HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-01-15, Page 6Face 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 15, 1953 Franklin Kestle Buried In Exeter Franklin E. Kestle, who was born in McGillivray township 70 years ago, died at his home in Lambeth on Thursday. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kestle. Surviving are his widow, Ethel, a daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Eidt, Welland; a son, Lloyd, of was Ingersoll; three step-children, Mrs. Lilly Godard, Simcoe; Mrs. Nelson Quick, Kincardine, and Harold Hunter, Windsor; a sister, Miss Pearl Kestle, Brant­ ford; two brothers. Harold, of Shedden, and Clarence, Strat­ ford. Following the funeral service at the A. A. McFarlane funeral home on Saturday, with the Rev. A. E. Duffield officiating, inter­ ment was made in the Exeter cemetery. • Pointing and Paperhanging • Kitchen Cabinets • Built-in Cupboards • Tile Floors THOS. H. WALKER PHONE 553 EXETER >■ Former Resident Dies In London Elmore Harness ^received word on Wednesday, January 7, of the sudden death of his brother, Albert Thomas, 58, former resi­ dent of Exeter. Mr. Harness died suddenly of coronary thrombosis in London. He was born in Exeter, son of the late John and Elizabeth Har­ ness, years lived don. In . ........... overseas with the 135th Middle­ sex Battalion and was wounded in action in France. Surviving are his wife, the former Annie Band, of Point Edward; one daughter, Phillipa, Mrs. W. Dickson, Point Edward, and one son, Albert Jack I ness, in Florida. Funeral services were ducted on Friday by the ' Graham Lethbridge, padre and lived here until 12 ago. Since t hen he has in Point Edward and Lon- World Waiv I, he served Har- ■■ ■ I wish to thank my many customers for their patronage while I was delivering Tasty-Nu Products. I have disposed of my business to Mr. Derry Bbyle, who I am sure will give you excellent service. E. R. Witmer Announcements Birth, Death, and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks .75, In Memorlam Notice .75 for single verse, .25 extra for each additional verse, and Engagement Notices are .75. Want-Ads Serve Everyone FOR SALE con- Rev. _ __________at Westminster Hospital, from the Bennett and .Pincombe funeral home. Interment was made in Woodland. cemetery. Pallbearers were Donald Har­ ness ana William Dixon, Point Edward; Max Harness and Douglas Harrison, Exeter; Isaac Dann and Brad Thompson, of London. Message From Greenway BIRTHS DIMMERS — To Mr. and Mrs. Bernardjes Dimmers of Mount Carmel, a daughter, Thereasa, on January 12, at Mrs. Hunter’S Nursing Home. HARVEY—Trp, William Harvey and Velma wish to announce the birth pf a son at Miss Bal- lantyne’s Nursing Home, Jan­ uary 8; a brothei* for Sandra and Donald. ROBINSON—At St. Marys Hos­ pital, December 29, to Wanda and Jack Robinson, Avon- bank, a son, David John; a brother for Stephen and a .grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephen, of Elimville, and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Rob­ inson, of Kirkton. TETREAU —To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tetreau, of Dashwood, a son, Barry Lynn, on Jan­ uary 6, at St, Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London. WALKER—Mr, and Mrs. George E. Walker, Hensall, announce the birth of their son, Murray John, at Clinton hospital Dec­ ember 31, 1952; a brother for Grant. ENGAGEMENTS YOUNG MAN’S WINTER SUIT, size 36-8, excellent condition. $15 or best offer. Too small for owner. Apply Brady Cleaners, phone 136, Exeter. 23tfn Maria FOR SALE- load for winter M np according suit us before Gardner, phone ■4-inch tile by truck delivery, $55 per to distance. Con- buying, •—James 21-r-10 Kirkton. 12-ll(lQw)* MAGAZINES—New and renewal subscriptions for any magazine are received at The Exeter Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—’52 Regent Dodge, slip covers, sun-visor, 1,800 miles. Call at 123 Main St. or phone 327. __________15* AVON SPECIALS—Hand cream 2 for 890, reg. 690; Pomade lip­ stick 690; Avon lipstick 990, reg. $1.25; powdered Sachets $1.35, reg. $1,65; Creme Sham­ poo 2 for $1.29, reg. 750; nail polish 390, reg. 59 0. Phone 496 Exeter. 15c ONE RED heifer, three years old, due to freshen February 6. Apply to Major Baker, phone 164-r-C Dashwood. 