HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-01-08, Page 11the late of R.R. held at R. Got- Kdinund O. McRoberts ■ Funeral services for ■dtnond Q. McRoberts, ■ Wilton Grove, were ■Ardaven” the James ■anier Funeral Home on Satur­ day, December 27 at 3:30 p.m. interment was in Birr Cemetery. I He is survived by his wife, the ’former Josephine Kingdom, and three children, Mrs. Stanley Mill- son (Lila) and Lawrence, of London, and Mrs. Fred Richard­ son" (Hazel.) of Toronto. William Lewis Funeral services for the late William Lewis, 76, who passed away suddenly Monday, Decem­ ber 22, were held Friday, De­ cember 2 6 at 1:30 p.m. from his late residence, lot 13, con. 8 McGillivray. A public service was held in" St. Mary’s Church, Brinsley, at 2:30 and interment was in St.- Mary’s Cemetery, Brinsley, He is survived by his wife, the former Minnie Neil, a son Alvin, of McGillivray, and Dr. Elmer N. Lewis, of Toronto. of Teen Town Committee Plans “Jamboree” The committee in charge arrangements for the “Jam­ boree” sponsored by Lucan Teen Town, met on Monday evening in the Community Centre. The "Jamboree” will be held on Friday evening, January 9, at 8:00, in the Community Cen­ tre. Miss Angela Armitt of the University of Western Ontario will be the emcee, and there will be a large number prizes and lucky spot donated by the business Lucan and Clandeboye. The proceeds will go use of the Community Centre. of door prizes, men of for the BE SURE TO SEE THE Christmas Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford and family, of Detroit, with Mrs. Irene Coursey and family; Mrs. Harry Atkinson, of London, with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Corbett. " Mr. and Mrs. J. Worthington and many spent Christmas in Toronto. Mrs. Preece was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Coughlin, of Hyde Park, for Christmas. Mr. and and Cheryl spent Christmas in St. Thomas, Thompson’s Mrs. F. M. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Alonza Hedden spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hedden, of London. Mrs. Ione Tatloe and Linda, of London, were guests of Mrs. Charles Haskett for Christmas. Mr. Harvey Revington, Mont­ real, is spending his Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Revington. Mi’- and Mrs. A. W. Murdock have returned home. The former spent Christmas in Toronto, the guest of ’ Mrs. Ian F. Stewart. The latter spent a week in Corn­ wall, the guest of Mrs. W. H. Young. Dr. Oswald Banting and Mrs. Banting, of Richmond, Ken _Banting and Mrs. w ere W. T. Mrs.B. Thompson the guests of Mrs. parents, Mr, and and Dr. Banting, holiday Banting All-New Chevrolet FOR 1953 Now On Display Snell Bros. Ltd. Exeter Ontario '9 We Have in Stock Dry White Pine 1x5 and 1x6 Matched Also 1 x 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 - 10 and 12 inches Dressed 4 sides A. J. Clatworthy PHONE 12 GRANTON KIDNEY ACIDS Rob your Rest.. Many people never seem to get a good night’s rest. They turn and toss—blame it on ‘nerves’—when it may be their kidneys. Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess acids from the blood. If they fail and impurities stay in the system—disturbed rest often follows. If you don’t rest well get and use Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Dodd’s help the kidneys so that you can rest better—and feel better. 134 Dodd's Kidney Pills It’s hard to realize that less than one hundred years ago aluminum was a precious metal, priced at $17 an ounce. In fact, Queen’s University at Kingston, Ont,, pre­ sented the first graduate from its chemistry course with an alumi­ num medal in 1858. Nowadays the pried of alu­ minum is 18c a pound. How is it that a dollar buys as much alu­ minum today as it did before the war, while it buys so much less of most other things? One big rea­ son is the increasing use of alu­ minum—-ten times that of 15 years agd. Volume production keeps production costs down. Aluminum is hot only light and strong —it is low in price too, Aluminum Company of Canada^ Ltd, (Alcan). of Pt. Huron, visitors' with Dr. and family. Mr. and Mrs. spent Christmas Mrs. Cliff Abbott and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mullins, of London. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lobsinger and family, of Sarnia, were Christ­ mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lankin. Mrs. Will Dickins' spent Christ­ mas with Mr. and Mrs. Morris McDonald. ’ Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hodgins were Misses Holly and Belle Martin of Wing­ ham, Mr. and Mrs. W. Westney of West Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Nugent and family of London, and Mrs. Jack Elson and Miss Henry with Mr. and Mr. daughter, Windsor, Miriam Martin, Detroit. Hodgins and Teen Town Members of Teen Town met at the Lucan Community Memorial Centre Tuesay night with the Rev. J. F. Wagland, of the Anglican Church in charge. The singing of Christmas carols was followed by square dancing. Plans were made for the big community jamboree to be held January 9 at the Centre. Second Line In Biddulph By MRS. H. ELSON Christmas Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Len Purdy, I-Ien- sall, and Mr. and Mrs. John Kuzmick and family, Crediton, spent Christmas with the Wei­ berg family; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wren, Mr. Gordon Oke and sis­ ters, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon At­ kinson, London, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Atkinson and family, Mrs. Helen Atkinson and Billy Wilson. London, with and Mrs. Charles Atkinson Mrs. Eva Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister and boys with Mr. and Mrs. Ron­ ald Denham, Kirkton; Messrs. Allen and Melville Buswell with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Cameron, of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blair with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Baker, Crediton; Mr. and Lloyd Stanlake and family, don, and Mr. Fischer, Mrs. John John Mrs. . , .. __ , ___ _ Hicks, Mrs. Mack, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and Heather, Mr. and Mrs. Don Meyer and Gloria with Mr, and Mrs. George Mc­ Falls; Miss Marjorie Isaac with her mother, Mrs. Garnet Isaac. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Atkin­ son and family and Mrs. E. At­ kinson were supper guests Fri­ day with the Weiberg family. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Weiberg, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Weiberg and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Len Purdy, Hensail. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston entertained a number of their friends at a pre-Christmas party at their home Saturday night. Miss Bonnie McFalls, Sarnia, is spending her holidays with her parents, Mr McFalls. Ml*, and Mrs. Amos Warwick, Port Huron, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blair. Janet Ann Blair is Visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Flannigan, London. Mrs. Fred Davis visited week with her daughter, Mervin Elston. Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mi’s. Allan Elstan family were guests of Mr. Mrs. E. L. Gibson, Exeter, day evening. Mi’s. John Spacek broke arm as the result of a fail Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Langford and John SbOnt Sunday with Mr. and MRS. Percy Hodgins, Gran­ ton; and Mr. and Mrs. ; London, with Mr. Chris Fischer; Mr. and Spacek with Mr. and Gregus, London; Mr. Nelson Squires, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lon- Roy and Mrs. Mrs. and Ernest and Mrs. Allie Leo last Mrs. M. II. Elston, and arid Sun- iter Pji'ge IT Lucan And District News ■and Dr. and Mr. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 8, 1953 By MRS, C, J. PATON Pete Deblock. Ailsa Craig annual Christmas evening in the London, Mr. and Mrs. one Tor- Mains, of carolSilver Anniversary Club Mrs. D. Tuttle was hostess the Christmas meeting of — Doris Lightfoot. The $5 special prize went to Parkinson was Business Men’s Draw The Business Men’s Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin attended the funeral Hedden’s brother, Mr. Lucanites Roy Pitt, 'Mrs. (GOOD GRACIOUS!! THAT'S A MOTH HOLE! I'LL HAVE TO GET BUSY ON THAT CLOSET 1 WITH A SPRAY' RIGHT NOW !!GEE — I JUST CAN'T UNDERSTAND ABOUT MOTHS Holiday visitors with ■s. J. H. Cantelon were d Mrs. Bruce Cantelon family o? West Lome and and Mrs. W. Cantelon and fam­ ily of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powers',4 Mr. and Mrs'. Gerald Atkinson and family and Miss Anne Atkin­ son, R.N„ pf Londqn, were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Wes Atkinson. Draw brought a large crowd to Lucan on Wednesday, December 24. Reeve Corbett announced the lucky winners. The studio couch was won by teen-age Shelagh Ewen; the silver tea service and tray went to Bernard Benn; station wagon coat to Les Wood­ ward and wool blanket to Ward Hodgins, Clandeboye. Of the 15 additional prizes, were Field, the following winners, Mrs. Ken Ellis, Mrs. E. M. Cur­ rie, Olga Bond, Mrs. Margaret Armitage, Mrs. T. C. McFarlane. Clandeboye winners — Andy Carter, Oscar Windsor, Clarence Carter. Denfield winners — Jack Evers, —Roy Schenk, Ed. Dixon, Cen­ tralia — Doris Lightfoot. The lucky Eva Kenney, of Lucan. for __ ________ _____„ the Granton Silver Anniversary Club'. The president, IC. Gunning, was assisted in the worship period by Mrs. E. Wallis, Mrs. J. Juul and Mrs. W. Lambert. Mrs. R. Hardie accompanied a solo by Mrs. M. McGrady. Officers for 195 3 dent, Mrs. K. presidents, Mrs. Mrs. W. Munro; Glen Jameson; treasurer Lewis; Sunshine, Mrs. . ton; nursery school, Munro, Mrs. Lambert. A chicken dinner was served at the close of the program after which Rev. G. C. Raymer acted as Santa Claus in the distribut­ ing of gifts. are: Presi- Gunning, .vice- W. Legg and secretary, Mrs. ; Mrs. C. A. I-Iarl- Mrs. W. Lucan W.A. At the December meeting of the United Church W.A., finan­ cial reports showed a good year. Mrs. Annie Fairless reported on the Flower Fund. Twenty-five dollars was voted for "Care” Re­ lief Fund. The officers for 19 53 are: President, Mrs. Sheridan Reving­ ton; vice-president, Mrs. Alex Young; secretary, Mrs'. H. B. Langford; treasurer,/ .Mrs. Jack Lankin; group conveners, Mrs. Wes Hodgins, Mrs. Earl Young, Mrs. Stewart Park, Mrs. Cecil Robb, Mrs. John Park, Edgar McFalls, Mrs. Harold Whyte, Mrs. Ivan Stanley Mrs. Clarence Lewis. Mrs. and Vesper Service The Granton their. National Christmas Vesper Service on Sunday evening, De­ cember 21 in the United Church under the leadership of Miss V. McComb. Mary Rose Powell read passages of Scripture. Miss J. Leslie .gave an address, followed by a sold by Ruth Hardie. The president, Tuttle, led in the candle and all repeated the purpose. C.G.I.T.held Darlene lighting C.G.I.T. Christinas Concert Gord. Rathburn was chairman for S.S. No. 5 presented by Mrs. C. Bowman an pupils. The a cantata, "In piano solos, d uets, and tions.' Proceeds from the exceeded $25. Miss Joan McMehen, of to, spent Friday, December 26 with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Stanley and family. Christinas concert program included Christmas Land,” recita- concert Toron- Community Night A community get-together was held in Aberdeen Hall with Mrs. Boss Francis presiding. She was assisted by Mrs. Herman Paynter and Mrs. Clarence Switzer. Community singing was led by W. Kirby with Mrs. A. Levy ac­ companying. Don Middleton, of Edgewood, was guest speaker. Others taking part were Dawn Blackler, Ken Blackler, Christine* Moore, Mrs. G. Wilson, Dorothy Irvine, Margaret Irvine and Doris Levy, man. John Stevens was cliair- Elects Officers V. G. Banting’s group of W.M.S. 