HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1907-09-25, Page 1* < j z << r < LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 25 1907 Ctl TRAVELLERS’ GUIDE G.T.R. TRAINS LEAVE Going South 6.10 a.m, 10.30 a.m., 2.03 p.m. Going North 12,25 a.m, 2.35’p.m,, 9,40 p.m. H Ham, Agent J A. MACKENZIE, sells Farm, Fire • Accident and Fidelity Insurance The leading Canadian companies, including The London Mutual Also Real Estate of every description bought, sold or exchanged Money loaned on real estate at lowest rates—J. A. Mackenzie, Box 34, Kincardine. GEO. A. S1DDALL MONEY LOANER REAL ESTATE AND COAL DEALER. Money to loan on notes, single or ■ double, at from one month to twelve months, and on first and second mort­ gages on real estate and first mort­ gages on live stock at reasonable rates. I purchase and sell farm properties. Coal for sale, orders promptly filled. Fir e insurance in all its branches. Office in the Thomas Reid’s block. Give me a call. Hundreds of Students of the Popular and Successful Elliott Business College Toronto - - Ont Lave eecured positions this year. Demand is far greater than the supply. Educate for business positions and you will get them, but the education must be first class. Students admitted at any time. Write for catalogue J. W. ELLIOTT, Principal Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets. C\X><><><><>O<><><><><X>O<X> KXXXXXXXXX><X><XX>C<XXX><X>0<>0 Oatmeal Biscuits Hub | cup Lard or Butter, 1 Egg, J cup Brown Sugar, 1 cup flour 2 cups granulated oatmeal, 2 (rounded teaspoonfuls of Grocery Day s Baking Powder stir thick enough to roll. <XXX>0<XXXXXXXXXXXXXX>O We now have on display an exceptionally large var­ iety of Drop in when passing and get a free sample oi Baking Powder to try with this receipt. You’ll find it better than any high priced powder. Beautiful, Useful and Artistic Hand Painted J. Garnet Armstrong, DRUGGIST Chinaware Call and inspect it and be convinced of its excellent features in quality, design and price. 8 8 <X><xxxx>o<xxxxxxxxx>o<xxxx>oo r WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, CUT GLASS, and SILVERWARE Such a large assortmen of the choicest has never been so clearly emphasized. We wish to tell you about the merits of our goods for they will stand a lot of praising, but we would very much pr. fer to have you come in and see them for yourself. A very large consign­ ment of Cut Glass and Silverware has just come in. It will be worth your while coming in to see our stock just at present. A pleasure to show goods. S pecial Attention given to Watch and Clock Repairs. W. J. MITCHELL, Jeweler Lucknow, Ont. J Langside and Ripley correspondence received too late for this issue. The Lucknow Mills are buying wheat, and will pay highest prices. Messrs J. McDiarmid, Wm.Hunter, Ahgus McKay, Alex. Purves, W. A. Wilson and G. A. Greer, ahd the Misses A. Murray and B McIntosh will be the judges at the Attwood Fall Fair on Oct. 1st and 2nd. For Sale or Rent.—6 Roomed Cottage on Havelcck St, near Woollen Mills. Good garden, one acre 1 nd in four lot®, good well, fruit trees. Will rent honse furnished or unfurnished. Also a pure bred Jersey Cow, giving milk how and comibg io in November. —Mr, Williamm Lees, Proprietor —Apply to P, A. Malcomson, on Sat- u day or Monday. Dr. Butler, London, will Cain House for Eye, Ear, Throat consul atioh on Oct 9th, and Nov. 13th, 9 p. m. Eyes examined for glasses. Orders posted same day to Tait & Brown, Optical Co., 237, Dnndas St. London, by whom glasses will be promptly sent to patients. Pain anywhere, pain in the head­ painful periods, Neuralgia, toothache, all pains cau be promptly stopped by a thoroughly safe li tie Pink Candy Tablet, known by druggists every­ where as Dr. Shoop’s H< adache Tab­ let®. Pain simply means conges’ion— undue blood pressure at the point where pain exi-its. Dr. Shoop’s Head­ ache Tablets quickly equalize this unnatural blood pressure, and pain immediately departs. Write Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis., and get a free trial