HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-09-18, Page 1TF $2.00 PER YUAR IN ADVANCE; $2.50 OTHERWISE. VETERINARY SURGEON.— Dr. W. J. Keleher, Ripley, Phone 29, Bight or day.—t.f. DENTIST Dr. MacLeod will visit Lucknow every Tuesday in Dr. Connell’s Office. Dr. Mclnnes, Chiropractor, of Wing­ ham, will visit Cain House, Luck­ now, forenoons, Tuesdays and Fri­ days, commencing April 29th, also visit the hotel at Dungannon same days early afternoon. a visited London 1.: si DR. PARKER, ^STEOPATH, at the Cain House, Lucknow, every Wed­ nesday afternoon. All chronic, dis- vases successfully treated. Osteo­ pathy 1 amoves tne physical causes of disease. Adjustment of the spine is more quickly secured and with fewer treatments by Osteo­ pathy than by any other method. Steward al h; DR. MAUDE C. BRYANS Registered Optometrist Graduate Department of Ophthalmol­ ogy. McCormick Medical College, Chi­ cago. 111. Headaches, Dry Itchy Eyes. Granu­ lated Eyelids, Watery Eyes. Pain in Eye Balls, Inflamed Eyes. Pus or Watery Discharge from Eyes and Dizziness caused by Eye-strain re­ lieved through es. Cross Eyes properly fitted Satisfaction Assured At the Cain House, Lucknow, Every Wednesday Afternoon and Evening. o—0 -0 o-o-o o- I o LOCAL AND GENERAL I o—o—o — n ■ o o O' - 0'0 o! Mrs Dave Thompson is away i trip to points in Saskatchewan. Be sure to read our advertisemk on page 8.—Wm. Murdie & Son. Mrs. Robert Mullin week with friends in Komoka. Mr. and Mrs. Charles family visit friends in Stratford week. Miss Verna McQuillin has takei^ position as teacher in a school t Chippawa, and commenced her duts Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McQuillin si family are home after a motor t.) to Hamilton where they visited w: i friends in the city and at Grimsbj Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Thompson ai son Robt. motored from Mich, and spent last week and Mrs. W. tf. McNall. Miss Edna Rivers has Pickfor with M properly fitted Glass- straightened through Lenses. Wall Paper—I have on hand the 19- 24 samples of a number of the best wall-paper houses, and will be pleas­ ed to show them at my house, or will take them to your residence—R. J. Cameron, Box 174, Lucknow. MONEY TO LEND—On farm prop­ erties at 6%.—Geo. A. Siddall -1-5-tf FOR SALE—The Tannery property at Eucnnow, aiso a platform scales. Apply to S. Robertson, Rucknow. 4-9-p. LOST—An automobile wheel with nonunion tire, on road between Lucknow and Listowel via. Wingham. Finder please communicate with Rev C. W. D. Cosens, Lucknow’. FARM TO SELL OR RENT Splendid 100 acres 3-10 of mile east of Holyrood Township of Kin­ loss. 1st class condition; ninety acres fit for cultivation; running water; 11 room Brick house; Barn folds head; pig pen; hen house and driving shed; iJurchas|i- or tenant may have possession April 1st 1925, May do rail ploughing this fall. Apply to F. R. Kenny, 1518 Woodward, Ave , Detroit, Mich. TAX SALE OF LANDS ,zx Norite is hereby given, as directed bv^fhe Assessment Act R. S. O. 19- bee. 149 s. s. 1. That a Sale of ZX Lands for Arrears of Taxes will be held at the Town of Walkerton, Friday ollice in hour of will be auction, ges are ~ - . _ described lands in the Township of Kinloss, Namely:—Lot 1 Con. 2 N. D. R. Taxes and charges being 25.02 A complete list of lands in the County of Bruce to be sold for Tax­ es is published in the “Ontario Gaz­ ette” in its issues of July 5th to July 26th, 1924, inclusive; a copy of which may be obtained on applic­ ation to the undersigned. If it be necessary to hold an Ad­ journed Sale it will -be held, on Fri­ day Octobei- 24th, 1924 at the above named place and hour. A. Nelson, Treasurer County Bruce. Dated at Walkerton, Sept. 2nd, 1924. on Uctooer luih, 1^24 at mj the County Buildings, at the ten o’clock a.m. when there ottered for sale by Public unless the Taxes and Char- sooner paid, the following winghAm A curious and rather serious acci­ dent occurred here on Thursday of last week. Frank Screaton was