HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-01-08, Page 8Page 8 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 8, 1953 Report On Grand Bend By MRS., IRENE meters Junior Evening Auxiliary The December meeting of the Junior Evening Auxiliary of James Street United Church was held at the home of Mrs, Chas. MacNaughton December 22. Following the business meet­ ing,. a Christmas party with an exchange of gifts was enjoyed. Jocelyn H owey and Heather MacNaughton played two piano duets, Mr. pre- the .(MRISTMAS NEWS The Rev. W, C. Smith re­ sumed his pastoral duties in the United Church pn Sunday mor­ ning, December 21, with a fine Christmas address. Mr. Douglas Gill conducted a junior choir of 25 voices in seasonal music, un­ accompanied three-part harmony and a selection in unison. For’ the evening service, Gill and the Senior Choir seated a cantata, "Stars of Silent Night”, by Roy E. Nolte, Scriptural readings were given by Mrs. Emery Desjardine; solo parts were taken by Mrs. Ross Love, Kenneth Flear and Mur­ ray Desjardine. Mi-ss Doreen Baker wished her family greetings of the season on a long distance telephone call from California. Miss Baker- has completed her course in Hospi­ tal Administration and is now prepared to take up her duties on the staff. Mrs. Nelson Baker, Mr. Mrs. Clayton Lightfoot and i spent Thursday last with and Mrs. W. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gill tertained twenty members their family at their home Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Hermon and sons Mr. en- of for Gill were hosts to their family from .Windsor, Hamilton, London, Thedford and Grand Bend for the Yule dinner. Mr. and Mrs. and family leave next week, hopes to regain his health be­ fore the spring season opens. Miss Anne Negriyn has taken ■a secretarial position in London. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence John­ son celebrated Christmas at Itheir home with Mr. Johnson’s family from Sylvan. . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mollard spent Christmas with Mollard. Mr. and Mrs. H. and Mr. and Mrs. W. were guests of Mrs. -in London last week. Mrs. Art Haist and left Monday for a West Palm Beach, Fred Negrijn for where Mr. Florida Negrijn Mrs, A. Smallman A. Miller Smallman OoD BITS By B.A. f Mr. and ‘son, Peter, holiday at Florida. ■ l»“Stay”Girl ’ Get Lovely^ Curve Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep ThousarUs who never could Rain weight before, now ■ have shapely, attractive figures No more bony - limb?, ugly hollows They thank Oslrek it. mtts • flesh on bodies skinny because blood ’ ; iron i reps you up, too Improves appetite, > i so , food nourishes you better. Don’t fc:-- J;.l . Stop when you gain figure you '.i?h. . .r: ••pet-acquainted” size only GOp. Try «>. .iv. ronlv '.ablets for new pounds, lovely curves, new pep. . today At all druggists, ■t Move To Chiselhurst Mr. and Mrs. Russell Broclf, Don, Bill and David of Burgess- ville moved on Monday, Decem­ ber 29, to the Chiselhurst com­ munity where they bought the Angus Robertson farm. Russell has been employed by the North Norwich Telephone Co. for the past 10 years and prior to that was with the Blan­ chard Municipal Telepone Co. at Kirk ton for several years. Before leaving Burgessville, the community presented them with a beautiful chrome dinette set, two table lamps and end tables. Don and Rill were pre­ sented with monogramed leather wallets, from the United Church Young People. Mrs. Brock also received gifts from the Women’s Association and Institute. Rus­ sell was also remembered by the Telephone Co. Mrs. Brock was formerly Miss Ruth Morley of Whalen. Russell is the son of Thomas Brock, of Kirkton. Classes Cancelled If any parents in town were interested enough to appear Tuesday night for the planned, parent instruction lecture in pre­ paration for Saturday morning recreation classes, they were dis­ appointed. There wasn’t a lec­ ture. The Home and School Associa­ tion wisely palled its head away from the stone ■wall that it faced in last year’s effort, and at a meeting held Monday decided against classes this- year. There simply wasn’t the parent interest to support the scheme this year. For those interested in and parents, appointment makes members of the Associa-5 tion wonder if there is much use in trying further to create inter­ est in their group. Years ago when school lessons v ere so clearly divided from home