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We Have in Stock:
Lucan And District News I onn irnnonra
Card Party
euchre held
in the public
January 29,
Lucan Home
anize Lucan
Karl O’Neil was hostess
meeting of the W.A. and
Guild of St. James’
Mrs. Flynn presided,
part in the devotional
Social Evening1
Harold Westman acted
chairman for a social evening in
Revere School last Friday when
the teacher, Mrs, Cecil Bow
man, and her pupils presented a
program of choruses, solos and
duets followed by educational
films and refreshments.
High score
Mrs. Thomas
R. Hodgins,
, Mr, Percy
warden, Mr.
vestry clerk,
budget secre-
German; lay
Barry Elliot; vice
Mrs. Gladys Reilly;
Mrs, Mary Culbert;
Harold Cartwright;
, Mrs. Viv-
Comments About
Euchre Winners
At the euchrp held at the
Coursey School Friday night,
January 30, the hostesses were
Mrs. Charles Haggar and Mrs.
Harold Coursey. Winners for
high score were Mrs. George
Hodgins and Mr- Tom Coursey.
Second prizes went to Mrs.
Harvey Hodgins and Mr. Evan
Hodgins. The next euchre will
be held in the school February
13, when Mrs. Walter Hodgins
and Mrs. Wilson Hodgins
be hostesses.
Car Accident
Douglas Swift, of London, suf*
fered a broken ankle when his
truck was demolished in an
accident just north of Lucan. He
was taken to st- Joseph's1 Hos-
ital, London, but was released
after treatment. His truck,
owned by the Bell Telephone Co.,
slid sideways into a concrete
bridge abutment after rounding
a curve on No. 4 Highway. The
estimated damage to the truck
will reach close to $2,000.
Get Lovel^Curm
Gain 5 tolO lbs. New Pep
Thousands who never could gain weight; before. now
have shapely, attractive figures. Ro more pony limbs, ugly hollows. They thank bistre”. It nuta
flesh oh bodies skinny because Wood lacto Iron.
Peps you up, too. Improves appetite, <11, ston so
food nourishes you better. Don't tear get (top loo tuf.
Stop when you gain figure you wish. lutruditclory or ’'get-acaualnted" size only 60p. Try Ostrex Tonlo
Tablets lor new pounds, lovely curves, new pep. today At all druggists.
Granton Vestry Meeting-
The Vestry meeting for
Thomas Church, Granton,
held January 20 with a good
attendance present. The rector,
the Rev. M. R. Griffin, presided.
After the reports of the various
organizations, the following of
ficers were elected for 1953}
Rector’s warden,
Hodgins; People’s
Norman Hodgins;
Mrs. F. J. Couch; 1
tary, Mrs. A- C. uunuan, ia.y
delegate to Synod, Mr. Kenneth
Hodgins; substitute delegate to
Synod, Mr. Derwin Beatson;
sidesmen, Kenneth Hodgins, Ross
Clatworthy, William Powell,
William German; auditors, A. J.
Clatworthy, F. J. Crouch. The
meeting closed with prayer and
a social half hour.
Granton United Church
Sunday School
Robert Elston and Morley
Wass were appointed guerintend-
ents of the Granton United
Church Sunday School at their
annual meeting. Mrs, Beecher
Hanson is treasurer and
Earl Middleton, secretary.
Dry White Pine
1x5 and 1x6 Matched
1 x 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 - 10
and 12 inches
Dressed 4 sides
A. J. Clatworthy
met in
new president, Mrs. J. Thomp
son, in the chair.
Mrs. K. Egan read the scrip
ture lesson. During the business
session' plans were completed
for a movie of the Royal Tour
to be presented in the Parish
Hall February 2. A supper to
be held in the near future
was also discussed.
Mrs. K. Egan’s group had
charge of the program and the
refreshments w h i c h followed.
Mrs. E. Scott gave a reading and
Mrs. C. Hardy and Mrs. Egan
sang a duet.
Anglican Ladies Guild
the Parish Hall Monday
January 26, with the
Lucan Legion
Gets Charter
Lucan Branch 540 Canadian
Legion officially received its
charter as a special meeting held
in. Lucan. Erie Burgess, Domin
ion president of the Legion, pre
sented the charter to Legion
president, Percy D. Vahey.
Zone "A” Commander Reg.
Lovell attended the ceremony
with Jess Cerrlow, zope com
mander; Martin Watson, district
commander; Scotty Forbes, of
the service bureau for London
district. Representatives from
branches at Arkona, West Lorne,
Dutton, Ailsa Craig, Glencoe,
Rodney and Caradoc were pre
Officers installed were: P. D.
