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(An Advertisement of the Bruce Liberal Association)
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie of
St. Helens and Miss Doris Ritchie
of Lucknow, were visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. R. Tiffin on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mclnnes,
George and John, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Mclnnes and family of Culross, also
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mclnnes of Clin
ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Tiffin.
Lucknow Sentinel
Published every Thursday morning
at Lucknow, Ontario.
Mrs. A. D. Mackenzie — Proprietor
Campbell Thompson—Publisher
Cast your ballot for Liberalism and for
W. R. Tomlinson, Liberal Candidate in Bruce
Under Conservative goverments Canada has been bound and
shackled by high taxes, high tariffs, unemployment, waste,
autocracy, rising costs, trade wars, increasing debts, combines
in trade and other evils, to which Liberalism has ever been,
and still stands opposed.
Mackenzie King and his supporters are pledged to free Canada
from its oppressors.
Vote Tomlinson
out, and
What your telephone
does for you .. •
Summons help when fire
breaks out.
neighbours and friends.
Makes your shopping a
whole lot easier.
Calls the Doctor in sudden
illness or accident.
Enables you to arrange
social affairs and meetings.
Maintains business contacts
When you're forced to stay
home. #
Gets repair
men when es
sential home
services break
WHEN fire breaks
valuable property and life itself
depend on quick and concerted
action . . . turn to your tele
phone. It gets help to you when
help is most needed as thou
sands of cases on record show.
On this one count alone, the
telephone is indispensable: yet
it serves you day by day in so
many other ways as well.
Mr. and Mrs. Collins and Mr. and
Mrs. W. Smith of Detroit visited
last week with Mrs. D. McKinnon.
Little Billie McKinnon (Gth con.)
is much improved, after undergoing
an operation in Goderich Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred McQuillin.
Mrs. J. Martin spent a day last
week with Mrs. Ross and Mrs. W.
Misses Grace and Mary Reynolds
who have been staying with their
aunt, Mrs. A. Sutherland, returned
to their home in Toronto.
A number from here attended the
school fair at Holyrood on Friday.
Mrs. Simpson, who has been visit
ing at the home of her brother, Mr.
Angusj Graham, returned to her
home in Windsor. She was accom
panied back by Miss Margaret Gra
Mr. Russell Middleton returned
home from St. Joseph’s Hospital on
Mrs. Cameron’s group of the Luck
now United Church met Tuesday at
the home of Mrs. Tyndall Robinson.
Mrs. J. B. Morrison is spending a
few days this week with Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Morrison of Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Conn.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caslick and
Miss Nellie of Ithaca, New .York
state, spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. George Harkness. Mr. Cas
lick is a brother of Mrs. Harkness.
Mr. Frank Rising is holding his
auction sale1 on Thursday, Septem
ber 26th.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kerr, Luella
and Kenny of E. Wawanosh, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George
Silo filling is to be the work of the
farmers in this locality the latter
end of this week.
Miss Grace Richardson has gone
to spend a few days with Mrs. and
Rev. J. Pollock of Whitechurch.
Miss Annie McQuoid of the West,
came home last week owing to the
serious illness of her brother, Mr.
George McQuoid.
Mrs. Powel of Stratford visited
last week with her brother, Mr. Jas.
and Mrs. Wilson.
Mrs. Annie Henderson of Powas-
san is visiting her uncles, Messrs.
James and John Laidlaw and other
Miss Christina Laidlaw is visiting
Mr. Wm. McCartney and other rel
atives at Powassan.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Durnin and
little son of St. Helens, visited Sun
day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
David Kennedy.
Mr. Hawthorne of Brantford visit
ed with his sister, Mrs. Joe Holmes
last week.
Mr. Joe Tiffin received the sad
news of the death of his sister, Mrs.
Hetherington of Wilkie, Sask, who
lived her early life in this commun
Mrs. Carter of London is visiting
her mother, Mrs. Hutchison Sr., who
is ill at present.
Mrs. John Kennedy is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Toynbee Lamb of
Mr. Wm. Forster of Hillsboro,
Dakota is visiting his brother, Mr.
Jas. Forster and also renewing old
acquaintances around.
There was a field day held on the
ball game grounds last Wednesday
with a good attendance present. Ball
teams were present from Wingham,
Dungannon, Auburn, Colborne and
Whitechurch. Lunch was served. In
the evening an open air dance was
held on the ball grounds.
Whitechurch baseball team cham
pions of the Maitland league, played
at Blyth fair Saturday, and were
leading 5-3 over an all star team
from the remainder of the league,
when the game was called.
September 7th, 1935.