interests, perhaps the need for such a group as the Home and School Association was not so great. Now, however, with modern teaching methods, the phrase "home and school” takes more significance in building the young lives .of our children. The group deserves a big “A” for effort and much more, interest, because its only cern in functioning is to our children. who were actively the classes, children it is a great dis­ and it certainly Ah, Spring I Well, all the red, and green is put away for another year, the children have broken in their new clothes after one of the longest school holidays recorded. The younger ones have broken their new toys, and the stores seem pretty empty in the after­ noons. Right about now we are quoting, "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” And spring is in the minds of merchants now. Fashion experts claim that the full skirt is out this spring and we must be as slim as possible to do justice to what’s planned for us after the snow is gone, Thank goodness we live in Exeter instead ot Paris—we’d be blackballed there as far as fashions are concerned!* * * According to' word from Ot­ tawa, we’ll soon be' using coins bearing the head of Queen Eliza­ beth, The new coins were issued to most chartered banks Monday this week.* Entertain O.E.S. Officers Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fraser> W.P. and W-M-, of Exeter Chap­ ter O.E.S. entertained their of­ ficers and husbands and wives at their home Friday evening. Progressive games were play­ ed with prizes being won by Wil­ liam Middleton, Roland Motz, Mrs. E. Cersop, Mrs. R. L. Motz, Mrs. W. A. Ness and Garnet Patterson. EJx- Le- our con- help Mr. The Story In Saintsbury This Week In Winchelsea By MBS. F. HORNE Mr., Mrs. Bailey Wed 64 Years and Mrs. Harry Bailey, both 87 years of age, quietly celebrated their sixty-fourth wed­ ding anniversary at their honte in Winchelsea on December’ 23. They were married in St. George’s Church, Bristol, Eng­ land. Since coming to Canada in 1919, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey have made their home in Winchelsea. For many years, they were care­ takers of the school. Mr. Bailey is in .good health though his hearing is failing. His wife is not as well and so no celebration was planned. Their family consists of two sons, George and Joe, of Us- borne, and a daughter, (Doro­ thy) Mrs. Alf Collier of Kirkton. By MRS. H. DAVIS with Park- * * * Who’s Got The Buttons We’ve searched the town and we can't find of all things, a button. Perhaps those more wise in the ways of button replace­ ments can advise us. We even tried to find a set of buttons to make, up for the lost one on friend husband’s coat and if we were to use What was available, we’d have to make the button­ holes half an inch bigger. It's more desperate than you think. For weeks, while the search went on, the poor boy’s been going around with a one- button-roll on a two - button sport’s coat. We’ve given up honing for a good five cent nickle but there's still a glim­ mer of hope that somewhere, someday a, good five cent button counter will appear for the of confused button losers. Legipn Auxiliary The Ladies' Auxiliary to gter Branch 167, Canadian gion, held their final meeting of 1952 on Monday, December 22. Letters of appreciation were read from those remembered by the Auxiliary at Christmas. Comrade E. Jory was named flower convenor and Comrade A. Lawson, social convenor, The Auxiliary will sponsor a "Snow Ball Frolic’’ January 15, with dancing from 9:30-1:00 to Lionel Thornton’s orchestra. Pro­ ceeds will be for Hospital fund. A mystery gift president Heywood, A program of carol singing followed the meet­ ing, concluding with a lunch ap­ propriate to the season. South Huron was won Dy contests and The Story In By MRS. II. SHEPPARD aid Report On Crediton East By MRS. 4V. MOTZ CHRISTMAS NEWS Mr and over Mrs. R. E, and Mrs. Hensail, and Mrs. Miss . Thomas, i weekend Harry Ford and Mr. Freeman Horne. Those spending away from home were Mrs. Ivan Brock and with Mr. and Mrs. Cline Dobbs, of Glencairn; Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don prance and family with Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Hoy, of Zurich; Mr. Colborne Vance, with Denham yisitetj Mr. and , and Mrs. Harold Barry, of Sarnia, the weekend with W, F- Batten. Mt. and. Mrs. . Pooley, of Exeter, and i. Harry Armstrong, were also guests pf Batten on Sunday. Joy Whitlock, of spent