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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-02-05, Page 6
ip < P»Se 6 Are You Ruptured? Our Service I» Different We Sell You A Fit In Our Private Truss Room Comments About Centralia By MRS. F. BOWDEN THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 29, 1953 Trusses, Belts, Supports of A1J Kinds SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Oyer 15 Years’ Experience Your Drugs At Robertson’s Phone 50 Exeter Office Opening , . . on the corner in the old For<J Garage-r-a warm place where I can meet friends and transact business. NOW OFFERING THE FOLLOWING FURNITURE 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite .. $35 2-Burner Heavy Duty Stove ...................... 2-Burner Heavy Duty- Stove ............... ....... ...... 1 Electric Refrigerator, and Guaranteed for One Year ................................................. $75 Electric ..... $25 Electric $10.00 Rebuilt My Personal Automatic 1-Ton Ford Miles ...... Ford Tractor in Nice Condition ............................................... $050 ALSO '52 Monarch Sedan, Transmission Truck, Only 23,000 ........................ $1,150 SANDY ELLIOT PHONE 476 EXETER USED CARS ’51 DODGE SEDAN, green '51 DODGE SEDAN, black— a beauty! ’51 CHE COACH, black—new car condition ’51 FORD COACH, green clean and good! ’49 PLY. SEDAN, blue — real buy! ’36 CHEV SEDAN, blue ’35 CHEV SEDAN, black a Come and test ride the Car of the Year . . . THE '53 DODGE CORONET with the Dodge Red Ram Engine AT Hensail Motor Sales Dodge, DeSoto, Sales, Service HENSALL ONTARIO ■ i Mrs. Willis and Miss Flossie Davey visited with Mrs. W. Hod- gert in Exeter on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Bayn- ham spent the weekend with E. Carruthers in Loudon. Recent visitors with Mr. Mrs. George Hicks were James Marshall and Mr. W. lihan, of Blyth, and Mr. Mrs. G. F. Penwarden, of Sarnia, Misses Loretta Campbell Barbara Rogers, of London, visitors with Corporal and L. Busselle on Wednesday ning of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Powe, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neil and Misses Donna and Marina Bowden were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgson on Tues day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks, Mrs. T. Willis and Miss Flossie Davey were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brown in Exeter on Thursday evening of last week. Mr. William Essery was in Chatham on Friday attending a meeting of the Sugai’ Beet Grow ers’ Association of Ontario. Mr. Essery recently returned from Winnipeg where he attended a convention of growers. Mr. Andrew Hicks is to his home and under tor’s care. Mrs. Fred Harrison sympathy of many friends in the death of her sister, Mrs. Ford (nee Ruth Smith), of London, a former resident of this village, Mrs. William Quinton, Master Bobby and Misses Dianne Quin ton and Barbara Lilley and Miss Helen McFalls of London visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McFalls. Library Meeting The members of the Centralia Library Association met on Mon day night of last week for their annual meeting. Mr. Neil Wilson was added to the board of ectors and Mr. George Hicks appointed president. The year’s report showed . gress. Over 9 00 more books were in circulation among the readers than in the previous year. Readers now have a choice from over 900 volumes of fic tion, non-fiction and juvenile books. Two hundred fresh books are obtained each quarter from the Huron County Library and readers are kept up to date on newer books. News of Kirkton By MRS. I. N. MARSHALL of and were confined the doc- has the dir- was pro CORSAGES $1.50 to $5.00 Orchids, Gardenias, Roses and Carnations FLOWERS THE PERFECT GIFT FOR VALENTINE’S DAY Spring Bouquets & Potted Plants From 500 to $5.00 Bailey Florists PHONE 276 EXETER * The Ideal Valenti ne Is A DIAMOND! To make her your Valentine forever, choose a beautiful diamond from Jack Smith Jeweller. Fiery facets in smartly designed settings of yellow and white gold. Guaranteed flawless I Jack Smith Jeweller Main Street Exeter ’51 DeSoto Sedan ’51 Dodge Sedan ’51 Plymouth Club Coupe ’50 Dodge Sedan ’50 Dodge Club Coupe ’49 Plymouth Sedan ’49 Mercury Club Coupe Hang Your Tor Sale7 Sign Here FOR SALE FOR SALE STOCK WANTED NOTICES NORWICH UNION LIFE INSUR ANCE SOCIETY takes pleasure in announcing another year of successful results achieved by JOHN H. MACDONALD in serv ing his many friends and clients in the Exeter district; $983,000 of new business effected in 1952 has again place him in top posi tion in the Society’s Canadian Sales Organization. Mr. Macdon ald lives on Ann Street, Exeter. Data On Dashwood Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wolfe, of Toronto, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Ke.ith Wildfong, of London, spent the weekend with his parents and Mrs. Tie man. