HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-01-08, Page 4P*ge 4 THE TIMES,ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY S, 1953 News of Kirkton By MRS. I. N. MARSHALL Hensail And District News CHRISTMAS NEWS The citizens of the village Join in thanking Rev, H. Ander­ son and Harvey Wright for sup­ plying Christ m a s carols and chimes from a loud speaker placed in the Kirkton United Churcli. They could be heard all through the village and for some distance outside. Lovely green lettuce from their own garden was used to decorate the plates and platters of one of the local citizens on Christinas day. •Mr. and Mrs. John Williams spent Christmas day at Wood- stock with Mr. and Mrs. T. Wil­ liams and the weekend with Wilbur and family at Stratford Guests with Mr- and Mrs. G. H. Burgin this week were Rev. Charles and Mrs. Henderson, of Appin, and Mr, and Mrs. Ray Norris, of Weston. Family gatherings Christmas day were held at Mr. Russell Morrison’s Mr, Charles I’aul’s, Mrs. R. Humphreys’, Allen Flet­ cher’s, Eldon Robinson’s and I. N, Marshall’s. Mrs1. Norris, mother of Mrs. Atthill, is a patient at Mrs. Bertha Hodgins’ nursing home in the village. Mr. an Mrs. Lewis Webb and daughter, of Toronto, spent Sat­ urday with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Marshall. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Coneland were Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, of Lucan: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hodson and Shirley of Ailsa- C-raig; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and Danny, of Woodliam. T?pv. nnd Mrs. Anderson, Helen and Robert spent Christmas day at New’ Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Marshall, Ron and Bill were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Robert Fergu­ son, of Thames Road. Annual Meetings Christmas meetings of the W.M.S. and W.A. of the Kirkton United Church were held at the home of Mrs. C. A. Campbell with 35 ladies present. Mrs. Alvin Crago, fourth line group leader, conducted the de­ votional period and program, as­ sisted by Mrs. L. Kemp, Mrs. J. Urquhart, Mrs. N. Roach and Mrs. R. Switzer, who read the scripture lessons. Mrs. W- Kirk- by led in prayer. An interesting story was told by Mrs. Dykstra, a new Can­ adian, of how Christmas is spent in Holland. She was joined by Mrs. A. Kok and Mrs. P. Lazet in a number of their Christmas car­ ols. Mrs. D. Johnston gave a paper in “The Meaning of Christmas’’. Mrs. N. Watson took over for the business meeting. Mrs. E. Watson presented the slate for 1953 and Rev. Anderson con­ ducted an installation service. W.M.S. officers for 1953 are: President, Mrs. N. Watson; vice- presidents, Mrs. R. Hazelwood and Mrs. E. Watson; treasurer, Mrs. F. Roger; assistant, Mrs. E. Doupe; secretary, Mrs. S. Shier; assistant, Mrs. A. Bickell; corresponding secretary, Mrs. G. Allen. Missionary Monthly, Mrs. E. Doupe; temperance, Mrs. L. Fletcher; press, Annie Urqu­ hart; floral, Mrs. Gregory; pian­ ist, Mrs. Alex Crago; Baby Band, Mrs. M. Dobson; Mission Band, Mrs. H. Burgin, Mrs. An- Oldest Male Resident Marks 93 Years Mr. John Zuefle, a resident of Hensall for the past fifty years, and the oldest male resident, on Friday, December 2G, observed his ninety-rthjrd birthday. Mr. Zuefle was born in Wurtemburg, Germany, in 1859, He learned the trade of shoemaking at the age of 15, came to Canada when 22 years of age and resided in Crediton for sometime. He was married in 1889 to Frances Kaiser of Hensall and moved to Clandeboye for ten years. Taking up residence in Hensall in 1S99, he conducted a shoe store for seven years. He spent some time in Brampton and Harriston, at his trade, be­ fore settling again in Hensall. In addition to his trade of shoe­ maker and shoe repair he also ran a greenhouse here for eight years. In 1939 Mr. and Mrs. Zuefle celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, Mrs. Zuefle died in 1940. Four children were bom of this union, two sons, Lome, of Windsor and Earl (deceased), two daughters, Mrs. W. R. Bell and Mrs. P. L. Buchanan, Hen­ sall. Mr. Zuefle is enjoying fairly good health and was able to b» out most of the summer in a wheel chair. Mrs. C. S. Hudson ' Life-Long Resident Mrs. C. S. Hudson, highly esteemed and life-long resident of the village, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry A bray, of London, on Monday, January 5, following a brief ill­ ness with pneumonia. Mrs. Hud­ son left December 13 to spend a few weeks with members of her family when she was stricken. The former Annie E. Webber, she was born in Hensall and lived here all her life. She was very active in church work in Carmel Presbyterian