The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-10-27, Page 3One of thp needs of the day—of
every day, is food. It is the need of
the future, and from the beginning
of the world, food production has been
the most important of the activities
of man. No matter what may hap
pen, the demand for nourishing foods
is sure to grow so long as the popu
lation increases. Railroads, steam,
electricity—all are recent develop
ments, none of them indispensable to
mankind. But existence itself depends
on nourishing food.
Science is going further these days 1
than merely telling the public to eat
good and nourishing food. It is tell
ing the people what kinds of food they
should eat and why; it is telling what
to avoid and why; it is even telling
them how much food is necessary to
maiTltadn good health and keep it up
to the normal standard. For instance,
how much does the average man or
woman know about the relative nutri
ment of an egg, and how it compares
with other foods? A single egg con
tains as much nutriment as two ozs.
of beef, and four eggs therefore are
equivalent to half a lb. of beef. Eggs
contain all that is necessary for the
young animal except oxygen, which
is -absorbed from the air. Lightly boil
ed eggs are more easily digested than
either raw or when hard-boiled. Milk
is one of the best and most nourishing
foods to be had, but an adult could,
not very well live on milk only. To]
do this and keep up his 1
ciency a man would require eight or]
ten pints in twenty-four hours, but'
this would give his system too much
water and fat, which is disadvanta-I
geous to grown-ups, but specially'
suitable for young persons. Meat is,
a staple article of food but little of;
it is needed in hot weather. An ordi-]
nary diet which, contains an adequate
amount of all the ingredients neces-'
sary for maintaining health and vigor:
can be arranged as follows: Meat, 9
to 16 ozs.; bread:, 12 to 18 ozs.; po-l
tatoes, 6 ozs.; milk, 3 ozs.; butter, 1
oz.; sugar, 1. 2 ozs.; salt, .25 oz.; tea,!
.25 oz.; coffee, .33 oz.
In summer weather, it is best to'
leave out the heat-producing food-s,’
such as a mixture of meat and pcta-j
toes. A sustaining diet for warm
weather should include fresh vege
tables and fruit, ^nd fish could with ;
advantage take the place of meat.
Bananas, raisins, dried currants and
nuts are cheap and nourishing. Fresh1
foods are- better than canned foods'
and more nutritious. People should!
drink water freely, and to this end!
every effort should be made to see ‘
that the drinking water is pu?e.
Malnutrition in childhood is gener-1
ally due to parental ignorance, or
poverty; and well-planned meals Are
followed by a satisfactory rate of
growth, increased physical vigor, and
more efficient education. For chil
dren a light, nutritious diet should
comprise bread and milk, porridge
with milk and sugar, wholemeal bread
with butter, dropping, or bacon fat,
toast and plain biscuits, eggs, fish,
chicken, peas, beans, bread and butter
pudding, rice with treacle or honey,
cheese (for older children), green
vegetables, dates, figs, nuts, apples
and stewed fruit. Cocoa with milkj
and sugar, and chocolate are nourish-1
ing beverages. Children should be
trained into right habits, namely,-
regularity of meals, the avoidance of,
eating between meals, moderation in
food, good mastication and the regu-!
lar evacuation of the bowels.
An important consideration in de
termining nutritional values is the
presence or absence of vitamines in
the food. These are substances that
are contained in fresh foods, but
which are absent in foods whose qual
ities have been changed or impaired
through boiling, heating or preserv
ing, as in canned goods. A diet that
contains no vitamines leads to certain
deficiency diseases such as scurvy,
rickets, and in the east where polished
rice is largely used as an article of
food, and
the vitamine absent, beri-
k only To. Butter, fresh milk, eggs, fresh
' ' ro i fruits and vegetables should be more'
■ or less a stable part of any diet for
I they contain the precious vitamines
that are essential to health.
W. J. R. asks: Is lime juice taken as
a reducing agent effective, and is it
harmful in any way?
Answer: Lime juice is wholesome
but ineffective as a reducing agent.
The only way is to eat less fat-form
ing foods.
