HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1907-09-25, Page 8I | Ready=to=Wear Goods Year by year the trade in Ready-to-Wear Goods is increasing. More attention is now given by manufacturers to correct fit and neat styles than formerly with the result of a greater demand for neat, stylish, up-to-date garments by both men and women. o o Women’s Wear. In LADIES’ JACKETS in Black Beaver and Fancy Check Tweeds we are showing excellent values at $6.50 $10.50 and $12.50. In LADIES’ RAIN COATS in Black and Fawn Covert Cloth, trim­ med with Buttons and Silk Braid, a very special line at $10.50. We are offering a number of last year’s styles at | to | off the regular prices. In LADIES’ SKIRTS we have a nice range in Black, Grey and Check Tweeds at $3.50 to $5.00, also Black Sateen Underskirts at $1.00 to $1.50, and Extra quality Black Moreen Un­ derskirts at $2.25. o Men’s Wear Our stock of READY-to WEAR . SUITS for Fall and Winter is larger in quantity and better in quality fit and pattern than we have shown hereto­ fore. We have been particularly care­ ful this season in getting good fitting suits to sell at $10.00 to $12.50. We have lower priced suits at $7.00 and $8.00, but we are this season making a specialty of suits at $10.00—suits we can recommend for neat fitting, nice pattern, and good wearing quali­ ties. his vacatioh at his home here left last week for Montreal. Ed. Gilmore and Leo. Clare spent a few days visiting friends in Walker­ ton ahd Chesley. Master Douglas Wollat of London, is visiting his cousid, Mrs. T. A. Me, Keith. Belfast Miss Belle McCrostie of Fall River Mass., is visitibg her friends here. Mr. H. H. Mullin, of St. Pauls, has returned home aftar spending a week hare. Mr. Jack McCrostie, teacher, of Verdun, spent Sunday with his par­ ents. Lcthian The marriage of Miss Mary Gilmore and Mr. J. O’Hara of Chesley took place in St. Joseph’s Church, Kings­ bridge, on Wednesday, 4Sept. 18th. They were assisted by Miss Caesar of Teeswater and Mr, J. Calhoun, of of Walkerton. After the ceremony they repaired to the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Jas. Gilmore, where a dainty wedding breakfast was served to only the immediate friends ahd that afternoon left to spend their honeymoon in Hamilton and Buffalo. Mrs, Argosy of Kincardine spent a week visiting her sister Mrs. W. J. McKenzie. Mr. James Hogan, after spending ^Lucknow’s Gash Grocery. Promoters of Popular Prices. Our Sale of Crockery is still on, and although the town is rather quiet these days owing to the farmers being so busy with the harvest, still it is wonderful how business keeps up. We are finding sales for a lot of the J above goods because our prices seem to suit. We have a lot more different articles which were not mentioned in our last issue and prices are reduced the same as on the the others. In all, you will find that we are the cheapest Crockery House in town at any time of the year. See our window this week for Souvenir and Berry Setts with prices for each. Remember the place, “Beaver Block.” TERMS—CASH W. J. EARLS _______________________________________/ Men’s Wear See our READY MADE TWEED PANTS at $1.50 to $2.75. See [our HEAVY QUALITY DENIM OVERALLS in Black and Blue at $1.00. See our CARHARTT OVERALLS AND SMOCKS. Special $1.25. In OVERCOATS you’ll find a good range of styles and prices See our big Special at $11.50, and tote what neat fitting and stylish Overcoat it is. We recommend its wearing qualities. We are showing good values in RAIN COATS of various styles, also LEA­ THER COATS, SHEEPSKIN LINED COATS, and WATERPROOF SMOCKS. This week we have opened up our NEW SWEATERS for men and boys and they certainly are a splendid lot, made of fine, clean wool, neatly shaped and good colorings in plain stripes. See our window this week for Sweaters. We regret to learn of the dea*h of Mr. Chas. Bowks, ahd extend sincer­ est sympathy to bereaved re'a'ives and friends Mrs. Carmichael, of S\ Pauls, who his spent two months with her mother and sister, Mrs. and Miss Mullin, re­ turned home this week. Dungannon Rev. Mr. B'atehford, of Bip’ey, conducted the services in the Meth­ odist church. Operations have commenced ab the Evapordsor. T. G. Allen is in charge ahd is paying good prices and is re ceiving large quantities of apph s. Miss Nevins, of Goderich, is in charge of the Mdlinery Department of Mr. C. Elliott’s store. Dungannon people want railroad accommodation and expect to get it soon. No reason why ah enterprising place hke this should nob have at least one railway passing through it. Postpone Action Wingham, Sept. 22nd.