Vahey, president; Charles Sove
reign, first vice-president; Leslie
Woodward, second vice-presi
dent; John M, Baynes, treasurer;
Arthur M. ■ Murdock, secretary;
Ivan Culbert, sergeant-at-arms;
Albert Thompson, Ronald West
man, color-bearers; Lon Damm,
Clayton Haskett, James Lochyer,
executive committee. A total
21 members were installed.
Elders Elected
Loreen Pattison and Wilfred
Eedy were elected elders of the
Wesley United Church at their
annual meeting. Bruce Walden
is church treasurer and Tom
Dickinson Sunday School super
to all sidewalk
superintendents {
The newly-organized “Lucan
Community Credit Union” haB
received its government charter.
Officers elected at a meeting
held in the public school, Tues
day, January 27, are:
treasurer, n<uu<u
educational director,
ienne Boone; credit committee,
Charles Haggar, Rev. John F.
Wagland , Harvey Hodgins;
supervisory committee, George
Paul, Rupert Boon, Weldon
Don't stiffer
from common
sore throat, when
you can do some
thing about it. Rub
in soothing Minard’s
Liniment — S*1 *
supply, today I Get
quick relief-—today I
Drama Festival
A large number from Lucan
attended the annual Rural A.Y.-
P.A. Drama Festival held in the
Ilderton Community Centre last
Wednesday night where three
plays were presented by Lucan,
Ilderton and Arva before a ca
pacity audience.
The adjudicator, Mrs. Frieda
Stephens, of London, presented
St. George Church A.Y.P.A. the
award for the best play, "The
Bathroom Door”. Wilfred Hud
son, of the Emmanuel A.Y.P.A.,
won the award for the best actor,
and Mrs, Jack Freeborn, of St.
George, the best actress.
Though- the Lucan A.Y.P.A.
were unfortunate in their choice
of play, they knew their parts
well and went through without
even one prompt. To the many
residents who assisted with cos
tumes of the “Gay Nineties”,
the A.Y.P.A. says "Thanks a
Million”. It is hoped the plays
will be repeated in Lucan
Arva in the near future.
Name Prize Winners
At a Beatty Household Appli
ance demonstration sponsored by
the D. A. Ashworth store Satur
day, the followinig won door
prizes: Mrs. W. E. McLaughlin,
R.R. 1, Lucan; Mrs. T. S. Hill,
Lucan; Mrs. Daisy B. Hardy, R.
R. 2, Denfield; Mrs. Delmar
Westman, Granton; Mrs. S. W.
Eedy, R.R. 2, Denfield. The $25
cash prize for the person having
the bill with the lucky number
is yet to be drawn.
regular Expedition of
Explorers was held
Anderson W.A. Officers
The following, officers
to Anderson Church
President, Mrs. Clayton
Watson; vice - president, Mrs.
James Sparling; secretary, Mrs.
Rea Stephens; treasurer, Mrs.
Joseph Robinson; parsonage,
Mrs. Clayton Watson and Mrs.
James E. Robinson; decorating
committee, Mrs. Arthur Heard,
Mrs. Gwen Stephens, Miss Muriel
Levy and Mrs. William Switzer;
auditors, Mrs. Grant Ratcliffe
and Mrs. Robert Levy. The
annual congregational s u p p e r
will be held in February.
For Top Milk Production with a High
Butterfat Content, cows need National 24%
Milkbilder and National 32% Dairy Concentrate,
rich in essential proteins, minerals and energy—and
extra rich in molasses.
Here's How lo Mix: If you are short of grain, 1 bag
of National 24% Milkbilder to 2 bags of grain. If
your gtain supply is good, then 1 bag
of National 32% Dairy Concen
trate to 5 bags of grain. Properly
mixed with fa rm-grown grains, these
National “fresh-mix” feeds will
stop up both production and profits.
See your NATIONAL Dealer today-
Look for the bright Orange and Black Sign
Personal Items
Mrs. Roland Hodgins spent
weekend with her daughter, Mrs.
Don Coman and family, at
Mr. Russell Goddard had the
misfortune to get his hand badly
crushed while at work.
A Valentine Tea is being1 held
at the home of Mrs. Alex Young
on the afternoon of February 14,
sponsored by the United Church
Evening Auxiliary,
Fred Revingtori starred for
the locals in a W._0.A.A. game
played in Lucan
when the Lucan
Hensail 9-5.
Having secured
guest speaker, the Anglican W.A.
February meeting will be held
In the Parish Hall instead of
the Rectory.
In a W.O.A.A. hockey game
in Ilderton January 27, Ilderton
defated Lucan 5-3. The game,
played on natural ice, was slow,
owing to a sloppy surface.
Howard McDonald spent last
weekend with Mrs. W. Dickins.
Her many Lucan friends ex
tend sympathy to Mrs,
Turner who is now
Joseph’s Hospital with a
infected leg.