package. Large box 25 cents—Drug­ gists. be at the Nose and Thursday, hours 3 to The Lucknow Evaporator is now ; taking in apples. Tne Sentihe! and the Turcn’o Daily ! World to Jah. 1st., 1908, ohly 50c. Apples warned at once at the Luck-! now Evaporator. Mr. W. S. Milly»rd of Niagara is ( visiting friends here. Mrs. A. Th mpson ai.d son, Frank, visi ed God rich friends Mrs- D. McGregor, of Wingham, spent a fe*' days with relatives this we* k. 50 Buys and gir’s are wanted at the Luck ow Evaporator. Mr. John McDiarmid was in Mitch­ ell laat week, wbe’e ne was a judge of horses at the fall fair. Born. —In McAuley, Man., on Fri­ day, Sept. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm Stewar’, (both fo> mi rly of Lucknow) a son. R'v. R. Millyard of, Goderich, ahd Rev W. A. Smith, of Dungannon, wt re renewing acquaintances here Monday. Mr. John Gentles, of Kincardine, made a business trip to the village Monday. He has many friends here wfio are always p’eased to welcome him when in th s vicinity. The remains of Mr. D. McKay, brother, oi Duhcan McKay (piper) Kinlai*, were brought here from Lake Lihden, Mich., and buried at Kintail cemetery on Thursday. supplied. Twenty-fi\e cents pays for the Sehtihel to any address in Canada for the balance of 1907. Send the home paper to the absent members of the family, they will appreciate it. A'l members of Lucknow Lodge No. 112, I.O.O. F. are I’equested to be present at the Lodge rooms on Friday evening for degree work. Messrs. D. M. and R. tl. Thompson attended the fum ral of their cou^MjJ the late Mr. and Mrs. Reid at Goder­ ich on Sunday af>ernoon. The names of prize winners at Lucknow Fair, Oct. 1st, will appear in nexb issue of tne Sentinel, which will be published on Friday, Oct. 4th. The Presbytery of Maitlahd met at Tceswater on Tuesday, 17th inst. Copy of minutes received too late for this issue. The Presbytery will meet at Wingham on Tuesday, Dec. 17. Mr. T. Webster has moved to his new implement emporium in the Joynt building where he is much better pre­ pared to attend to the requirements of his many patrons. Tne final competition among cur local bowlers is now in progress for a prize presented by Mr Angus McDon­ ald, of the Royal Hotel. A new gas 1 light has been installed at the gieen and bo* ling is the pastime of these beautiful evenings. Lost, St'ayed or Stolen.—About 3 weeks ago, a Black Collie Pup, 6 months old, without a tail, turned-up ' ears. Reward offered to person giving information leading to its recovery— A. Gollan. Dr. Ovens, Surgeon, eye, ear, m se and thioat, will be at Cain’s Hotel, Monday, Sept, 30. Hours 1 p. m. to 8.00 p.m. deafness, treated. Lamb premises con 13, E. D. of the township of A h- field, [about the 24th of Avgust1, a White Faced Lamb with slit in right ear. Any person proving and paying expenses can same.-—H. L. McKkith. Trial Catarrh taeatments mailed out free, on rexuest, by Dr. Shoop, R.scine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people—without a pen­ ny’s cost—the great value of this scien ific prescription known to drug­ gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop’s Cat­ arrh Remedy. S Id by all dealers. Deposit your savings with the Ban, of Hamilton. Sums of one dollar and upwards received. Interest allowed from date of deposit to date of with­ drawal and added to principal FOUR . times a year. All busihess strictly i confidential. List of Fall Fairs l Lucknow.............. Sept 30, Oct. 1 ■ | Teeswater..............................Cct 3—4 Dungannon............................Oct. 3—4 last week Good prices for apples this season, at the Lucknow Evaporator. Lucknow Village Council will meet I on Wedne-day evening, Oct. 2nd. For Sale—Lady’s Fur Coat, bust I 38—App!y at Sentinel office. i Messrs. A If O’Neil and Geo Lamont of Goderich were in town Sunday. Change of Date —AUer Oct. 1st, Mr. P. A. Malcolmson, barrister, will be at his office, Lucknow, every Fri­ day and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gray, Mr. and Mis. A. Fiaelick and Miss Lillian Taylor of Wingham visi’ed at the home of their cou-in, Mrs. George Douglas, sr. The Lord’s Supper will be dispersed in the South Kiidoss church on Sab­ bath, the 30th, inst. at 11 o’clock a.m. Pr paratory s rvicea begin on the pre­ vious Thursday at 11 o’clock a. m.