'Mrs. the United Church W.M.S. spon­ sored a pot-luck supper in the church parlors for their Christ­ mas meeting on Thursday, De­ cember 18. The president, Mrs. T. S. Hill presided. The ‘ tions were led Langford with and ing. The Study was ing. Christmas solo. The following officers elected for 1953: President) T. S. Hill; vice-president, Warner McRoberts; secretary, Mi’s, T. D. Orme; treasurer, Mi’s. H. B. Langford; corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. McFalls; tem­ perance, Miss G. White; supply, Mrs. S. Chown; friendship, Mrs. ture, Mrs. E. M. _ Stewardship, Mrs, J. _1. and Mrs. ,T. H. Cantelon; Mis­ sionary Monthly, Mrs. John Park; press, secretary, Mrs. C. Lewis; pianist, Mrs. S. Ohown. S. Hill presided. by Mrs. Mrs. John Revington Book on taken by Mrs. V. G. Mrs, S. Ch own Mrs. Wes, devo- H. B. Park assist- Africa Bant- sang a were Mrs. Mrs. I c o m m tt n i t y J. Blair; litera- Cook; Christian J, R. Mtirray Hedden Hedden of Mr. Thomas Hedden, at Brantford, Friday. Mr, and Mrs. C. F. Langford, of Toronto, spent a few days with Lucan relatives during the holidays. The Lucan W.I. family night will be held in the Community Memorial Centre on Thursday, January 8. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cummins, Toronto, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett. Miss Gertrude Kent, R.N., of St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is spending a Jew days with Mr. and Mrs. U.J F. Stanley. Mrs. J. Brown, of spent Wednesday with Mrs. John Blair. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Dorchester, attended the service at Holy Trinity Church Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. D. Lucas and family have moved to Arkona. His many Lucan friends will be glad to know Mr. Erastus Neil, now of Scott, Sask,, under­ went a stomach operation in Saskatchewan hospital there, ex­ pects to be able to return home soon. • During the Christmas vaca­ tion, volunteer workmen have laid a new floor over the 80- year-old one in S.S. No. 5 Lon don School (Birr). Mr. and Mrs. Charles Windsor attended a family gathering at the home of Mr. Chester Morley, Parkhill, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Westman are spending New Year’s with the latter’s mother, Mrs. M. Bennett, Toronto, Mrs. Fred Simpson is spend­ ing three weeks with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Walker, of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ankers and family have returned home to Barrie after a two weeks’ visit with Mrs. Anker’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hodgins. Mrs. Don Hawk and son, John, of Sudbury, are sending a week with Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Smith. Mrs. Garrett, who has been in St. Joseph’s Hospital, be home and feeling Albert Mitchell, on his sister, on Monday. - and Mrs. Wes Mr. called Blair, Mr. is able to better. of Exeter, Mrs. John Revington [ were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McNaughton on Sunday. Mrs. Johnston, St. Catharines, and Mr. and Mrs. Car min Oonti, of Niagara, New York, were re­ cent visitors of MT\ and Mrs. Wilbert Revington. Mrs. H. B-. “ ‘ ' few days last Mr. Harry Liskeard, and Aylmer spent Mr. and Mrs. Miss Thorpe is spending a week with Arkona friends. Miss Amy Hodgins of Tor­ onto is holidaying with Mrs. C. Hawkshaw and family. The Happy Hostess Club held their first 19 53 meeting at the home of Mrs. H. B. Langford on Friday, January 2. Most of the time was spent on Record Books in an effort to have them fin­ ished in time for" Achievement Day, January 24. The Vestry meeting of Holy Trinity Anglican Church will be held in the Parish Hall, Tues­ day, January 13. Mrs. Wagland of Toronto was a holiday visitor at the rectory and attended the Sunday School party. Mrs. C. H. Porter and Miss Gora Neil have returned home after a pleasant visit with their brother in Toronto. Miss Pearl Ashworth of Tor­ onto was ahoUday guest of Mr. and ■and ily. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Aylestock were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Aylestock and family of Toronto, Rev. A. Ayle­ stock of Owen Sound, Mr. and| Mrs. c_j: r...:___ ■ ter, Ella, Mr. and Mrs. Joe mons, of Stratford. Congratulations to Mr. Mrs. Lloyd Cook (nee Haskett) on the safe arrival of little Douglas Arthur at Brant­ ford General Hospital December 27; a ' “ _ I Bobby. Mr. spent .... with his father, and his Piece, Mrs. Russell God­ dard, and family. Mrs, Viola Jenkins ford spent a few days •in her LUcan home. In an Intermediate A.A. game here with Friday bight, the Lucan Irish ■Six went down to defeat 8-2. spent a Toronto. Langford week in Hayward, of New two friends from New Year’s with B. Thompson. is Mrs. C. Pattison and Mr. Mrs. D. Ashworth and fam- Cecil Jackson and daugh- ’ Sim- and Alice brother for Barbara and S. A. Stanley of Toronto the New Year’s weekend Mr. Alex Sceli, of Brad­ last week "C1 Forest on W.O Carol Service A midnight carol service and Moly Communion were held in Moly Trinity Anglican Church Wednesday evening. There was a splendid congregation and a full choir, Everyone joined heartily in the old familiar Christmas carols. Comments About C.G.I.T. Party The Lucan C.G.I.T. their Christmas party at United Church December 29. evening was spent in games an exchange of gifts. CHRISTMAS NEWS McGillivray Couple Wed Fifty Years Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Thomp­ son celebrated their fiftieth wed­ ding anniversary at the home of their niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Dixon, McGillivray Township. Mrs. Thompson was born in McGillivray Township. She is the former Elizabeth Hotson, daugh­ ter of the 1 ate Mr. John ters, land, land, rison Mr, Biddulph Township, son of the late Mr. HiramThompson. He sister, Mrs. Mary Stewart, onto. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson married in Lucan by the Ayerst, on December 24, 19 02. Her bridesmaid was her sis­ ter, Miss Isabelle Hotson, ahd Mrs. Leroy Dorman was grooms­ man. Forty guests attended the fowl dinner. A three-storey wed­ ding cake, made by Mrs. Thomp­ son, made an attractive centre for the table. The couple received a lamp from the nieces and nephews, a wall plaque from the great­ nieces and nephews and .gifts of flowers. A telephone call from Van­ couver from a niece, Mrs. Lynn Barnes, Mrs. of the stitute Mary’s ley. Mr. 1 farm on the tliifd concession of McGillivray Township. Sunday School Party The Sunday School pupils were entertained "on Saturday afternoon in the Sunday School room of St. James’ Church. The afternoon was spent in games recitations and carol conducted by the rector, J. F. Wagland. A bible given by Murless was won by Tomes for best attendance dur­ ing the year 1952. Marlene Har­ rison won the prize for effi­ ciency in answering questions on the lessons for the year. It was given by Mrs. Karl O’Neil. Other prizes for attendance were won by Dannie Harrison and Freddie Whitmore. After the class gifts were re­ ceived. Mr. Wagland received a gift from the Bible Class, Mrs. O’Neil a gift from her Senior Class, Mrs. Andy Carter a gift from her Junior Class, and Mrs. Harrison a gift from the young­ er pupils. Each pupil received a bag of candy and orange and a bounti­ ful lunch was enjoyed. The shut- in members of the parish were also remembered with a treat. Christinas Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simp­ son and family with Mr. T, Ste­ phenson of Ailsa Craig; Mrs. Murdock with her daughter, Mrs. Edwin Smith, and Mr. Smith, London; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whitmore, Hyde Park, and Mr. and Mrs. Coombes, London, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Whitemore; Mrs. Eslie Hodgson with her daughter, Mrs. Charlie Sumner, and family of Broughdale; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams and Debbie of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. George Lee and son of McGilli­ vray Township and Mr. Derby­ shire with Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Williams; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Riehl, Veneta, and Bobby, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan and Myrna of Thorndale