HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1905-09-28, Page 8McIntosh 12 Years Experience. / e c THE MANSION HOUSE WATCH 0 THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK. •ee e I ALL ARE INVITED ee D. R MclNTOSHi : LUCKNOW. : • •• o•••••••••••••••••••••••••» FANCY g | We are now showing g one of the largest and 2 most up -to-date stocks of | these goods ever shown 2 in Lucknow. I % A A. A 71 x5 " " “ ▼ S We are also the head- si quarteas for all kinds of Fancy China , Cut Glass Fancy Glassware | Stationery I School Supplies, Etc. j ••••• ‘ Call and examine our ? stock. T L TRELEAVEN I | PHOTOGRAPHER | The Wingham Business College To begin a course in b< ok- keeping, Stenography, Tel- graphy at the WinghAm Business College. Stud­ ents are admitted any time and receive indivi­ dual instruction in all sub­ jects necessary to fit them to perform the work of the business office in a satisfac­ tory manner. Begin this week if convenient. A postal will bring you full information. For further information and terns write ' Geo. Spotto, 1 | ‘ President. N. Reginald Fletcher, Principal. <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx><xx><xxxxx> Grain Deliveries As deliveries are exceedingly light here compared with surrounding points. I wish to remind farmers that I am open and ready to receive grain and paying full market price. D. Sheriff, Grain Dealer. Lucknow Markets The following is the market prices or grain on Thursday m orning. Wheat......................... 68 to 70 Peas............................ 60 to 60 Oats............................. 27 to 28 Barley........................ 35 to 40 Eggs, per doz............... 16 to 17 Butter, fresh, per lb.. 17 to 18 Pork, per 100 lbs.... 460 to 460 Pork per cwt dressed . 6 50 6 50 Potatoes, per bushel.. 30 to 30 Apples, per bag........25 to 50 Winsham Fair Wingham Fall Fair will be held on Thursday and Friday, September 27th and 28th. On Friday afternoon there will be speeding in the ring. 2 19 pace or 2.16 trot, purse 8200; 2.30 pace or 2.25 trot, purse $150; 3 Minu­ te trot, purse $100. Double hitching race, $5, $3 and $2. Wingham Citi­ zens Band in attendance, and High­ land piping and dancing by D. Mc­ Donald and Mabel McDonald. Ad­ mission to grounds 25c.; Children lOf Vehicles 25c. J. J. Moffatt, H. B. Elliott, Sec-Treas. Pres., BULL FOR SALE. Afirst-class two year old Durham bull, at a reasonable price. Apply on the premises Lot 21, Concession 14, West Wawanosh, James Forster, Lucknow, Ont. Settle Up All accounts due Mr. Bert Snell- grove, blacksmith must be paid at once as he is leaving town. If these ac­ counts are not settled at once they will be placed in other hands for cel-will be placed in other hands for lection. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Ann Kempton, late of the Township of Ashfield in the County of Huron, de­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario” 1897, Chapter 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Ann Kempton, who died on or about the Tenth day of July, A.D., 1905, are re­ quired on or before the 30th day of October, A. D., 1905, to send by post or deliver to W. C. Loscombe, Solici­ tor for the Executor of the Estate of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their account aud the nature of the securities, if any held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executors will pro* ceed to distribute the asssets of the deceased among ^the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which Usey shall then have notice aud that the said executors will not be liablo for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by the m at the time of such distribution. Dated at Kincardine this 15th day of September, 1905. W. Loscombe, (Solicitor for the Executors Samuel Brown and James Wilkie. The SENTINEL for(JOB PRINTING. AUCTION SALES. John Purvis, Auctioneer. Wm. Mutch, Auburn, Farm Stock and Implement, Thursday, Sept. 28th Mrs. MHvor, Teeswater, Saturday, Sept. 30th, furniture. Mrs. Hugh Giryin, Will, Tuesday, October 3rd, farm stock. Edwin Purves, Kialoss, Friday, Oct. 6th, pure bred sheep and stock cattle. R. D. Bruce, Lonsborougb, Satur­ day, Oct. 7th, hotel property, Lons- borough, 150 acre farm 1} miles from Lonsborongh, stock cattle and imple­ ments. News Agency Now is the time to leave your or­ der or renew your subscription for a daily or weekly newspaper, periodicals, fashion books, etc. You cannot do better than give him a call. He is also Issuer of Marriage licences. Harry Days, Lucknow, Ont. Sale of Pure Bred Sheep Mr. Edwin Purvis, of the first concession of Kinloss, intends to have an auction sale of his well bred sheep and about 20 head of two year old steers, and three good heifers in calf. The sale will be held on Friday, Oct. 6th, at 1 o’clock sharp. J ohn Purvis, Auctioneer. STRAY LAMB under- on or Owner Game to the premises of the signed, Lot 1, Gon. 2, Kinloss, about the middle of June, can have same by proving property, paying expenses and removing. John McDougall, Lucknow, Ont VOTERS LIST 1905 For the Municipality of the Township of Kinloss, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the par­ ties mentioned in sections 5 and 7 of the Ontario Voters List Act, 1889 all copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll‘of the said Municipal­ ity at elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Munici­ pal Elections , and that said list was Orst posted up in my office this 14th day of September 1905, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate pro­ ceedings to have the said errors cor­ rected are according to law. G. G. Moffat, Clerk. Dated 14th day of September, VOTERS LIST 1904 For the Municipality of the Township of West Wawanosh, County of Huron 4< i *t ATTENTION?! 