Ronald Carroll spent
weekend with
Henry Hodgitts,
Calvin weir
wick, Norman
Homer Moss were named elders
of Ebenezer United Church at
their annual meeting. New stew
ards are Alec Riddell and Stuart
Snilbert. Glen Dawson is the
Sunday School suerlntendent.
Preliminary Work has been
started on a large new Super-
station for Reliance Petroleum
Ltd., of London, at Elginfiekt
The work will be done by Poten
Construction Company of Lon-
“............ of
Friday night
six defeated
an outside
in St,
Mr. and
Fertilize Yout Crop with NATIONAL well-cured, properly-blended FERTILIZER
don and the
cement block
struction will
A capacity crowd filled the
Lucan Aruea __ __
Medway 2-1 in an action-packed
London and District senior hoc-
key contest.
gas station
and stucco
be 37 x 25.
to S66 Tacit edge
Lucan . .
Monday evening, February 2 in
the church school room, with
Chief Explorer Sheila Irdale in
the chair.
The study book was taken by
Counsellor Iva Hodgins who also
instructed the group in making
figures for the African village.
Explorers Barbara Cox
Marie Whitehead conducted
worship service,
Counsellor Joan McLean
the girls in the “tumbling”
activity and the Expedition
closed with the Explorer Prayer
and Taps.
Turkey Dinner
Twenty members of the Lucan
Girls’ Softball League and their
coaches, Mr. Whitehead and Mr.
McDonald, enjoyed a turkey
dinner in the Lucan Community
Memorial Centre Saturday night.
The dinner was followed by
skating party in the arena.
Gvanton C.G.I.T.
Members of the Granton C.G.-
I.T. attended the United Church
last Sunday in a body with their
leader, Miss Joan Leslie. The
Rev. Mr. Raymer conducted a
dedication service when Darlene
Tuttle and Ruth Hardie, on be
half of the C.G.I.T., presented
the church choir with new hymn
books. At the service, Miss Verna
McComb rendered a solo.
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown
lee, Messrs. Bob Murray and
Glen McFalls, of Lucan, attend
ed the dinner, card party and
dance sponsored by the head
office of the Supertest and held
in Hotel London Friday eve
Joint Meeting
for the
were Mrs, Andy Carter, Mrs. L.
A. Kilmer and Mrs. Wagland.
An invitation was received
from the W.A, of Holy Trinity
Church, Lucan, to be their
guests on February 4. The World
Day of Prayer will be observed
in Lucan on February 20.
Mrs. Jim Cunningham gave a
paper on the Study Book.
Mrs. Jim Cunningham presid
ed for the Guild meeting and
discussed plans for the new year.
Mrs. Wagland gave a report that
the organ for the Sunday School
was given by Mrs.
of Lucan.
After the
was served
Mrs. Aimer Hendrie and Mrs.
Wilfred Cunningham to 17 mem
The next meeting on February
26 will be at the rectory in Lu
can with Mrs. Wagland as
Personal Items
Mrs. Fred- Simpson, who
been visiting her daughter, '
William Walker, in Detroit,
turned to London on Sunday
will spend this week visiting
granddaughters in London.
The Home and School Asso
ciation will have a progressive
euchre party in 'the school on
Thursday evening, February 12.
Mrs. Hayter
in St. Joseph’s
Mrs. Alvin
Mr. and Mrs.
ham, of London, spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Cunningham. •
„ .^,Mr-..cllarle.s Edginton spent
last weekend in London with
his daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kilmer
spent last weekend in Toronto.
The Rev. Burton Hodgson of
St. Paul’s Church, St. Clair,
Michigan, administered the rites
of baptism recently to Ann Eliza
beth Sumner, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Sumner, of Lon
don, at St/ John the Evangelist
Church, London. Mrs. Eslie
Hodgson attended. She is a
great-grandmother and Mr. Bur
ton Hodgson a great-uncle of
the Sumner baby and a former
resident of Clandeboye.
Miss Mary Carter , and her
guest, Miss Lois Kirk, of Lon
don, spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Mervin Carter.
Mrs. Mac McNaughton is
spending this week in Detroit
with her sister, Mrs. Cora Mc
a gift
R.R. 1, Lucan.
H & S
sponsored by the
and School Association, drew a
splendid crowd,
prizes went to
Brooks and Mr.
while Mrs. H. B. Langford won
the prize for her six lone hands.
Allen Ryan
by the
closed lunch
hostess and
Cecil Carter,
Second Line In
A number from this neighbor
hood attended the ham supper
at Centralia United Church on
Friday evening.
Mrs. Cecil Skinner, Mrs. Kay
Elston, Sheila and Jane and Mrs.
M. Elston visited on Thursday
with Mrs. Lillian Blair, Exeter,
Mrs, William Snell, London,
spent Friday evening with her
sister, Mrs. Chris Fischer,
. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Flet
cher, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gar
Fred Davis
ning with
Mr. and
son and family
Atkinson visited
Mr, E
Elston Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
ahd Sam, Mr. and Mrs,
Alllster and boys had
with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Denliam,
of Kirktoh, Sunday evening.
