HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1907-09-25, Page 4«j?.
LABBES CE, Local Agent
z k TH Court Sherwood No. 501
• Lucknow, meets every firs.
Monday of each month in the Change Hull.
Visiting brethren are cordially’ invited.
J A McLennan, O, R, R Graham. R, S.
J E Agnew, Fin-Sec. D R Ivlclntosh, lreas
Old Light Lonas, A.F
A, M,,G.R,0., meets
everyThursday night on or
before the full moon, in the
Masonic Hall, Havelock
street Lucknow,
Add the
A.T. Davison.
W, M.
Lucknow Lodge
No, 112 meets
every Friday evening
at 8 o’clock in their
hall, Campbell street,
R, R MacLeod,
Noble Grand,
A, B. McLeod,
All brethren cordially
W. J. A. AIacGREGOR, Proprietor
SUBSCRIPTION— $1.00 per annum pay
able in advance; or $1,50 at end of year.
The Courts have decided that refusing to
take newspapers or periodicals from the post
ofliice or removind and leaving them uncalled
for while subscription remains unpaid, is
prima face evidence of intentional fraud.
COMMUNICATIONS — Letters, dealing
with live topics of the day are solicited but
the name of the contributor must in every
case accompany the communication. If
cLsired, the name the writer will not be
A" Al. SPENCE, M.D., C.M., E.T.M.C
AI.C.P. and S.O. Offices in the new
drug store, Beaver Block.
Dickinson IzGarrow Barristers,Solici
tors, etc,, Goderich Ont,
t£. L. Dickinson, Chas, Garrow, L, L.B,
PA. Malcomson, Barrister, Solicito
a Conveyancer, etc,, (late of Camero
H It <& Cameron, Goderich.) Office upstair
I < lin Block, Lucknow.
S. S. Convention.
The 27th Annual Convention of the
Sunday Schools of the Ashfield Cir
cuit will be held Thursday, Oct. 17th,
1907, in Hackett’s church. The morn
ing session commences at 9.45 a. m.,
with Mr. S. S. Sherwood as chairman,
tne pastor, Rev. T. E. Sawyer will
have charge of devotional exercises ;
“The Art of Asking Questions” will
be taken by E. Sherwood and Norman
Shackieton will speak on “Duties of
Officers” ; an address of welcome will
conclude the morning program.
At 2.00 p.m., Mr. J. J. Taylor will
occupy the chair, when an interesting
program will be given including ad
dresses by Rev. E. G. Powell, Dist.
S. S. Secy., of Brussels; W. Struthers,
and others.
The evehing program, commencing
at 7 p. in., will be presided over by
Mr. D. Agnew and addresses delivered
by Revs. T. E. Sawyer, pastor ; E. G
Powell, Brussells, and Mr. Isaac Ah-
The church choir have volunteered
to furnish choruses at each session and
an inters( tihg and profitable result is
expected from the Annual Convention
of 1907. The Sabbath School super
intendents are Messrs. D. Agnew, W.
G. Gardner, W. P. Reed and N.
Shackleton. Rev. T. E. Stwyer, pas
tor of the Ashfield Circuit, is chair
man and Mr. W. P. Reed, secretary
of the committee in charge
of the
crowning delight to
your meal with a
jelly made from
White Swan
Jelly Powder
Ask your grocer for the flavor
you like best—there are 15—both
wine and fruit. He has it or can
get it. Price, io cents.
Preserving season is now on ind we have nice
Tomatoes to offer you and onr pticos are right. Just
take a look at some of the snaps:
Tomatoes fresh in your basket...................25c.
Pears n u ...................35 c.
Crabapples n n 25c.
Plums, from..........................................30c to 60c.
XXX White Wine Vinegar............................25c. gal.
Redpath Granulated Sugar .... 201bs for $1 00
Wallaceburg n ........221bs for $1 00
Get your fruit now as the season is going to be
very short.