Christmas and with ,Mr Mr. of Mr. st, the and Mrs. and Mts. Christmas : Mr. and Margaret Mrs. B. Taylor s Father Dies In La Porte Funeral services for William Joseph Lower, .88, life-long resi­ dent of La Porte, Ind., and father of Mrs. Bessie Taylor, were held Saturday from Cutler Bros, funeral chapel there and burial made in Pine Lake ceme­ tery. Born February 24, 1864, Mr. Lower was the son of the late James and Annie Lower. He re­ ceived his education in La Porte and entered the hardware busi­ ness with his father and bro­ thers. He was and church a member Woodmen and Elks, as secretary of the Board of Trustees of .the Presbyterian Church until his death- Surviving besides Mrs. Taylor are two daughters by a previous marriage. Scratch Pads 2 for 50 „ The Times-Advocate Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (North of Bell Telephone) Naturelie Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave • Open Wednesday Afternoon • Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop Phone 71 Exeter active in fraternal organizations, being of the Avon Products Maccabees, He served Now On Display Snell Bros. Ltd MRS. DILKES ;BE SURE TO l$EE THE All-New Chevrolet FOR 1953 CHRISTMAS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. Bullock spent the Christmas holidays with their daughter and son-in-law, and Mrs. Edward Darbey and family in Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Alec . Hamilton and sons, Grand Bend, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Z__Z, ZZ ■ " William Motz in Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. William Horney; Mr. and Mrs. R. Motz and Ronnie and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibb, of Newmarket, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Darling in Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson and Linda, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baynham and Russel, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baynham, at Shipka. Lewis; Mr. and. Mrs. Tomlinson’s Hairdressing PERMANENTS Machine, Machineless and Cold Wave Personalized, Shaping and Styling PHONE 146 Mr. ion Ladies Home Journal Year .......................... (YOU SAVE 70$) (YOU SAVE $2.40) Months ............. ........ (YOU SAVE $3.00) Months .................... (YOU SAVE $2.75) Holiday Months .............................. $3.50 $6.00 $4.00 $6.00 $5.00 Country Gentlemen 40 Months $2.00 SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR FAVORITE MAGAZINE Fhdne 770 rtwiUh CHRISTMAS NEWS JIrs, John Davis The funeral of the late Mrs. John Davis was held December 26 at 2 pm. from the Haskett funeral home, Lucan. Mrs. Davis was formerly Jemimah Carter and lived most of her life in the Saintsbury district, coming there as a bride. Mr. Davis prede­ ceased her in 1930. She is sur­ vived by one son, Gordon, of London, and one daughter, Mrs. S, Mardlin, of London. The ser­ vice was in charge of the Rev. M. H. Elston, Centralia. The Maguire family, guests from McGillivray, hill, Lucan, Paris and Stratford, were entertained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Don Maguire, on Christmas eve. Mr. and Mrs, C. Davis held, a family gathering Saturday, De- cembei- 20 and had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs, J. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. M. Abbott, Mrs. W. J. Davis and Ivan. Mr. and Mrs. H. Carroll and boys, Mr. and Mrs. C. Abbott, Arthur and Rowena and Miss McIntyre were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hodgins, family gathering on Christmas Visitors Mr. and Mrs. H. family and Mr. and Mrs. D. : guire and Leroy with Mr. Mrs. E. Atkinson; Messrs; M. H, ■* Guilfoyle, Mr. and Mrs-. _ Watson, Ailsa Craig, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Greenlee and boys and Mrs. A. Greenlee and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guilfoyle and Norman, Simcoe, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Greenlee; Mr. and Mrs. N. Squire, Farquhar, Mr. and Mrs. D. Meyers and Gloria, of London, Mr. E. Hicks and Mrs. Mack, Centralia, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and Heather with Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- Falls; Mr, and Mrs. Jack Dic­ kins were Wednesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F, Squire, Prospect Hill and Christmas day guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald, as were Mr. and Mrs. H. Noels and family, of