The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-01-08, Page 12121 TT THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER* ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 8, 1953 THEATRE Phone 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions J Hen Doubles Production A hep, owned by Gerald Wurm, of Exeter north, started the New Year oft by doubling production—-the hard way. The cackler laid a huge egg measuring nine and a half inches the long way around and seven and one-quarter around the middle. Inside the big shell was a yolk and albumen and a fully-matured egg. Town Topics Items nf Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to puhllsh these items. We and onr readers are interested in you apd your friends. Tel. 31-W FRIDAY & SATURDAY January 9 «»d io tA Abbott and. Costello in PLAY ENTITLED Lost In Alaska 'Finders Creepers Mystery, Comedy in Three Acts The northern lights have never seen funnier sights , . . Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton MONDAY & TUESDAY January 12 and 13 Friday, Jan. 16 Siionsored by A.Y.P.A. St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Kirkton A James Stewart ★ Wendell Corey It's a wonderful story of fighting spirit and through it all romance. a WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY January 14 and 15 The Marrying Kind ic Judy Haliday ★ Aldo Ray The wedding bells are ringing for that “Born Yesterday” girl! Coming for a Full Week! January 26 to 31 Inclusive THE QUIET MAN ★ Barry Fitzgerald, ★> Maureen O’Hara Admission 500 and 250 invites you to our First Rally Of 1953j VERB MATTS, SPEAKER, Director of Halton County Youth for Christ HARRY SMITH, .MILTON, ONT., musical director with a group of talentvocal and instrumental you will enjoy. IN THE CLINTON DISTRICT COLLEGIATE Saturday, Jan. 10 8:00 p.m. 9'■ « Stephen Township Federation Of Agriculture BANQUET - HAM SUPPER Wednesday, Jan. 21, 1953 7:00 p.m, Crediton Town Hall JUDGE COSTELLO, SPEAKER PAUL BROS., ENTERTAINERS Admission $1.50 Gordon Ratz, President Allan Richards^ Secretary Members Are Urged to Secure Tickets from Directors as Soon as Possible * Plan To Attend Exeter District Co-Op Annual Meeting Wednesday, January 28 Snow Ball Frolic Sponsored by Exeter Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary Exeter Legion Memorial Hall Thursday, January 15 Lionel Thornton AND HIS ORCHESTRA ADMISSION $1.00 PER PERSON Dancing 9:30-1:00 Proceeds to Hospital Dress Optional Will You Be Snow Queen ? w ■M Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques were: Mr. and Mrs, Russell Peart of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Clark, Bev and Don of Wan- stead,_Mr. and Mrs. Jim Francis and Jane after with Dr. Sanders and wife of land visited with Mr. and A. Finkbeiner last week. Mrs. Arto Sanders of London spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Finkbeiner, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Johns and Greg of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Armstrong, Ronnie and Donnie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Camp­ bell. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hughes, Arden, Ont., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mil­ ler, Simon J. Sweitzer left Monday for Toronto Hospital for treat­ ment. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Penhale and Grace spent New Year's in Bel­ mont with Mr, and Mrs. William Crawford and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Tuckey of Cass City, Mich., spent New Year's with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tuckey, Mervyn Cudmore is in London this week attending the adian National Warm Air ing School,- Mrs. Elworthy and Mary New Year's with her daughter, Mrs. Springer, in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Passmore of Forest entertained twenty-one members of the Passmore fam­ ily at their home on Saturday, December 27. The afternoon was spent in playing cards after which a lovely dinner was served. Mr, Miller Campbell, Loudon, spent Christmas with ents, Campbell, Mr. and Hamilton, Mrs, Year’s and called on old friends in town Peter of Tavistock, Mis? Francis returned with them spending a week's holidays her grandparents. Wei- Mrs, Can- Heat- spent Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Down Spent New Year’s in Toronto. Mrs. J. P. Sanders and daugh­ ters, of Wheatley, returned to. their home Tuesday after spendi­ ng several weeks with her par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Kydd. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Kydd were Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Willard and Betty Ann, Mt. Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, Mr, and Mrs. g. A. Mof­ fat and children, and Miss Ruth London. Mr. and Mrs. spent Christmas Mrs. E, S. Moon Mich. Mrs. Moon Vickie, accompanied their - home and were joined for New Year’s. Mr. and Mrs. spent Christmas Mrs. Arthur Fraser. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Glenn left on Monday for a holiday in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. and family left uary 4, far St. They expect to three weeks. Mrs. Hugh Hendrick and in­ fant daughters returned from St. Joseph’s Hospital on Saturday and are spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Sam Hendrick before returning to their home in Dashwood. Miss Pearl Keys is confined to her home with a broken cap suffered when she fell in London. Miss Gertrude Stewart, chener, visited with Mr, Murray Mr. R. J. Kydd Neville, all pf E; C. Harvey with Mr. and in Ann Arbor, and daughter, by Mr. Moon Peter Fraser with Mi’, and . R-. L. Beavers on Sunday, Jan- Petersburg, Fla. be away about knee while Mr.and Mrs. his par- Andrew Mrs. W. G, visited with Aljoe Sanders Gillespie, Mr, and for New Comments About Centralia Holiday Visitors *Mr. Steve Molnar of Montreal with Mr. and Mrs. S. Molnar; Mrs. Hodgert, of Exeter, with . " _ ----- Mr. Harris West and Bette Mr. and Mrs. J. Talbot Valley; Mr. and Mrs. and children, Detroit, and Mrs. G. Baynham Mrs. C. Regan. and Mrs. G. Thompson, hei- sister, Mrs. T, Willis; and Mrs, Lou with at Grand Baynham with Mr. and with Mr. London, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgins and family with Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Steeper, Corbett, and with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hodgins, Greenway; Mr. and Mrs. Lammie, Bobby and Jean, with Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn, Hurondale; Mrs. T. Willis and Miss Flossie Davey with Mr. Roy Coward. This Week tn Winchelsea By MRS. F. HORNE Mr, a nd Mrs, Philip Row- cliffe, of Clinton, were New Year’s Day visitors with Misses Beatrice and Dora Charles Delbridge. Congratulations to Mrs. Harold Clarke on of their son, Wiiliam Robert. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten and Mr. Alf Brooks visited New Year's Day at the home of Mr. Ezra Willard, of Mt. Pleasant. Mrs. Nelson Clarke has re­ turned to her home at Farquhar after spending a short time with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Walters. iMr. and Mrs. Fred Walters, Sandra and Judy visited with Mr. and Mrs, Bill Brock, London, for New Year’s. and Mr. Mr. the and birth News of Kirkton By MRS. L N. MARSHALL x Ross Dobson, Ron Patten and Junior Doupe spent the past week at Guelph, taking -a special agricultural course. W. S. Cluff, a former Kirkton boy, who has been Police Con­ stable at Wiarton for the past four years has been transferred to the Kitchener office as cor­ poral. New Year’s home gatherings were held at Mr. R, E. Doupe’s, Mrs. John Williams’ Lorne Mar­ shall’s Mrs. Truman Tufts' Mr. and Mrs. John McElrea’s and many others. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Christie and family, of London, visited with Mt. and Mrs. Lorne Mar­ shall this week, Mrs, L. Funiiell, Janice and Danny, of Woodstock, and Anne Tufts, of London, were New Year guests of Mrs. Truman Tufts. The annual public school meet­ ing was hold Wednesday, De­ cember 24 id the school room, Officers elected are: Trustees, Mt. James Willis, Mr. Earl Wat­ son and Mr. .Tack Switset; janitor, Mrs. George Hall) audi­ tors, Mt. T, A. Wiseman and I. N. Marshall. Kit- and Mrs. William Stone last week. Mr. and Mrs. O. Boddy and son, of Kitchener, visited Mrs. C. Harris recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bert left Saturday for their Oshawa after spending days with the latter’s Mr. and Mrs. E. their daughters. Mrs. Arthur Mitchell returned home on Sunday after spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kestle, Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. William Fawcett, Mit­ chell. Mrs. Leslie Knight of Birch Run, Mich., spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer, andf amily. New Year’s Mr. and Mrs. H. R. El Is me re home in the holi- parents, Buswell, and Guests Mrs. James Squire, Anderson and Shir­ ley with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stewart, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Stone. Misses Myrna and Loretta Pym and Ron McDougall of Toronto and Doug Buckner of Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Sturgis, Jim and Beverley, spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. West, Aurora. Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Eng­ lish, Grand Bend, with Mr. and Sweitzer for NewJ.Mrs. A. Year’s. Mr. and and son, Bill, of Lambeth, Miss Olive Wood of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Murdoch of Dundas spent Christmas Day and the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Pepper and family of Sarnia spent Christmas with the former’s sis­ ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Tinney and family. Mr, R. L. Scott of Vienna spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs. William Cook. Mrs. L. F. Howey spent Christmas in Ottawa with her sons, Mervin and Sqdn. L. Howey. Sqdn. Ldr, flew home on Monday. Miss Mary VanCamp tawa and Mrs. VanCamp don were guests of Mr. and "Nirs. Clinton Sweet and Irene. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lindenfield spent a week's holiday^ with Mr. and Mrs. Windsor. Mr. and and family, Elford and __ .. Smale, Mr, and Mrs. Elwyn Kers- lake and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Don Penhale and family, with Mrs. Annie Veal and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Mott, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Pegg and daughter, Marian, of Oil Springs, with Dt. and Mrs. M, C. Fletcher and family. Mr, an Mrs. John Chambers with their daughter, Mrs. Doug­ las Thomson, London, for Christ­ mas. Mrs. Harold Wood Ldr. E. Howey of Ot- of Lon- Norman Floody in Mrs. William Elford Mr. and Mrs. Lorne family, Mrs. Louise Sorority Plans Annual Ball At, the January meeting Beta Sigma Phi sorority at the home of Maida Richards, plans were begun for the annual Bal­ loon Ball to be held in March. President Mrs. Bob Dinney announced proceeds of the doll drqw to be $150. Miss Helen Westcott won a prize for selling the most tickets. The program, directed by Mrs, Jack Fulcher, began with roll call in answer to the question “What do you ask of life?” The topic of emotions as they effect life was discussed by Irene Beaupre who spoke on' how to be happy through ill health and Marian Bissett who talked on how to live without worry. The gift was won by Mrs. Ted Buswell. Lunch was served by Mrs. Howard Klumpp, Mrs. Jim Hayter and Mrs. Gordon ham. of Bayn- Grand Bend Lady Dies Mrs. Bert Holt, of Bend, died suddenly at Wednesday while on the way to hospital in London in the" T. Harry Hoffman ambulance. Mrs. Holt had been in poor health for some time. Her maiden name was *yiolet Tiederman and she was 65 years of age. Funeral ar­ rangements haj not been made at time of going to press. Grand noon Offers Coronation ’Home The Times-Advocate's classi­ fied columns are used to sell, rent or buy all sorts of things but ||’s a rarity when an apart­ ment* in England is advertised for rent. In this week's edition, readers are offered modern living quar­ ters in London from May 30 to September 30—Coronation time. Upon investigation, the T-A learned the apartment belongs to Mi’s. Mrs. who sumnTer, According to Mrs. Wilson will ment—not at I price she could demand but at a moderate fee—so that some Canadian couple can attend the Coronoation ceremonies. Grace Wilson, mother of Maxwell Harness, Exeter, in Exeter thiswill visit her daughter, ; rent the apart- the exhorbitant Christmas Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carling, London, with Mrs. William Car­ ling and Mrs. Louise Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Neal, Tor­ onto, with Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Fletcher and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lamond, Lon­ don, Mr. and Mrs. H. Chittick and children, St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Squire*, and Douglas, with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Squire. Mr. Charles Miners, of Saska­ toon, Sask., was a pleasant caller at The Times-Advocate Satur­ day. He and Mrs. Miners were on their way to Florida and visited in London with their daughter, Mrs. Ludwig, who is on the staff of Western Univers­ ity. Charlie wishes to be remem­ bered to his old friends. Usborne Council —Coiltinued from page 1 vied at No. 1 and Zion schools; Nos. 1 and 12 had been painted inside and out; a heater installed at Plugtown school; and several new fences"8* had been erected. Over 240 children were enrolled and cost averaged $125 per pupil. Major expense was teachers’ salaries which amounted to $15,100. He said the mill rate had been increased because the salary of teachers had increased and gov­ ernment grants lowered. He re­ gretted the loss ^ol' Clarence Down, who is retiring from the board. Mr. Down has been a member since the area was formed. Renews Development A. W. Morgan, Usborne repre­ sentative on the district high school board, reviewed the de­ velopment of secondary education. He intimated he would this year. Largest Roll Newton Clark, treasurer township, said this year's assess­ ment was the largest roll ever collected and close to 96 per­ cent of the taxes had been re­ ceived. He reviewed the printed fin­ ancial statement which showed a surplus of $20,754. Net asset? and surplus totalled $79,221,33. school retire of the Leaver Hospital Friends of Gerry KeMle, of Stratford, will be glad to know he was home from Lyndhurst Lodge Hospital, Toronto, for the New Year’s weekend. His mother and uncle, W. H- Pollen, motored to Toronto to bring him Jiopie. He returned to hospital January 4. Miss Nancy Clark of Thedford Is spending a few holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer. Mr, and Mrs. WiDiam Sweitzer spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Barrs of Sarnia. New Year's visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hodgert were: Mr. and Mrs. John Madge, Mar­ ion, Keith and Phyllis, Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Colquhoun, Doug­ las and John and Mrs. JuUaMc- Nicoi of Science Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hodgert and Aud­ rey of Bornholm, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Russell of St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hodgert and Marjorie of town.-. New Year’s visitors with Mr, and Mrs/ Lewis Kirk were: Mr, and Mrs. Ross Cowan and Cam­ eron of Petrolia, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Henderson of Trenton, Mr. Roy Kirk of Toronto, Miss Pearl McLeod of Wingham, Mr, Don Kirk of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ford, Shyrl and Gary, and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Kirk of town. COMING EVENTS euchre ■—• Hurondale Women’s Institute euchre. Watch for fur­ ther’ date. 8 c ALDON THEATRE EVERYONE IS INVITED To Come In And See The GRAND BEND EXETER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Annual Meeting TOWN HALL, EXETER Wednesday, Jan. 211 at 2:00 p.m. ? for the purpose of electing officers and transacting business Executive will meet at 1:30 p.m. Clark Fisher, A. J. -Sweitzer, Secretary President You Can Hear Four Outstanding Musicians on Friday, January 23 IN THE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Concert sponsored by the Student Council with the co-operation of the Department of Education All-New Chevrolet FOR 1953 Now On Display Snell Bros. Ltd SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Tuesday, January 13 at 2:30 p.m. Note; It Will Bo Held at the Hospital All Women of the District Are Urged to Attend H> FRIDAY & SATURDAY January 0 and 10 BRAVE WARRIOR (In Technicolor) ★ Jon flail ★ Christine Larson The Shawnee uprising . . . America's greatest Indian war . . . The battle for Tippecanoe! >‘THREE STOOGES” COMEDY CARTOON And Special Short Subject, ^CANADIANS IN KOREA” TUESDAY A WEDNESDAY January 13 and 14 THE TURNING POINT ★ William Holden ★ Alexis Smith ★ Edmund O’Brien The inside story of big-time crime , . . how it operates . . , why it cannot survive against hard-hitting heroism. NEWSREEL CARTOON SPORTS REEL/ DANCE Exeter Legion Memorial Hall To The Music Of#* CLARENCE PETRIE AND HIS NIGHT HAWKS Featuring Bob Hayter and his Sax Every Saturday Night 9:00>12:00 p.m. ADMISSION 500 EXETER ARENA SCHEDULE OF EVENTS THURSDAY, JAN. 8 Int. “B” O.H.A. Hockey Centralia vs. Clinton 8:30 p.m. FRIDAY, JANUARY 9 Int. W.O.A.A. Hockey Forest vs. Dashwood 8:30 p,m. ' SATURDAY, JAN. 10 W.O.A.A. Midgets Mt. Carmel vs. Exeter 7:00-8:00 p.m. Public Skating 8:30-10:30 p.m. MONDAY, JAN. 12 W.O.A.A. Bantam Hockey Goderich vs. Exeter 7:00-8:00 p.m. Int. W.O.A.A. Hockey Hensall vs* Exeter 8:80 pan. O.H.A. HOCKEY Here’s the Match Clinton Colts BATTLE Centralia Flyers Colts Want To Avenge That 14-iO Defeat! Flyers Are After The League Leadership! TO-NIGHT (Thursday, January 8) • EXETER ARENA CYCLONE HOCKEY WEDNESDAY, JAN* 14 Int. O.H.A. Hockney Milvertori vs. Centralia 8:80 p.m. The Control Board has agreed, in response to numerous requests, to sell and reserve for the pres­ ent hockey season all seats in the north and south balconies. For the sum of $5.00 your seat will be held for you. for each game, including playoffs. Many of these seats are still available. If Interested, Contact the Secretary ■ins WITHOUT DELAY First Come, First Served 4 ■ TUESDAY, JAN. 13 Rec League Hockey Admission 250 THURSDAY, JAN. 15 FRIDAY, JAN. 16 Public Skating 8:30^10:30 p,m. Saturday^ Jan. 17 Tiit. W.O.A.A. Hockey Exeter vs. Dashwood '8:30 p.m. Reserve! The Date! THURSDAY, JAN. 22 Official Opening of Exeter Memorial Arena fl Outstanding Program! Dashwood Tackles Forest Friday, January 9 EXETER ARENA The Dashwood Team Has^ Really improved! See Ex-Pro Teddy Garvin And The Forest Flashes! Hensall CYCLONE HOCKEY (Always A Grudge When These Twa Get Together) Monday, January 12 - 8:30 EXETER ARENA Both Teams Need Yd Wirt The Exeter Squad Has New Faces, New Plnys! HertsaH Is Now At Full Strength!