds Sell For You! ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY February 13 and 14 ‘THUNDER IN THE EAST” ★ Alan Ladd * ★ Deborah Kerr ★ Charles Boyer Exotic intrigue in mystic mys­ terious India . . *, CARTOON and “CANINE I.Q.” TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY February 17 and 18 “OPERATION SECRET” ★ Cornell Wilde * Steve Cochran * Phyllis Thaxter Across the globe and back on the hidden hunt for a man four nations had to find , . , PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL Coming Friday and Saturday, February 20 and 21 > Bing Crosby ★ Jane Wyman “JUST FOR YOU” In Technicolor Profit From The Classifiers! COMING EVENTS PLAY — “Lookout Lizzie” spon­ sored by Crediton Youth Fellow­ ship will be presented in Com­ munity Centre, March 20, by W'oodburn L.O.B.A. 12ne CKNX BARN DANCE on Satur­ day, February 28, in the Legion Hall. 12c Oyster Supper Sponsored by Women’s Association Grand Bend United Church Friday, February 13 0:00 p.m. Everybody Welcome Presentation And Dance FOR MR AND MRS. BOB PFAFF (nee Grace Gaiser) EXETER LEGION HALL Thursday, February 19 9:00 to ? - Music by Syncopators General Admission I You Don’t Want To Miss The Fifth Annual = BALLOON BALL 5 f Sponsored By Beta Sigma Phi Sorority . e | TUESDAY, MARCH 17 | f Dancing from 9 :30 to 1:00 1 I EXETER LEGION HALL j | Glen Williams’ Orchestra | | Refreshments Novelty Dances | »■s IB' ) ICE CARNIVAL Lucan Community Arena Friday, February 13 Doors Open at 7 p.m. Judging Starts at 8 p.m. Sharp No One Allowed on the Ice Except in Costume Free Skating After Carnival Come and See Your “Carnival Queen” Crowned Fancy and Comic — Girls and Boys Age Groups, Pre-School, 6 to 10, 11 to 15, Over 15 First, Second and Third Prizes — Clowns, Any Age Races: Girls’ and Boys’ — Oldest Person on Skates Person in Costume Coming Farthest Distance Special Prize for Outstanding Costume Largest Family on Skates Tug-of-War: East vs. West, 10 a side Musical Chairs ADMISSION: ADULTS 500, CHILDREN 250 ST. MARYS LIONS CLUB Share The Wealth BINGO THE LARGEST EVER TO HIT St Marys Who’s Afraid To Win $100? 13 Opening the New Auditorium of St. Marys Community Centre, bn Water Street South SEATING OVER 1,000 PLAYERS 15 Regular games —- Prizes $10 '— Over 500 Players Attending — $15 Each; Over 1,000 Players — Prize $25 Per Game —- 5 Specials — 20 Games in All ADMISSION 750 — 4 CARDS FREE Make up a party arid come to St. Marys for a night of fun and prizes! Town Topics Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Tel, 770 Cardiff Attacks Sugar Treaty the brink of bankruptcy because they don’t know what govern­ ment policy is." Mrs. Bruce Watts, Hamilton, visited with her sister, Mrs. Michael Finkbeiner, last week. Mrs. W i 11 i a in Bowden is I seriously ill at her home, j _ Mr. and Mrs. Leu Dilkes and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lawson, of j Crediton, spent the weekend in I Port Huron. I Mr. Gerald Godbolt attended the eighty-third annual meeting of the Mutual Life Assurance Company, in W a t e r 1 o o, last Thursday. Mrs. Michael Finkbeiner the weekend with Mrs. Wein, of Crediton. Mrs. Ron Peterson, of couver, parents, Hodgins. Rivers, Man., on Tuesday where she will join her husband who is stationed with the R.C.A.F. Mrs. John MacKay, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Amy. Mr. Richard Quance, of Luck­ now, spent Saturday with his brotiter Maurice and his sister, Mrs. D. Clarke. Mr. E. M. Quance last week began his forty-ninth year as a harness-maker in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Warwick, Gary and Terry Lee, of Port Huron, Mich., spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher. Mrs. Walter Cunningham ac­ companied Rev. and Mrs. Bor­ den Cunningham to Windsor on Thursday of last week for a Mr. spent week Fisher. is visiting with Mr. and She will spent John Mrs. leave Van- her Roy for to visit time. Nelson Hill, of the latter part with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Toronto, of the Famous Commentator