Lucknow Sentinel, 1907-09-18, Page 1VOL XXXIV—40 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 18 1907
Going South 6.10 a.m, 10.30 a.m., 2.03 p.m.
Going North 12,25 a.m, 2.35’p.m„ 9,40 p.m.
H. Ham, Agent
Money to loan on notes, single or
double, at from one month to twelve
months, and on first and second mort
gages on real estate and first mort
gages on live stock at reasonable rates.
I purchase and sell farm properties.
Coal for sale, orders promptly filled.
Fir e insurance in all its branches.
Office in the Thomas Reid’s block.
Give me a call.
* We have an immense 2
| stock of x
| Austrian China |
8 Dinnerwear I
which must be reduc
ed quickly to make
room for large ship
ments now on the way
The pattern is a dainty
combination of pink
and yellow roses, with
green sprays and stip
pled handles and edges
r l HILL I
Such a large assortmen of the
choicest has never been so clearly
emphasized. We wish to tell you
about the merits of our goods for
they will stand a lot of praising,
bnt we would very much pn fer to
have you come in and see them- for
yourself. A very large consign
ment of Cut Glass and Silverware
has just come in. It will be worth
your while coming in to see our
stock just at present. A pleasure
to show goods.
S pecial Attention given to Watch
and Clock Repairs.
W. J. MITCHELL, Jeweler
Lucknow, Ont.___________ ____)
J A. MACKENZIE, sells Earm, Fire
• Accident and Fidelity Insurance The
leading Canadian ccmpanies, including The
London Mutual Also Real Estate of every
description bought, sold or exchanged Money
loaned on real estate at lowest rates—J. A.
Mackenzie, Box 34, Kincardine.
Hundreds of Students of the Popular
and Successful
Elliott Business College
Toronto - - Ont
I have secured positions this year. Demand is
I far greater than the supply. Educate for
i business positions and you will get them, but
! the education must be first class. Students
admitted at any time. Write for catalogue
J. W. ELLIOTT, Principal
Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets.
Kitchen Helps 1
-----For $
Pickling. $
Corks—All Sizes.
Spices, Whole & Ground, v
Bottling Wax—The Best, X
—At— 2
Mr. Alex. McLeod made a business
trip to London and Hensail last week.
Mr. Robt. Irwih and daughter, of
Ripley, visited relatives in Lucknow
and Ashfield Fiiday.
Mr. end Mrs. John Joynt returhed
from their visit in the West Thursday
and report an enjoyable trip.
Dr. D. A. McCrimmon {of R;pley
was in town Thursday. He is a’ways
a welcome visitor heie.
Lost, Strayed or Stolen.—About
3 weeks ago, a Black Collie Pup, 6
months old, without a tail, turned-up
ears.—A. Gollan.
Deposit your savings with the Ban,
of Hamilton. Sums of one dollar and
upwards received. Interest allowed
from date of deposit to date of with
drawal and added to principal four
times a year. All business strictly
Stomach troubles, heart and kidney
ailments cah be quickly corrected with
a prescriptions known to druggists
everywhere as Dr Shoop’s Restorative.
The prompt and surprising relief
which this remedy immediately brings
is entirely due to its restorative action
upon the eohtrolling nerves of the
stomach, etc. A weak stomach causing
dyspepsia, a wiak heart with palpita
tion or intermittent pulse, always
means weak stomach nerves or weak
hea t nerves. Strengthen these inside
or controlling ner/es with Dr. Shoop’s
Restorative and seo how quickly these
ailments disappear. Dr. Shoop, of
Racine, Wi«., will mail samples free.
Write for them. A test will tell.
Your health is certainly wo;th this
simple trial. Sold by all dealers.
Thanksgiving Day, Oct. 31st.
Jersey Cow for Sale—Apply to Tre-
leaven Bros.
The Lucknow Evaporator is now
taking in apples.
For Sale—A Brocd Sow, in pig.—
Apply at Sentinel office.
Mr. Con Decker, of St. Helens, has
taken a position with the Taylor—An
derson Co.