During the summer a good many
inquiries came in about the kinds of
food one should eat. For instance,
one person asks what effect cucumbers
and onions sliced with vinegar will
have on the stomach, when eaten as
a meal with no ether ingredient. He
also wants to know if these are hard
or easy to digest and if they contain
much nutriment.
Answer: Cucumbers and onions
eaten with vinegar would be hard on
the stqmach, and probably lead to
severe indigestiqai. This combination
c’f vegetables is aimfest without food
values. Onions eaten as a small part
of a meal furnish vitamines and min
eral salts, and are beneficial in this
respect. Cucumbers may supply some
vitamines, too. but they are not so
nutritious as onions.
When the Blood Becomes Watery
a Breakdown Follows.
Every woman’s health is dependent j
upon the condition of her blood. How ,
many women .suffer with headache,
$&n<in the back, poor £ppetite, weak
digestiby, a constant feeling of weari
ness, 'p&l’y^a^bn of the heart, short-.
ness of breath, pallor and nervous- ’_________
ness? of course all these symptoms stated that __ .
may not be present—the more there young Scouts even surpassed the ad-
are the worse the condition of the missidn of St. Paul, “I keep my body
blood, and the more necessary that uncier.”
you should begin to enrich it without _____ __
delay. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are a Apostle one better in that respect,
splendid blood-building tonic. Every] - - ■- ’-----
dose helps to make better blood which j
goes to every part of the body and
brings new health to weak, despon
dent people. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills
are valuable to all women but they are
particularly useful, to girls of school'
age who become pale, languid and
nervous. There can be neither health
nor beauty without red blood which
gives brightness to the eyes and color']
to the cheeks and lips. Dr. Williams’ i
Pink Pills build up the blood as is
shown by the experience of Mrs. Jos.'
E. Veniotte, West Northfield, N.£5., who ,
says: “For several years I was in a |
bad state of health. I was pale and
nervous, my appetite was poor, and I
suffered from weakness, headaches
and a feeling of oppression. I got so
nervous that I was afraid to stay in
the house alone. All this time I was
taking medicine, but it only did not
help me, but I was growing weaker.
Finally I decided to try Dr. Williams’
Pink Pills, and after using six boxes
I felt much better. I had a better ap
petite, slept better and felt stronger.
However, I continued taking the pills
for a couple of months longer and
now I am feeling as well as ever I did.
I give all the credit to Dr. Williams’
Pink Pills, and hope that my experi
ence may be of benefit to some other
weak woman.”
You can get Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills
through any dealer in medicine or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams’
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Accentuating the value of the Boy
Scout movement as a moulder of the
highest and noblest type of citizen
ship, Dr. J. W. Robertson, of Ottawa,
Commissioner of the Boy Scouts in
Canada, in appearing before the Gen
eral Synod held in Hamilton recently,
t the doctrine taught the
“The Boy Scouts,” he continued, “go
1 for they are taught to keep their souls
I on top and their bodies under. I say,
'therefore, that a three-year course of
training by any boy who becomes a
Scout is of such value that it will
mould hip character for the remainder
of his life, and make the type of citi
zen this country can not have too
many of in the years to come.”
An anomalous revelation made by
the late war, Dr. Robertson said, was
that the whole human race had not
decayed in any way as regards cour
age, but physically it had deteriorated
very noticeably. Medical examina
tions in connection with the military
service had disclosed that fact. Hence
there was a vital need of according
the Boy Scout movement the fullest
support. In the schools of Canada, he
said, it was found that 5 per cent, of
the pupils suffered from minor physi
cal ailments. A high type of citizen
ship would remedy this. The Boy
Scout movement made not only for
good citizenship, but for a rugged
physique as well. It performed a dual
function—moulded character and made
rugged youths of those who might
otherwise be physical weaklings.
Quick Action of Omaha Scouts Pre
vents Wreck of Express Train.
James Caldwell, 13, and Clarence
Swingholm, 12, Omaha Boy Scouts,
saved through passenger train No. 6
on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy
Railway from being wrecked a few
days ago and are being acclaimed as
Returning to their scout camp after
an all-night hike, the boys discovered
a large tree lying across the rails, and
at the
whistle for a curve 300 yards away.