Speaks At Main St. Anton R. Lendi, international­ ly known commentator and lec­ turer, will be in Main Street United Church on Thursday eve­ ning, February 26, under the auspices of the Evening Auxi­ liary. A native of Switzerland, Mr. Lendi will present a two-hour coloi’ film program entitled "Switzerland, a Pattern for De­ mocracy”. Colorful scenery with a back­ ground of deep blue lakes and alpine flowers and a display of daring and skilful skiing on 10- mile-long slopes will be featured in the films. High School Students Picked For Contest Winners of the junior public speaking contest at South ron District High School Wednesday afternoon were Crocker, who outlined’ the tory of the aeroplane, Hu- on Jim his- and Marion Creery, who warned of Communism. Runners-up were Ken Skipper and Frances Brophy. Twelve competitors were heard by the judges. The senior competition will be held Friday afternoon. The winners will compete in the W.O.S.S.A. semi-final com­ petitions at Leamington. The Story in Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS Mr. Fred Hogarth has return­ ed home after spending the past three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. Fred Mitchell, in London. Mr, and Mrs. Sandy Neal, of Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Arm­ strong. Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Barr, Judy and Paul and Mrs. Ona Snider, of Sarnia, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer. Mr. and Mrs. Winston Shap­ ton and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dougall attended the Ice Follies in Toronto last Thursday. Percy Passmore Huron Warden Percy Passmore, life-long resident of this district, died at his home Tuesday, after an ill­ ness of several weeks. He was in his sixty-sixth year. Born in Usborne Township, Mr. Passmore lived there until retiring to Exeter a year and a half ago. He took a very active part in municipal affairs in Usborne, having served on the council. He was reeve for six years and an ex-warden of the county. He was a member of Thames Road Farmer’s Club, the Plowman’s Association and the Kippen Gun Club, a past president of Exeter Agricultural Society and mem­ ber of Exeter Lodge I.O.O.F. An active member of Thames Road United Church while living in Usborne, Mr, Passmore trans­ ferred liis membership to James Street United Church on moving to Exeter. Surviving besides his wife, the former Edna Gunning, are two sons, Lorn’e and Aimer, and one daughter (Alice), Mrs. Frayne Parsons, all of Usborne Town­ ship; one brother, John Pass- more, Hensail, and three sisters, Mrs. Arthur Gardiner, London, Mrs. Gilbert Duncan, Kirkton, and Mrs. Richard Thornton, of Coronation, Alberta. The body will rest at the Hopper-Hockey funeral home until Thursday afternoon when the funeral service will be held at James Street United Church at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. H. J. Snell will officiate and inter­ ment will be made in Exeter cemetery. Pall bearers will be William Cann, Garnet Johns, Robert Mavers, Melvin Gardiner, Ken­ neth Duncan and Kenneth Pass- more. Nephews of Mr. Passmore will act as flower bearers, District members of parlia­ ment again attacked the govern­ ment for falling to restrict the flow of Cuban refined sugar into Canada, Elston Cardiff (P.O., Huron North) said he is "getting fed up" with the argument that the cost of living should be brought down at tlie expense of the primary producer. If the pri­ mary producer couldn't get a fair return then economic structure Mr. Cardiff said lous" to penalize lished industry like sugar-beet growing for the sake of lettiug a little refined sugar into Canada. J. W, Murphy (P.C., Lambton- West) said sugar-beet growers are alarmed and “suspended on Mrs. C. Zurbrigg and ■’grand­ daughter, Carpi Shapton, visited relatives in Hamilton last week. Dr. and Mrs. II. H. Cowen visited Sunday with Dr, Cowen’s Sister, Mrs. Donald Derby, in Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. V, L. RouJston, Gail and Karen, of