HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1907-09-25, Page 5% and and Underwear. REPAIRING NEATLY & PROMPTLY DONE the 1THOS. LAWRENC E - See Our window display WANAPPLES AT ONCE, at the LUCKNOW EVAPORATOR I ■» the the 1: < <■ 4? J. E. AGNEW - Lucknow. PARLOR FURNITURE, ♦♦♦♦♦ *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ / 'J v ><><*<><><><><><><><><><>c><><><>o <><><><><><X><><X><XX><><><> > GXT A GOOD START Right now is the best time to start taking . something to get your Kidneys and System \ in shape to withstand the sudden changes I of Fall and Winter, which bring on Rheu- I matism and other Kidney disorders. ft STORE NEWS These Autumn days are bringing with them cooler weather and there is found a necessity for warm under clothing and extra over wraps in the shape cf Golf Knitted Jackets, Eten Knitted Jackets, and Norfolk Kmtted Jackets, besides Shawls and Scarfs in great vareity. Here are a few de­ scriptions: ETON JACKETS, knitted of fine wool in white with black figure, and all white, very dainty, quite new, and bound to be great favoriti s, price $3.00. NORFOLK JAC KETS, fancy knitted straps ind belt, colors Cardinal. Navy and White. Price $2.75. GOLF JACKETS, new designs, and good range of colors and sizes at $2.25 and $2.50, with a number of odd lines at $2.00. ICE WOOL SCARFS, plain cream and cream witli polka dots, very pretty, at $1.00 and $1.25. WOOL MOTOR SCARFS in cream and pale blue at 50 cents each. KNITTED WOOL SHOULDER SHAWLS in cream and black at 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, and $2.00 each. SILK SHAWLS, cream, fancy knit­ ted, a very dainty wrap for evening wear, at $1.25. BLACK SILK LACE SCARF, 2 yds. long, $1.25. Property for Sale North half lot 8, Church Survey, two and one half acres land on which is erected a good frame house and stable, never failing spring close t house. F.r partLu'ars apply to Jas Fisher, or Peter Corrigan, Lucknow ■ ' - ............. ■■ ----------------------- ■ ' ' ■ - —......—— Local Salesman WANTED FOR LUCKNOW and adjoining country to represent “Canada's Greatest fam" A permanent situation for Women’s Underwear. Stanfields VTrvroa Knit erwsar For Woman Stanfield’s Truro Brands Vests and Drawers, $1 and $1.25 per garment. Stanfield’s Sensible Brands Vests and Drawers, 75 cents per garments Watson’s Natural Wool Vests and Drawers, $1.00 per garment. Watson’s Unshrinkable Vests and Drawers, 75c and $1 per garment. Watson’s Plush Lined Vests Drawers, 50c per garment. Watson’s Ribbed Union Vests Diawers, 50c per garment. Penman’s Natural Wool Vests Drawers, $1.25 per garment. Turnbull’s Unshiinkable Natural wool very fine, Vests and Drawers, $1.25 per garment. Watson’s Black Wool Vests and Drawers, 75c at $1.00 Heavy Soft Cotton Vests and Drawers at 25 ceuts each. Watson’s Knitted Corset covers long sleeves great favorites at 25 and 50c Misses and Children’s Plush Lined, warm and soft, in Vests and Drawers, prices running accord­ ing to size, 25 to 50 cents. Woolen .Unshrinkable Vests and Drawers, 30 to 50 cents. Black Drawers, 35 to 50 cents each. Turnbull’s Underwear for Children, 20c to 50c each. Union Underwear fur Children, 15c to 25c. is the remedy to take. “Bu-Ju” is guaran­ teed, your money back if it fails. 50c. at Drug Stores or by Mail. 89 The CLAWN CHEMICAL CO. Limited, WINDSOR. Ont Armstrong Bros Druggies Make London Centre The Independent Order of Forestars have decided to make London the centre of activity for their work in W'fs'ern Ontario. The fact is impor­ tant a3 being a further recognition of claims of London to consideration as a business centre. Mr. C. K. Alerrifie’d has been placed in chirge of the Western Ontario jur­ isdiction of the High Court, with his duties beginning November 1. The officers connected with the organizing branch of the Forestry offices will after that date report directly to Mr. Merrifield in London instesd of to To­ ronto, as formerly. Air. Merrifield has bee connected with Independent Forestry for a con siuerable perio and is well known throughout this portion of the province particularly. Court of Revision. Notice is hereby given that a Court will ba held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters’ List Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Bruce, at the Town Hall in the Village of Lucknow on the second day of October, 1907, at ten o’clock in the forenoon to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in tho Voters’ List of Municipality of Kinloss for 1907. All persons having business at Court are required to attend at said time and place. Dated the Eleventh day of Septem­ ber, 1907. GEO. G. MOFFATT, Clerk of the said Municipality. Court of Revision. Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Ontario Voters’ Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County of Bruce at the Town Hall, Lucknow, on the First day of October, 1907, at Nine o’clock in the forenoon to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters List of the Municipality of the Village of Luck­ now for 1907. All persons^ having Jmginess at the Cour ^required to attemL'at^ the time and place. J. E. AGNEW, Clerk of the Municipality of the Village of Lucknow, Dated at Lucknow this Fifth day of September, 1907. Tax Sals of Lands Notice is hereby given, as directed by “The Assessment Act, 1904/’ Sec­ tion 143, s. s. 1, that a sale of lands for Arrears of Taxes will be held at the hour of ten o’clock a. m. at the Council Chamber County Buildings in the town of Walkerton on Friday, October flth, A. D. 1907. Among the lands to be then and there offered for sale, unless the taxes and chargos are sooner paid, are the following in the Village of Lucknow, consisting of: Lot 361, patented, taxes $2.39, costs $1,70, total $4.09; Lot 366, patented, taxes $2.39, costs $1.70, total $4.09J; Lot 512, patented, taxes $6.34, costs $.1.70, total $8.04. A complete list of lands to be sold for taxes is published in the issues of the ‘ Ontario Gazette” of July 5th to July 27tli inclusive, and in the “Wiar- ton Echo” of July 4th to September 26th inclusive, A.D. 1907. NORMAN ROBERTSON, Treasurer Co. Bruce. Walkerton, Sept. 6th, 1907. ♦*> »> .» 4 3 THE ARTISAN SHOE FOR MEN| 1■ In English Kip, Canadian Kip and Split. These shoes are made of the very best leather and will give excellent wear and a dry foot. Now is the time to purchase a pair of long boots. Get them well seasoned and they will turn the wet. All kinds troughing, our Building Materials in Hardware line, Con­ go and Flintkote Ready Roofiag are the best on the market. of Galvanized Iron Work, Eave- Roofing, Metalling Siding, etc., and Il you want a new Metallic Ceiling see cur designs and materials before purchasing. We handle the Metallic Roofing Co’s goods and they are the best finished and best designs on the markets. Now is the time to have your furnaces looked over befoie cold weather sets in. We have a practical furnace man who understands all alt about them. 06 <» O V > ♦ ► •> > > •> I We are in a posiition to offer you good bar­ gains in Furniture. We are showin a nice line of COUCHES, MORRIS CHAIRS & MORRIS ROCKERS, also OdD CHAIRS, QUAR­ TERED OAK ROCKING CHAIRS, REED GOODS, Etc. I Z The Lucknow Evaporator is now ready to receive apples. All sizes taken as long as they are sound, but must be sorted, keeping the large ones separate from the small ones, and for which Highest Cash Prices Small apples must be i be brought in either in Do not let any of your will be paid, according to quality. xx --- : brought in in bags. Large ones can the right man, for whom the‘ either in bags or loose in wagon. J' territory will be reserved.1 apples go to waste, as we will be able to pay good prices this | Pay weekly, free equipment, season and it will pay you to bring in your apples to tne Luck Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON, Fonthili Nurseries, (over 800 acres). TORONTO, - ONTARIO ! now Evaporator. New and modern buildings for storing apples have been erected and there will be no delay in unloading this season. Bring in your early varieties and wind fails at once. JOHN JOYNT, Prop addressed to the , undersigned and endorsed “ Tender for dfcqision of Lion’s Head Wharf,” will be ••■iveil at this office until Friday, October lh.'L'O”, inclusively, for the construction of an extension to the wharf at Lion’s Head, Bruce (fiffiuty, Orit., according to a plan and specification to"be seen at the offices of J. G. Sing, Esq;, Resident Engineer, Confederation Life Building, Toronto; H. J. Lamb, Esq., Resident Engineer, London, Ont, on applica­ tion lo the Postmaster, Lion’s Head, Toronto and at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa,Tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed form supplied and signed with the actual signature of tenderers. An accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works, for one thousand one hundred dollars ($1,100-00), must accom­ pany each tender. The cheque will be for­ feited if the person tendering decline the con­ tract or tail to complete the work contracted for, and will be returned in case of non - acceptance of tender. I The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, FRED, GELINAS, Secretary, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, September 20, 1907. Newspapers will not be paid for ’ this adver tisement if they insert it withcu? authorit- from the Department. If you are in need, of an extra bed remember we carry a complete stock of Iron Beds, Wood Beds, Springs, Mattresses. Come and see them. You will find our prices right We guarantee Satisfaction. We have a large stock of Picture Moulding and will frame your pictures promptly and neatly. <MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED A. T. DAVISON & SON Undertaking receives our prompt and careful attention, day or night. ..... V ■ * «» ♦ O ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ A?.