4< t **♦ *4* 4»♦ * * * * * 4* * * * * 4- £ 4» 4* 4< 4» 4< * 4< * + 5 4* * * 4* i 4* * * 4- 4* 4- £ ♦ * 4* # VAVAWAVAWATWAVA On October 4th and 5th we will show a full range of ladies ready-to-wear hats, also everything suitable for children and infants wea-. Everything in novel>ies for making up a stylish winter hat. Flowers, foliage, chemille trimming, wings and birds. Owing to the rush of orders we could not pre pare for a regular opening but trimmed millin' ry will be shown later on. We are showing some special values in plain and Crispinei at 55c a yard Plain broad-cloths at $1.00. A special black and white tick at 55c in all wool. 4- 4- i 4- 4- i 4- 4-♦ * * * 4- * s! I The newest in ladies fall c-iats and rain cuats. It will be to your ad­ vantage to see what, we are t-homing. w £ INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE UE LPH D. C. TAYLOR SSI THE HOME PENINSULAR Is absolutely new in de- sign’unequalled in the beauty of its lines and the artistic effect of its ornamentation, and unexcelled in operation. There are more Home Penin­ sular Ranges in this district than of any other make every one of which demonstrate the unparelled excellence of a perfect mechanical achevment Soe the range inquire of its merits and be convinced that for $35.00 there is no more superb value. I**! M taj LUCKN OW| Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted tr delivered to the parties mentioned in Sections 5 and 6 of the Ontario Voters List Act, 1889, all copies required by said Section to be transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said Municipal­ ity at elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and all Munici­ pal elections, and that said list was first posted up in my office on the 14th day of September 1905, and remains there for inspection. Electors are cal­ led upon to examine the said list and if any ommissions or any other error are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have said errors correc­ ted according to law. W. S.McCrostie, Clerk. Dated 14th day of September. DR. BROWN. L. K. O.P., London, England. Graduate of London. New York Chicago. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose Throat. --------—WILL BE AT----------- CAIN HOUSE. LUCKNOW THIRD Wednesday of each month Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. SAW-MILL FOR SALE and and FARM FOR SALE. That very desirable property known as the “Hudson Farm,” situated on Con. 3, Kinloss, 1| miles west of the Gravel Road, 3f miles from Lucknow. The land is A 1 and has been under grass for several |years. It is well fenced and drained and has an Arte­ sian well and windmil!, with water works system to tho house, brrn, and extending to the back part of the farm. There is a splendid orchard and several acres of hardwood bush. It has a first class dwelling house and one of the finest barns in the county of Bruce, with separate sheep pens and hen houses. There are few nicer homes in the township than this one. See ib at once. For Particulars apply on the properly, Lot. 5, Con. 3, Kinloss, or o Mr. P. H. McKenzie, M. P., Luck­ now. The undersigned has for sale the saw-mill situated on the 12th conces­ sion of Ashfield, on the Goderich road, one mile and a half south of Luck­ now. The mill and machinery are in first class condition, one twenty five horse power engine and ^thirty horse power steel boiler. The above mill will be sold cheap on easy terms as the proprietor is going to retire from the business. A complete shingle mill in connection will also be sold. For terms and particulars, apply to E. Bowers, Belfast P. Marriage License. NOTICE. all kinds of lumber, plank,For bridge timber, posts, lath, shingles,etc Apply to Chas. Thoms, Wingham o. W, Connell, Issuer of Marriage License gent for Allan Line and Dominion Lines of Steamships . Life and Accident Assurance. Csmpbell St. Lucknow. WM, CONNE' L STORE FOR SALE. T •• la ge frame store on Crmpbe'l Street, ‘-ext to B. cheap for cash, bargain. Apply Lucknow. McClure's fo sUe Thi< is a decided t» Mi*s Murray, Geo. A. Slater Shoes The new home of the Invictus Shoe in Lucknow. We have just received a shipment of these famous shoes direct from the Manfacturer, Mr. GEORGE A. SLATER, of Montreal. Call and see this celebrated shoe beiore putting your money into something that will not stand the wear of the Invictus shoe. Also ask to see the faultless fitt­ ing Dorothy Dodd shoe for women. Sold exclusively by 0<XXXXKX><XXXXXX>0<XXXXX><X><>C<>00-0-0-0-0-(>0-CH><><XXXK>0<XXXX><XX> Repairing done in an up-to-date manner <KKKXKXXKH><XKX>0<XX><XX>0<XX><><X><><X><>-0<>-0-0-0-0-C><><XX>0-0-0-0<X><X>0 V/. J. LITTLE,LUCKNOW (• (• (• A Coiled Spring Wire Fence With stiff stay wires, makes a perfect fence Notene'pound.cf soft wire enters into the construction of THE FROST. The^uprights are immovably locked to the rmmfagwirerwith THE FROST WEDGE-LOCK, making an absolutriyStodopmofTence. TheLoda-bind without kinking or crimping either tho stays^falend Win^ TOkaot slipband new method of w iif to the appearsn» It I* the heAvtext amft ftuilMt W. J. SPINDLER, Lucknow, f