HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-01-15, Page 11THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 15, 1953 Page 11 RELIEF FOR COLDS celobrated their twenty* wedding anniversary on Year’s Day. Gifts of silver a tri-Jight lamp were re- Check the discomfort offK cold—fast! Inhale Minard’? Liniment. You’ll breathe easier, , feel, better. Just try it—you’ll see. 1 ybaf glurninum today?By MRS. C. J. PATON WANT YOUR election of of-cn C J* u dis- will and the the Comments About Clandeboye LAC Dennis Porter, R.C.A.F. Portage La Prairie, was a New Year’s guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Bond, Lucan. Mrs. Edgar McFalls, who sus­ tained a badly broken wrist while skating at the arena, has mow discarded her cast but her wrist and arm still very tender. IP 1 wWllllh.Hi ■ it ’ T J III ||{li=== flib L Mrs. L, Cobbleigh has a severe attach of shingles. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rillam, of London, sent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Banting. Mr. .and Mrs, Harold Week man fifth New and calved. Chances are you have, because practically everything we eat — grains, vegetables,‘meat, milk, eggs — contains aluminum. This is not surprising, since one-eighth of the earth’s crust is aluminum. Aluminum is most readily avail­ able commercially, however, in the form of bauxite ore. Alcan ships this ore from South America to feed its pot lines at Arvida, Isle Maligne, Shawinigan Falls and Beauharnois, P. Que. When the huge new Kitimat development is completed in B.C., refined ore will be shipped up the West Coast from South American or other abundant sources. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan). . . . the letters start. Then from all over the free world come such comments as these from readers of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, an international daily newspaper: Personal Items Mrs. Cecil Hodgius, been quite sick, is able to up. Miss Hattie Hodgins lias turned home from a week's visit in London. She was the guest of her cousin, Mr. Wilson Hod­ gins, and his daughter. The Revere Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Westman where "The Cost of Marketing” was the topic of cussion. The next- meeting be held at the home of Mr, Mrs. Nelson Tate where topic will be “Where are New Farm Leaders?” Mrs. Floyd Dykes will be the convenor and Harvey Kennedy, discussion leader. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Hepburn, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Don Revington, Mr. H, M. Manning, retired principal of Clinton High School, was the guest speaker at the United Church Sunday morning. He spoke on temperance. Mrs. J. E. Jenkin, Bradford, has sold her Lucan home on Main Street North and is selling her household effects at an auction sale, Saturday, January 17. The January meeting of the Home and School Association has been postponed to January 20 when the guest speaker will be the Rev. J. F. Wagland. Miss Faye Bartley, of Dyers Bay, has returned home after spending a week with Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Watson and family, Miss Evelyn Armitage, Owen Sound, and Miss Wilda Armi­ tage, of Orillia, who have been visiting their parents, Mr. Mrs. Fred Armitage, have turned. Mr. Wilbert Revington ceived word on Monday of death of his brother-in-law, Bert Elliott, of Palm Florida. and re­ re- the Mr. Beach, “The Monitor is must read­ ing for straight-thinking people. . . .” “I returned to school after a lapse of 18 years. I will get my degree from the college, but my education comes from the Monitor. . . .” “The Monitor gives me ideas for my work. . . “I truly enjoy its com­ pany. ..;• /ou, too, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world news. You will discover a con* structive viewpoint in every newi story. Use the coupon below for a spe­ cial Introductory subscription — 3 months for only $3. Carl D. Law Carl D. Law, a passed Hospital was held veteran away of ____ in January in the Ingersoll, World War I, Westminster 4. Service Walker funeral home, on Wednesday, January 7. In­ terment was in Dorchester Union cemetery. ‘ He is survived by three bro­ thers and Law and Crampton; of Ottawa; of London; of Birr, and Mrs. Murray gins, of Lucan. three sisters, Mr. C. Mr. Orval Law, of Mr. Charles A. Laws Miss M. Merle Law, Mrs. Lloyd E. Vissell, I-Iod- TJie Chriolan Science Monitor One, Norway St., Bolton IS, Man., U.S.A. Please tend me an introductory aubacrip. lion Io The Christian Science Monster— 76 itiuea, 1 enclose |3. A.Y.P.A. The Lucan A.Y.P.A. held first 1953 meeting in the Parish Hall Monday evening. The presi­ dent, Miss Joan Hodgins, led in the devotions and Harold Brooks read the Scripture. During the business session it was decided to purchase church and the Drama year will be January 28. against Ilderton and-Arva A.Y.