Lucknow Sentinel, 1907-09-18, Page 5t J STORE NEWS 2 o: tt THE ARTISAN SHOE FOR MEN? DRESS GOODS. Oar stock of Dress Goods for Fall and Winter is now complete. Daring the past two weeks we have opened out a large variety of lines which were carefully selected for their special val­ ues and up-to-date styles. The shades that happen to be fashion’s favorites are well represented in this store, as well as the fancy overchecks and plaids in vogup. Our range in all lines wall be found very elaborate embracing the latest creations of manufacturers, and the values are unsurpassed. Here are a few lines in stock : Broadcloths, in fine glossy soft Chiflor finish, most beautiful costume fabrics. Colors—Black, Brown, Navy and Green, at $1.25, $1.35, and $1.50 per yard. I Venetians are great favorites at present in fashion centres, and they are not only beautiful but vgry service­ able. Shades—Black, Brown, Navy, Green, and Wine. Prices, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50.. Panama Cloths are in great de­ mand by those requiring a medium weight dress goods that will give the greatest amount of satisfaction for a comparatively small sum of money. We have these cloths in Black, Gar­ net, Navy, Green and Browu. They are pure wool, 48 inches wide and are worth today 75 cents per yard but our special price is 50 cents. Fancy Tweeds are always in demand for Fall and Winter wear. Thej' have weight enough to make a comfortable costume, and the lines we have at 25c. and 50c. per yard make splendid school or wearing dresses for girls. While the beautiful quiet toned ombre checks in suit lengths at higher prices make up costumes of beauty that are admired by everyone. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>*><><><><>*>*><>*><> <>^<><><><><><><>0^Our window display Property for Sale North half lot 8, Church Survey, two and one half acres land on which is erected a good frame house and stable, never failing spring close t house. F.,r partLu ars apply to Jas Fisher, or Peter Corrigan, Lucknow .........—....... 4 ; Local Salesman WANTED FOR LUCKNOW and adjoining country to represent “Canada’s Greatest Nurseries.” A permanent situation for the right man, for whom the territory will be reserved. Pay weekly, free equipment. Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON, Fonthill Nurseries, (over 800 acres). TORONTO, - ONTARIO Clan Tartans will never go out of fashion. They are always pretty and particularly so for young people or slight figures. We have twelve styles to choose from a id the prices run 50c, 75c and 85c per yard. Cashmeres, Henriettas, and Satin Cloths are in favor this year and we are showing an especially good range of shades at 50 cents per yard. French Flannel Waist Goods. French Flannels always make com- foi table waists for cold weather. We have these id Black, Navy, Cream and Wine shades, with neat embroidered patterns, in waist lengths at 50 cents per yard. Plaid Silks. Plaid Silks are now fashionable for waists and they can be got in shades that harmonize beautifully with certain colors of Skirts, We have a good va­ riety of these beautiful plaids to choose from, and the prices 65c, 75c, and $1 per yard. I 4 < 4 4s <■ < < 4 4 4 4 4 4 <■- <• 4 < 4 Fall Coatings. We have a nice range of Tweed Coatings in quiet check patterns and plaid effects in 3| yard lengths, 56 in, wide at $1.25 and $1.50 per yard. These are very fashionable at present. 4 Ladies’ Belts. Leather Belts to match the costume are considered a necessity by those who follow the fashions. They are cer­ tainly very pretty and much in vogue at present. We have just opened out a nice variety of these in the popular shades at the special prices of 25c and 50c. APPLES WANTED AT ONCE, at the LUCKNOW EVAPORATOR a The Lucknow Evaporator is now ready to receive apples. All sizes taken as long as they are sound, but must be sorted, keeping the large ones separate from The small ones, and for which Highest Cash Prices will be paid, according to quality. Small apples must be brought in in bags. Large ones can be brought in either in either in bags or loose in wagon. Do not let any of your apples go to waste, as we will be able to pay good prices this season and it will pay you to bring in your apples to tne Luck i now Evaporator. New and modern buildings for storing apples have been erected and there will be no delay in unloading this season. Bring in your early varieties and wind fails at once. JOHN JOYNT, Prop. The Profitable Hog. Experience will determine each man's preference. If a hog is wanted that will attain to a great size, is quiet, in fact rather lazy and sluggish, that will fatten readily at any age and make good use of the feed given him, the Poland-China or the Chester White will fill the bill, writes J. Al Dobie in the National Stockman and Farmer. But the Poland-China is prone to small litters, and the Chester White is prone to skin diseases in winter unless well housed and clean bedded. I have raised hundreds by crossing the Ches­ ter female to the Poland-China male, and the combination is very hard to beat. Some strains of the Duroc-Jer­ seys approached nearer to perfection than any I have ever tried, and some approached too nearly to the old woods hog,. A cross between the Poland- China male and Duroc female is the best all round pork producer I have ever tried. a ■ ..... .................'■.............=s£> THE SHEPHERD AND HIS STOCK. ; ........