Church. She was a life member of the Women’s Missionary Society, and with the exception1 of three years held the office of president of that organization since 1935. She was Welcome and Welfare secretary in the Huron Presby- terial since 1940. Surviving are one son, Harvey^ two daughters, Mrs. Harry Abray (Thelma), Mrs. Eldon Kading (Myrna) London; two brothers, Allan and Garnet Webber, Lon­ don, one sister, Ada, in the West. The body rested at the Bon- thron funeral home until Wed­ nesday when a public service was held from Carmel Church at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. J. B. Fox who paid high tribute to her life and her untiring faith­ ful services in church organiza- tions. Burial was in Hensall Union cemetery. The casket and grave were banked with beauti­ ful floral tributes. Come In and see the new METEOR AND MERCURY South End Service Russ and Chuck Snell Phone 328 Exeter Make 1953 A Happy Year USE RAWLEIGH’S GOOD HEALTH PRODUCTS Purchase A Full Supply Now . from Ross Haugh Phone 35-r-8 Dashwood Mrs. Agnes McConnell Mrs. Agnes McConnell, 81, of Varna, who died in Clinton Hos­ pital Saturday, December 27, was bom on the Goshen Line, Stanley Township. She was a life-long resident of Varna area and a member of Varna United Church. Her husband prede­ ceased her in 1947. (Surviving are one son, Lee, Varna; one daughter, Mrs. J. W. Argo, Toronto; and a brother, Allan Esler, Camrose, Alta. Fun­ eral services were held from her late residence at Varna Tuesday, December 30, at 2 p.m. Rev. T. Pitts officiated and- burial was made in Bayfield cemetery. Better Buys • ’50 METEOR COACH O ’49 FORD COACH • ’48 FORD. COACH Black, Better Than New • ’47 DESOTO* SEDAN Excellent condition, Custom Radio • ’47 DODGE SEDAN New Paint, Dark Blue All Reconditioned 0 '46 CHEV SEDAN • '34 CHEV COACH Only ...... ...... $75.00 • '50 STUDEBAKER %-TON TRUCK Excellent Condition, New Faint South End Service Rtss afid Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER derson; Mission Circle supply, Mrs. I. N. Marshall. Group leaders, Mrs. W. Doupe, Mrs. C. Switzer, Mrs. Glen Al­ len, Mrs. T. Tufts; nominating committee, Mrs. D. Johnston, Mrs. L. Kemp, A. L. Urquhart. Woman’s Association officers for 1953 are: «President, Mrs. Ray Francis; vice-presidents, Mrs. Alvin Crago and Mrs. Wes Batten; secretary, Mrs. Clarence Switzer; assistant, Mrs. Wes Doupe; treasurer, Mrs. Alex Crago;' assistant, Mrs. William Urquhart; pianist, Mrs. C. A. Campbell; parsonage committee, Mrs. M. Gregory, Mrs. T. Tufts, Mrs. Frank Routly, Mrs. L. Kemp; nominating committee, Mrs. William Urquhart and Mrs. R. Hazelwood. Mrs. Curtis, teacher at Kirk­ ton Public School, and her pu­ pils presented a very fine Christ­ mas concert, which Was held in Aberdeen Hall Thursday night, December 18. After the" program Santa called and distributed gifts to all the pupils, from a decorated tree. Mr. Alvin Harding of Petrolia is spending his Christmas vaca­ tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Harding. Horticultural Officers The annual meeting of the Kirkton Horticulture Society was held at the Kirktoft United Church Tuesday evening. The president, Mrs. Fred SWitaer, conducted the business meeting. The report of the secretary­ treasurer was read by Mrs. C. A. Campbell and showed a mem­ bership of 210 which covers a largo area—-Kirkton, Woodham, Granton, Centralia, Cromarty, Staffa, Munro, Russeldale, Sci­ ence Hill, Mitchell, Fullarton, st, Marys, Exeter and Druce- field. Personal Items Mrs. Edward Schroeder, of Hensall R.R. 2. was the lucky winner of the tricycle at Scholl’s Meat Market sponsored by Robin Hood Flour. Dr. and Mrs. Carey Joynt have returned to Worcester, Mass, after spending the Christmas vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Don­ ald Joynt and John and with Mr. and Mrs. A. Morgan, of Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett, Watford, were New Year’s guests with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes. Kathie and Jimmy McCloy, of Toronto, are spending a month with tljeir grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hess, Mr. William Hyde has re­ turned home after spending three weeks in London and St. Marys district. Mr. Roy Kyle, Geraldton Ont., Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kyle and son Eddie, St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Tuckey and fam­ ily, London, Mr.’and Mrs. Arnold Merner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe and family, of Zurich, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tims’. Kyle. Mrs. Johns, who has been ill at the home of hei' daughter, Mrs. Albert Shirray, is some­ what improved. Mr. and Mrs, William