­ P.A.’s. The Lucan’ branch has chosen ' 'Heritage of Wimpole Street” as their play. their red ribbons for the to enter a play in Festiva which this held in Ilderton on They will compete(name) When yon need help in a hurry, you reack for your telephone . . . Think of the difference it makes — just knowing your telephone in there, ready to serve you in any emergency. Ao price can measure its usefulnCM, THE BEIL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Teen-Town Jamboree Teen-town held their 1953 Jamboree in the Community Memorial Centre Friday evening, January 9. A splendid attend­ ance of young people, parents and friends were on hand for an evening of fun directed by Miss Angela Armitt, of London, assist­ ed by Miss Mary Pellatt, also of London, at the piano. Jack Young, Teen-town presi­ dent, gave a word of welcome and also assisted in presenting the prizes donated by business men and women of Lucan and Clandeboye. The lucky winners were: Jumping the rope, Gladys Bond and Dalias Hodgins; hold­ ing apple, Miss Carling and Mur­ ray Hodgins; Mr. 1953, Mrs. William Brownlee; Mrs. 1953, Marlene Revi ng ton; square dance, Jack Young, Elaine Rev- ington, Bob Dale, Rose Damm, Jim McNair, Anne Jack Hodgins and Rann; best waltz and Mrs. William elimination dance, Beth Watson and Elizabeth Gilmore; balloon dance, Mrs. L. Acheson and Mrs. L. Damm; lucky charm in doughnuts, Theresa Vlasman and Bud Cook; lucky charm in dixie cups, Mrs. Sheridan Revington and Dorothy Untereiner; lucky spot, Beth Hodgins and Bill Mercer; couple with greatest dif­ ference in height, Jack Vlasman and Gladys McRaun; male with highest sox, Jackie Park; woman with most costume jewellery, Margaret Brownlee; lucky spot, Glen Frost, Margaret Neil; draw prizes, Ken Appleton, Mrs. Mur­ ray Hodgins, John Smibert, Judy Thompson, Marilyn Hyatt, Rose, Revington, Jack Hodgins, Mari-’ lyn Brownlee and Gladys Mc- Ranu. The net proceeds amounted to over $26 of which $25 is being presented to the Control Board for the use of the auditorium Teen-town meetings. Home And School Have Guest Speaker Mr, H. Murless presided for the Home and School meeting in the Clandeboye School Thursday evening. Mrs. Major Bowers, of Centralia, retired Salvation Army missionary gave a very interesting talk and showed slides on their work in Africa. It was decided to meet the school board to discuss tire lack of water at shortage worst in Hillcrest and showed Mclllhargy, Gladys Mc- couple, Mr. Brownlee; for the Anglican W.A. To Make Layette Twenty-four members of Anglican W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Irene Coursey on Wed­ nesday afternoon for their first 19 53 meeting. Mrs. F. Hovey and Mrs. I. Coursey assisted the president, Mrs. Jack Murdy, in the devotions. Miss Lina Abbott read the Scripture and ‘Mrs. T. C. McFarlane led in the Litany. The treasurer's annual report showed the branch had a most successful from Mrs. “shut-ins” joyed. During the business session it was decided to send for the bul­ letin and 100 leaflets for the Day of Prayer, February 20. It was also decided to make a lay­ ette and to secure a speaker for the February or March meeting. Mrs. Wagland offered the Rec­ tory for the February meeting j Mrs. and year. A cheerful letter Ashworth, one of the was read and en- when the hostesses will be W. Dickens, Mrs. E. Scott Mrs. Helen Watson. While the hostess and assistants were preparing lunch, the president read an interesting missionary story. her Women’s Institute The January meeting of Lucan W.I. was held in Community Memorial Centre I _ Thursday. This was Family Night and, despite weather conditions, a splendid crowd was on hand for the pot luck supper- and a good program. Thanks to the Teen-town com­ mittee, the auditorium looked