App'es wanted at once at the Luck
now Evaporator.
Rev. Mr. Owen of Haysville, and
Rev. C. W. Sanders, lector of St. Pe
ter’s church, exchanged pulpits Sun
Mr. Angus McKenz:e has disposed
of his residence tear town hall to
Messrs. Taylor and Hildred.
Found—Baby’s Cap—Apply at
Sentinel office.
50 Boys and gir’s are wanted at
the Lucknow Evaporator.
Miss Wrigley, of Ayr, is the guest
of Mrs. R. D. Cam ron.
Toe bowling gieen is bting i.'lumin-
ated by a 2,000 candle power gasoline
Mr. W. F. Bur'on, of the Bank of
Hamilton staff1, is holidaying at New
York and other points of interest.
Mr. Wm. Allin has purchased the
Corrigan block on Campbell Street.
The sale was made through Mr. Peter
Corrigan, Real Estate Agent.
Mrs. M. Watte, who has been visit
ing her bro‘.her-in-law Mr. P. Corrigan
and her niece Mrs. N. Taylor, return
ed on Saturday to her home in Chi
Lucknow B seball team jourheyed
to Formosa Thursday and defeated
their team in a score of 4—2. This is
very creditable, as the Tormosa team
has won all games, hut two, played
this season.
Dr. Brown, Eye, Ear, Nose and
Throat Specialist, will be at Cain
House, Lucknow, Sept. 18th. Hours
1 to 6 p.m. Ej es tested and glasses
Twenty-fise cents pays for the
Sentinel to any address in Canada
for the balance of 1907. Send the
home paper to the absent membeis of
the family, they will appreciate it.
Dr. Ovens, Surgeon, eye, ear, nose
and throat, will be at Cain’s Hotel,
Monday, Sept, 30. Hours 1 p. m.
to 8.00 p.m. Glasses properly fitted,
deafness, failing eyesight and catarrh
Mr. and Mrs. R. Paxton & Sob, of
Otterville, were guests of friends at
Lucknow and Kinlough last week.
Mr. Paxton is a former resident of
town and has for many years been
among the most prominent business
men of Otterville.
Trial Catarrh taeatments aie being
mailed out free, on rexuest, by Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are
proving to the people—without a pen
ny’s cost—the great value of this
sciendfic prescription known to drug
gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop’s Cat
arrh Remedy. S Jd by all dealers.
For Sale or Rent.—6 Roomed
Cottage on Havelcck St, near Woollen
Mills. Gojd garden, one acre l>nd in
four lot0, good well, fruit trees. Will
rent house furnished or unfurnished.
Also a pure btfd Jersey Cow, giving
milk how and coming ia in November.
— Mr. Williamm Lees, Proprietor
—Apply to P, A. Malcomson, on Sat-
u day or Monday.
Dr. But’er, London, will be at the
Cain House for Eye, Ear, Nose and
Throat consul atioh on Thursday.
Oct 9th, and Nov. 13th, hours 3 to
9 p. m. Eyes examined for glasses.
Orders posted same day to Tait &
Brown, Optical Co., 237, Dnndas St.
London, by whom glasses will be
promptly sent to patients.
To check a cold quicklv, get from
your druggist some,little Candy Cold
Tabh ts called Preventics. Druggists
everywhere are now dispensing Pre
ventics, for they are not only safe but
decidedly certain and prompt. Pre
ventics contain no quinine, no laxative
nothing harsh or sickening. Taken
at the “sneezes stage” Preventics will
prevent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La
Grippe, etc. Hence the name, Pre
ventics. Good f r feverish children.
48 Prcvehtic», 25 cehts. Trial boxes,
5 cents. Sold by all dealers.
Good prices for apples this season,
at the Lucknow Evaporator.
Mr. ahd Mrs. Dr. Armstr n4, of
Gorrie, spent the week end the guests
of their son, Mr. J. G. Armstrong.
Mr. Cater left Monday fsr Vancou
ver, B. C., after a month’s visit to his
urcle, G. W. C*ter.