Brown, Billie and Carol spent New Year’s with relatives at Lucan. Miss Margaret Sangster, Lon­ don, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. Mrs. Sararus returned home after visiting with members of her family in Toronto. Miss Mildred Forrest, R.N., of Brantford, spent New Year’s with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Forrest. Miss Shirley Bell, of Toronto, spent the weekend with her un­ cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell. Miss Helen Moir, of London, visited with her sister, Mrs. Law­ rence Baynham. Miss Kay Bell and friends, of London, were New Year visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell. Miss Shirley Chapman, nurse­ in-training at Victoria Hospital, Loudon, visited with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Chap­ man. Mrs. Don Gooding and daugh­ ter of Parkhill visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Munn. Mr. Earl Soldan returned to Sudbury after spending Christ­ mas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Soldan. Mrs, Cole is visitng with Mr. and Mrs. William Petty and Miss Olive Petty. Mrs. Amelia Schroeder left on Monday for St. Clair Shores, Mich., where she will spend sev­ eral weeks. Mr. George Bennett of Wat­ ford called on friends in the village last week. Mr. William Blackwell of Lan­ sing, Mich., spent the weekend with his mother Mrs. Sarah Blackwell and brothers, Stewart and David. Mr. Milton Love is visiting with his brother, Mr. Grant Love at Lansing, Mich. Mrs. A. Crerar and Allan spent New Year's with relatives at Listowel. Miss Th irk McFadden, of Sea­ forth, visited with Maja Roobol for the weekend. Mrs. Mary Roobol and Miss Maja Roobol spent 10 days in Berthiesville, Que. Mr. and Mrs1. R. Y. MacLa^en spent Christmas with their and Mrs. Dorland Evans and family, at Kitchener-Waterloo. Twenty-five hunters from Kip­ pen and Hensall went on a rab­ bit drive on Boxing Day and brought home 15 rabbits and one fox. They report the rabbits are not so plentiful this year. Members of the Wolielo Class and executive of the Sunday School of the United Church honored Miss M." Ellis, upon her retirement from teaching and presented her with a revised edition of the Bible and a plant. Celebrate Sixty-First Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mitchell very quietly celebrated their sixty-fjrst wedding anniversary over the Christmas holidays with members of their family enjoy­ ing a family dinner, Following their marriage they farmed in Tuckersmith, taking up residence in Hensall 25 years ago, . They recall their wedding day 61 years ago very vividly. While driving to Dublin to take the train to Toronto and Montreal for their wedding trip, it was a lovely mild day and the farmers were all out ploughing the land. They both enjoy fairly good health. Their family consists of one son, Stanley, three daughters, Mrs. M. Traqair, Mrs, J. Horton and. Mrs. C. Stoneman. Elects Officers The Loyal Orange Order, No. 1035, Varna, elected the follow­ ing officers wno were installed by past county master, J. B. Rath well: W.M., Orrin Dowson; D.M., Wilfred Chuter; chaplain, Murray I-Iohner; recording secre­ tary, Grant Webster; financial secretary, Louis Taylor; trea­ surer, John Aldington; marshall, Ralph Stephenson; first lec­ turer, Charles Reid; second lec­ turer, Gordon Coleman; first committeeman, George Reid. Miss Beatrice Cudmore Word was received ’ in Hen­ sall Tuesday of the sudden death of Miss Beatrice Cudmore, who died in Toronto Monday, Decem­ ber 22. Born in Hensall, the daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Roland Cudmore, she went to Toronto some years ago where she held the position of head bookkeeper at Ford Motors at the time of her death. Surviving, are four sisters and three brothers. Funeral services were held Wednesday, December 24. Mrs. Earl Treffrey, of Chisel­ hurst, is a patient at Stratford General Hospital. She suffered a fractured pelvis in a fall at her home. Christinas Visitors Miss Mabel Whiteman of Kip­ pen with Mr. and Mrs. Basil Ed­ wards; Mr. Eric Reid of London with his sister, Mrs. A. L. Case; Miss Bernice Jinks, nurse-in- training at Victoria Hospital, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks; Mrs. Brock of Chiselhurst with Mrs. Scott Welsh and Wayne; Miss Kay Bell of London with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart B^ll; Miss Winnie Gray with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Gray at Mitchell; Mrs. Stevens with .her daughter and soir-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Black- well. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, of Cairo, Mich., spent Christmas with relatives in Kippen, and with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwan in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parlmer, of Toronto, with the former’s mother, Mrs. T. W. Parlmer; Mrs. J. Helm and family, Tilver- ton, Mr. and Mrs. James Hark­ ness and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Young and family, Mr, ami Mrs. Robert Reid, all of Tees- water, with Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ ence Reid and_ familv; Mrs. Ralph Geiger, Linda, Mark and Karen, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Geiger; Mr. W. A. Kerr and son Roy, of Monetville, with relatives in Hensall and Sea­ forth; Miss Irma Kipfer, Toron­ to. at her home here: Miss Nitj, •Smith, Seaforth, with her pa­ rents Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith. Mr. Thomas Hedden Mrs. C. M. Hedden word of the death of her brother- I in-law Mr. Thomas Hedden, 79, who died in Brantford Tuesday, December 23. He was a native of Crediton. Surviving are four sons, Carl Victor, William and Roy, of Brantford; four daugh­ ters, Mrs. Edna Pace, London; Mrs. Mervyn Hedden, Mrs. R. Lane and Olive, Brantford; three brothers, Russell Hedden, Exe­ ter; Sam, of Crumlin, Alonza, of Lucan; William John, Belmont. Man. One sister, Mrs. Milton Bissett, Brantford; funeral ser­ vices were held in Brantford on Friday, December 26. received Jauary Hensall Legion Elects Officers The following officers were installed by Sydney MacArthur, past president, at the January meeting of the Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion held in the Legion Hall Monday evening, 5; President, Donald Dayman, vice-presidents, Fred Beer and Dr. D, McKelvie; Sergeant-at- Arms, George Varley; Chaplain, Rev. J. B. Fox; executive, Sam Dougall, Robert Sangster, Bryan Kyle. Report From Kippen By MRS. A- GACKSTETTEJt Comments About Cromarty By MRS. JC McKEDLAB Receives Appointment Dr. James S. Tapp, Hensall native, has been appointed leader of a polymer research group ih the research and development department, Chemstrand Corpor­ ation, of Decatur, Alabama. Dr. Tapp is a former member of the National Research Council, Ot­ tawa: Armament Research and Development, Quebec, and the Polymer Corporation, Sarnia. He holds a Ph. D, degree in physical chemistry from McGill University and another in organic chemistry from the Uni­ versity of London. Dr. Tapp is a Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada and a member of the American Chemical Society. The annual Christmas party of the Sunday School,^of the United Church was held in the church schoolroom Tuesday eve­ ning, December 23. Mr. .lack Corbett, superintendent was the chairman. Rev. W. J, Rogers was in charae of several firns. Santa Claus distributed gifts and treats to the children. tf CHRISTMAS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Cook, Goderich, with Mr, and Mrs. Elston Daw­ son; Mr. and Mrs. R. Torrence and Margaret, Porter's Hill, and Mr. .and Mrs. Iveson Torrence, Mitchell, with Mr. Henry Iveson and Miss Jean Iveson; Mr. Frank Cudmore and daughter, Wallace- burg, with Mr. and Mrs. gam Cudmore; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mplton, Chicago, with Rev. and Mrs. Norman McLeod; Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, Terry and Pat, Stratford, with Mrs. R, Dinsdale and Mjss Mabie White- man; Miss Karon Beattie, Wing­ ham, with Mrs. R. McBride; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McBride, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Al­ vin McBride; Mr. and Mrs. H. McMurtrie, Hensall, with Mr. and Mrs. A. McMurtrie. Mr, and Mrs, A. Gackstetter, Gail and Lynn spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. John Hen­ derson with relatives in Toron­ to; Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert and Merle with relatives in Clifford. Mr-. Robert .Thompson is im­ proving in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London; Mr. Andrew Bell has returned to his home after several weeks in London hospital. Mr. and Mrs. N. Long and Mr. and Mrs. E, Dawson visited Sun­ day with Mr. R. Thompson in a London hospital. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert spent Sunday with Listowel relatives. Congratulation^ to Mr. and Mrs.