Simcoe, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Howald and Mrs. G. Roulston over the weekend. South Hyron District High School Friday, Feb, 13 JOHNNY BRENNAN’S ORCHESTRA Per Couple $2.50 Public School the whole was upset, it is "ridicu- a long-estab- COLOR FILM AND LECTURE ON SWITZERLAND Breath-taking scenery, skiing '■ Represents Conference Mrs.. W, J. Moores, of Thames Road, attended the executive meeting of the London Confer­ ence Branch of the Woman’s Missionary Society of the United Church, held in London last Tuesday. Mrs. Moores, who is first vice- president, and the president, Mrs. R. W. Burton, were ap­ pointed to represent the London Conference at a meeting of the Department of Overseas Missions in Canada, Canadian Council of Churches to be held March 3 and 4 at Wycliffe College, To­ ronto. Breath-taking scenery, skiing in the Alps, folk songs and customs of a peace-loving people. ANTON LENDI Canadian Swiss Commentator AT MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Under auspices of Evening A.ux. Thursday, February 26 8:00 p.m. ADMISSION 500 and 350 Valentine Home Baking Sale MOME-MADE CANDY AND AFTERNOON TEA at 3:00 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 14 ■< Middlesex Seed Fair (Including Classes for Western Ontario) Western Fair Grounds, London March 2, 3, 4 and 5, 1953 Secure prize lists from your county Agricultural Re­ presentative or the secretary, Mr. W. K. Riddell, Room 210, Richmond Bldg.. London, Entries to be in BY FEBRUARY 28 A Play Entitled Lookout Lizzie // ■ World Day Of Prayer Service JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Friday, February 20 at 3 o’clock sharp Youth Service at 7:30 p.m. Attention FREE SKATING, BROOM BALL GAME AND RECREATION Elimville Presented by the Members of L.O.B,A. Woodham in former Telephone Office Building Main St. United Church W.A. Come and Bring a Friend to Tea Monday, February 16 8:30 p.m. THEATRE High School Auditorium ADMISSION 500 and 250 Previews Its Coming Attractions Phone 421 FRIDAY & SATURDAY February 13 and 14 Indian Uprising ★ George Montgomery ★ Audrey Long The last days of the Apache nation—in super cinecolor. All Proceeds Go To Hospital K 'll Annual District Meeting Sugar Beet Producers A social evening was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Kooy on Tuesday evening. Pro­ gressive euchre was played. A lunch was served by the ladies of St. Patrick’s Guild. The pro­ ceeds will go toward the build­ ing fund. On Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carr oil enter­ tained Mr. and Mrs. E. Atkin­ son, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins, Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis. The evening was spent in playing progressive eu­ chre. Mrs. F. Davis spent the past week at the home of her sister, Mrs. G. Godbolt, of Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. F. Guilfoyle and Norman, of Simcoe, were week- Greenleetheend guests with family. Mr. and Mrs. held a birthday R. Millson, of Prospect Thursday evening and their guests Mr. and Millson, Mr. and Mrs. son, of Prospect Hill, and Mrs. R. Squire and Mrs.’ G. Squire, of Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. E. Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. D. Maguire Lee were recent guests with and Mrs. M. Abbott. Miss Joyce McDonald celebrat­ ed her birthday on Sunday and had as dinner guests Miss Mau­ reen Fenn and Alexia Davis and spent the afternoon skating at th.