15c to Miss London, visit in Class of the planning for a in the church Betty Anne Horner enter- a number of her friends sleigh-riding party last night. Marion Hicks, of London, The Harmony United Church is pot luck supper on February 6. Mr. and Mrs. By MRS. CARMEN WOODBURN SAVE! Reduced Prices on Poultry EquipmentSkate & Shoe Outfits 33% Discount On Hockey Sticks Paint iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiHiiiiin4' 33% Discount On Discontinued Colors Of MELLOTONE & MELLOGLASS Priced Regular 'From 500 to $1.50 For Re"1 Office Space . Newly Bceorelta o Salsbury’s on' X 30' _ . Suitable for Two Off*ces . onBO­ DICK HOWARD 421 WilUam St PHONE U13 Lloyd Brophey and Frances and Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Brophey returned home last Wednesday from an enjoy­ able visit with relatives in Cali­ fornia. Mr. Rayburn Steeper had the misfortune to break his leg last week. Mr, Robert Belling, of Exeter, visited Sunday with his father, Mr. Henry Belling. Mr. and Mrs. William Eagle- son Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Eagleson, Jr., of left last week for a Florida. We extend sympathy Maude Hodgins and Mr. Mansel Hodgins in the death of their brother, Mr. James Hodgins. Miss Evelyn Bullock is visit­ ing this week with her parents., Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bullock. Miss tained at a Friday Miss spent the weekend with her pa­ rents, Mr,, and Mrs, William Hicks. The engagement is announced cf Ruth Martha, youngest daugh­ ter of Mrs. Jacob A. Ratz, Dash­ wood, and the late Mr. Ratz, to Mr. I-Iarry Laverne Jeffery, of Hensail, the wedding to take place February 14, 12 o’clock noon, at Zion Evangelical U.B. Church, Crediton. 15c Mr, and Mrs. Charles W. Mil­ ler wish to announce the engage­ ment of their daughter, Lillie Kathleen, to David C. B. Black- well, son of Mrs. Blackwell and the late William J. Blackwell, of Hensail. The wedding will take place quietly the latter part of January. 15* Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Bond wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Hilda Marjorie, to Mr. Franklin Guy Purrington, R.C.A.F. station, Centralia, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Franklin Purrington, of Woodstock, New Brunswick. The marriage will take place March 19, 1953. 15c CARDS OF THANKS FOR SALE—Good size pony, 5 years old and quiet, H. Taylor, phone 39-r-8 Kirkton,______15 * SEW AND SAVE — New and used sewing machines, fully guaranteed. Repairs to all makes and models. Singer Sewing Ma­ chine, Goderich. Phone 1135. 3-2(Jtic 2-STOREY BUILDING, north end of Exeter. Can be used as a restaurant or store. Apply Har­ old Beaver, 140 Main St. 15c FOR SALE — Heavy duty two- burner white enamel stove; lat­ est model Sunbeam mixmaster; 1 large bookcase with glass doors and one small bookcase; 1 Duncan-Phyfe drop-leaf table and five dining room chairs; 1 red occassional chair; 1 48-inch continental bed. —Elliot Apts., Apt. 101, phone Exeter 678. 15* ONE McCORMICK Dearing cream separator, nearly new, stainless steel discs. Apply Gordon Pear­ son, R.R. 2, Dashwood, phone 34-r-9. - 15* 33% Discount On All 1952 25% Discount on Hockey Sticks Priced From $2.00 Up Special Prices Coal Brooder Stoves Half Price See Our Window ElectricStoves Refrigerators Washing Machines For Half-Price William Dougall wishes to thank everyone who remembered him with cards, treats and espe­ cially the visitors, while con­ fined to his home. 15* Mrs. Squire Herdman wishes to thank her friends and rela­ tives, who remembered her with cards during her stay in Victoria Hospital and since returning home. 15* Mrs. John Herdman wishes to thank all those who remembered her with cards and visits while she was recovering at her home, from her recent accident. 15* The family of the late Byron James Hodgins wish to express theii’ sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors for the kindness shown their while in the hospital and to them during their bereavement.* Mr. and Mrs. George Davis wish to take this opportunity to extend their sincere thanks for all the cards, treats, flowers and visits to Mr. Davis, especially to the L.O.B.A., the L.O.L. and R.B.P. lodges of Woodham. Also special thanks to the staff of the officers’ quarters and of­ ficers’ mess and members of the civil servants' association, RCAF station Centralia. 15* Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Amy wish to thank their relatives, friends and the different organ­ izations of James Street Church for remembering Mrs. Amy with cards, treats, flowers, visits and words of encouragement during her illness; also the Dorcas Sun­ day School Class of Crediton for their many get-well wishes. These kindnesses are deeply ap­ preciated. 