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Kraft and family, of London, were week end visitors with Mr. Koehler and family. Mrs. Martha Baker sent in St. Joseph’s London, where she underwent an operation. A number of relatives from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Dale, formerly Lavina Koch, at London, last week. Mr. Howard Klumpp had the misfortune fingers mill. Mr. moved where home. Mr. and Mrs. is a pre Hospital, Miss Ethel Winger of Toronto spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wiseman. Mrs. Thomas Allen Jr. Londesboro was a guest with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fletcher. Little Billy Esson, is holidaying with parents, Mr. and Johnson. A very pleasant spent Friday night, when the Sunday School pupils, officers and teachers met in the Kirkton United Church base ment for a pot-luck supper and a varied program by the pupils of 10 classes. There were trios, solos, several readings, fashion parade, a skit, "The Arrival of Uncle”, and the ladies’ quartet. Mr. Clarence Switzer, super intendent of the school, asked Ross Marshal to preside over the presentation of seals and dip lomas to the pupils. Nine-year attendance seals were presented to Patsy Marshall, Harold gin, Muriel Routly, Marilyn shall, Leroy Tufts, George gin, Lloyd McCurdy, Adell Curdy, Mrs. G. H. Burgin Shirley Roger. Eight years: Muriel Switzer and Blanche Switzer; seven years: Norman Shier, Marwood Willis, Leola Willis, Billy Mar shall; six years: May Willis, Miss A. L. Urquhart, Ross Mar shall, Murray Shier; five years: G. H.- Burgin, Fred Switzer, Clarence Switzer, Frank Routly, Lyle Paten, Mrs. Wes Batten, Ron Marshall; four years: Mrs. Clarence Switzer, Mrs. R. Hazle- wood, Harold Switzer, Rosemary Dobson, Robbie Dobson, Chris tine Dobson; three years: Vesta Watson, Eva Greenstreet, Bruce Greenstreet; two years: Mar garet Allen, Iris Marshall, San dra Jory, Kay Allen; diplomas: Jack Switzer, Robert Anderson, Marlen Stone, Helen Anderson, Larry Dobson and Raymond Switzer. Mrs. M. Gregory, who has spent the past two months with her son, Mr. Harry Greason, at Pt. Rowen, returned to her home in the village this week. of Sarnia, his Mrs. Delmar grand* evening was January 30, Bur- Mar- Bur- Mc- and cut and to they to get one of his off in the planing Mrs, Martin Laub Exeter on Saturday intend making their Mrs. moved Melvin Reste- into their new recently built, and friends of weekend with Mr. and Mrs. and meyer have home which was Miss Mary Snell London spent the her parents, Charles Snell. Mr. Otto Restemeyer is spend ing a few weeks in London ow ing to ill health. The Ladies Aid Lutheran Church are a congregational box Wednesday, February of Zion sponsoring social on 11. Over Seven Hundred See Stratford Skating Club Over 700 attended, the "Spice on Ice” carnival presented by Stratford Figure Skating Club at the Exeter arena Saturday night. The program included colorful solo and group skating,,directed by Ross Smith, professional. VOICE OF TEMPERANCE was a clergyman of Gode- who told us that ■ his last THE It rich pastorate had been in a town which was Control Act no lack of were beer stores. leggers. Evidence of drinking and drunkiness were a common sight. For three years he has been in Goderich and his verdict is that the people of Huron do not realize how fortunate they are under the Canada Temper ance Act. Hardly ever does he see evidences of drinking drunkiness. He is convinced increase of outlets under Ontario Liquor Control means increase of drinking by adults and minors and in crease of trouble. Moreover it is not because the people of Huron, are ignorant that they want the Canada Temperance Act main tained—and The Globe and Mail carried that slur—but because they are not so gullible as to swallow such irresponsible pro paganda, (adv’t) in Ontario Liquor territory. There was outlets there. There parlors and liquor There were also boot- Evidence or that the Act both B* ■ FOR SALE — Quantity of good cob corn by the ton, Half mile north No. 7 Highway on Centre Road. -—Paul Peterson, Parkhill. 29:5:12* POTATOES — Apply Joe Van Dongen, Grand Bend south. 5* FOR SALE- load for winter M up according suit us before Gardner, phone •4-inch tile by truck delivery, $55 per to distance. Con- buying. —James 21-r-10 Kjrkton. 