driv­ ing Mr. Labatt’s car along the west side of the mill pond and went over the bank into-the water. Screaton managed to work his way through a window and got out. He got T. Phel- in to bring his team to draw out the car, but when the horses had the car nearly over the embankment ran away. Screaton, Gordon and others seized the team, could not stop them, and they down the embankment on the side of the road, hurling Phelin into the swale. The car knocked him down and fell on him, pinning him in the mud and the horses got away. Mr. Phelin sustained a broken shoulder bone and cuts about the head and face The car was not much dam­ aged, and later was pulled on the road again. LOCAL MARKETS Hogs . .. Butter .. •••! gone t New York city where she will spen a year in Bellview Hospital, comple ing her course in nursing. Just received a new shipment o Ladies’ up-to-date Coats. Prices t< suit everyone, at B. Blitzstein’s Drj Goods Store. Monday, Sept. 22nd.—Sepcial dis- play of Dresses in Flannels, Sergesl etc. at Brown’s. Miss Mattie Ferguson, R. N. ha returned to her home in Woodstoc after visiting a couple of month- with her sister Mrs. F. Cole who a^ companied her back to the city. W. M. S. Sunday will be observ^ in South Kinloss Presbyteria Church next Sabbath (Sept. 21st) al -he morning service Mr. Bruce Greyl of Dungannon, Secy, of Knox College Missionary Society, will be the speaker Mrs. Tarlton and Miss Woods who spent the past month with parents Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Woods returned to Detroit on Sunday. They were accompanied by Dr. Woods and famiW who had weekend. H Pearlman shipment of the dies’ and Men’s jn’icea; also the newest material for mats and dresses. Silks of every description. Men’s silk-broadcloth shirts. Give us a call and see how .easonalbe our prices are. Miss Mary Christie who has been n Detroit the past few years came over on Thursday of last week to attend the funeral of her sister, the ate Mrs. John Dingwal who died at Wellsley village on Sept. 9th. Mr. ind Mrs. Dingwal were residents of Lucknow for a time in years gone by Hiss Christie remained for a week and was the guest of Mrs. A. MacKenzie and Miss Lees. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fursman, Toronto, made a motor trip to Luck­ now last week, remaining over Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Fursman was formerly Miss Margaret Mac­ Donald, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacDonald who are well remembered in town. Mrs. Fursman wished to express her ap­ preciation of the kindness of Luck­ now friends at the time of funeral Wf her mother who was buried in ||Greenhill Cemetery last December. ’'Mr. Fursman is instructor in Agric­ ulture at the Mimico Reformatory near Toronto. AMBERLEY STORE ROBBED t motored up for the ha*/5jus> received a latest styles of La- Fall Coats—various D. of they Arde but went other James Shiells’ general store at Amberley was the mark for burg­ lars the night of Sept. 5th. The gang evidently travelled by car as the principal goods taken were tires, in­ ner tubes, etc. The cash register with its contents which fortunately was only a few dollars in change was taken away Constable Pellow, of Goderich was notified, but trace of the missing goods reported. no has been -o-o-o- BORN on Sept. Mrs. J. Grant—At Climax, Sask., 11th, 1924, to Mr. and Grant, a son, (Gordon John). Mrs. Grant was formerly Miss Margar­ et Ritchie. Eagglestone— At Mrs. Chisholm’s maternity home, Saskatoon, Sask., on July 28, 1924 to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eaglestone a daughter, Jean Elizabeth. MacDonald—At Windsor, Ont. on August 28th to Mr. and Mrs. Arch. E, MacDonald, a son, James Ste­ wart. (Mrs. MacDonald was form­ erly Miss Lillian Patterson). Saturday SpecialsProhibition Meeting Robt, Johnston. Sec’y,Cameron The flowers in Carnegie Sept. 5th. exhibit of number of HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY’S FIRST FLOWER SHOW SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS. I Butter and Eggs at Best Prices at Hollyman’s Phone 36, Luckncw LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th., 1S24 CHURCH NOTES Presbyterian Guild The Presbyterian Guild held their first meeting for this season on Monday evening Sept. 8th., when the Social and Literary committees had charge of the program. The teachers -and pupils of the High School were entertained and welcomed back after the vacation months. The basement was well filled and a splendid pro­ gram presented, followed by refresh­ ments and a social hour. The opening exercises were follow­ ed by the scripture lesson read by Catharine McKenzie, Mr. D. G. Mc­ Kenzie offered prayer. Grant McKen­ zie contributed a piano solo. Vocal duets were rendered by Misses Fow­ ler and Treleaven and by Mesdames Douglas and Murdoch. Miss Mary Connell gave a reading and Bobby Thompson and Dorothy Nixon a re­ citation. Miss Mary Aitcheson and Carrick Douglas each contributed a solo. Rev. Mr. Treleaven addressed the meeting, taking as his subject “First Principles,” giving a very appropriate and helpful talk to the students. Rev. Mr. McCallum also spoke for a short time welcoming the teachers and students to our midst. With the singing of the na­ tional anthem and repeatng the Miz­ pah benediction a pleasant evening was brought to a close. SOUTH KINLOSS The W. M. S. held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. D. S MacDonald on Sept. 3rd. meeting op­ ened with singing, and repeating the Lord’s Prayer, Mrs. Gollan gave the Scripture study prepared by Mrs. Lockhart. Mrs. D. MacIntyre and Miss K. MacKenzie were appointed delegates to attend the Presbyterial at Wingham. The program took the form of a questioneer the answers were prepared by Misses and G. Lockhart. Misses Jean Gollan sang a duet members offered prayer. A. Hughes Nancy and and several . MVF/'TNG AT KINCARDINE A Mass Meeting will be held un­ der the auspices of the Ontario Wo­ men’s Prohibition Committee in the Town Hall, Kincardine, on Monday evening, Sept. 22nd. at 8 p.m. The speaker will be the Rev. J Ferguson Miller of Penticton B. C. a former Kincardine boy. A good program of music etc. will also be rendered and a silver collection in aid of the funds of the committee will be taken. Mrs. A. M. Spence Secy. THE JOYNT BOWLING TROPHY LUCKNOWCOMES BACK TO that at the here a few The Lucknow Horticultural Society held its first flower show Hall on the There was fine flowers Deople came hibits. Mr. evening of a splendid and a large to see the beautiful ex- Georgd Stewart, of God­ erich, who was judge congratulated the society on its . splendid exhibits. The display of asters and gladiolis were exceptionally fine, and a great variety of cut flowers and plants were shown. At the close of the show the president of the society, Mr. S. Rathwell, and Mr. R. D. gave short addresses. which were for sale were then auc­ tioned off by Mr. R. McCharles, and all were quickly disposed of. officers of the society are be congratulated upon the their first flower show. Prizes were awarded as Aster, white—1st. Geo. H. Smith; 2nd. S. Rathwell Aster, pink—1st. R Thompson; 2nd. Geo. Hj Smith Aster, red—1st Mrs. W. E. McDon­ ald; 2nd. R. ’Thompson. Aster purple—1st. Geo H. Smith; 2nd Mrs. Carnochan Asters collection—1st. Goo. Smith; 2nd. S. Rathwell Dahlia, cactus—1st Geo. II. Smith; Dahlia, ball—1st. S. Rathwell; 2nd. Mrs. D. Huston Dahlia, decorative—1st Isaac ler; 2nd. Mrs. D. Huston Dahlia, collection—1st. Huston; 2nd. Mrs. 3 spikeS-—1st. 2nd. G<Jo. H. The indeed, to success of follows: ii. Mil- D Gladioli, son; Gladioli, son; Marigolds, yellow— 2nd. C. Decker Marigolds, French—1st. Smith; 2nd' Ml'S. D. Sweet Pea s—1st.—T. 2nd R. Thompson Zinnias—1st. Geo. II. Smith; R. Thomu on. Roses—1st; Geo: II Smith; A. E. McKim Phlox, annual—1st. Geo. H. Smith Carnations—1st. Geo H. Smith Geraniums, out—1st. Mrs. D. Hus­ ton; 2nd Mrs. Carnochan in pots, single—1st Huston irt pots, double—1st. Huston Mrs. R. Fisher R Thomp- Sm ith collection—1st R. Thomp- 2nd. S.