The Commis/ioners met in the
Secretary’s Office at 8.00 p.m. on the
above date with Neil MacKay, presi
dent, in the chair.
Members present—John W. Col
well ajid Dan D. MacDonald.
Moved by Neil MacKay, seconded
by John W_. Colwell that the minutes
of last meeting be adopted as read.
Moved by Dan D. McDonald, sec
onded by John W. Colwell, that the
following accounts be paid:—Francis
Gemmell—^work on lines $30.38,
$27.00; Use of car—$16.88, $15.00;
Harold Emmerton—work on lines
$29.25, $25.85; Gordon Gemmell—
work on lines $27.00; Donald Mathe
son—work on lines $26.00; Russell
Scott—work on lines $10.00; Donald
M. Matheson—work on lines $10.00;
Duncan D. MacLeod—work on lines
$10.00; Percy Morier—work on lines
$10.00; John McLean—work on lines
$10.00; Cliff Wylds—work on lines
$8.00; Ken Aitcheson, work on lines
$8.00; Mrs. Henrietta Martyn—rent
of shop $12.00; Bill MacLean—truc
king $13.25; James Cooper—rent of
shop $10.00; W. J. Lane—salary
$135.00; Stationery 10c; H. H. Mit
chell—freight and cartage $25.55;
Stromberg-Carlson—Mdse., $330.38;
Matt. Gemmell—salary $101.25; Op
eration—$40.00. (Carried).
Meeting then adjourned to meet
again October 5th at 2.30 p.m.
Ross H. Martyn. Secretary.
Charles Bondi, Wingham fruit
merchant, who was found by ChiSf
Ferguson slumped over the wheel
of his Pierce Arrow sedan in front
of the town hall here about 7 o’clock
in the evening of the Saturday be
fore Labor Day, and was escorted
to the municipal klink in a badly
soused state, pleaded guilty through
his counsel, Lawyer Campbell Grant,
on Monday to an intoxication charge
and was mulcted $25 and costs by
the cadi. The assessment was prom
ptly paid.
Tom Gurling, also of Wingham,
who was almost paralyzed drunk in
the back seat of the same sedan with
three cases of liquor at his side and
who was likewise placed in the civic
lock-up for the night, pleaded guilty
at. the court sittings last week to
being tight, and being mulcted $10
and costs, asked permission to go
out and see a friend who would ad
vance him the money. He never
came back, and a bench warrant has
been issued for his arrest.—Walker
ton Herald-Times.
Prime Minister Bennett on Friday
received for the Canadian Govern
ment, a flag from the famous mast
at Lucknow, India, on which Union
Jacks have flown continuously since
the days of Clive.
The Lucknow flag, erected first
by -Sir Colin Campbell, is changed
every three months and keen rivalry
exists between sections of the Em
pire for possession of the old flags.
Mrs. Robert Reed and son Edward
of Windsor and Mrs. John W. Reed
of Varna were recent guests of Mrs.
R. J. Woods.
The annual Sunday School Rally
Day service will be conducted on
Sunday next.
Mrs. Gordon is spending the week
with Goderich friends.
Mr. George McQuillin, who has
spent the summer months on the
Experimental Farm at Kapuskasiijg
is home for a few weeks before re
suming his studies at the O. A. C.
Mr. John Cameron was called to
Mitchell on Wednesday owing to the
illness of his mother, Mrs. Wm.
Cameron, who had suffered a stroke.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Miller, Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Salkeld, Messrs. John
McQuillin, D. Todd, Reg. Lavis, Ted
Hoare, Ross McPherson, Frank Mc
Quillin were among those who atten
ded the London Exhibition last week
Miss Mary Murray was the guest
of Mrs. Jas. Douglas, Mitchell, last
Mr. Wilson Woods returned on
Saturday from Wingham where he
had been a patient in the Hospital
for treatment for a swollen gland.
Owing to the illness of Mr. Wilson
Woods, Dr. Alvin Woods of Dundas
made a short visit here.
Mr. Harris Purdon has been dem
onstrating the use of Wearever alu
minum ware at teas given at the
homes of Mrs. McKenzie Webb, Mrs.
Ewart McPherson, Mrs. E. J. Thom.
The first Y. P. S. social for the
fall was held on Friday evening with
a good attendance. An interesting
program of games and contests was
carried out. Misses Greta Webb and
Dorothy Miller contributed a pleas
ing duet. A particularly interesting
feature was the presentation to Mr.
and Mrs. Lome Woods of an occas
ional chair and a silver flower bask
et in honor of their recent marriage.
An address was read by Mrs. W. A.
Miller. Mr. Ted Hoare and Stanley
Todd made the presentation. On be
half of he and Mrs. Woods, Lome
made a fitting reply.