15* The family of the late Andrew Blair Bell wish to express their most sincere thanks to their many relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement; for the mapy beautiful floral tributes, messages and calls; special thanks to Rev. N. Mc­ Leod, Dr. J. 0. Goddard, the bearers, those who sd kindly loaned bars or assisted in any Way and the Bonthron Funeral Home. 15* I wish to thank Rev, Heimrich for his visits and all those who remembered me with letters, cards, flowers, treats and visits during my illness in the hospi­ tal.—B. J, Willert. 15c FOR SALE — 6.00-16 Firestone tire and tube, like new; also car heater complete with switch and new hose. Call Mr. King, % Brady Cleaners.___________15* A KITCHEN STOVE, in good condition; dining-room suite, six chairs, table and buffet, suitable for kitchen or dining room. Ap­ ply Chester Dunn, phone 620-w- 4 Exeter. ’ 15c '50 AUSTIN STATION 24,000 miles actual, condition, one owner, trade. Ron Westman, Auto Stores, Exeter, WAGON, excellent $S00 or Canadian 15c brother 15c Hardware AND REDUCED PRICES ON OTHER LINES TRAOUAIR QUALITY AT FATA PRICES PHONE 27 Hensall Midgets Tie Kinkids Exeter and Hensall midgets battled to a 4-4 tie Thursday night in the Exeter Arena, Hensall took an early lead in the game, scoring three goals in the first period. Brock counted twice while Gerald Ranhie notch­ ed the opeher. Exeter replied with two, sooted by Sherry and Taylor. In the second, Cowen for Exeter and Darker ...___ another for Tiehsall, leaving the count at 4-3 when the bell rang. Jensen scored the tying mar­ ker for the local Kinkids in the third. * EXETER — Kirk, DelbridgO de.nsen, Coates, Ramsby, Ford, Johnston, Wade, Taylor, Cowon, Prout, Wurm, Heywood, Shorry, tallied added WIX TRACTOR FILTERS — At ’52 prices. Avoid government red tape and higher prices. — Ron Westman’s Canadian Auto Stores, Exeter. 15c TWO USED oil heaters. Beavers Hardware, Exeter. _____15c '40 FORD COACH, with ’49 motor, good body, radio. $390 or best offer. Phone 174-r-13 Ex­ eter. 15* ’49 METEOR COACH, black, in good condition. Apply Wallace Bowden, Woodham, phone 14-17 Kirkton. 15* ONE 4-BURNER electric stove, with automatic oven. One Warm Morning heater for sale cheap. Apply 142 Columbia Drive, Air­ port. ______ _____ 15c GRAMOPHONE, BRUNSWICK— with 100 records. Apply 217 Huron St. E. 15* TWO NEW Phiico refrigerators, 2 new Coffield washing ma­ chines, reduced to clear. Lloyd Ballantyne, phone 173-r-32 Ex­ eter. 15c News Budget From Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones of Glendale and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ek Hooper spent Sunday With Mrs. C. W. Kent of Embro. Mr, and Mrs. N. L. Carter of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn of Londeshoro__ _ __ ____ .. were Wednesday guests of Mr. and E. Hooper, Orville Langford Centralia, Mrs. Percy Jimmy and Joan of Spent Saturday With Mrs. M. Mrs. John of Hodgins, Grantoh Mrs. Fred Pattison. Mrs. Fred Mills and family spent Sunday with Mr. and _Mrs. Dohald Wallace of Carlingford. Mrs. Wes Mossey and Robert spent Friday with Mrs. James Mossey. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin of St. Marys spent Thursday With Mrs. James Mossey. Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Parkin- son Spent Saturday evening Witli Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson. and 'the late W. J. Lower was thirty-second degree Mason, a Ptoat. HENSALL —- McLaren, Fink, Bell, Rannie, Parker, Brock, Welsh, Smale, Horton, Elynn, Lavender, Faber, Smith. FOR SALE POTATOES, $3.25 75-lb. bag. Apply Fred Negryn, Brepner An­ nex, Grand Bend. 8:15:22:29* TWO TERRIER pups. Apply Irene Beaupre, Exeter North. 15c COLLIE PUPS—Phone 165-r-12 Dashwood, 15c 1941 BRACK CHEV sedan, mo­ tor just overhauled, body in good shape. Apply Brady Clean­ ers or phone 36-J after 6 p.m, 15* EMPLOYMENT WANTED GIRL DESIRES position at housework. Apply Box C, Exeter Times-Advocate, ’ 16c PERSONAL “SKINNY” GIRLS! GET LOVE­ LY CURVES! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight-builder, Ostrex Tonic Tab­ lets. Introductory, “get-acquaint­ ed” size only 600. All druggists. MISCELLANEOUS CONTACT L. V. HOGARTH for spraying your cattle for lice, Satisfaction guaranteed; prices reasonable. Phone 26G. ll-27tfc For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job, bring it to Tudor's in Hen­ sall and have it cleaned the French Cleaners way. Pickup and delivery on Monday and Thursday mornings. 