We handle ail kinds of Feed, Bran, Shorts, Mix
Chop, etc. 5-Bose Flour at $2.75 per 100 lbs.
Store Overflowing with
A wealth of Stylish Furniture for House
keepers—seems unreasonable to sell so much.
And yet, if merit in Furniture, Workmanship
& Prices v.ill appeal to you, and we are bound
that it did, jou’ll certainly inspect our splendid
new stock before investing elsewhere.
Lucknow Fall Fair.
They are making preparations for the
big full f ir,
And the farmer nnd his family are
loaded up with care;
They are rubbing down the gelding
and the big brood mare,
And the three-year-old is frisky—you
ought to hear him rear,
And they run him round the pasture
when they’ve an hour to spare
They make him go full sail with red
ribbohs in his tail ;
Yes, they're making preparations
the big fall fair.
They are combing out the fleece
the thoro’bred rams,
They are picking out the best of
pretty spring lambs;
The hired man is working on a wicker
work rig
For the easy transportation of the
pedigree pig;
And the boys are all constructing the
cutest little pens
For the safety and the comfort of
Harry Bogues’ hens.
The ’ristocratic bull with turnip tops
is full—■
He’ll make a great sensation at the
big fall fair.
They are making preparations for the
big fall fair ;
There is much excitement; in the cir
cumambient air;
Each farmer has a pumkin that can’t
be beat b’gosh;
A.nd everybody stands to win upon a
a certain squa-h;
Not to mention barley, wheat) and
oats, buckw neat and peas,
And the product of the vine and the
harvest of the tree*,
While I hear the housewife mutter,
‘They’l never beat that butter.’
Yes, they’re making preparations for
the big fall fair.
Goderich Fair
Goderich Industrial Exhibition are
makibg a special effort to have their
Fair an event £of the opening of the
Guelph and Goderich brahch of the
C. P. R. Their Exhibition on Sept.
25, 26, 27, is being made up-to-date
for a full three days’ show as an agri
cub ural exhibition with attractions.
They are having Wincherman’s famous
performing bears and monkeys; the
Suginoto Japanese Acrobats; a large
Ferris Wheel; Happy Emma, the Fat
Girl ; the Ossified Mah ; O. H. John’s
Glass Blowers ; Moving Pictures ;
Merry-go-Rounds for the children ;
Band Concerts daily hy the 33rd
Regiment Band in full uniferm and a
full 2 day’s programme of races on
Sept 26th and 27th. Single fare tic
kets are issued oh both lines of rail
way aDd special trains return af er
the Exhibition on the eveni; g of the
26th to Blyth and and Seaforth
V'M * t W <H
Promptly attended to night and day.
Boom Mouldings, Window Shades, &c.
We make a specialty of neat Picture Framing.
Funeral of Mr. and
F. A. Reid
Goderich, Sept. 22.—The bodies of
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Reid ar
rived here yesterday and were borne
to the parents’ homes, which are next
door to each other on Elgin avenue,
and the funerals took place this after
noon, that of Mr. Reid being conduct
ed by Rev. G. N. Hazen, pastor of
North Street Meth dist Church, ahd
that of Mrs. Rtid by Rev. Mr. Mill
yard, pastor of Victoria S’reet Meth
odist Church.
At the grave the bodies were laid
side by side and a joint service held
by Messrs. Hazen and Mill yard.
Mf. and Mrs. Reid had been expect
ed home Friday night ahd a supper
and reception awaited them at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. Carter
beihg a sister of Mr. Reid’s, bub in
place of the gladness of rejoicing at
the home-coming of a bride and groom
came the most poignant sorrow at the
sudden termination of their young
The McDowell family formerly lived
hear Westfield, but moved to town
some years ago, their eldest son, Har
vey, marrying and settlihg on the
homestead about the same time. Lake
view House, owned by Mrs. McDow
ell, was to have been sold by auction
yesterday afternoon, but the sad oc
currence upset all arrangements.