12-11 (10 w)* MAGAZINES—New and renewal subscriptions for any magazine are received at The Exeter Times-Advocate. CONTACT L. V. HOGARTH for spraying your cattle for lice. Satisfaction guaranteed; prices reasonable. Phone 266. ll-27tfc FOR SALE—Dining room suite; also thoroughbred Jersey heifer. Norm an Mitchell, Centralia. 5* FOR SALE—One Acme rangette in good condition, cheap. Apply to Box 137 or phone 633-W. Also one used tire, 5,50-18, good as new. 5* Report From Edgewood By MRS, ROY MOORE Hardie gatlier- Guests FOR SALE—Five registered and accredited Scotch Shothorn hei fers. Apply Fred Brown, Credi ton. 5:12* FOR SALE—Truck frame, axle and springs, suitable for farm wagon or trailer. Apply at ware house, Guenther Tuckey Trans ports Ltd., Exeter. 5c BOY’S 16-YRrOLD tweed over coat, just like new, $10- Mid Town Cleaners, phone 33 Exeter. 5c BARGAIN IN POWER — 1952 Case Model VAC tractor and Model A tractor. One of each at big reductions to make room for 1953 quotas. Exeter Farm Equip ment, phone 508, Exeter. 5c FARM BUILDINGS—.Storey and a half frame house, frame barn 40x60 with steel roof. To be re moved from premises. Phone 59 Exeter. 5c HAND-KNIT BABY clothes and other hand-made articles are for sale at Mrs. H. K. Hyndman’s home, 122 Huron St. E., phone 17. 5:12:19c FOR SALE—200 bales of mixed hay. Elmer Lawson, phone 47-r- 12 Crediton. 5* FOR SALE — Four good used tires, 19x5.25, with tubes. Also good coal and wood range with reservoir, medium ‘ size. —Lome Derbyshire, Clandeboye, 5:12* ’52 FORD PICKUP deluxe—Six tires, low mileage. Priced for quick sale. Apply Exeter Times- Advocate. 5* BOY’S GREY tweed suit and heavy blue mackinaw. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 5* ELECTRIC BABY bottle steril izer and infant’s scales. Phone 133-J. 5c Announcements Birth, Death, and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks In Memoriam Notice .75 single verse, .25 extra each additional verse, Engagement Notices are .75, for for and .75. f48 Dodge Sedan ’46 ’42 ’41 ’41 ’40 Dodge Coach Chev Sedan Chev Coach Dodge Sedan Chev Coach Light Trucks ’49 Dodge Half-Ton ’47 International Panel ’49 Mercury Half-Tort ’40 Chev Sedan Delivery Exeter Motor Phone 200 Days FRED DOBBS, PROPRIETOR 684-J Nights , BIRTHS COLLETT — Mr. and Mrs. Ray Collett, Oakville, announce the arrival of a daughter, Kath ryn Mary, born January 13. DARLING—At the South Huron Hospital on Tuesday, February 3, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Fred Darling, a son, John Bartie. SHARROW — To Mr. and Mrs. William Sharrow, Grand Bend, on Tuesday, February 3, in South Huron Hospital, James William. DEATHS COULTIS—In London on day, January L. Christie, the late Eli pi 2*11 tv-pi srlitti CUNNINGHAM—At his residence in Exeter, on Sunday, Feb ruary 1, 1953, Walter Cun ningham, beloved husband of Isminia Hodgins, in his seven ty-eighth year. PURDY — At the home of his daughter, Mrs. Bert Selves, of Hensail, on January 24, 1953, Henry James Purdy, in his eighty-ninth year. PYM—In Usborne Township, at the residence of her son, Al vin Pym, on Sunday, February 1, 1953, Eliza Jane Rowcliffe, beloved wife of the late Sam uel Pym, in her eighty-second year.. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and"Mrs. Walter Cutbush, Exeter, announce the engage ment of their daughter, Ann Marie, to LAC Robert Carmen Maclnnes, of St. John, Quebec, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mac- Innes, Kirkland Lake. The mar riage will take place the latter part of February. 5* CARDS OF THANKS The Ladies Auxiliary to the South Htfron Hospital wishes to express sincere appreciation to all who donated so generously to their tea room on the occa sion of the opening of the hos pital. 5c Mrs. William Thomson, Ayl mer, Eli and Laverne Christie wish to express their sincere thanks to the neighbors, friends and relatives for the many acts of kindness extended to the late Mrs. Coultis during her lengthy illnesg and in their bereavement; to Rev. H. J. ..Snell and the Hopper-Hockey Funeral Home. 5* Webet Fire wild 1 their : 5d Thurs- Rhoda ■beloved wife of Coultis, in her year. Mr. and Mrs. Keith wish to thank the Exeter Brigade and all those helped in any way during fire. IN MEMORIAM BRIjNZLOW—Ih loving memory of a dear daughter and grand daughter, Shirley Mary Eliza beth Brunzlow, who passed away February 10, 1945. A tribute of love and remem* branoe, To a*dear ode gone to rest The joys that she missed on life’s highway, May she find ih Gbd’s garden