with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton’ Mr. and Mrs. Alan Children with Mr. win Scott, Lucan; Cecil Carter with Karl O’Neil. Mrs. Emily Tonies and family and Mrs, Mrs. H. Murless Max Bloye, Mr. Martin sister, Mrs. ily, Detroit. Mr. and Christmas Concert The pupils of S.S. 7 Granton presented their concert Friday I.O.O.F. Hall. Mr. William chairman with Mrs. W. R. Clat­ worthy at the piano. Recitations, songs and plays were well pre­ sented and were followed by a visit from Santa Claus with gift3 and treats for the children. and Mrs. I-Iotson. She has three sis- Mrs. Rose Conroy, Cleve- Mrs. Belle Morgan, McGill- Mrs. Belle Morgan, McGilli- of London. Thompson was born in He is the and has were Rev. was received. - Thompson is a member Clandeboye Women’s In- and they attend St. Anglican Church, Brins- and Mrs. Thompson still Jones with Paul Poole; Mr. with Sgt. of R.C.A.F O’Dymer Mcllhargey singing the Rev. Mrs. H. Tommy I Coffee Club Party A number from Lucan’s Coffee Club and their families held theii' first get-together party in the Stanley Opera House on Mon­ day, December 22. Games were followed by. a visit from Santa with gifts and treats for all. Dozens of balloons were dropped from the ceiling and gave the kiddies much en­ joyment. After refreshments, they were taken home and pa­ rents returned for dancing and an evening of fun. The winners of the door prizes were Mrs. J. Carrington and Mr, Charles Haggar. Mrs. John Davis Mrs. Jeaminah Davis, 87, wife of the late John Davis, passed away on Tuesay, December 23 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sylvester Mardin, of London. She rested at the C. Haskett and Son funeral home, Lucan, till Friday, December 26, when funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Mervin Elson, ment was in St. James’ tery, Clandeboye. Pallbearers were Omar ningham, James Turner, Armitage, Heber Davis, Clarence Davis and Frank Smith. Mrs. Davis, the daughter of the late James and Eliza Carter, was born on the second of Mc­ Gillivray. After her marriage she lived on a farm a mile north of Saintsbury. She had eight sis­ ters and two brothers but only one sister, Mrs. Joe Armitage, survives. Pier other survivors are her son, Gordon, and daughter, Mildred, Mrs. Mardlin, both of London. Inter- Ceme- Cun- Percy and still produce as many Grade A Eggs ... by feeding a “Fresh-Mix Laying Mash” made from National Egbilder Concentrate—rich in animal proteins, vitamins and minerals, and bigger eggs mean more profit for you. Ask your NATIONAL dealer for “Fresh-Mix Laying Mash” made from NATIONAL Egbilder Concentrate. More eggs Look for the bright Orange and Black sign LIMITED ONTARIO F-I2 WILLIAM STONE SONS INGERSOLL CONCENTRATE "A QUALITY FEED-MIX” FOR TOULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE • Fertilize Your Crop with NATIONAL well-cured, properly-blended FERTILIZER Clean Us Out! We re Clearing *52 Stocks Al Bargain Prices! ■a 20% Off Seat Covers 10% Off Plastic, Fibreknit, Saran, Howard Zinc Colorful, Well-Made, Attractive Designs Hockey Equipment STICKS — SHOULDER, SHIN, ELBOW PADS — HOCKEY GLOVES, ETC. Buy For Less! Mr. and and Mrs. and Mrs. . village; with his and fam- Mrs. Mervin Carter and Douglas were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Erskine Friday evening. Mrs. C. Atkinson and spent Friday evening with and Mrs. Will Prest. Mr. and Mrs. William shire, London, Mr, and Mrs. Simpson and sons, Exeter, visit­ ed with Mr, and son on Saturday, • Mr. and Mrs. children With Mt. field Hill, Crediton, on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Rea Neil were supper guests Friday with Mr. and Mrs, Jack McEwen, Jack Mr. Che- Lyle Mrs. Alan and J. Simil­ Mill and Mrs, Gar- Ron Westman*s ian Auto Stores LUCAN AND EXETER * Exeter 211 - Phones * Lucan 60-W Auto Accessories —• Sporting Goods Lucan And District Residents: Ron Westman^ Canadian Auto Stores/ Lucan, New Agent For Mid»Town Cleaners For The Best In Dry Cleaning, Try Mid-Town! j