Miss McDowell was the only daugh
ter of Mr, and Mrs. E. McDowell,and
was a very’ estimable young lady. She
was prominent in church work in con
nection wi'h Victoria Sb Methodist
Church, being a Sunday School teach
er and a former member of the choir.
Melbourne McDowell, of Sherbrooke
Qje., i- a brother
'’’ Mr. Reid was the y -ungest son of
Mr. and Mrs. David Reid. Albert
Reid, of Dawson City, a d uggist ;
Robert, of Brantford, furniture dealer
ahd undertaker; and Edwa d, a*-
home, are brothers. He was in the
teamihg business, and sine® Spring
had bevn boss trimmer at the elevator]
All modern methods used. Best
material furnished. Crown and bridge
work. Painless extracting by the use
of the latest, eimp'est and safest
remedy—Somnoforme. Newest thing
in artifical teeth. Aluminum plates
At .Ripley every Thursday. Office
in Allin Block.
Per Cent
A Newspaper Bargain♦ £
D. Mallough
Per. Secy,
Lucknow Lodge In-
dependent Order
of Foresters meets in
the Oddfellow’s Hall, ?
on the last Tuesday of
each month, at 7.30
o’clock. Visiting bre
thren are cordially in
vitee to attend.
F. McDonald, C; R.
T. E, Lawrence, Rec. Sec.
Lucknow Coun
cil, Canadian
Order of Chosen
Fiiends, meets first
and third Tuesday
evenings of each
month, in the Odd
fellow’s Hall, on
Campbell street.
Visitors are cor
dially invited to
Lucknow Lodge
of the Ancient \VxV
Order of United
Workmen, meets in
the Oddfellow’s hall
on the second and
last Monday even
ings of each month
at eight o’clock.
Visiting brethren
cordially invited.
D. Patterson,
M. W.
Fall Term Opens
September 3rd.
This school, which is an eld and
well established one, stands to the
forefront as the greatest Commercial
and Shorthand school in the West,
uur teachers are experienced instruct
ors. courses , thorough and practical;
We assist graduates to positions,
Write for our free catalogues;
Elliott & McLachlan
Beaver Gang Plow
A Plow that meets every requirement.
Extra strong fxaais, Beams adjustable for vide or narrow work
Notice the good points of the Beaver Gang. It may
be seen on exhibition at our wareroom.
They also manufacture the Kang
furrow, three horse, walking plow.
W. G. Andrew?LH±22F
Farm for Sale.
Farm for sale oh division line in
Township of Ashfield, containing 100
acres of good black clay loam, adapt
ed for mixed farming or pasture, with
spring creek on farm. A good b;».rn
well fenced, situated mile
school, 11 miles from post office,
es don will be given at once,
be sold reasonably. For further
ticu’ars apply to Thos. Ford, Lanes
mors pupils attending than
one year ago. This speaks
eloquently as to our past
We educate to meet the
living demnnds of a pro
gressive age.
Our stenographers and
Bookkeepers deligt tho most,
modern, exacting city of
Day students attend night
classes free. Gsaduates
placed in good situations.
Now is the best time to
enter the
School Hooks
and Supplies
All the Public and High School Readers and
Text Books, Slates, Pencils, Inks, Erasers,
Scribblers, Writing Pals, Blotters, School
Bags, and everything required by pupils for
the re opening of School.
We Jhave many lines of Souvenir Goods in
Stock. New Goods arriving daily.
> GEO. SFOTTON, Principal
o <►♦
ThejLucknow Sentinel 1
The Family Herald and Weekly Star i A
Of Montpaal < J
The Sentinel will furnish you with everything of interest in this
local territory. Every home in this district should receive the local paper.
The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is the acknow
ledged best family and farm paper in Canada. Its magnificent news
service; its numerous special departments; its interesting magazine fea
tures; its great serials and popular short stories m^ke it the greatest
dollar’s worth to be had.
The combination of tho Sentinel and The Family Herald and
Weekly Star provides the greatest amount of wholesome family reading
reliable news from all parts of the world.
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