Aylmer, Mr. and Mrs. A. Caldwell and family, of Shedden, and Mrs. W. J. Dickens of Lucan. Guests with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Carroll were -Mr. and Mrs, C. Ings, Mr. and and Mrs. A, Carroll, London, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Carroll and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Atkin­ son and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Car­ roll, Woodham and. Christmas guests- of Mr. and Mrs. C. Atkin­ son and family. Mrs. F. Davis sent the holiday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. H. Elston. Guests with Mr. * and Mrs. James Turner were Mrs. W. Car­ roll, Parkhill, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis and family. Mr. Fred Dobbs “spent Christ­ mas with his Mrs. F. Dobbs, Mrs. -W, J. were guests of Abbott as Were Mr. Don Abbott and Sandra, Miss P. Abbott, of Paris; Mr. L. Maguire, of Scotland, Ontario, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Mugsford, Toronto. iMr, and Mrs. C. Abbott enter­ tained Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ab­ bott and girls, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hodgins, of Lucan, Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barker and Joan and Mr/’-J. Young, Lucan, spent the day with Mr. and H. DaviS and girls. Mr. and E. Gfeenlee and boys and and! Mrs; Hugh Davis Heather also visited them. Mr. ahd Mrs, H. Carroll enter­ tained guests from Lucan, Ciandeboye and London Saturday evening. Mr. atyd Mrs. I-L Davis and Mrs, F. Dhvis visited with Mr, and Mrs. R. Coleman, Lucan, re­ cently and paid a visit to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, to see Mrs-. A, DUVIs, who is a pattent there, * Mr. and Mrs. M, McDonald &nd family were guests with Mr, and Mrs, T. Kooy Saturday. Lucan, at a Saturday. Latta and Ma- and and . J. parents, Mr. and Exeter. Davis and Ivan Mr, and Mrs, M. and Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mr. and Large Attendance At Stanley Concert The pupils of S.S. 14 Stanley presented their annual Christmas concert Tuesday evening under the direction of Miss ~ Turner, A large crowd attendance. Rev. Norman McLeod chairman. Miss Ellen Love, musical supervisor, assisted at the piano. The program included chorus­ es, recitations by the juniors, Christmas wreath drill, panto­ mime “Away in a Manger”, play, "With the Help of the Family”, violin selections by Mr. Mc­ Lachlan and Mr. Triebner were much enjoyed. Santa Claus arrived at the close of the program and dis­ tributed the gifts. Dorothy was in acted as CHRISTMAS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baum­ garten spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baxter, Park­ hill. The United Church Sunday School held their Christmas enter­ tainment Monday evening, De­ cember 22. A splendid concert was directed Dy Mrs. Milt Ratz and Mrs. Verne Sharp. Lunch was served at the close of the program then Santa came for the children. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaiser who were married recently. The Shipka community welcomes Mrs. Gaiser. The Sliipka School S.S. No. 7, held their Christmas concert on December 18. Special thanks goes to Mrs, Ross Love for helping with the music and to Miss Eve­ lyn Desjardine the teacher. The sympathy of this com­ munity goes to Mr. Elmer Pic­ kering and family in the death of a sister, Mrs. yera Bullock. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McNair and family spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lamport and Tom. Mr. and Mrs. Wray Swietzer and Mrs. Hoy, __ Colborne Vance, daughter In London-^ Mr. Mrs. Harry Bailey, Mr. Joe.Bailey and Betty and Mrs. Alf. Collier, ton; Mr, and Mrp, Emerson Pen- hale and Mr, and Mrs. John Batten with Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Batten, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. I-Iorac e Delbridge and family with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Del- bridge, of Exeter. Those spending Christmas Day in the community were: Mr. and Mrs. William Brock and family and Miss June Walters, of Lon­ don, with Mr. and Mrs. Walters; Mr. and Mrs. Dayman and Gary, and Mrs. Nelson i Farquhar, with Mr. William Walters; Mr Harold C-ark'e, Mr. Bev. Morgan and Thames Road, with Newton Clarke. Mrs. Elson Lynn since her return seph’s Hospital in London. Mrs. Harvey Skinner, of'St. spending some time daughter. Congratulations to Mrs. Henry Bailey who celebrat­ ed their sixty-fourth wedding anniversary on December 23. his and Mrs. Mr. and with of Kirk- Fred I-Ioward of Kippen, Clarke, of and Mrs. •. and Mrs. apd Mrs. Johnny, ot Mr. and Mrs. is improving from St, Jo- Paul’s, is with her Mr. and spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle, Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Angus and boys visited with parents in Toronto. Angus Jr. remained for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Toronto, visited over the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs; Ed Lam­ port and Tom. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dietrich, ot Windsor, visited with relatives in this community. Mrs. Martha Ratz and Ruth spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Godbolt and family. Mr. Angus’ Mr. Larry- in Toronto Lamport, of Comments About Cromarty By MRS. K; McKELLAR CHRISTMAS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl and family with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lamond in London; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick and Sharon Grace and Miss Lottie Phillips, London, with relatives here; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce four, Sault Ste. Marie, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bruce and and Mrs. Will Hamilton; Bal- Mr, Mr. and Mrs. T. Gillespie and family, Komoka, with Mr. and "" ~ L. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Calder Mr. and Mrs. Andrew lan, Mrs. Houghton, Houghton and Frank Stagg with friends Mrs. with Mr. and and and Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. with John. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stagg, Bright, and Mr. Gordon Houghton, Lon­ don, with 'Mrs. William Hough­ ton; Miss Violet Hyde, Hensail, with -Mr. and Mrs. Philmore Chappel; Mr. Arnold Storey at Blyth; Miss Marguerite Duncan- son, Fort Erie, with her parents at the Thomas Gordon Mr. and fa; Mr,. Mrs. T, McKaig, McLach- Gordon in Mitchell; Mr. and J. E. Storey and family her parents in. Kincardine; and Mrs. Everett Kerslake children, Toronto, with Mrs. W. Kerslake and ■Mrs. Ken Drake; Mr. Stewart Robertson, Mr, Karl Byers and Mr. Earl “ • Mrs. Mr. Mr. and and and Robertson, Listowel, A. Robertson and Mrs.manse; Mr. and Scott and Mr, and Mrs. Scott and family with Mrs. James Scott, Staf- __ and Mrs. Alan and family with Mr. and Macintosh, Toronto. Christmas gatherings held L Mrs, —...............----- ---- Mrs. Lindsay McKellar, Mr. arid Mrs,T. i_. w Walla.ce, Mr, ahd Mrs. Geo. Wal­ lace, Mr. and Mrs. George Wal­ lace, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen and Miss Olive Speare. Mrs, E. II. Payne, Moosejaw, is spending a few weeks with her sister, Miss Margaret Miller, and her brother, Mr. James Mil­ ler, With The Sick Mr, Tom Laing is a patient in Seaforth Hospital havihg under­ gone an operation; Miss Celia Norris Is ih Seaforth Hospital; Mr. Wesley Russell has returned from Stratford ttespitai where he was a patient for a few dkys. Ramsay Mrs. T. _____ „_____were at the homes of Mr. and Will Hamilton, Mr. and , T. L. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Lang, Mi. and Mrs. John The penalty paid by gobd for refusing to take part in meh.............L ----- - gov­ ernment, is to live finder the goverment ot bad men.-—Plato Sydney Hector Word has been received Exeter of the sudden death Sydney Hector, a former dent of Exeter. He died Decem­ ber 8 in Kingston at the age of 54. in of resi- J Phone Exeter 496 PERFUMED DEODORANT ""Reg*. 750 — 2 for 750 TOOTH PASTE Reg. 590 ~ 2 for 1.09 HAND LOTION Reg. 890 ea. .— 2 for 1.49 FACE POWDER Reg. 1.25 — 1.10 SHAVE CREAMS Reg-. 630 — 2 for 1.19 ate StyveMs/ SALADA' TEA & COFFEE Enjoy The Comfort Of A SPIRELLA You want your girdle to make you beautifully slim- BUT you want to be comfortable with the correct support!. Mrs. Valeria Armstrong 137 Ann Street Phone 125 for Appointment GOOD NEWS! THE PRICE OF SALADA TEA TO THE GROCERY TRADE HAS BEEN REDUCED REBATE ON STOCKS PERMITS YOUR GROCER TO PASS ON THIS REDUCTION TO YOU NOW BELOW TO THE GROCERY TRADE:-—Rebate forms are in the mail Fill in ydur stock on hand and return the form to SALADA. REBATE WILL BE AS FOLLOWS YELLOW LABEL 1 lb. pkt. 110 per pkt. 1/2 lb* pkt* 50 w #- TEA BAGS ORANtiE PEKOE BROWN LABEL 15>s —i. 10 per box NO lb. pkt. 40 per pkt. - 50’s 20 ”CHANGE % lb. pkt. 20 60’s — 40 ”IN Ml lb. pkt. 10 ** 120’s—- 80 ”2 dz. pkt* nd change -x »