Wednesday, September 25th is the
date of the St. Helens’ School Fair.
This year the evening’s entertain
ment will consist of the Public spea
king, Recitation and Musical Con
tests, interspersed with numbers
from the various School Sections.
See bills for particulars.
Miss Clara Reid of Dungannon has
been a visitor with her sister, Mrs.
Cliffe Murray.
Miss Florence McQuillin left on
Monday to enter Stratford General
Hospital as a nurse-in-training.
The annual W. M. S. Thankoffering
was held on Sunday morning, when
Miss Caroline Wellwood, who has
labored in West China for twenty-
nine years, was the speaker. ,She
chose as her subject “Lights and
Shadows of Our Mission Field in
West China,” giving a most inter
esting account of the discouraging
and encouraging factors as she
found them in China. Miss Greta
Webb favored with a solo.
Miss Wellwood and Mrs. Frank
Howson of Wingham, were guests
on Sunday of their nephew, Mr.
Harvey and Mrs. Webb.
The Women’s Institute is having
a booth at the School Fair again
this year and each member is re
quested to bring a pie.
The convener of the Fellowship
committee, Miss Greta .Webb, had
charge of the program of the Y. P.
S. on Sunday evening. Miss Mary
Irwin read the Scripture lesson and
Mr. Stanley Todd, a story. The topic
“How to Find God”, was taken by
Miss Greta Webb. Rev. H. M. Wright
also spoke on the subject. Murray
and Vera Taylor sang a duet.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durnin are
moving this week to Kinburn, where
they have purchased a farm.
Mr. Chas. Stuart, who had been a
visitor for some time with his moth
er, the late Mrs. Alex Stuart, left on
Wednesday for his home at Moos-
amin, Sask. Miss Anna Stuart also
returned to Toronto.
Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Gaunt, were the latter’s
mother, Mrs. Sherwood of Ashfield,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Barbour and Freda
of Goderich, Miss Verna Barbour
and the Misses McArthur of Mark
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Anderson were
visitors with their daughter, Mrs.
‘Wm. and Mr. Blue, Detroit, this week
Congratulations are extended to
Mr. and Mrs. James Ketchabaw (nee
Edna Wolfe) on their marriage,
which took place on Saturday, Sep
tember 14th.
Mr. Norval Richards is spending
this week at his home after spend
ing the past few months at Bervie.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle MacDiarmid
from Jamestown are visiting with
relatives here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Archlie Cameron
from Ripley were recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cook.
Mr. John Martin assisted with the
judging at the School Fairs in Bruce
County last week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Creech, Mrs.
R. Creech, Eddie and John from Pine
River, were recent visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Martin.
Miss Margaret Murray is not en
joying the best of health at present.
Lyceum Theatre
Show Starts at 8.00 P.M.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
September 19-20-21
A Cowboy Millionaire
A Modern Western Picture
The Eaton Boys
Isham Jones and His Orchestra
Mrs. Keating of Walkerton is vis
iting at present with Miss S. Purvis.
The School Fair on Friday was, a
decided success, although the rain
hurried the judging at the last.
Holyrood school is to be congratu
lated on receiving $23.50 of the
prize money. Mr. Orville Elliott won
1st prize and Lome Eadie 2nd for
the colts. Special mention might be
made on a speech by Lloyd Ackert on
“What I saw at the Toronto Exhi
Mrs. Aimer Ackert, Gwen and
Jack spent Sunday at Mr. Wes. Why-
tock’s near Teeswater.
Mrs. J. H. Ackert returned to Rev.
H. Ackert’s of Caledonia this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elliott and
Mrs. Corbett, Mr. Richard Baker,
Mrs. Charles Congram and Harold
attended the London Ex. one day this
Mr. and Mrs. Tyndal Robinson
are visiting friends at Embro this
The W. A. held their first meeting
of the year at Mrs. Tyndall Robin
son’s on Tuesday.
Mr. Eadie of Glenannon is visiting
with his son, Mr. Wm. Eadie at pre
Mr. and Mrff Harry Armstrong
and Mr. and Mrs. Switzer of St.
Marys, were recent visitors at Mr.
Ernest Ackert’s.
Mrs. Harvey Ackert and Clarence,
Miss Winnifred Ackert and Mr.
Lloyd Ackert were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cuming’s of
Clarkes on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Turnbull of
Underwood, were recent visitors at
Mr. Robt. MacDonald’s.
Mr. Frank Cassidy is assisting Mr.
Wilbert Sheane of Bervie at present.
(Intended For Last Week)
The September meeting of the H.