- Bruce McGregor on the birth of a. son in Clinton Com­ munity Hospital December 23. Mr. E. W. Sanders, Hamilton, spoke in St. Andrew’s United Church Sunday morning in the interest of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Friday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter were Mrs. W. H orney, Exeter; Mr, John and Mr. Edward Gack- stetter, Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Gackstetter and family, of Exeter. Church Concert Mr. and Mrs. Mac. Lamond visited recently with Rev. and Mrs. George Lamond, Mitchell, Mrs.. Grace Scott is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Cadieck in London. Miss’ Arlene Hoggarth visited with Miss Alice Howe during the holidays. Mr, and Mrs, James Howe and Alice visited last week with Miss Rose Snowden, Bayfield. Mr. C. Mills, St. Marys, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Wal­ lace on Saturday. Mrs. A. Robertson celebrated her ninety-second birthday quiet­ ly at her home here on Satur­ day with her daughter, Mrs. M, Chittick, and her granddaughter, Mrs. Charles Mills, St. Marys, present. Many friends' and neigh­ bors called to offer congratula­ tions. Mrs. Robertson still en­ joys fairly good health. The Y.P.S. met Sunday eve­ ning with Philii) James presid­ ing. Scripture lesson was read by Mr, Lloyd Sorsdahl who also led in prayer. Ethel Mae Norris read a poem. Mr, Lloyd Sorsdahl sang a solo and Mrs. T. L. Scott gave a splendid topic, “Our Saviour Jesus Christ”, New Year’s Guests Mr. Herb Mahaffy, Miss Mary Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howe and family with Mrs, Mary Mahaffy and Bert, Staffa; Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Joyce The annual Christmas concert of- St. Andrew’s United Church was held on Tuesday evening with the Rev. Norman McLean as chairman. Recitations were given by Joan Sinclair, Diana Faber, Bob Cooper,'Gwen Jones, Billie Workman, Margaret Elgie, Nor­ ma Young and Gerald Johnson. Ann and Marie Sinclair played a piano duet and later joined by Joan, sang a trio number; Bob Benendyk and Nelson Mc- Clinchey sang a duet; Bonnie Dalrymple and Joan Sinclair sang “The Teddy Bear Song”. Numbers were given by the entire school, and by primary, junior and senior group separ­ ately. Bob Benendyk and Nelson Mc- Clinchey sang a duet and Ron­ nie Anderson and Harold Par­ sons gave a reading, Definition of a Boy”. Radio station KUC then pre­ sented a program with Gerald Parsons as M.C. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot was accompanist for the program. Santa Claus’ visit concluded the program.| ♦ * * * NEW YEAR’S NEWS Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. George Walker spent New Year’s at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Gould in London. Miss Patsy Mitchell, nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan­ ley Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bell of Windsor spent the holiday week­ end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, William R. Bell, Mrs. Layton of Clinton visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Van Horn, Mrs. Edna Corbett spent the past week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edna Jones. Miss fEtta Jarrott returned to Toronto after spending the holi­ days with her mother, Mrs. Katherine Jarrott, Miss Isohel Alexander re­ turned to Toronto on Saturday after holidaying with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Alex­ ander. Mrs. MacLean of Exeter was a recent visitor with Mrs. Anna Walker, Mrs. Ronald MacArthur and family returned to Ilrigden after holidaying at the home of Mr, Sid MacArthur. Holiday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie and family, Wingham, with Mrs. Robert McBride; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Green, Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Green, Mitchell, with Mr. Jacob Green; Miss Anna Patterson with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ravelle, Grand Bend. Mr. Robert Cooper left Tues­ day to spend the winter months in Florida. Mr. Alec McGregor and Mr. Al Hoggarth spent last week at the O.A.O. in Guelph. Mr. Gor­ don Love and Mr. Robert Mc­ Gregor visited for a day. Mrs. J. McClymont with her daughter, Mrs. J. Schilbe, Exe­ ter, and Mrs. Alice Cook in Lon­ don; Mr. Robert Thompson, who returned from London Hospital On Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Schneider, Stratford.; Mr. and Mrs. William Workman and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bowerman, Listowel, with Mrs. Patterson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. Stokes and son, of London, Mr. and Mrs, Lome Schneider and Judy, of Stratford, .and Mr. and Mrs. Cornish and family, of Goderich with Mr. and Mm Bert Thomp­ son. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McLean of London, Mr. and Mrs. William Sproat, Detroit, Mrs. Earl Spi'oat and Miss Rose Marion McLean, Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hdnderson; Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ gar Smith, Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott; Mrs. A. Gack­ stetter, Gail Ann and Lynn with Mr. and Mrs. William Horney, Exeter; Mr, ahd Mrs. Elmore McBride and family, Exeter, with Mrs. R. McBride; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, Caro, Mich., with relatives in this district; Miss Carblyh Gackstetter and brothers, Gerald, Lome and Earl, With Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter; Mf. and Mrs. Gor­ don Westlake and family, Ray­field, Mrs, Pearl Love and fam­ ily, Varna, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. It being the first Sunday of the New Year, Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was1 observed ift St. Andrew’s United Church, Miss Gerta Beniiidyke and Mr. Hank Behindyke sang a duet. ■ ...............g.... J, Scientific Swedish Massage Mineral Baths » Steam Baths I 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. —• Men or Women I KEEP IN GOOD HEALTH ] (House Calls Out of Town) - Call London 2-4772 - NATIONAL HEALTH STUDIO 332 Central Aye., London — Phone 2-4772 (Appointment Only) USE Save Money! Better Service! and-Brenda, Staffa, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott, Sr,, Mr. and Mrs. L. McKellar and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar, Ina and Dorothy Scott with Mr. and Mrs. A n d r e w McLachlan; Mr. Len Houghton and Leonard Gordon, Wingham, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Kemp and family, Mr, and Mrs. Ken Ralph and Mr. and Mrs. La­ verne Rose, Mitchell, Mr. anu Mrs. Reg. Stagg, Bright, Mr. Gordon Houghton and Miss Shir­ ley Gale, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton and family with Mrs. Houghton. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kemp and family, Munro, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Elliott and family, Staffa, and Mr. and Mrs. William Sil- lery, Exeter, with Mrs. Jessie Hamilton and family; Mr and Mrs. Anthony Allen and son, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ross and family, Staffa, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Christie and fam­ ily, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen; Misses Audrey Kemp and Mary Lou Seignef, Mitchell, and Leo­ nard Gordon Houghton, Wing­ ham with Mrs. Houghton. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris, Bob and Donna attended a gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norris, Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cornish, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cockwell and family, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Gaiser, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker; •Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lamond and Isabel. London, Mr. and Mrs. Mac. Lamond and Helen with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl. EVERYONE IS INVITED To Come In And See The All-New Chevrolet FOR 1953 Now On Display Snell Bros. Ltd. I I I The first. aTl-Canadian radle broadcast was made ift 1928 ahd the first Canadian broadcasting station. ..it is now station CFCF, Montreal, was opened In 1919, .Refrigerators, Ranges, Space Heaters, Water Heaters, Brooders, etc. CALL Gratton & Hotson Phone 6 or 52-r-5 Grand Bend , SALES AND SERVICE ------------------------------------------—---------A Moifbe you should cut litis ribbon I Of course, when a new bridge or highway is completed, it’s tradi- tional^for some prominent citizen or government official to cut the ribbon in the opening ceremony. And yet . . . Often this honour might be awarded with good reason to any one of the nation’s life insurance policyh older!. Why should they deserve this distinction? Because it is their premium money, part of which is invested for them by life insurance com­ panies, which makes it possible to build many such useful public works. Not only roads and bridges, but electrical power sta­ tions, waterworks, stores, homes, office buildings and industrial plants are built with the help of life insurance dollars. So here’s to the life insurance policyholders! While they pro­ vide financial security for their families and themselves, they also help make Canada a better land to live in! AT YOUR SERVICE! A trained life underwriter — representing one of the more than 50 Canadian, British and United States life insurance companies in Canada — will gladly help you plan for your family's security and your own needs in later years. Rely on him! THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA "It is Good Citizenship to own Life Insurance" L-852D _ • -ri Klew y ear Rlg^ Buy The CO-OP V/ 15% HOG GROWER SOW RATION 18% PIG STARTER 35% HOG CONC. r Cwt. $3.60 $3.70 $4.30 ’ $5.45 Own Sacks Vz or Tort Lots $69.00 $7L00 Grain Prices Upon Request Petroleum - Farm Supplies - Fertilizers ZURICH 220 5%