Pulling Caldwell’s red sweater from
his back the Scouts ran down the
.track waving it frantically, and the
engineer stopped the train a few yards
----- , , , . , .,, j^from the tree.I am .that which enables a man tuj p- jg SUppOsed wild honey hunters
' Jelled the tree across the track and
decamped when they saw what they
’yhad done. If these boys had not been
|.Sffcuts this heroic action would never
I Am—
The very essence of character.
The first essential of happiness
I nerve men to face the rough
the smooth of life with equal
an d
rule his fears and his passions.
I give men and women greater
power than any king or potentate ever
I lift them above all regrets, all
weaknesses, all useless desires and
I am that which shows man how to
protect himself from all his enemies,
same time heard the train
Tanlac Accomplishes
Remarkable Results
In Geo. H. Nickel’s Case
Prominent Wisconsin Man
Says Tanlac Promptly Re
lieved Him of Bad Case of
Stomach Trouble of Six
Months’ Standing — Gains
27 Pounds and Feels Fine
As A Fiddle.
It is an unquestionable fact
Tanlac is now being more widely en
dorsed by well known men and women
than any other medicine on the Ameri
can market. One of the latest to tes
tify is George H. Nickels, well known
lecturer, residing at 227 Wells St.,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
“Tanlac has not only completely re
stored my health, but I have actually
gained 27 pounds in weight,” said Mr.
Nickels in referring to the remarkable
benefits he had derived from the medi
“For something over six months, my
stomach was very badly disordered. I
suffered terribly from Indigestion and
Dyspepsia. At times I would be in
great distress and I would invariably
experience an uncomfortable bloated
feeling for hours after eating. I had
no appetite scarcely and the little I
ate would often make me deathly sick.
My head ached until I felt like it
would burst and I was so nervous I
trembled like a leaf. When I got up
in the mornings, I was so weak and
dizzy, I couldn’t trust myself to walk
around and I just hurt all over.
“Tanlac has brought about a won
derful change in my condition for I am
now enjoying the very best of health.
My appetite is splendid,
aches and dizzy spells are all gone and
I am
about the
IjI never have an ache or pain.
' only too glad to tell others
j wonderful good Tanlac has done.
I relish my j has no equal.”
Everything agrees with me ! Tanlac is sold by leading
The nervousness, head- ] everywhere.
World’s Only Convict-Operated
Game Farm.
The state of Washington maintains
the only game farm in the world which
is operated by convicts. Great num
bers of pheasants are raised by trus
ties on the penitentiary grounds, for
distribution throughout the state. The
men work as freely as though they
were not under confinement.
Finger Nails Vary in Growth.
No two finger nails on our hands
grow at the same rate. The nail on
the middle finger grows faster than
any other, while the thumb nail is of
slowest growth.
Super Cement Made,
Analogous to the super-man and
other super-products, there is now be
ing produced what is known as super
cement. It is a Canadian product and
is said lo be waterproof and to have
other excellent qualities.
According to an abstract in a con
crete trade paper, it is manufactured
by mixing gypsum and a catalytic col
loid with cement clinker in the ordin
ary process of Portland cement manu
facture. It is claimed that concrete
made with this cement is a dense im
pervious mass, waterproof and oil
proof and stronger than Portland ce
ment, though the hardening is slower.
This cement requires more water to
produce a paste of normal consistency
I than ordinary Portland cement. The
' increase in strength is specially mark-
i ed in the case of cement and sand mor-
; tar, and the difference increases with
i time.
Hattentcts Eat Giraffe Meat.
The Hottentots are especially fond
of giraffe steaks and giraffe marrow,
and a potroast of boa-constrictor is
highly prized in Southern Guinea.
A good solid meal before retirn g
is stated by a specialist to be a great
aid in inducing sleep.
Patagonian Indians, who live on the
island of Tierra del Fuego, and are
most treacherous, are easily scared
by firearms.