| Rathwell 1st S. Rathwell Geo. H. Huston Watson; 2nd. 2nd. A meeting of all interesied in sustaining pro­ hibition will be held in the Town Hall, Lucknow, on Tuesday evening, Sep. 23rd, commencing at 8 o’clock This meeting is called for the purpos of organizing for the coming plebiscite vote and every person interested in the cause of prohibi­ tion is invited and requested to be at this meet­ ing. We invite also those in neighboring town­ ships who may be interested. Signed on behalf of the former Referendum Committee: D. C„ Tavlor. Pres Bon Bouche Doughnuts Dundee Cakes Raisin Bread Home Made Bread Whole Wheat Bread MILLINERY ASHFIELD NOTES A FEW PROPERTY CHANGES Smart Style and Quality Combined next With Mrs. John Hackett Darrow property on have Sta- home Toronto until the Law College Mr Frank Cole has purchased the void bowling green property at the corner Inglis and Rose streets, and will build spring. Mr. and bought the tion Street. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. Darrow intend moving to Goderich. "Mrs. Steel Hunter has sold her dwelling on Outram street to Mrs. Treleaven, of Dungannon the trans­ fer taking place this week. A KINLOSS OLD BOY Economy In Our New Millinery B. Robertson ed It will be remembered big bowling tournament weeks ago, a Clinton rink skipped by Mr. Roberton, were winners of the fine silver cup put up by Mr. John Joynt, M. P. P. The cup, being a challenge trophy any club which took part in the tournament here has the privilege of challenging the club holding the trophy to a play­ off. A Lucknow rink, on Tuesday of this week, took advantage of this privilege, and which ran to defeating the close score of day and a great game. The Lucknow rink was: Geo. H. Smith, Jack McQuaig, D. Archer and T. Watson, skip. Clinton put up a strong aggreg­ ation consisting of: Wm. Grant, Dr. Axon, Murray McEwan and Geo. Roberton, skip. Geraniums. Mrs. D Geraniums, Mrs. D. Wild flower, collection—1st. Mrs. W. E. McDonald Hanging pot—1st. R. Thompson Begonia tuberous, single—1st. R. Thompson, 2nd. R. Thompson Begonia, foliage—1st. Mrs Huston House plant—1st. C. Decker; Mrs. D. Huston House fern—1st, Best colection C. Decker; ton. D. 2nd. C. Decker house plants,—1st 2nd. Mrs. D. Hus- ------o-n-o------ THE COMING FALL FAIR after a hard contest 15 ends succeeded in Clinton rink by the 16—14. It was a fine ------0-0-0-------- BELFAST the of on A number from here attended London Exhibition last week. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Graham, Port Albert visited in the burg Sunday. Mrs. Wilfred Drennan, of Crewe, spent the week-end at her former home here. Mrs. John Emmerton, of Kinlough is visiting at her former home here for a few days. Mr. Jim Henry, of Flesherton, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thompson and son Robert of Pickford, Michi­ gan, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hackett last week. The Anniversary Services which were held in Hackett’s church on Sunday last was a decided success with a crowded church both after­ noon and evening. Even the cynic believes in love but he lavishes it all on himself, We this week had a letter from a Kinloss old boy, Mr. John MacKenzie whos.e early home was on the 8th Con. of the township, but -who later lived near Holyrood for a short time. About 25 years ago Mr. Mac­ Kenzie moved to Edmonton then a small town. He there took charge of the customs Department of the Post Office, staying with the Department ever since. He is now retired, on pen­ sion, and has moved to Vancouver B. C., with a view to enjoying the gentle Pacific breezes. He however, still thinks Alberta with its dry crisp air a very good place to live in, and is not sure that the Coast has any­ thing on it. Mr. MacKenzie sends kind regards to friends in Lucknow and Kinloss. WOMEN ORGANIZE TO MAINTAIN PROHIBITION J ■ DIAMONDS Diamonds are formed of vegetable matter turned into pure carbon