—A meeting of those interested in local op’ion was held in the Baptist Church on Friday evening. There was a fair attendrnce nnd considerable discussioh took place The feeling of the meeting was taken as to whether it was advisable to enter immediately upoh a local option cam­ paign, and the majority were not in favor of such action, so the campaign is postponed for a yea’1. Stomach troubles, heart and kidney , ailments cah be quickly corrected with a prescriptions known to druggists everywhere as Dr Shoop’s Restorative. The prompt and surprising relief which this remedy immediately brings is entirely due to its restorative action upon the controlling nerves of the stomach, etc. A weak stomach causing dyspepsia, a weak heart with palpi a tion or intermittent pulse, always means weak stomach nerves or weak hea’t nerves. Strengthen these inside or controlling nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative and sea how quickly these a.lments disappear. Dr. Shoop, of Racine, Wis., will mail samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health is certainly worth thi simple crial. Sold by all dealers. Stomach trouble is but a symptom of, and not In itself a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia, Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yet they are symptoms only of a certain specific Nerve sickness—nothing else. It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoop in the creation of that now very popular Stomach Remedy Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. Going direct to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With­ out that original and highly vital principle, no such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had. For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad breath and sallow complexion, try Dr. Shoop’s Restorative Tablets or Liquid—and see for your­ self what it can and will do. We sell and cheer­ fully recommend Dr. Shoop’s Restorative “ALL DEALERS” Lucknow Fall Fair. Arrangements are just about com­ pleted for the Lol n, i f the Lucknow Fair Monday and Tuesday next. The first day wili as usual, be taken up in arranging the HJ1 exhibits and in the evening a Promenade Concert will be given, in which McMorian’s Orchestra, Mrs. T. E. L wrence, Mrs. Smith, Miss B. Allin, and a male quartette will take part. The admis­ sion, as usual, will be 10 cents to all. For the second day care has been tak­ en to prepare a pregram of special interest to children. Teachers are hot- ifi'd to meet with their pupils at the Luckhow Puplic School grounds,whe: e a parade will be formed at one o’clock aud march to the grounds neaded by the Lucknow Public Pipe Band. At the grounds a platform has been erected, and the entertainment will open with a Scotch Reel, by two little girls and two gentleman in Highland cos<ume. A programme of children’s races ard children’s dancing, Irish jig Sailor's Hornpipe, Sword Dance, etc. will be carried on during the after­ noon. The exhibits in the hall by the merchants and exhibitors are expected to be more complete than in previous years, and entries are coming in rapid­ ly and the prizes offered will lo doubt induce the keene t competion in horses and cattle. Exhibitors are advised to hand in their entries early ; there will be no membership tickets for those who are too late. A concert by the Roie Gault Co. with children’s dancing as an added feature has beeh arranged for on the evehing of October 1st, for which re­ served srat tickets are on sa’e at. Armstrong & Hildred’s. Annual Meeting of W.C.T.U. The officers elected for the ensuing year are ;—President, Mrs. L. Bryan; Vice President, Mrs. (Dr.) Gordon ; Oor. Sec., Mrs. J. Button ; Rec. S c., Mrs. H. Phillips ; Treas , Mrs. Annie Cameron. The Society in the begin- ing of this year would appreciate it if all fees be paid promptly so that all our departments may be made more successful. A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies of Lucknow to join with us in this m -ral reform work for God and humanity. Simple Home Recipe Get from any prescription pharma- rnacist the following : Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-balf ounce; Compound Kargon, one ouhee; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take a teaspoonful dose after each meal ana at bedtime. The above is considered by an em inenb authority, who writes ih a New . York daily paper, as the finest pre­ scription ever written to relieve Back ache, Kidney Trouble, Weak Bladder and all forms of Urinary difficu’ties. This mixture acta promptly on the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys, en­ abling them to filter and strain the uric acid and other waste matter from the blood wh ch causes Rheumatism. Some peisons who suffer from the afflictions may not feel inclined to place much confidence in this simple mixture, yet those who have tried it say the results are simply surprising, the relief being effected wishout the slightest injury to the stomach or other organs. Mix some and give it a trial. It certainly comes highly recommended. It is the prescription of an eminent authority, whose entire reputation; it is said, was established by it. A druggist here at home, when asked, stated that he could either sup­ ply the ingredients or mix the pre., script ion for cur readers, also re om-l mends it as harmless. I Connell’s Store News We are showing excellent value in Venetian finished Dress Goods at 75c. and $1 per yard in Black, Brown, Burgundy, Green, Navy and Cardinal. A fine Black Victorian at 80c. per yard. Fashionable Tweed Dress Goods worth 60c for 45c. A lot of Ladies’ Tweed Skirts, new style, $5.00 for $4.00 In Ladies’ Jackets we have a fuil range of sizes 32 to 42. Our Black Beaver at $10.00 is the best in the market at the price; style and fit are perfect. I Special prices in Carpets and Linoleums before we move. ’ Special values in Ostrich Feathers and all kinds of feath­ ers in the Millinery Depa rtment. W . C (I N N E I. L Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Paint. Paint. Paint. Now is the best time of year for outside painting. When you buy Sheawin Williams’ paint you buy the best, the product of the largest factory in the world, and more, you buy a paint that is covered by a genuine guarantee and cheaper than what you can buy white lead and oil. It is not the cheapest ready mixed paint on the marke , but remember that it costs just as much to apply a cheap paint as a good paint, and when you apply Sherwin Wil­ liams’ for very little more cost,^you have the best that money can bay. It is made in a greater variety of colors than any other paint, and It is thoroughly mixed, which enables you to do your painting yourself. Call and we will be pleased to give you an estimate of what it would, cost to paint your house. ROOFING We handle the famous Paroid roofing, a roofing that has stood the test for years before the other cheaper grades of roof were put on the m arket. It is fireproof and waterproof and makes one of the most satisfactory roofs on the market today. RANGES Drop in and see the new Imperial Oxford, the most up-to-date range on the market, the latest in range construction. ■IE a SOUND. L TJ O K K O W Agent for—Durham Cement, Paroid Hoofing, Sherwin William Paint, Hecla and Kelsey Furnaces, Peninsular Stove and. Ranges. 00-00-0-0-0-0-0-00000<XXX>000-0-0-0-00 X>0-0-0-000^0-0-0-0-0000000^0000^ Closing Out Sale Entire Stock must be cleared out in 30 days, and if Low Prices and Genuine Bargains will make quick sell­ ing we will do our part. Our stock is too varied to give individual description but mention of Sale Prices of a few Special Lines will give our customers some idea of what this Slaughter Sale means : 200 Straw Hats, untrimmed, regular price $ 75 to $2 00 $ 25 30 Summer Hats, trimmed ....................... 3 00 to 5 00 1 50 Ladies’ Black Kid Gloves, size 6 only.......... 1 25 50 Ladies’ Corsets, all sizes ............................... 1 00 to 2 00 60 Ladies’Colored Silk Gloves........................... 30 15 Ladies’ Side Combs, Bone Hairpins, Buckles, Hat Pins and a large variety of novelties.. 15 to 50 5 Ladies’ Leather Belts, Black and Tan.......... 30 to 75 10 The above lines are just a touch of the many ex­ cellent bargains we offer. We do not hold any stock back. Everything must go. The entire stock of Dress Gccds, Millinery Silks, Ribbons and Notions. MRS. E. J.SMITH. P<>00000<IOOOOOOO<>0000<>OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW<X>0<><>