There's satisfying comfort and cheer in a
irrg element there’s no disturb-
leave mental energy lagging before Tie "day Ts
Thousands of former tea and coffee users
have found that Postum meets every demand
for a delicious table beverage, and brings steadier
nerves, clearer mind—better health.
As many cups as you like with any meal —
no after-regrets.
Postum comes in two forms: Instant Postum (in tins)
• made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water.
Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who
prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared)
made by boiling for 20 minutes.
This is the start of
a better day
s a Reason” for Postum
Sold by all grocers
i within and without.
I make him the master of circum
stances, the ruler of conditions that
otherwise would fill him with despair.
Without me, a mar. is like a mari
ner without a compass—at the mercy
of every wind that blows; the slave of
every passion and impulse.
Most of the tragedies, all of the sui
cides, many of the failures, and much '
of the poverty and misery of life, are
due to the lack of me.
I am the best friend of man, his
greatest aid to success. In the midst
of dangers and difficulties; in spite of
ridicule and opposition; in front of all
sorts of provocations, I hold him true
to his highest ideals as the needle to
the pole.
I am like the celestial worlds that
sweep through their orbits in the
starry depths, undisturbed by the dis
cords, the turbulence, the quarreling,
the wars of creatures that live on the
earth. I make life serene and calm,
like the quiet depths of the ocean that
flow tranquilly below the tempestuous,
storm-tossed surface. The storms and
tempests that wreck so many lives,;—
wreck success cannot touch me.
hive occurred. What a singular ad
vantage of an all-night hike!
Wanted—A Boy Scout.
Addressing the 27th Boy Scouts at
their dinner held in Toronto recently,
Mr. John Northway saicT that he had
be|n given such splendid service by
Boy Scouts that when he wanted a
boy .in his business now, he alwrays ad
vertised for a Boy Scout. Business
men-4ad°Pt this slogan. You will find
it pays. Boy Scouts are not clock
watchers; they are always obedient
and always prompt, and they have
been trained to be physically strong,
mentally awrake and morally straight.
There are 33,2U6 registered ships on
the oceans and seas of the world.
They have a tonnage of nearly 62,-
Minard’s Liniment Lumberman’s Friend
Bulk Carlots
A Health Saving
Don’t wait until you get sick—USE
passions of human beings that
I am
of prin-in the eternal calm
—O. S.
A Change.
had been a number
of occa-There
sions on which Mr. Callahan had re
gretted his too prompt offers of neigh
borly service, and had grown wary. .
He hesitated now and looked thought-!
ful. • 1
“Was it to-morrow noon ye were
askin’ me about?” he inquired of Mrs.
Kelly, with one eye on a pile or rub
bish in his neighbor’s yard. “Well,
now I’m not sure if I’ll be cornin’ home
or where I’ll be. ’Tis a Friday, ye
mind, an’ that’s called an unlucky day
by most, an’ I niver like to lay me
plans too firm, an’ sc----- ”
“Ye can take your eyes off that
hape o’ mbbish,” interrupted Mrs. I
Kelly, tartly. "Mike’ll be home to- !
morrow an he can cart it away. ’Twas 1
because he’d be home I was planning 1
a grand corn beef and cabbage dinner,
an as ye’ve been so handy—but if
ye’ve anny fears-----”
“Don’t spake of thim,” and -Mr. Cal
lahan swept off his hat in a gallant
bow. ‘I’ll cast thim from me—it’s a
poor thing to be givin’ up to
tions, Mrs. Kelly, anyway,
toime would ye loike me to
rain or shine?”
A mosquito has twenty-two teeth,
all of which may be seen through a
I microscope. ^gk for Minard’s and take no other.
Once a mother has used Baby’s Own
Tablets for her little ones she is al
ways pleased to speak highly of them
to other mothers. She knows the good
they have done her children and
realizes that her experience should be
of benefit to others. Concerning the
Tablets Mrs. Fred Murphy, Charlotte
tow® P.E.I., writes: “I have used
Baby’s Own Tablets for the past eight
moqths for my baby. I cannot speak
too highly of them for they have been
of great assistance to me in my first
experience of motherhood.” Baby’s
Own Tablets are a mild but thorough
laxaffire which are absolutely harmless
and may ’be given to even the newborn
babegwith perfect safety. They are
sold by medicine dealers or direct at
25 ct|. a box from The Dr. Williams’
Mediiine Co., Brockville, Ont.
