HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1905-09-28, Page 5MURDOCH & CO. October 4 & 5 Lucknow Fair | TAX SALE OF LANDS,t J. G. Mardocli & Co's, will have their fall exhibition from now until then. The store is full of new goods ready for vuur inspection. We extend to all a cordial invitation to visit us during this week and next week,Now is the time to see the new goods at their best, a few weeks later the stock will not be so com­ plete. FURS! The furs are all opened up this week and we are certainly proud of them, es­ pecially the neck furs for women. The range includes German mink, Oppossum badger, Ohio sable, Alaska sable, mink, Natural Oppossium, Grey Lamb. Sable neck ruffs and slotes at $10, $12.50, $18, $20, $22, $25, $30, $35. Genuine mink ruff at $35. Ohio sable scirfs at $5, 7.50, 10.00, 12.50, 18,00. German mink scarfs at $6.50, 7.50, 8.50, 10.00. Black, grey and blue oppessam scarfs at $3,50, 5.00, 6.50, 8.50. Grey oppossum, grey lamb, squirrel and musk r t neck furs for girls at $6.50 to $12.50 each. Ladies Skirts, Etc Ladies fine quality Venetian cloth skirts, very daintly made and finished in colors of navy, green, brown and red at $5 each, black Venetians at $5, 7.00 and 8.50 each. Womens tweed skirts, light shades special value at $5. Special or­ ders for skirts—We can take your order for any of these skirts and have any of these styles made to fit you in 4 to 5 days. Waists, Tartans. Plaids. Stockings Ladies Moirie underskirts in green, navy and brown, special value at $2. Ladies black silk underskirts made of extra quality silk taffetta. Regular $5 and $6.50 values for $5 Colored lustre shirt waists, also black at $2, colored and black cashmer waists at $2.50. All the rage just now. Very pretty plaids in dark and bright colorings at 25c and 50c, genuine Scotch clan tartan at 90c. We make it a rule to have a good stocking to sell at this price but this one is a beauty. You will see them ticketed at the dress goods counter. 20 dozen two and one ribbed all wool cashmere hose to sell at 25c, Drills. Belts. Collars, Suits for Men & Boys 5 pieces 33 inch heavy drills in good patterns, black and white also. Navy and white tor boys and childrens dresses, at 12|c a yard. A lot of dainty neckwear and belts have just been received. See our special values in these lines to sell at 25 and 50c. Collar tops, a large range of patterns at 10 and 15c each. Boys brown corduroy knee pants, all sizes for the boys to sell at 50c. Call early for the size. There is a growing demand for good ready-to-wear clothing. Something that fits well and wears well. We have just received a nice lot of these suits to sell at $15, $17 and $20. Stores Close at 6 p. m. Excepting Saturday Evening LUCKNOW.ONTARIO LADIES READ THIS We send one pair of excellent late curtain 2 J yards lang, 2 feet 5 inches wide, for secur ng only two subscriptions for McCall’s Mag az ini at 50 cents each. This is a most remarkable offer, but is only oneof 375 offers n our Premium Catalogue, N, that we send Free on Request ; Curtains (11 styles) Rugs Silverware and Tableware of every descrip tion, Jewelery (Solid Silver Watches, Rings Bracelets, Guard Chains), Albums, Furnitu Biiroa Scarfs, Centerpieces, Linen Napkin Wrist Bags, everything you need. Do o lay this paper aside without writing for copy of McCall’s Magazine—and Catalogu of Premiums N. No charge for either, W vraNt you to see our beautiful Magazine—th very best Home and Fashion Magazine—and • know about our premiums. Will you nol kindly write us at once ? A eostal card will do. THE MoCALLJCOMPAnY, 113-115-117 West 31st str e et infants too young to take medicine may be cured of croup, whooping cough and colds by using Vapo-Cresolene—they breathe it. WANTED A man to represent ’‘Canada Greatest Nurseries” in the town o LUCKNOW and surrounding country, and ak orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES In Fruit Trees, small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. Stone & Wellington, Toronto, — Ont. The SENTINEL for JOB PRINTING, Notice is hereby given, as directed by “The Assessment Act 1904, See. 143, s. s. 1 that