Messrs. Murdie & Sutherland are
installing a new gasoline lighting sys
tem in the Methodist church.
Messrs. W. B. McClure of North
Portal, Sa-k., abd D. A. McClure of
Iroquois, are visiting their parents.
Mr. J<>s. Abel was in town to-day
distributing circulars advertising the
Kin-atdine Fall Fair beiDg held to
day and to morrow. A special train
will leave Kiicardihe for Lucknow
after the concert tomorrow evening.
The marriage takes place today of
one of Lucknow’s mosb popular young
men, Mr. Frank Mclnto-h, to Miss
Eva M. Drennan, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Drennan, at Kiutail.
The Sentinel joins their many friends
here in welcomi g them as residents
of town.
Mr. T. G. Alien, of Dungannon,
mide a business trip to town Tussday
in tne interests of his timber limits in
Northern Ontario. Mr. Allen had his
evaporator put ia operation this v eek.
T. G. says that if the C. P. R, comes
to Luckrow he will have it put
through to Dungannon eveh if he has
to do the work himself.
What might have proved a disas
trous fire was prevented by the prompt
action of the local fire brigade on
Thursday morning last, when the
home of Mr. Johh Bennett was dis
covered to be on fire. The fire origin
ated in a clo hr s closet up-stairs and
had gained considerable h adway be
fore being discovered. As a result of
the fi e Mr. Bennett had his hand
severely burned but the damage to
the bui'dir g w&s mestiy caused by
smoke and water.
Pain anywhere, pain in the head,
paii ful periods, Neuralgia, toothache,
all pains can be promptly stopped by a
thoroughly safe li tie Pink Candy
Tablet, known by druggists every
where as Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tab
let0. Pain simply means congestion—
undue blood pressure at the point
where pain exists. Dr. Shoop’s Head
ache Tablets quickly equalize this
unnatural blood pressure, and pain
immediately departs. Write Dr Shoop,
Racine, Wis., and get a free trial
package. Lvrge box 25 cents—Drug
Fall Assizes.
The Fall Assizes commenced on
Mot day with Judge Mulock presid
io g. Mr. E. Meredith of London wi 1
be the crown coun-el. The cases en-
teted fur trial up to the present time
are :—
Traders Bank vs Ruttie. A hote
which the defend »nt declines to pay,
claiming it is fraudulent.
Lee 3 vs Lees. A claim under a will.
Dealy vs Aldeison. An action to
set aside a deed.
Caswell vs Caswell. Alimony.
R x vs Agnes Thomas. Man
Rex vs Swi'zer. Bigamy.*
Rex vs Andrew Hastings and four
Lancasters. Unlawful assembly.
A clear complexion is the outward
evidence of inward cheerfulness. In
bad health the face becomes a sign
board, telling of disease within. If
yellow, bile is not properly secreted ;
if pallid, the kidneys are faulty; if
shin is murky and dark circlesjbeneath
the eyes, look for constipation. What
ever the cause, no remedy compares
with Dr. Hamilton’s Pdls, which are
mild, safe, purifying and vitalizing in
their action. They give & marvelous
rosy tint to the cheeks, brighten the
eyes and establish health that defies
age and disease. Sold evejywhere in
25c boxes.
List of Fall Fairs
Lucknow.....................Sept 30. Oct. 1
Ripley..............................Sept 24—25
Kincardine......................Sept 18 19
Wingbam.......................Sept 26 27
Teeswater.............................Cct 3—4
Dungannon.......................Oct. 3—4
X Paid-up Capital and Reserve Fund $7,000,000 |
2 0ns of the Oldest and Strongest Chartered Banks in Canada g
I Interest is allowed on any amounts, from date oi de- |
posit and added 4 times a year. Money may |
be deposited in the names ot two or more |
In the event of the death of one x
party, money can be withdrawn |
by survivor without cost. ?