® arena, Mr, and Mrs. M. Abbott were Thursday evening dinner guests with Mf« and Mrs, H. Davis. Mr. Sask., Earl Atkinson and called to maces, Mrs. H, Maguire, Mrs, Jack party Dickins for Mr. Hill, on had as Mrs. C. and Mr. i. R. Mill- Mr. and and and Mr. Plans Operetta Tom Sawyer, in operetta form, will be presented by the pupils of Exeter Public School Tues­ day and Wednesday of next week in the auditorium. A double cast is being trained to give more pupils a chance to take part and also to make sure should illness overtake one member of the cast, the other can carry on. Mark Sawyer, been a years. A mischievous boy, Tom adopted by his Aunt Polly, put lots of things but was always found out. One of the most cidents of the story and his pal Huck, to the cemetery at perform a ritual supposed to get rid of their warts. While there, they discovered Injun Joe who was up to no learned of his Tom ed to barked Their were drowned and when discovered funeral services being arranged for them, returned home and were warmly received. One of the final scenes shows Tom and his special girl friend, Becky, lost in a cave, while on a picnic. Before finding a means of escape, they discovered the hiding place of Injun Joe’s buried treasure and were heroes in the eyes of their friends on their return. The musical accompaniment to the story makes it doubly interesting. If you’ve ever been a boy, or had a boy or wished you did, you’ll enjoy the per­ formance of Mark Twain’s “Tom .Sawver” as the Public School pupils portray it. Bob Graham and Charles Hea- man will be seen as Tom Saw­ yer, Paul Wilson Blortimaert as Huck, bertsoii and Larry .Tory as and Remius Van der Neut Jim, the colored boy. Aunt. Pollv Will be played Janice Thursday, February 19 at 8:30 p.m. - Lunch Served - MONDAY & TUESDAY February 16 and 17 The Devil Makes Three ★ Gene Kelly ★ Pier Angell this the man they always Pancake Supper Is use to trap women? Lucan Memorial Arena Wednesday, February 18 2:00 p.m Joint Meeting of Huron, Perth, Wellington and Middlesex Growers Twain’s story of Tom a lad of the 1800’s, favorite all through has the In Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall over on forgiven, was He her if in- Tuesday, February 17 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY February 18 and 19 Japanese War Bride Members of the Marketing Board will address Meeting Mr. Lawrence Kerr, Prominent Agriculturist of Kent, will tell you how to increase your tonnage amusing tells of Tom stealing out midnight to Commencing to Serve at 5:00 p.m. ADMISSION 500 Everybody Welcome ★ Don Taylor ★ Sliirley Yamaguchi (Adult Entertainment) There was no East or West when their lips met . . . THIS IS AN IMPORTANT MEETING LET US MEET YOU THERE W. H. Essery - Directors -N. Riddell >■ and his become on the families good and they buried treasure, pals once decid- pirates and river in a believed em- raft. they they were they and Cyril Jack Ro- Joe as by Jeannette Taylor and Hamilton and Sandra Walper and Marlene McBride will be seen as Becky. Variety Program Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton Thursday, February 19 8:30 p.m. Adults 350 - Children 200 Proceeds for Renovation of Hall DANCE Exeter Legion Hall to the music of Clarence Petrie And His Night Hawks The Kiwanis Club Of London Proudly Presents Handel’s Oratorio "SAMSON" With A 400 Voice Choir and the LONDON CIVIC SYMPHONY DIRECTED BY MARTIN BOUNDY —- Soloists — ★ MRS. AUDREY LAHN ★ MRS. MARGARET ADAMS ★ MR. JON VICKERS ★ MR. GLEN GARDINER Pianist: Mrs/ J. R. Bach Organist: Mr. W. Wickett LONDON ARENA Tuesday, March 3 - 8.15 P.M T. Dickins, Of Corning, visited with Mr. and Mrs. this past week see his great­ Latta, J. Mrs. E, Greenlee. Mr. and Mrs, P, Phyllis, of Byrbn, spent Sunday evening with Mr, ahd Mrs. Heber* Davis. , . . . ..Mr, ahd Mrs. M, Brintnell, of Exeter, were Saturday evening giiOstS With Mr. ahd Mrs. Htgh Davis. Mrs. Barker Mathews D, and hnd Mrs. J. G. Cochrane was hos­ tess for a meeting of Caven tJon- gational Circle. After the business meeting had been conducted by the presi­ dent, Mrs. Fred SitnmOns, Mrs. James Taylor introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Clara Well­ ington Who spoke on "Tulip Growing in Holland”. A program of Valentine cob­ tests and rhusical numbers was carried out, after which Mrs, W. G. Cochrane and Mfs. Ford served luhch.■ Featuring WARD ALLEN On Violin ADMISSION 500 s. ■■ Reserved Seats $1.00 & $1.50 MAKE RESERVATIONS AT ONCE Mail Direct to: Handel’s Samson London Arena Bathurst Street London, Ontario • Enclose Self*Addressed Stamped Envelope