FOR forty years Sloan’s Liniment
has been the quickest relief for
neuralgia, sciatica and rheuma
tism, tired muscles, lame backs, sprains
and strains, aches and pains.
Keep Sloan’s handy and apply freely,
without rubbing, at the first twinge.
It eases and brings comfort surely
and readily. You’ll find it clean and
Sloan’s Liniment is pain’s enemy.
Ask your neighbor.
At all druggists—35c, 70c, $1.40.
Made in Canada.Made in CanadaSloa
Pioneer Dog- U erne dies-
Book on
and How to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad
dress by the Author.
H. Clay Glover Co., Inc.
118 West 31st Street
New York. U.S.A.
Skin Troubles
bg Daily Use of
Make Cuticura Soap
and Ointment your
every-day toilet prep
arations. Bathe with
the Soap and hot
water on rising and
retiring, using plenty
of Soap, best applied
with the hands.
Smear any signs of
pimples, redness or
roughness with the
Ointment and let it remain five
minutes before bathing. Finally
dust on a few grains of the ex
quisitely perfumed Cuticura Tal
cum, it takes the place of other
perfumes for the skin.
Soap 25c. Oiatment25and59c. Talcma25c. Sold
throughout the Dominion. CanadianDepot:
Lymans, Limited, 344 St. Paa! St., VL, Montreal.
SSSjs**Cuticura Soap shaves without mug.
One Tells How She
if th
able t
face t
teen t
time ?
hang a
I Success Nuggets.
e people always act as if their
owed them something.
^pleasant—even if you force a
^.Life’s always taking your
Was Benefited by Taking
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg
etable Compound.
ASPIRIN Regina, Sask. —“For two years I suf
fered from periodic pains and nausea
so I was unable to get around. My
mother had me take Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound, and I am much
better and able to go abouf all the time,
which I could not ao before. I recom
mend Vegetable Compound to my friends
if I know they suffer the same way , and
you may publish my letter if it will help
any one, as I hope it will.”—Miss Z. G.
Blackwell, 2073 Osler Place, Regina,
If every girl who suffers as Miss Black-
well did, or from irregularities, painful
periods, backache, sideache, dragging
down pains, inflammation or ulceration
would only give this famous root and
herb remedy a trial they would soon,
find relief from such suffering.
It hardly see: is possible that there is
a woman in this country who will con
tinue to suffer without giving Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound a trial
after all the evidence that is continually
being published, proving beyond contra
diction that this grand old medicine has
relieved more suffering among women
than any other medicine in the world.
For special advice women are asked to
write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine
Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of forty
years experience is at your service. ---------- -------■-----------t-- ---------------
ersons will not be friends long
cannot forgive each other’s
w hard it is to die and not be
eave the world any better for
tie life in it!—Abraham Lin-
s sixty-four muscles of the
ake a Frown and only thir-
take a Smile. Why work over-
“Bayer” is only Genuine
i i I
that gets the honey doesn’t
jind the hive.--------
|money orders.
Ways safe to send a Dominion
Money Order. Five dollars
costs three cents.
. --------- -------------
An inch of rain means that one
hundred and one tons of water have
fallen on every acre of land in the
affected district.
It is
Warning! It’s criminal to take a
chance on any substitute for genuine
“Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,” prescribed
by physicians for twenty-one years
and proved safe by millions. Unless
you see the name “Bayer” on package
or on tablets you are not getting As
pirin at all. In every Bayer package
are directions for Colds, Headache,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache,
Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain.
Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost
few cents. Druggists also sell larger
packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin
is the trade mark (registered in Cana
da), of Bayer Manufacture of Mono-
aceticacidester of Salicylicacid.
ISSUE No. 43--’21