We solicit your banking business of every description, g
GEO. H. SMITH, Mgr- — T. S. REID, Accountant |
000000000000000000000000001 400000000000000-00000000000 X
Miss McKenzie, who has been visit
ing her brother, Dr. McLennan, has
gone to Detroit to visit.—Tne Misses
Perry, of Kincardine, visited Miss
Maud Harris.—Miss Ethel Knight
has returned from a visit with her
brother, Dr. A. W. Knight, of Cadil
lac, Mich.—Mr. J. S. Robertson is in
Southampton this week.—Miss Ruby
Kennedy, who has been visiting
friends here, has gone to Detroit on
her way home to Medicine Hat—Miss
Maud Harris spent Sunday in Kin
cardine.—Misses L. McBrien and L.
Foul ton are visiting Miss Annie Mar
tyn in Kincardine this week.—Mrs,
T. A. Jackson and daughter have re
turned from a visit in London. —Mr.
A. Munn, who has been under the
weather, is moving around again.—
Mr. R. S. Huston has moved into his
new livery stables.—The Kincardine
bowlers sent down two rinks on Friday
last and defeated the Ripley bowlers
in three games out of four.—The
Epworth League was again resumed
for the fall and winter months, in the
Methodist church.—Next Wednesday,
Fair Day, will be a great day in Rip
ley and everyone should remember
that there is all kinds of accommoda
tion for everyone and everything.—
W. H. Bell and son Frank are goiDg
out West this week.—Mrs. Wilkes
and Mrs, Bell, who have been visiting
their father, Mr. Thos. Long went to
Rochester, N. Y, for a visit.
Sudden Death at Fielding
Mrs. Thos. A. Miller died suddenly
Sept. 6th, of heart failure, while she
and her husband were at the Graders
Camp of W. H. Parker, 15 miles from
their nome in Fielding, Man. Medi
cal aid was procured but to no avail.
The remains were taken to Morden,
Man., for burial. Much sympathy is
shown for the husband and relatives.
Mts. Miller was a daughter of Mr. E.
H. Clubline of Morden, and was mar
ried to T. A. Miller in February last.
They had intended spending tne com
ing winter at the home of Mr. Jacob
Miller of this place.
Field Crop Awards.
Turohto, Sept. 16.—The following
are the prize winners in the recent
field crop competPon among ten se
lected agricultural societies in Ontario.
The societies selected were those who
first made application to Mr. J. Loc-
kie Wilson, superintendent of agricul
tural societies in Ontario, under the
supervision of whose branch of the de
partment of agriculture the competi
tion was conducted : Lucknow Agri
cultural Society—1st, John McDiar-
mid, Lucknow ; 2nd, Albert Alton,
Belfast; equal thirls, A. Thompson,
Clover Valley, ahd John McLeod,
The Tomb.
Bowles.—In Ashfield, on Tuesday, 17th, Charles Bowles, aged 70
years, 7 months and 14 days. Inter
meht Greebhill Cemetery on 19th inst
Brady—In Lucknow, on Sept. 17,
Bridget Finn, (relict of the late Ed
ward Brady) aged 79 yrs. Interment
at Kingsbridge cemetery Friday, 20th
inst., leaving Lucknow at §.30 a m.
We carry a full line of
fresh, cured and cooked
meats at all times.
Orders delivered at any
time of the day.
Please give us a trial.
British American
Business College
9 Oldest in Canada, most thorough and ¥
2 practical courses; unequalled facilities 2 X for good work. Reasonable rates; en- X X ter any time. FALL TERM from X Q Sept; 3rd. Cataloge and Journal of Q Q Business Education free. y| YTM. WATSON, PRINCIPAL 2
Our China.
Just received a large or
der of
Hand Painted China
direct from Germany,
which includes Cracker
J ars,Celery T rays, Spoon
Trays, Bread Trays,
Cups & Saucers, Bread
and Butter Plates, Cake
Plates and many other
articles of beautiful de
We invite you to call.
|Luckmw Roller Mills |
? Are Buying ?
I Wheat and Feed Grain. I
2 Try a bag of g
9 Manitoba Flour $2.75. g
9 Ask your Grocer for it g
9 or come to ihe Mill.
I Treleaven Bros. |