— F. A. MacLennan, Pastor. Communion Services will be con­ ducted in Lucknow Presbyterian church on Sunday morning, Oct 6th, at the morning tetv'ce. Preparatory services will be conducted cn Fiiday evening and Saturday afternoon pie- cedicg communion. Messrs J. G. Anderson, J. G. Mur­ doch, Wm. Connell, R. D. Cameron, Rev. C. W. Sandeis and Mrs. W. J. Taylor were judges at the Ripley Fair held yesterday and today. Mr. D. R. McIntosh was judge of the be;t look­ ing farmer’s daughter on the grounds. Being from a town where pretty girls are so numerous Mac should find difficulty in awarding the prizn. no Auction Sales. Tu'sdny, Oct. 8th. Farm Stock. Implementsand Furnituie, at Lot 1, Ford,Con. 10, Ashfield.—Thomas prop.; J. Purvis, auc\ Position Vacant This territory is open for an agent, either lady or gentleman, to represent us and handle our perfecting fitting, tailor-made-to-order sHrts. A capable agent can mrke a large salary. Apply at once to Dominion Garment Com­ pany, Limited, Box 135, Guelph, Ont. O<KXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>CX> CK><X>O<XX><XXXXX>0O<XXXXXXX>0O THE MOLSONS BANK I (INCORPORATED 1855.) 1 BEAD OFFICE - - MONTREAL, QUE. | Paid-up Capital and Reserve Fund $7,000,000 2 One of the Oldest and. Str xagest Chartered Banks m Canada Interest is allowed on any amounts, from date oi de­ posit and added 4 times a year. Money may be deposited in the names oi two or more In the event of the death of one party, money can be withdrawn by survivor without cost. We solicit your banking business of every description. T. S. REID, Accountant| GEO. H. SMITH, Mgr- CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKXXXXXXJ ’ O O 0<XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX> Death of Mrs. Caswell The many friends of 'he deceased lady in this community will learn with regret of the death of Mrs. Caswell widow of the late Rev. Jam. s Caswell, who with her husbahd and family was for some time a resident in our town, Mrs. Caswell’s death was the result of a heavy fall, which brcughton a stroke of paralysis. After lingering for about a unnth she died at tne sesidence of her son-in-law, Mr. Victor Collins, in Toronto, ar.d on Tuesday interment Was in Pro-pect Cemetery, that city. 30. Glasses properly fitted, failing eyesight and catarrh Astray.—Strayed to the of the undersigned, lot 5, property have the a* e being Card of Thanks We have removed the door west of J. G. Murdoch & Co’s, Campbell street, where we will be better able to accommodate our customers in those more convehieht premises. We thank our many friends and customers for their kind patronage and kind pa’rob- ege for the past two years, ahd would ask a continuance of the same- We try to represent the leading houses in the market. The Variety Plow line is a leader in Double Fours ahd Walk­ ing and Riding Plows. Try the De­ fender Riding Plow, wide and narrow bottoms, it> is making itself a gieat name. Five different styles in Variety Double Walking Plows. Say, is the name not sufficient1? The Peter Hamil ton line of Single Walking Plows— they have been on the market for 44 years and still they are wanted. The mistress of the home will need a sew­ ing machine; please call ahd see the ‘ Light Running New Home.” If you waht a musical instrument we have hot got the cheapest but we have the Gold Medallist. The we’l ard favor­ ably known Sher elock & Mani ng Or gan®, Washing Machihes of different makes, Wringers, Separator Oil, Sew ing Machine Oil, Cylinder Oils, Cup Grease, Plow Repairs of every descrip­ tion. Call and see us in our new home. Let us reason together, we are here to dispose of goods in our line on the most libe.al terms having a living profit. THOMAS WEBSTER. Lucknow, Sept, 23rd, ’07. Lanes McIntosh-Drennan Nuptials — Loeal