HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-09-06, Page 89 Tft® TttVKSUAT, SEPTEMBER 6, 1923. ts*THREE GAMES OF BASEBALL Hints for Autumn Buying BLUE SERGE GOES IN FOR NEW EFFECTS.—A Chinese Coat, braid bound, may be made of Navy Blue Serge, with a gay colored vest attached, and worn with a pleated skirt it acquires the air of an interesting costume. The skirt may be attached to a white lawn waist, so that it can be worn with Jumpers or Blouses. The young lady who would admire a frock of this style, will find any of our Serges suitable, and they range in price from 7 5c. to $2.00 per yard. FLANNEL VELOURS in all the popular shades, 54 inches wide.—A frock with numerous bands of hook­ work embroidered down the left side of the top in the Russian style, and down the right side of the skirt in French style, gives you a very smart affair. You may have colors too, Blue, Red, Bright Green, or even more sober, in Navy Blue with bright trimming. Flannel Vel­ ours are moderately priced at $2.00 per yard. A very heavy, hard-twilled Navy Serge is just the thing for your boy’s suit, and every nice boy loves a Sailor Suit. This cloth will also appeal to the mothers an fathers by reason of its wearing quality, priced $1.35. Oh, yes! Our Ladies’ and School Girls’ Coats are all here and unpacked ready for your inspection, and don’t miss seeing Our Special in an all-wool cloth, dark colors, collar, priced Brown and Navy Blue, stitch-trimmed and new This coat is a combination of style and service, within the reach of everyone, $15.00. The Shoe Dept, is keeping up to our Dress Goods Dept. You will find a shoe suitable for any dress you may purchase. See our Slippers with the heavy sole, at $5.00 per pair. CAMERON, MURDOCH & CO HARVESTING NECESSITIES Phone No. 10 is at Your Service We Sell for Cash—We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stores * Brantford Gilt Edge Twine, 650 feet in both sizes of balls. First-Class Machine Oil Carborundum Stones for sharpening the binder knives. Brantford Pure Manilla Hay Fork Rope—the lightest in pounds, the cheapest in money, and the strongest rope on the market. Samson Hay Forks.—They are correct in shape, and are all selected handles. WARM WEATHER RE QUIREMENTS Screen Windows, 40, 50 and 60c. Screen Doors, from $2.25 to $4.00. Oil Stoves.—We have the New Perfection in three and four burner, also the Florence Automatic and the Detroit Vapor, all of which are guaranteed and our prices are reasonable. PRESERVING SEASON The busy preserving season is noiw on. If you need a New Preserving Kettle, we have what will suit you, as we have a well-assorted stock 'to choose from. We have Zinc Sealer Rings, Glass Tops for Sealers, and Rubber Fruit Jar Rings, also Parowax. Wm. Murdie & So Successors to Lucknow Hardware & CoMl Co. WILL ENFORCE AGE LIMIT We understand that the Attorney- General of Ontario has sent out in­ structions to county constables to in­ sist upon a more rigid enforcement of the Motor Vehicles Act, having special reference to persons under 18 years of age being allowed to drive cars. Parents who permit boys and girls under 18 to drive their, cars will do well to make note of this. In the old days bad news travelled slowly but now even the most remote hamlet knows that song about ba»’ KODAK Put it in your pocket and it pu^fe your trip in pictures. KODAK FILM Your size is here. KODAK Accessories They’re all in stock here. Let us help you plan a Kodak outfit for good pic­ tures and lots of fun. TAX SALE OF LANDS ucknow, Ont V WHITECHURCH Miss Addie Ross, of Toronto, is home for her vacation. Miss Agnes Kennedy, of Guelph, is visiting at her home here. Misses Ethel and Marion Simpson, of Wingham, visited on Sunday with Mr. Robert Simpson. Miss Isabel Fox, who has been spending her vacation at her home, has returned to Galt. Mr. Frank Patterson, Detroit, visited a few days at his ho^ here. Miss Lavina Carrick, of spent Sunday at her home her Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Garton and Wm, Martin went to Toronto Monday, ___ Notice fe hereby given, as directed by the Assessment Act R.S.O. 