crystals under volcanic *heat and pressure ar are chiefly found in South Africa. We have just received number of which are and Green a Beautiful Stones, mounted in White Gold Settings. Paramount visited with Whitechurch over the request of the Ontario Wo- Prohibition Committee, a of the Women of West Mrs. Will Kempton of and Phylis McDonald visit­ friends at Walton on Sun- Louise McDonald for a few W e are Special Prices for the next Two Weeks, and those think­ ing of buying a Diamond should not miss this chance. CALL AND BE CONVINCED offering these at The posters are out announcing Lucknows Big Fall Fair for Sept­ ember 25 and 26th The Prize Lists too are available and many be had at the office of the secretary, Mr. Agnew, of at The directors undone to make the exhibition a suc­ cess and they ask the cordial co­ operation of all (vho are interested. Quite a number of changes are made in the Prize List, all with a view to improvement. It is to be hoped that the exhibition will be favored with good weather as for some years it has not been fortunate in that re­ spect. secretary, The Sentinel Office, are leaving nothing —----0-0-0---------- ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Milne, Blvth, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Sara Le Moyne, to Mr. A. Murray Cole, Toronto, son of Mr. Samuel Cole, Sarnia, the mar­ riage to take place in St. Andrew’s church on October 1st. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Schell, Broad­ view avenue, Toronto, announce the engagement of their onlv daughter, Marjorie May, to Dr. W. V. Johnstor. of Lucknow, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Johnston, Auburn, the marriage to take place September 20 at St. John’s Presbyterian church,, Toronto. Miss Louise McDonald of Hamil­ ton is spending a few days with fri­ ends at Lochalsh. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McKenzie of Detroit are visiting with Mr. Dan R. McKenzie of Lochalsh. Miss Donalda McGregor of Duluth, spent the week end with Miss Greta Campbell of Lothian. Miss Annie Rutherford, of Chicago visited with Ashficld friends for a couple of days last week. Ian McRae of Lochalsh is from opens on Oct. 1st Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Horton of Tor­ onto are spending their vacation with Mrf'and Mrs. Robt. Drennaif of Kin tail. Miss Emma Rose, of Hemlock City who has been in Chicago and Aurora 111. on business for the past 3 mon­ ths returned home last week. Mrs. Wesley Robb and her father of Laurier are visiting with friends at Toronto. Mrs. D. McInnis of Langside is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Gor­ don Jamesion of Paramount. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Ketchabaw and family Sundayed with friends at Belgrave. BORiN—Jamieson, j n Ashfield Township, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson, a ?on. Mrs. Jas. Drennan of Lanes visit- with her daughter Mrs. lelvin' Raynard of Paramount durirg the week. Miss Margaret McKenzie, of Laur­ ier, was the guest of Miss Amanda McDonald of Paramount during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson and children of friends at week-end. Mr. and Laurier ed with day. Miss from Hamilton week to see her grandmother who, we are sorry to report, is very low. Mr. and Mrs. Neil J. McKenzie and family motored down to spend a week visiting friends in Detroit and Richmond, Mich. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamesion and a hearty welcome to the wee laddie who has come to stay with them. A joint meeting of the Laurier and Paramount U. F. W. O. was held at the home of Mrs. Jas. MacDonald on Sept 9th and was largely attended An excellent essay on “Cheerful­ ness” was read by Mrs. Jno. MacRae. A paper on “What we get out of life” prepared by Dorothy Pickering was read by Annie MacDonald. In­ strumentals numbers were rendered by the Misses Bessie Barnby and Verna Hamilton, and a humorous reading by Myrtle Webster. Vocal numbers were contributed by Miss Annie MacDonald and Mrs. Jack. Hamilton. A hemming and button­ hole contest was carried out by both clubes. The prize for hemming was won by Mrs. Jas. Webster and Mrs. R MacKenzie. The buttonhole prize won by Mrs. Jno. MacRae and Mrs. T. Irwin. Judges were Mesdames Henderson, Irwin, MacIntyre and Johnston Miss Mary MacLean invit­ ed the Club to meet -at her home on Tuesday Oct. 14th when the subject of “Temperance” will be thoroughly discussed and* every member is ur­ gently requested to be present. Vis­ itors welcome, meeting lunch. addresses. to walk to where the anv At the men’s meeting Bruce Electoral District was held at Kincardine on Sept. 5th to organize for work in the coming Temperance Campaign. Representatives from the various points were present. Mrs (Rev.) Gollan was elected President and Mrs. A. M. Spence Secretary. Il was decided to hold a Mass Meeting in Kincardine in the near future, at which prominent Temperance work­ ers are expected to give A Few Questions Do you want your child school, along a highway drunken speed fiend may at moment menance his safety and his life? Do you wish to walk or drive on such a highway yourself? If you do not, vote for prohibition. Do you want youi’ boy to be. treated to liquor and made to feel that he is prudish and unmanly if he does not treat in return? If you do not, vote for prohibition. Are you willing to risk your little daughter marrying a man who may turn out a drunkard? If you are not, vote for prohibition. TROUBLE OVER ARENA SITE AT WALKERTON over the pro­ arena. On July the town voted a loan of $24,- F. T. ARMSTRONG Agents Wanted The careful attention to our customer’s orders and the splen­ did stock supplied for years past warrants us in having a a representative or two in this county. Liberal Commissions. Free Outfit. Write at once for Exclusive Territory. THOS. W. BOWMAN & SON COMPANY RIDGEVILLE, ONT. STAR NURSERIES At the close of the the hostess served a dainty -----o-o-o----- N. HURON RETUNING OFFICER Mr. Wm. Mole, of near Dungann-. on, has been appointed returning offi­ cer for North Huron, and will have charge of the plebescite election on . October 23* ______, WILL ------o-o-o------ SPEAK AT ST. HELENS The Rev. J. Ferguson Miller, B. A. of Penticton, B. C. will speak on the Present Temperance Issue in the Presbyterian church at St. Helens on Sunday morning Sept. 21st. Come and get the facts first hand. A strenuous controversy has deve­ loped at Walkerton posed erection of an 25 the ratepayers of in favor of granting 000 to the Walkerton Arena Com- . pany for the erection of an up-to- date arena. As usual there were ob­ jectors, anjl after the money was voted a controversy was started over the proposed site. It appears that Mr. R. E. Truax, ex-M. P., was do­ nating the ground, while those op­ posed to the whole proposition want­ ed the Arena, if built at all, erected near the Town Hall. The site there would cost $4,000, while the Truax property can be had as a gift. A number of contracts have been let in connection with the proposed build­ ing, and it will now cost the Arena Company some $6,000 to stop oper­ ations. The objectors have threaten­ ed to get an injunction to stop the wo^rk, but Mr. McNab who is town solicitor advises that the owrk be proceeded with, AA CHOICE CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BUNCHES AND FLORAL DESIGNS A SPECIALTY. FLral Work and Cut Flowers De­ livered To Any Part of Canada United States and Europe In Short Notice. Just Phone Your Orders In. GEO. STEWART Florist Phone 105, . . . Goderich, Ont. / HERE TUESDAY SEPT 23rd Prof. E. Katz the noted eye-spec­ ialist of Lis towel, well known -all over Western Ontario for his good work in relieving eyesight trouble, will test eyes at the Cain House- Lucknow, on Tuesday Sept. 23rd. If you are dizzy and feel worn out or suffer headache pain in the temples and back of the neck, you should1 have your eyes tested as the above i troubles are frequently caused by eye-strain, /I