News Items of Interest Leo Clare attended the Walkerton Fair last week. Mr. W. P. Reid is spending a few days in Toronto this week. Hugh and Jim Johnstone and Jas. Johnstone jr. spent a day in Kir car- dire just for fun. Mr. aud Mrs Jos. Smeltzer and part of their family spent a few days at Belmore the guests of Mrs. Smelt­ zer’s parents. The 27th Annual Convention of the Sunday Schools of the Ashfield Cir­ cuit will be held Thursday, Oct. 17th, 1907, in Hackett’s church. Down at the Poplars, the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Drennan, on Wednesday of last week about fifty invited guests assembled to witness the mariiage of their daughter Eva M. to Mr. Franklin P. T. McIntosh of Lucknow. At 4 o’clock p. m , the appointed hour, to the straihs of the Wedding March beautifully rendered by Miss Bertha Sherwood, the bridal party entered the room and took their places under an arch, in the centre of which was a large bell of art­ ificial flowers. The bride looked charming, dressed in white with long veil. Miss May Drennan of Kintail acted bridesmaid, while Mr. W. Me lntosh of Toronto assisted the groom. Tne ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. Craw, assisted by Rev. Mr. McKerroll of Lucknow. After the ceremony and congratula'ions were over the guests repaired to the dining room where a sumptuous repast await­ ed them. The evening was spent ih games, music and singing, the Rev. R. C aw favoring the company with a number of Scotch selections whiih would make the hearer dream of the Land of the Thistle. The presents, very numerous, beautiful and useful, show the high esteem in which the young couple are held. The groom’s gift to the bride was a gold bracelet and a pearl cresceht brooch, tc» the bridesmiid a gold necklet and locket ; to the groomsman a pair cuff links; to the organist a gold locket. Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh will reside in Lucknow. Their many friends hnre wish them a long and happy life. A Pie Social The Ladies’ Aid Sjciety intend holding a Pie Social in the basement of the Methodist Church on Thursday evening, October 3rd. The program promises to be an excellent one, after which refreshments will be served. Chair taken at 8 o’clock sharp. Ad­ mission 15c, 25c. a couple. To check a cold quicklv, get from your druggist some^little Gandy Cold Tablets called Preventics. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Pre­ ventics, for they are not only safe but decidedly certain and prompt. Pre­ ventics contain no quinine, no laxative nothing harsh or sickening. Taken at the “sneezes stage” Preventics will preveht Pneumonia, Bonchiti®, La Grippe, etc. Hence the name, Pre­ ventics. Good for feverish children. 48 Prcvehtic’, 25 cehts. Trial boxes, 5 cents. Sold by all dealers. 0<><X>00<><>00<><><>0<X>< 0 ..r.T < We carry a full line of fresh, cured and cooked meats at all times. Orders delivered at any time of the day. Please give us a trial. 8 <> 00 COLLINS & CAMPBELL. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO . J»<XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJ ? British American | Business College g 5 TORONTO. 6 Q Oldest in Canada, most thorough and 99 practical courses; unequalled facilities 2 ? for good work. Reasonable rates; en- ' X X ter any time. FALL TERM from X o Sept. 3rd. Cataloge and Journal of Q Q Business Education free. v2 T. M. WATSON. PRINCIPAL 2 %B<XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX> o<xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Regarding Our China. Just received a large or­ der of Hand Painted China direct from Germany, which includes Cracker Jars,Celery Trays, Spoon Trays, Bread Trays, Cups & Saucers, Bread and Butter Plates, Cake Plates and many other articles of beautiful de­ sign. We invite you to call. 0<XXXKXJ<XXOO<XXXXXXXKXXXXXX Are Buying OUR FLOUR is GOOD Try a bag of FAMILY FLOUR, $2.60 Manitoba Flour $2.85. Ask your Grocer for it or come u» .he Mid. r Treleaven Bros 9 XXXKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH? tea