Sheila Jane Ellston entertained
a number of little folks Friday
afternoon on the occasion of
her fifth birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Charleton
and George spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair
were Sunday evening dinner
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Russell
King, of Creditor,
A number from this commun
ity attmiflod the openlftg of the
new South Huron Hospital this
Mrs. Chris Fischer entertained
a number on Friday evening at
a Stanley Brush demonstration.
and Mrs.Marilyn and
spent Friday eve-
Mr | ■'and Mrs. M.
Mrs.Charles Atkin-
and Mrs. Eva
With - the Oke
Of Hurondale, Monday
Irh Hicks and Mrs. Mack
with Mr. and Mrs. M.
J. Mc-
Granton W.I.
Mrs. Kenneth Gunning was
hostess for the January meeting
of the Granton W.I. The 20
members present answered roll
call by naming good resolutions.
Program convenors were Mrs.
George Devine, Mrs. Gordon
Smith and Mrs. Norman Riddell.
Mrs. Frank Gollings described
a sewing machine demonstration
she attended at Elimville In
stitute. Mrs. William Lambert
had charge of the devotional.
The motto, "Life is like a ladder,
every step up or down”,
dealt with by Mrs.
The guest speaker
Rev. • M. Griffin, of
whose subject was
The Rev. Griffin is one of the
six Anglican clergymen sent to
Canada two years ago, and he
now serves St. Thomas Anglican
Church, Granton.
At the meeting, the W.I.
members voted $10 to the In
stitute for the Blind.
was the
Next time you watch a construction job, remember—you may
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If you own life insurance, that connection could be very close.
Some of your premium money might be helping to pay the cost of
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kinds of buildings,
Homes, schools, power plants, waterworks . . . these are but a few
of the projects which life insurance money helps develop.
All this building creates jobs too. Not only jobs for builders, but
for workers in new or expanded industries from coast to coast.
So anyone who owns life insurance is doing more than providing
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Canada a better land to live in!
"It is Good Citizenship to own Life Insurance
You are- eligible if you are 17 to 45 years
of age and able to meet Army test re
quirements. Applicants should bring birth
certificates or other proof of age when
reporting for interview,
For full information apply fight
away or write to:
... .. No- 13 Pefsonftdl Depot,
Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Otipeta, Ont.
No. 5 Porsdnriel Depot, Artillery Park, Ba^at St, Kingston, Ont.
Canadian Army Recruiting StatSoft,
90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont.
Na. 7 Personnel Depot,
Walsofey Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts,, London, Ont
Arnly Recruiting Centre, 230 Main St W., North Bay, Ont,
- Army Recruiting Contra,
James Street Armoury, 200 Janies St North, Hamilton, Ont
is still a patient
Hospital, London.
Cunningham and
Arthur Cunning-
organ for the Sunday
of St. James’ Church was
from Mrs. Allen Ryan,
and Mrs. Bill Downing,
Karen and Joan, of Chatham,
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Downing’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Aimer Hendrie.
Mr. and Mrs. William Whit
more, -Irene and Stewart, of
Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Whitmore, Jr.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Pal
Combes, of London, spent
day with Mr. and Mrs.
Whitmore, Sr., and Gayle.
Misses Janet Scott and
Murless attended the turkey
banquet on Saturday night at
the Lucan Memorial Centre. The
girls are members of the Lucan
ball teain.
Hillcrest Farm Forum
The Hillcrest Farm Forum
met on Monday evening, Feb
ruary 2, at the home of Mt. and
Mrs. Ed Flynn. The members
thought there was a good under
standing between the people of
neighboring towns and villages
but felt the cities do not under
stand the problems of the farm
The next meeting will be at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Simpson, February 9.
of Hyde Park,
' m e r
.To an
Two Big Events
Lucanites are not superstit
ious. Friday the thirteenth
causes not a pang, in. fact, the
entertainment committee of the
Lucan Memorial Centre chose
Friday, February 13, and Friday,
March 13 for two big events.
On the former there will be
mammoth ice carnival with
and better
musical chairs.
On the latter,
Ice Review will
Kitchener-Waterloo putting oh
the show. ‘This skating club was
placed third . in the Niagara
International Competition held
in Buffalo and was the only
Canadian club to place.
March 13.
bo hold with
Serve Canada
and yourself...
Service in the Canadian Army is not
merely a job, it is a worthwhile career in which
the young man fits himself for a successful
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keeping-Canada secure and safe.
For the young man interested in a trade, the
Royal Canadian Signals has much to Offer...
outstanding trades training . . . special ttades
pay and promotion — and, of Course, the Cana
dian Army’s outstanding pension plan, free
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Signals you will be working with the most up-
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