■ =o To produce and maintain a flock with uniformly good constitutions, vig­ orous and thrifty, test the ability of a shepherd more than to produce one that is a fine weol producer or that carries a good mutton form, says a writer in American Sheep Breeder. Good constitution and a breed that is adapted to the environment are necessary conditions for a vigorous flock. There is a great difference, however, in the strength of constitu­ tion of different individuals of any breed. It is indicated by the form and appearance of the animal. A deep chest, front legs set wide apart, brisket coming well forward, well sprung ribs —marks showing plenty of room for heart, lungs and digestive organs—are evidences, though not infallible ones, of good constitution. Stronger evi­ dence of it or lack of it is to be seen in the motions and carriage of the animal, the poise of the head and ears, the expression of the eye and the ap­ parent spirit of the animal. These are not easy to describe intelligently, but are easily recognized by the expe­ rienced shepherd. Constitution is an inherited character­ istic, one that is born witli the animal. In English Kip, Canadian Kip and Split. These shoes are made of the very best leather and will give excellent wear and a dry foot. AN ENGLISH CHAMPION. [South Devon ram, first prize at royal show.] 9 Now is the time to purchase a pair of long X boots. Get them well seasoned and they will <> turn the wet. 9 < < ( < $ REPAIRING NEATLY & PROMPTLY DONE I J. E. AGNEW* - Lucknow. o OOOOOO<XXXXXX^CXX> WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Just as in other matters in breeding, not all the conditions affecting it are known, but it is as certainly trans­ mitted from parent to offspring as any other trait. So that it is important that the progeny of only such annuals as have good consitutions be retained in the flocks, and not all of them, for there is variation in this particular as in all others, and parents of strong constitutions sometimes have weak off­ spring. The evidences of good consti­ tution should be required in the indi­ viduals themselves as well as in the ancestry of those that are to be re­ tained as breeders. However good the constitution of a sheep may be, it cannot retain its vigor unless it be well fed. A hungry flock will not long be a healthy flock, nor will it retain its health and vigor if it be exposed to climatic conditions that are much more severe than those to which the breed has been accus­ tomed. The breed must be adapted to its environment if the flock is to be vigorous. Trobably the most common mistake is the attempt to keep high grade or pure bred sheep under the conditions of feed and shelter that are adapted only to low grades or scrubs. Having the right breed for the en­ vironment or else making the environ­ ment suit the chosen breed, having in­ dividuals of good constitution to start with and subjecting to a rigorous in­ spection all additions to the flock, there is yet one important point in maintain­ ing the vigor of the flock. That is culling. Some sheep have at times all the outward marks of a good constitu­ tion that do not really have it. Such may be allowed to enter the flock, and they will soon begin to show signs of their weakness. Every sheep will break down from old age and lose vigor and become unprofitable or suc­ cumb to disease at some time. The period of usefulness varies much with the breed and varies much with indi­ viduals of the same breed. Some be­ come unprofitable at three or four years-of age, others at ten or twelve or even older. The shepherd should have his flock under his constant observa­ tion, and whenever a sheep begins to show signs of weakness, evidence of disease or lack of thrift and vigor it should be removed from the flock. All kinds of Galvanized Iron Work, Eave- troughing, Roofing, Metalling Siding, etc., and our Building Materials in Hardware line, Con­ go and Flintkote Ready Roofing are the on the market. best our We Il you want a new Metallic Ceiling see designs and materials before purchasing, handle the Metallic Roofing Co’s goods and they are the best finished and best designs on the markets. ♦ rI Now is the time to have your furnaces looked over before cold weather sets in. We have a practical furnace man who understands all ali about them. h l IOS. LAWRENC E ♦ THE LE-AJDEtSTG * ♦ HARDWARE eeee,cec-a_jsttI 5 I *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*444444444444 I See 1 We are in a posiition to offer you good bar­ gains in Furniture. We are showin a nice line of 1 PARLOR FURNITURE, COUCHES, MORRIS CHAIRS & MORRIS ROCKERS, also ODD CHAIRS, QUAR­ TERED OAK ROCKING CHAIRS, REED GOODS, Etc. If you are in need of an extra bed remember we carry a complete stock of Iron Beds, Wood Beds, Springs, Mattresses. Come and see them. You will find our prices right. We guarantee Satisfaction. 4 I Q ♦ ♦♦ t Produce the Best. Once started in the right direction a farmer can produce a good grade of cattle almost as cheaply as he can grow scrubs. Good pure bred bulls of all the leading beef breeds can be pur­ chased at reasonable prices, and thera is not the slightest excuse for the keep­ ing of a scrub bull at the head of any herd. With first class cattle as much profit can be made with a smaller in­ vestment for land, cattle, feed and la­ bor than can be produced with a larger outlay in feeding inferior stock. In every department of agriculture it pays to produce the best, and this is especially true with respect to live stock. , ; ; We have a large stock of Picture Moulding and will frame your pictures promptly and neatly. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED Undertaking receives our prompt and careful attention, day or night. , . tt«««*«44**444»4‘H*M*44<» ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«