of rest, --Fondly remembered by Mother and grandparents. Personal Items Mrs. Dow has returned home from the hospital and is spend ing a few days with her daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mitchell and daughters visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. William Bain, of St. Marys, visited Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mardlin and family. Mr. Maurice Durham spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Larreen Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold entertained at a family ing Saturday evening, included Mr. James Hodgson, Mr. and Mrs. William Cook and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes and family and Mr. and Mrs. Max Bilyea and family. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Westman, of Lucan, visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Vic Westman. Edgewood Junior Farmers were victors over Ailsa Craig in the hockey game Monday night at Lucan. Mrs, Elizabeth Kenny and Ross, of Strathroy, visited Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. R, Moore and family. Mr. Stanley Walzak’s. house caught fire Sunday morning but the blaze was put out before much damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Foster, of the Mitchell Road, and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Pye, of Lon don, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Harold West man and girls spent Saturday night in St. Marys-. Revere Fann Fomin Revere "Review Mr. and After 1 cast on pressive < prize winners Mrs. Haysel, Mrs. Martin, Oscar Metters, Mrs. Moses and William Mass; lucky number, Harvey Kennedy; crokinole, Charlie Met ters. The committee in charge of the evening was Mrs. F. Dykes, Mrs. Foster, William Moses and Walter Mullen. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore spent Thursday in London visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pye. FOR SALE—Lady's bicycle, Sun shine, looks like brand new, $45. —Exeter south, first farm right. 5* GIRL’S FIGURE skates, size 3 J. Phone 288 Exeter. 5c SURGE MILKERS are safer for your cows. They do milk faster and are easier washed. Contact Lowell McGuire, your Surge Dealer. Phone 593-W Wingham. 5:12:19:26* WE HAVE THE BEST quality cod-liver oil. Bring your own containers. Also have hog worm oil, a very satisfactory product to rid your hogs of worms. —L. V. Hogarth, phone 266 Exeter. 2-5tfc i Forum held their Night” at the home of Mrs. Hillison Foster, listening to the broad wheat marketing, pro euchre was played. The were: Mr. and CLEARANCE OF THREE 1952 Refrigerators Frigidaire and G-E At Special Prices! R. E. RUSSELL LOST 5c LOST — Ronson lighter, initials "A.S.C”. on hack "President of Hut Club ’51”. Keepsake. Please call 693-M Exeter. 5* MISCELLANEOUS For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job, bring it to Tudor’s in Hen sail and have it cleaned the French Cleaners and delivery on Monday Thursday mornings. way. Pickup and 10-3 Otfc Report On Crediton East By MRS. W. MOTZ Miss Marcia MacDonald, of Exeter, spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baynham. Mrs. Sam Baynham and grand daughter Marcia spent Sunday at Shipka with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baynham. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson, of London, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson. Linda, who spent the past week here, returned home. Mr. and Mrs. William .McKee, who have been living with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aafon Wein, have moved to London. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Sam Sims ’who were mar ried in London on Saturday. News Budget from Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Mrs. Leonard Thacker ahd family and Mrs. Fred Pattison spent last Wednesday with Mrs. Orville Langford, of Centralia. Mrs. Pattison remained for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson, Marion, Grant and Charon were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper. Mr, and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper, Ruth, Clare and Vefyl were Sat urday evening dinner guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Kehheth FaceV, of Belton, Mr, and Mrs. M. E. Hooper Were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur KCrslake, Exeter. Mrs. Trewartha returned home Monday after spending Some time with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Langford, BABY CHICKS POULTRYKEEPERS — Want the good summer-fall markets? Bray Chicks ordered now for February- March