W. I. was held at the home of Mrs.
Chas. Congram. Program consisted
of two well prepared papers by Mrs.
Levi Eckenswiller and Mrs. Arthur
Graham. Piano duet by Misses Mae
and Edna Boyle and a piano solo
by Miss Gwendolyn Ackert. The lad
ies decided to try and prepare and
publish a good cook book, advertis
ing in charge of Mrs. Aimer Ackert.
Any person wishing to advertise
through our cook book may do so.
Printing in charge of Mrs. Howard
Harris and Mrs. Clarence Farrow.
Recipe Com.—Mrs. Thos. Harris,
Mrs. Jas. Hodgins, Mrs. Fred
Thompson, Miss Mae Boyle and Mrs.
Chas. Congram. Every member is to
send in her favorite recipe for as
many of the following as possible,
Soups, Fish, Meats, Cheese and Eggs,
Vegetables, Salads and Dressings,
Bread and Biscuits, Cakes and Icings,
Cookies and small Cakes, pies, tarts,
Puddings and Sauces, deserts, pick
les and relishes, Invalid Dishes, Pre
serves, Jellies, Marmalades, Supper
dishes, Sandwiches, Beverages, Can
dy, Household Hints. Send your reci
pes as quickly as possible to a lady
of the committee on your line. Have
them' in by the last of September
and sign your name. At the close of
the meeting, lunch was served by the
hostess and committee in charge.
In speaking before an audience
in Saskatchewan that was composed,
largely, of members of the C.C.F.,
Premier Hepburn of Ontario inciden
tally referred to the fact that he
had 75 cows on his farm in Elgin
County. A heckler interrupted him
with: “I’ll bet you never milked a
"ow in your life.” Quick as a flash
Mitch turned on his interrogator
who was a small man and said: “If
you had drunk all the milk I have
milked from those cows you would
be a much bigger man than you
are.” The laugh was turned on the
heckler and he and all others were
quiet for the balance of Mitch’s
George White’s Scandals
Mr. and Mrs. John Blake, Miss
Bernice Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Blake and Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Johnston, attended London Fair part
of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston
accompanied by Mr. Joseph Mallough
and Mrs. Nellie Alton, Lucknow, vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Moffat,
Union, Wednesday.
Miss Jean Anderson went to
Stratford, Monday, where she will
attend Normal school this year.
Mrs. Paul Reed spent Monday with
relatives at Seaforth.
Mr. J. C. Stothers and son Donald
of London, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. H. Horton, Sunday.
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick last week in
clude, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curran,
Crewe, Donald Treleaven, Mrs. Mar
garet Mallough and Mrs. J. Turn
penny, Toronto, Mrs. Minnie Spring-
ate, Chicago, Mrs. Will Kilpatrick,
Oskalvosa, Iowra, Mrs. John Petrie,
Dungannon, and Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Hoover, Brussels.
Miss Flora Andrew, Lucknow, was
the guest of Miss Olive Anderson
for the wreek-end.
Mrs. Thos. Anderson and Harvey
Anderson spent Monday with friends
at Stratford and Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. George Andrew of
Lucknow visited Mr. and Mrs. Will
Curran, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Menary, Crewe
and their daughter, Mrs. Kenny
Campbell, Mr. Campbell and daugh
ters, Marilyn and Doreen of Detroit,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Curran, Sundayy.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Boothby of
Detroit are holidaying at the home
of the latter’s brother, Mr. Tom
We regret to learn of the death
of Mrs. Susie Miller of Lucknow,
sister of Mr. James Webster, which
occurred early Tuesday morning.
We extend sympathy to the bereaved
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferguson,
Lanes, visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Phillips, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glen and
children of Dungannon were recent
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Men
Miss Grace Blake of Arkona, spent
the week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Blake.
Sunday School at Blake next Sun
day at 10.30 a.m. W. M. S. anniver
sary services at Zion, Sunday at 2.30
and 7.30. Miss Caroline Wellwood
of West China, who is home on fur
lough, is the guest speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Armstrong
of London spent Sunday at Mr. Will
Trvin’s. Mrs. Irvin and Miss Anna
Irvin accompanied them home and
are spending this week in London.
Spontaneous combustion is blamed
for a fire Thursday night which
razed a fine barn on the farm of
Jack Scott, concession 4, Huron
Townhsip, and caused loss estimated
at more than $5,000. The blaze broke
out in the absence of Mr. Scott and
his brother, who had gone to Sea
forth to get repairs for a separator.
The fire spread rapidly, destroying
the barn, contents and livestock.
Some farm implements and a num
ber of cattle and swine were burned.
The loss is partially covered by