resplendent in its blue and yel­ low streamers and colored bal­ loons and its gaily decorated tables which also carried out tho W.I. color scheme. The president, Mrs. Warner McRoberts, presided for the pro­ gram. Mrs. C. H. George pro­ posed the toast to the queen. Howard Kew’s piano selection, Bob Hamilton’s solos and Marilyn Brownlee’s dancing were enjoyed by all. Mrs. Jack Murdy gracious­ ly introduced the guest speaker, the Rev. M. R. Griffin, Kirkton, who gave a splendid address on Ireland, its people, customs, re­ ligion and government. By strange coincidence, Mr. Griffith said, that while living in Ireland he lived about the same distance from Lucan Ireland as he lives from Mrs. E. president, thanks to ___ ___ her committee who had charge df the banquet, to all who helped bn the program and to Happy in the Lucan, Ontario. Scott, the W.I. moved a vote Miss Doris Weir Hostess girls who serving. Murray Hodgins the the on now past of ahd the 11 helped Mr. last Week in Windsor on r.ess trip. Granton’s Public School trus­ tees for 195S will be „ Glare Bryan, William Cook and Mrs. Henry WiSsOl, who replaces trustee C. W. Parkinson. speht a busi- the school. The water in the village is years. Fann Foruin At Hillcrest Fann Foruin question under discussion “Where are the new leaders?” The members answered: lor Fanners and Junior the the ' was: farm Explorers Elect New Officers The Explorers of the Lucan United Church met on Monday evening i n the Sunday School room for their ficers. In accordance with the new manual the term of office will now be six months, rather than the three month period as hereto- for. The election resulted as fol­ lows; Chief Explorer, Shiela Ire- dale; Keeper of the Log, Mar- jarie Sovereign; Keeper of the Treasury, Evelyn Whitehead. Explorers Beverley Butler and Carolyn Odd conducted the wor­ ship service and the African project and “tumbling” continued. The Expedition closed the new Explorer prayer Taps. A.Y.P.A. Entertains After the early communion at Holy Trinity Church on Sunday morning, January 11, the A.Y.­ P.A. entertained the neiv com­ municants and their husbands to breakfast in the basement of the c h u r c li. Twenty-seven enjoyed breakfast and the social together. were “Jun- Insti- tutes help to develop leadership qualities. Social clubs have proved successful in the west, one member reported. They help bring out the talent.” It was suggested that calf, swine and sheep clubs, young peoples or­ ganizations in churches, girls clubs sponsored by the Women’s Institute, all............................. leaders, Often good the expense from their farms to hold office. Unkind criticism often stops a leader from taking office. Too many amusements take up time Mr. Watson Porter of Farmer’s Advocate, London, was chairman of the radio broadcast after the discussion period. A humorous paper from Hazelcliffe, Sask., was read by Mrs. J. Sigsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting, Lucan, were host and hostess. Refreshments were served to 20 and the usual social .hour was spent in playing euchre. The next meeting will be at Mr. and Mrs. Rea Neil’s on January 19, when the topic will be “Embar­ rassing Surplusses”. Personal Items Mrs. Alvin Cunningham is a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where she underwent an operation for a ruptured appendix on Wednesday. Her condition is Mr. Billie St. Joseph’s day. Mrs. Ernie Lewis is confined to bed with sciatica. ’ Mr. and Mrs. O. Peterson family were guests of Mr. Mrs. H. Murless on Sunday. Congratulations t o Mr. Mrs. Murray Lewis, Clandeboye, on the gift of a son, January 9 at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don. Miss Ruth Sigsworth, London, spent Monday with her’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sigsworth. Mrs. J. H. Paton spent a few days last week with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Wilfred Logan, and family, of Thorndale. Mr. Eaton, who lives in the Rupert Williams house is hav­ ing it wired for hydro. Clandeboye W.M.S. The members of the W.M.S. of Clandeboye United Church met at the home of Mrs. Art Hodgins, Thursday afternoon. The presi­ dent, Mrs. T. Collins, presided and announced all reports had been received. Roll call was answered by members paying fees for 1953. It was decided to serve lunch at