delivery, will catch them. Get pricelist from us soon, make your choice, order from agent— Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246-J. 5c FOR RENT FOR RENT—4-bedroom wartime house, unfurnished, 220 Anne, Exeter. Recently remodelled and decorated. Oil heated, electric stove and refrigerator included. $55 month. Owner F/L Webster may be contacted at Officers’ Mess, Centralia, commencing 2 Feb. 5c HEATED, FURNISHED apart ment (no children). Traquafr Apartments. Apply T r a q u a i r Hardware or 123 John St. East. 5c TWO-ROOM APARTMENT, liv ing room and kitchen, full base ment and bathroom, hot and cold water. Apply to Albert Gaiser, Shipka, phone 164*r-14 Dash* wood. 5:12:19:26:5* ONE HEATED room. 240 Main •St., phone 6!)1-R. 5c FOR RENT—Modern apartment, hot water heated, two bedrooms, unfurnished, private entrance, IQ minutes from alrpdrt. Priced reasonably for Immediate occu* pancy. Apply Box "H”, Times* Advocate. 5:12c FOR RENT—-In Centralia, brick house, with bath ahd furnace. Infmqdiate possession, Apply to Lbretta C. HickS, R.R. 1, CrSdL toh, or William Essery, R.R. 1, Centralia. l-29tfc FOR RENT—FlOor polishers and vacuum ' cleaners. SeavefS Hard ware. I AM IN THE .MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exe ter . l*t£c ATTENTION FARMERS-Prompl and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone Collect Ed Andrew, Sea forth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235, 5-ltfe REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT — Brick residence at Dashwood with gar age; immediate possession. Ap ply H. Zimmer, ph. 4. 5:19:5c 75 ACRES, mostly arable, over 30 acres ready for spring crop, alfalfa meadow. Ample barn room, comfortable brick house, wired and good repair. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, •Salesman. 2-5tfc 30 ACRES land for work on shares or sell outright. Apply Times-Advocate or Mrs. Pearl Wood, RR 3, Parkhill. 5:12:19c FOR SALE—75 acres, more or less, brick house in good repair, good bank barn, good driveshed and henhouse. One mile from town, well drained. —Emmerson Gunning, phone 176-r-23 Exeter. 5:12* FARM FOR SALE — Consisting of 125 acres, 90 acres of good tillable soil, being Lot 24, Con. 7, Hay Township. The 25 acres being part of Lot 24, Con. 8, Hay Township, has good build ings, well drained, plenty of water, close to school and mar kets. Fine location. Buildings wired, pressure water system. For particulars apply to Henry Fuss, Box 9, R.R. 1, Zurich, or phone 99-r-10 Zurich. 29:5:12* FOR SALE — Seven-room house with three-piece bath and good furnace. Large two-storey barn and garage. Extra lot. Apply 932 William St., Exeter. 29:5:12:12:19:26:5* FOR SALE—40-acre farm with buildings, about 18 miles from London. Apply Harry William son, 86 Forest Street, Aylmer. 29:5* 100 ACRES — all arable, rich, clay loam. L-shaped banked barn with conveniences. Brick house, has built-in cupboards, electricity throughout. —W. C. Pearce, Re altor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. l-29tfc 150 ACRES, HIGHWAY loca tion, Exeter district. Good brick house with watei’ pressure and furnace. Large barn on wall, water bowls and litter carrier. Hydro throughout. Buildings in good repair and land in high state of cultivation. Terms. Other farms. C. V. Pickard, Re altor, Main St., Exeter. l-22tfc FOR SALE—Two-bedroom mod ern insulated cottage, nice living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, large shed, oil heated, gar age, large garden with small fruits; central location. Apply 125 Sanders St,, Exeter, Ontario. 15:22:29:5:12:19* NICELY SITUATED 2 - bedroom modern house, almost new. Un finished upstairs. Air - condition ing oil furnace, complete bath, hot and cold water. Immediate possession. W. C. Pearce, Real tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. l-15tfg 2-STOREY RED brick house, slate roof, oil burning hot water furnace, 2 complete apartments, 3 genuine fire-places, 2 bath rooms. Extra' lot, large barn, Reasonable terms, possession ar ranged. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. l-15tfc FOR SALE in Exeter’s business section, two-storey brick build ing suitable for any retail busi ness or light industry. For par ticulars apply to C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. l-8tfc MODERN COTTAGE with large living room and roomy kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom. This property is in excellent con dition and can be bought at a very reasonable price. Terms.