194, Sec. 149. s. s. 1. That a sale of lands for Arrears of Taxes will be held at the Town of Walkerton, on Friday, September 28th, 1923, at my office in the County buildings, at the hour of ten o’clock a.m. When there will 'be offered for sale by Public Auction, unless the Taxes and charges are sooner paid, the following described lands in the Township of Kinloss, namely:—• Part, 3-8 acres of Lot 10, Conces­ sion 7. Being that part of said lot conveyed in instrument registered in the Registry Office of the County of Bruce as 8169, Kinloss. The taxes and charges being $35.88. A complete list of/ lands in the County of Bruce to be sold for taxes is published in the “Ontario Gazette” in its issues of June 23rd to July 14th, 1923. inclusive; a copy of which may be obtained on application to the un­ dersigned. If it be necessary to hold an Ad­ journed Sale it will be held on Fri­ day, October 12th. 1923. at the above named place and hour. Norman Robertson Treasurer County Bruce. Dated at Walkerton, August 31st, - ' 27—•—c. Lucknow Baseball team played three strenuous games with the Tees- water nine since our last issue. The first was on Friday, August 24th, in Caledonian Park here. Teeswater sent over a pretty strong aggregation and it was nip and tuck all the way through. Curiously enough the de­ cision came in the ninth innings. Up to that point the teams were tied at 4-4. In the first half of the ninth, Teeswater scored no less than four times, and the outlook was very bad for the - home team as they went to bat. But a bltll game between evenly matched teams is as uncertain as a horse race or an election, and Luck­ now actually went the visitors one better by scoring five, making it 9-8 at the close. Teeswater was over again on Aug. 27th with a very strong line-up. Rain prevented an early start. At the end of the 8th the score was a tie, and darkness was setting in .so that neith­ er umpires nor players could keep track of the ball. Teeswater went to bat in the first of the 9th, and quick­ ly scored twice. It is difficult to say what .score they might have run up under the circumstances, but umpires and teams agreed to a tie, the game to end at the end of the 8th. The third meeting was at Tees­ water on Thursday of last week. Teeswater s strong team was on the home ground and the outcome was never in doubt. The score was Tees­ water 13, Lucknow 5. —o-o-o— EIGHTH CON., KINLOSS School Bells are ringing again to­ day. Mr. Thos. Wall and daughter, An­ nie, visite'd at J. S. Culbert’s on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George and Albert Younge ‘were visitors in our burg Saturday. Mr. Richard Baker motored to Pal­ merston on Monday. He was accom­ panied by Mr. Aruthur Fiske, who had spent the vacation with him, and was returning to his home to com­ mence school duties again. Miss Phoebe Congram has gone to Glenanon to resume duties as teacher. Miss Mildred Morgan visited with friends in our burg last week. Mrs. Geo. and Ogle Needham and Mrs. Keyes, of Pinkerton, spent Sun­ day with Huron friends. Mrs. Mac Smith Js in Toronto at­ tending the wedding of Mr. Hugh Sproule and Miss Ethel Elliston. Miss Ellison made her home formerly with Mrs. Smith, and was well known and thought of by all. Best Wishes are- entertained to the young couple for a happy and prosperous voyage over the sea of matrimony. ZION A^E. McKi ■with Monday, Sept. 3rd. . Epworth League at 8 p.m.—Tuxis Boys, Thursday evg. at 8.15. Mr. W. T. Gardner, Sr., is visiting his sister, Mjs. John Craig, of West­ field. Will Helm, Sam Gibson and John McDonagh are in Toronto taking in the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Watson, of St. Helens, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gardner. Mr. Reginald Topp and Misses Mary and Jean Topp are visiting their uncle, C. E. McDonagh. Mr. and Mrs. John McKieth and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hilton, of Oak­ ville, are visiting Zion friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Hender­ son and family, of Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gardner. Mr. W. T. Gardner, Sr., Mrs. R. E. Finlay