the close of. the business session of the congregational meeting. Meets With Accident Mrs. Charlie Hayter had the misfortune to fall and break her right hip and shoulder in her home on Friday moi’niiig. Dr. George, of Lucan, was called. On Saturday she was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, in Haskett’s ambulance. help in training leaders can’t afford and loss of time operation on Wednesday, improved. Lee is a patient in Hospital since Fri- and and and f United Church W.A. The United Church W.A, their January meeting in church on Wednesday evening, January 7 with the president, Mrs. Sheridan Revington, pre­ siding. Mrs. J. W. Lockyer read the Scripture and Mrs. John Park assisted in the devotions. A solo by Mrs. Don Revington was was gave New us. During the business session plans were made for the annual pot luck supper to be held Janu­ ary 28. enjoyed. The guest speaker Mrs. T. C. McFarlane, who a splendid address on the Year and what it means to with CANADAS FIRST Wamic 1 □ in C o CL <0 TOP PRICES KJ WEIGHED AT YOUR DOOR Howard Ferguson, District Representative Riverside Poultry Co. 1236 TRAFALGAR ST., LONDON London 7-1230 Phone Collect 68O-r-2 Hensall lose who want to get ahead It's good to go into debt... to yourself It’s the streamlined way to make financial progress. Some of our most successful customers use this system. It's the very heart of Personal Planning — the B of M’s method of family-financing which Canadians from coast to coast are finding practical and stimulating. It means putting yourself on your own pay-roll... making up your mind that you yourself have a claim on your income just as much as the landlord, the butcher and the tax-collector. Elect Officers The Prospect Hill W.A. and Guild elected the following of­ ficers: W.A.—President, Mrs. Alex Irvine; vice-president, Mrs. Cecil Dobson; McCurdy, Dorcas com­ mittee, Mrs. H. Copeland, Mrs. Hugh Berry. Guild—President, Mrs. Reuben Switzer; vice-president, Mrs. Wil­ liam Blackler; treasurer, Mrs. Eric Humphreys; flower com­ mittee, Mi’S. R. Switzer, Mrs. M. McCurdy; pianist, Mrs. William Blackler. Byroni James Hodgins Byron James Hodgins, the late Katherine and Hodgins, passed away Mary’s Hospital, London, Tiles-’ day January 6. The body rested at the M. Box and Son funeral home, Parkhill, until Thursday, at 2 pan, Interment James Cemetery. He by one brother and Maiisell and Maude, township, ahd May, .Tanudry 8, whs in St. is survived two Slaters, Of Stephen of Toronto. son of James in St. W 0 R K I N 6 You’ll do this, of course, because you have a definite objective — a strong reason for saving. It may be a general goal like family security... or it may be something specific like a new refrigerator, a house, or even a place in the country. You can go into debt to yourself in two ways — by saving and by borrowing. Saving comes first, of course... so much a pay-day owing to yourself, A bank balance gives you personal confidence as few other things can. It gives you a good foundation for your financial plans.,. and it makes it easier for your B of M manager to lend you money when you want to realize an objective sooner than you otherwise could. When you have a sound financial program, but need money for some useful purpose, borrowing at the B of M is just as sound as systematic saving. Indeed, it is another form of saving. And it is the B of M’s business to lend you money, when it’s good business for you to borrow. A B of M Personal Loan simply enables you to enjoy sooner the things you plan for... and you pay it off in regular instalments just as you have built up your savings balance. Why not make up your mind to get what you want this streamlined way — and open your special-purpose savings account at "MY BANK” tomorrow. And while you’re in the Bank, have a chat with the Manager of Accountant. You will find them ready and interested to discuss your plans and problems. \T V Bank of Montreal Exeter Branch: C. E. SHz\W, Manager Centralia (Sub-Agency): Open Mob. Wed. & Fri. Grand Bena (Sub-Agency) i Open Tuesday Credition Branch: CHARLES PARKINSON, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday arid Saturday) Dashwood !(Sub-Agency): b Open Mon. Wed. & Fri. Hensall Branch: WALTER JARRETT, Manager WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WAIK 1 8 I 7 —,,1