— C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 1-8 tfc 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, with nice living room and dining room. This property is particularly well located. Nicely treed lot with garage. Price $5,700.00. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, EKeter. l-8tfc NEW HOUSE, 609 Edward St. Red brick front, automatic oil furnace, two bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen, bath, upstairs unfinished. Will exchange for older hO,use. —R. E. Balkwill, Exeter, ll-20tfc STOP — If you wish to buy a new rOd brick home in the beau tiful town of Exeter, see J. W. Hern, Sanders St, West. 10-23tfc HOUSE WELL Situated for schools, churches and shopping. Newly decorated interior, first class general condition. Forced heat Oil burner furnace. Full bath' upstairs, 2-piece on inalh floor. Garage, garden. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl ParSons, Salesman. 10-16tfc POUNDKEEPER’S AUCTION Notice is hereby given that I will proceed to* sell by auction, on February 9, 1953, at 1 p.m., one black and steer. WILLIAM Poundkeeper, white yearling H. LOVE Grand Bend 29:5e WANTED MORTGAGE on 100-acre farm, Clay loam, fair buildings. Write Box “M”, Times-Advocate. 5* METRONOME with bell. Phone 880-j-3 Exeter. _____ 5* WANTED to RENT — Unfurn ished small house or apartment for young couple without fam ily. Required around middle of March. Please leave information at The Times-Advocate. l-29tfc MORTGAGE on 2 small farms. Apply Times-Advocate. 29:5* GOOD 150-200 ACRES with rea sonably good buildings. Clients for 50 acres and 100 acres also. Notify W, C. Pearce, Realtor, or Earl Parsons, Salesman. 12-25tfc HELP WANTED WANTED — Assistant nurse for dental office. Apply to Dr, J, W. Corbett or phone 273. 2-5tfc YOUTH—Full-time job, to learn grocery business. Apply Dutch Boy Food Market, RCAF Station, Centralia. 5c GIRL for restaurant, experience preferred but not necessary. Ap ply in person. —Lippert’s Cosy Lunch, Lucan. 5* HOUSEKEEPER — Sleep out, hours from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Phone 276. 5c SECRETARY REQUIRED for of fice in Exeter, capable of taking shorthand and typing. Apply in writing to Box "7”, Times- Advocate. l-15tfc HELP WANTED—Lady clerk re quired immediately. Apply Bank of Montreal, Exeter, Ont. l-8tfe We require a clerk for general office work. Knowledge of typ ing and bookkeeping is essential. C. V. PICKARD Main Street Exeter 29:5:12c Assessor For the Village of Grand Bend. Tenders will be received by the clerk up until Feb. 14, 1953. ■State qualifications and experi ence, salary expected. The low est or any tender not necessarily accepted, 5c H. WAINWRIGHT, CLERK NOTICE TO CREDITORS All In the Estate of AUGUST GREGUS, deceased. persons having claims against the estate of August Gregus, late of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Hur on, who died on or about th© 15th day of February 1952, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, hy the 21st of February next, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Administrator Exeter, Ontario 5:12:19c In the estate of GEORGE T. SNELL, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of George T. Snell, late of the Town of Ex eter, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 5th day of October, 1927, are re quired tq. file particulars with Messrs. Bell & Laughton, Solici tors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 14th day of February next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Canada Trust Company, Executors of the Estate of George T. Snell. " 29:5:12c 4-R00M ihsul-bric cottage ‘with conveniences and furiiftcS, rea sonably priced fOr quick sale. Other houses, Stores and fcrmS. —W. C. Pearce, Realtof, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 9-Iltfc AUCTION SALE of Household Effects The undersigned has received instructions to offer for sale by public auction at CENTRALIA on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 at 1:30 o’clock the following: One kitchen suite, light maple, blue trim, consisting of buffet, table and 4 chairs; Frigidalre, 60-cycle; fangette; Washing ma chine, new 2 months; shoe rack; arm chair; small table; double bed, _ __ ____tress; 2 Simmons "single beds, complete; 1 cot and mattress; maple dresser; chest of drawers; small office oak desk; oil drum; coal or wood range with reser voir; tool box and tools; scoop shovel; sealers; and other num erous articles, Everything must be sold: no reserve. TERMS: Cash. FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. MRS. G. W. BARNES, PROP. 6 kitchen chairs; Quaker oil heater; spring-filled mat*