and Mrs. Mark Gardner visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and John Helm on Friday. Jas. E. Ritchie & Sons are out threshing again this fall, just as busy as ever. They are on the boundary bjvest of Lucknow this week. ^Irs. A. Havens, of Whitechurch, W. M. Champion and Jack and of Fordyce, spent Sunday and Mrs. Mark Gardner. png friend, Miss Tiffin, from LangsiW, ^ur school teacher, is back on the job Again. Miss Ada Helm, of Zion, is taking charge of Crewe school Tuesday morning. (Good luck Ada). Mrs. A.. E. Gardner, Mrs. R. J. Gardner, Mrs. W. T. Gardner, Mrs. M. L. Gardner and Mrs. R. E. Fin­ lay, of Yorkton, Sask., visited with Mrs. T. H. Gardner Wednesday af­ ternoon and evening. LUCKNOW SCHOOL OF TYPE­ WRITING AND TELEGRAPHY Those desirous to taking a thor­ ough course in typewriting and tele­ graphy should file their applications with us now for the fall term. Might state the school here is un­ der the sanction of our head Tele­ graph Office, Toronto, and everry as­ sistance L _ securingjfatisfactory positions, when finishe 1 be given graduates in / C nd see us at our office here e shall be glad to furnish you any further information desired, adian National Telegraph Office, -tf I Lucknow Ont Ford Car or Truck?Do you desire a 4 the full cash price, to have the use of the car while you are paying for it ? If you have not would you like To those who desire to purchase a Ford Car or Truck and cannot com­ pletely pay for it at once, we are able to quote the following terms: Down Payment consists of:— For a Runabout (Non-Starter) For a Runabout (Starter Equipped) .$ For a Touring Car (Non-Starter)....$ For a Touring Car (Starter Equipped)$. For a Truck (Non-Starter)................$ For a Truck (Starter Equipped).......$ For a Coupe.......................................$• For a Sedan.......................................$ $. 148.62 Balance of $ 361.00 £n jz equal payments 174.85 161.55 202.77 196.15] 224710] 246.84] ‘288.42] n ,, a » $ $ $7 429.00 392.00 445.00 I SUN ECLIPSE, SEPT. 10 This deferred payment price, the amount of the dowmpay— ment and ail the terms of the transaction have the approval, of the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, so that those who buy Ford products on deferred payments may have\the*pro-* tection of a standard deferred payment price throughout all of Canada in the same manner as those who buy Ford Products for full cash. The low price is possible because the Traders Finance Corporation, Limited, who finance the transactions extend this financing opportunity only to Ford Dealers and only on Ford Cars. FORD MOTOR COMPANY.OF CANADA, LIMITED, FORD, WM. NAYLOR LUCKNOW, ' ‘ • ONTARIO. You can’t make a man out of a monkey by cutting off his tail, but it can be done sometimes by cutting off his allowance. A W’estern exchange tlells of a speed maniac who ran head-on into a seven-story office building, and after regaining consciousnesss weakly mur­ mured, “I blew my horn.” There will be a total eclipse of the Sun on Sept. 10th., but in Canada it will be seen as only a partial eclipse. JUSTARRIVED A New Silk and Wool Sport Hose with the Arrow Embroidery] colors Black, White, Grey and White, and Camel and White, sizes 8 1-2 to 10, Priced at $2.00 a pair. Misses’ and Children’s Velour Hats and Tams, for girls from 3 to 12 years. Men’s Shirts, the celebrated “Tobralco” Cloth in the new patterns and colors. These shirts are guaranteed, $3.00 and $3.50. A shipment of Men’s Hats brings the new shapes and colors for Fall- A splendid quality in English Fur Felt, comes in Brown, Mandalay* | Grey and Black, at$ 3.50. LADIES’ COATS Now is the time to select that new Coat. We have the style and the selection and the prices at which you want to nay. Prices run from $20.00 to $35.00. } OVERALLS OVERALLS f The quantity of Overalls we sell is prcof positive that our values are right. Just received another shipment of those good Overalls in Plain Blue, Blue and White, and plain Black, sizes 36 to 44, at $1.95 a pair. D M. C. U Embroid­ ery Cotton, 5c. skein w 0. & A. Corsets and Numode Brassiers