10-30tfc HELP WANTED SECRETARY REQUIRED for of­ fice in Exeter, capable of taking shorthand and typing. Apply in writing to Box “7”, Times- Advocate. l-15tfc HELP WANTED—Lady clerk re­ quired immediately. Apply Bank of Montreal, Exeter, Ont. l-8tfc HOUSEKEEPER — take full charge widower’s household, two tebnage children. Full particu­ lars including wages, Box “H”, Times-Advocate. 15c JANITOR WANTED — A janitor is required for the combined care of the Exeter Town Hall and the Public Library, includ­ ing the grounds and sidewalks of each building. A detailed list of the duties involved may be secured at the Clerk’s office. Applications, stating qualifica­ tions and salary required should be placed in the hands of the Clerk as soon as possible.—C. V. Pickard, Clerk, Town of Exeter. 8:15c KITCHEN HELP wanted, male or female, paid according to ex­ perience. IPhone 88 Exeter. S:15c FOR RENT FOR RENT—Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. Beavers Hard­ ware. 5-8tfc FOR RENT—The office former­ ly oco-jpied by Clerk C. V. Pic­ kard. Apply at Times-Advocate 3-20tf* THREE ROOMS downstairs, heated and furnished, suitable for quiet couple. Phone 274. 15c FOR RENT—Upstairs apartment with private entrance, well furn­ ished and decorated. Bath, with hot and cold water. —Mrs. Silas Stanlake, Carling St. 15c ROOMS AVAILABLE in Exeter. Phone 551-W Exeter. 15c BACHELOR APARTMENT, suit- for two. Apply John Ward, tele­ phone 348. 15* TWO FURNISHED rooms and a garage. Apply Times-Advocate. 15* ATTRACTIVE Apartment . Centrally located, ground floor, 3-piece hath, private entrance, unfurnished. Apply * < • DICK HOWARD Phone 421 Exeter 15c AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 1 — Three-room modern self-contained heated apartment. Private en­ trance. Apply L. Greb, 2£ blocks west Sunoco gas station. 15* FOR RENT—^Comfortable sleep­ ing room for one or two men; board optional, Tel. 15. 15* NOTICES RE COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Hur­ on County Council will be held in the Coiincil ‘ Chambers Couft house,, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, January 20, 1953, at 2 p,m, All accounts, notices Of de­ putations and other business re­ quiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not latet than Jan­ uary 17, 1953. A. I-I.-.ERSKINE, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont, 8:15c RE COLLECTION OF TAXES I will be in the Town Hall on the evening of. January 31, from 7:00 to 10:30 p,m.t and bn Feb­ ruary 2, from 9:00 to 12:00, 1:30 to 5:00 p.m., for the pur­ pose of collecting taxes. ERIC H, CARSCADDEN Tex Collector 1522:29c WANTED CLASSIFIED RATES WORKING MARRIED lady de­ sires ride to and from London, daily Monday through Friday, Phpne 13 Crediton. 15c WANTED—A used baby Tenda in good condition. Apply to Mrs. M. W. Pfaff, phone 116. 15* GOOD 150-200 ACRES with rea­ sonably good buildings. Clients for 50 acres and 100 acres also. Notify W. C. Pearce, Realtor, or Earl Parsons, Salesman. 12-25tfc REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Two-bedroom mod­ ern insulated cottage, nice living room, dining room, k it'ch e n , bath, large shed, oil heated, gar­ age, large garden with small fruits; central location. Apply 125 Sanders St., Exeter, Ontario. 15:22:29:5:12:19* 25 Words or less 60c More Than 35 Words v < Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 3P£ Moro Than 25 Words —- 10 Per Word 20# OFF if ad paid with order or by Saturday following the last insertion Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column.) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classifieds calling for a box number 10c extra. Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction pale copy should be iri Tuesday at noon. NICELY SITUATED 2 - bedroom modern house, almost new. Un­ finished upstairs. Air - condition­ ing oil furnace, complete bath, hot and cold water. Immediate possession. W. C, Pearce, Real­ tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. l-15tfc BABY chicks 2-STOREY slate roof, furnace, 2 3 .genuine rooms? Extra lot, Reasonable tefnis, possession ar­ ranged. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. :l-15tfc RED brick house, oil burning hot water complete apartments, fire-places, 2* bath- large barn. JANUARY CHICKS—From Bray Hatchery. Pullets, Cockerels. Some started. Get your order in for choice you prefer. Ask us for prices, particulars. Agent — Eric Carscadden, Exeter Phone 2 4 6-J, 15c STOCK WANTED 1 AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exe­ ter. l*tfc 4-R00M COTTAGE — To be re­ moved from premises of Exeter Coach Lines Ltd., Exeter North. Living room, bedroom, kitchen and woodshed. See Earl R. Guen­ ther, phone 13-W Dashwood or 42-W Exeter. 25:8:15* ATTENTION FARMERS-Pfompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone Collect Ed Andrew, Sea­ forth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235, 5-ltfc FOR SALE—100 aCres of deep loam. Suitable for cash crops or mixed farming. Comfortable me­ dium sized house. Barn with new stabling and silo. Hydro ana watwf pressure. Close to town and school. Liberal terms. -—C. V. Pickard, Realtor. ll-27tfc AUCTION SALES IIENSALL—We are offering one of Hensail’s finer residences. It is located in the' best residen­ tial district. This comfortable home is particularly well laid out. It has a very attractive liv­ ing room with fireplace and ad­ joining sun room. Three bed­ rooms. Oil heated. Garage. This is an estate property. C. V. Pic- karci. Realtor, Main St., Exeter. ll-4tfc AUCTION SALE of household effects, including living room, bedroom and miscellaneous arti­ cles; also garden and lawn equipment, on Saturday, January 17 at 1 p.m. at residence of Mrs. J. E. Jenkin (the former J. J. Hodgins residence), Main Lucan. Milton Brock, -auc­ tioneer. 8:15e St., J. o.■ TWO-BEDROOM wartime house, newly decorated, with built-in cupboards. Apply 307 Anne St. ll-27efc FOR SALE in Exeter's business section, two-storey brick build­ ing suitable for any retail busi­ ness or light industry. For par­ ticulars apply to C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. l-8tfc MODERN COTTAGE with large living room and roomy kitchen, two bedrooms This property is dition and can very reasonable C. V. Pickard, ars and bathroom, in excellent con- be bought at a price. Terms.— Realtor, Exeter. l-8tfc And 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, with nice living room and dining room. This property is particularly well located. Nicely treed lot with .garage. Price $5,700.00. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. l-8tfc Trucks NEW .HOUSE, 609 Edward St. Red brick front, automatic oil furnace, two bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen, bath, upstairs unfinished. Will exchange for older house. —R. E. Bilkwill, Exeter. ll-20tfc 52 Chev. Sedan Powerglide, Two-Tone Blue,, Radio and Visor STO.l — If you wish to buy a new red brick home in the beau­ tiful town of Exeter, see J. W. Hern, Sanders St. West. 10-23tfc LOUSE WELL situated for schools, churches and shopping. Newly decorated interior, class heat hath upstairs, 2-piece on main floor, r Pearce, Salesman. first general condition. Forced oil burner furnace. Full Garage, garden. , Realtor, Earl —W. C. Parsons, 10-16tfc FOR SALE—One hundred acres, on No. 4 Highway, 1 mile north of the village of Centralia, 3 miles south of the town of Ex­ eter, modern home, all conven­ iences, large frame barn, two drive sheds, and in high state of cultivation, one-half of purchase price required tor down pay­ ment. And also, 99 acres on the sec­ ond concession of B i d d u 1 p h Township, three miles south and east '•of Centralia, with good frame barn and drive ’shed, clay loam, well drained, and in high state of cash crop cultivation. One-half of purchase price re­ quired for down payment. And also, 50 acres, on the third concession of Biddulph Town­ ship, three miles south and east Of Centralia, drained, mill, all farm. Will be gather. Apply 1 Godbolt, Centralia. good frosh sold clay loam, well well, and wind- seeded, for grass Separately or to- to owner, Harvey 8:15:22<*)c NEW COTTAGE, large lot. Small down - payment. —.Waterloo and Carling Street or 307 Anne Street, i-Stfc 4-R00M insuLbric cottage with conveniences and furnace, rea­ sonably priced for quick sale. Other houses, steres and farms. —W« 0. Pearce, Realtor, Earl t’drsohs, Salesman. 9-lltfc 52 Chev. Sedan Special 48 Pontiac Low Mileage, Like New 39 Plymouth 38 50 GMC Half Ton Pick Up Low Mileage 46 Dodge Half Ton Good Condition Snell Bros. LIMITED Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Cars and Chevrolet Trucks PHONE 100 EXETER