a sale of lands for Arrears of Taxes will be held at the hour of ten o’clock a. m., at the Coun­ cil Chamber, County Buildings, in the Town of Walkerton, on Friday, Sep­ tember 29th, 1905. Among the lands to be then and there offered for sale, unless taxes and charges are sooner paid, are the following in the Town ship of Kiuloss. Lot 104 in Plan of Village of Kinlough in Subdivision of Lot 11, Concession 12, Patented 71-5 acres. Arrears $3.59. Costs $1.70 Total $5.29. A complete lists of lands to be soli for taxes is published in the issue of the “Ontario Gazette” of June 24th to July 15th inclusive, and tho “Wiarton Canadian” of concur ren date witn this. Norman Robertson, Treasurer Co. Bruce* Walkerton, August 31st, 1905. Just M * FARM FOR SALE. Being the east half of lot 6 and the south of lot 5 in the 11th Concession of the Eastern Division of Ashfleld, containing 200 acres. The farm is well fenced and has good buildings and plenty of water. There is a good orchard of three acres, containing all kinds of fruit. It is five miles from Lucknow on good roads. For further particulars apply on the farm, to Wm. Spears, Lucknow. I SELL FIR LIFE, ACCIDENT and SICK. NESS POLICIES ")cean. Lake, Rail and Accident Insurance ~ IJmy and sell Endownment Policies Tickets.r ■... z_:____ r : Reni Estate and business stocks. Accounts audited and collected, J. MURCHISON. Lucknow. LEG A DR. A. M. SPENCE, M.D.C.M., F.T.M.C., M.C.P. and S.O. Office and residence next door to Siddal’a Bank. Dickinson <fc Garrow Barristers,Solioi- tors, etc., Goderich Ont. E. L. Dickinson, Chas, Garrow, L.L.B PA. Malcomson, Barrister, Solicitob, • Conveyancer, etc., (late of Cameron Holt cfc Cameron, G-oderich.) Office upstairs jn AUin Block, Lucknow. H Morrison Barrister, Solicitor, • Commissioner, Notary, Etc. Money to loan, Office over Watson’s Barber Shop, WESTERN ONTARIO. LARGEST ANO BEST MEDICAL DMcD. Gordon, M D, C M, F T M S, • M C P S O, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucher. Upstairs in AUin Block, Resi­ dence Ross street, behind J. G. Murdoch &, Co’s, store. SOCIETIES Old Light Lodgb, A.F. A, M,,G.R.C., meets every Thursday night on or before the full moon, in the Masonic Hall, Havelock street Lucknow, Rec eived. W.SV.V.WAWAW I have just put into my stock a tew lines of Peel’s celebrated seamless side laced shoes. They fit perfectly and are made from t the best stock procurabe and L D.Lawrence, W.M. A.B. McLeod.Sec Lucknow Lodge No,. 112, meets •very Friday evening at 8 o’clock in their hall, Campbell street. All brethren cordially nvitad. Wm. Johnstone, .8, Reid, Noble Grand. Recorder WCENTRALZ5 STRATFORD, ONT. This schuol enjoys the reputation of doing tho best work in business ed- ucation in the Dominion, The largo schools in Canada and the United States employ our graduates as teach- ers. We give the same instruction to all and that the best. Students may enter at any time. Write for free catalogue- ELLIOTT de McLAHLAN Principals > | t ; are equal to many home made | ’■ shoes. It will pay you to drop in | ■ and exl ! Men’s French kip seamless sidelaced shoe for X 3.50 per pair. Men’s grain, wholestock, seamless sidelaced shoe for 2.50 per pair. X ” Men’s Chrome satin grain seamless sidelaced shoe j fOT 2.75 per pair. Men’s English kip Blucher No. 1 stock fo 2.75 per pair. R. W. MATHESON REPAINC NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE . r> V\MWVAWA\WAWA^WSWAWAVA\VIW.‘AVf Advance in Wheat..j Bennett the painter has the latest^ :■ and. most up-to-date colors for honse‘: ■: paintin of all kind.s. Special attention paid, to PAPER HANGING AND DECORATING i ♦ I : IT WILL PAY YOU TO GET BENNETT TO 00 % : - i^C^YOUR WOBK.-^Sg^to^ j: i zbzetstiisehitt f THE PAINTER & PAPER-HANGER^ LUCKNOW. :■ Lucknow Coun­ cil, Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, meets first and third Tuesday eyenings of each month, in the Odd­ fellow’s Hall,Camp­ bell street, Luck­ now. Visitors are cordially invited. WWWWVWWVWWUVWWW% v« V.VAV.WA'AWAWAV.Vi> CZA T71 Court Sherwood No. 50, • V_z» j? • Lucknow, meets every first Monday of every month in the Orange Hall. Visiting brethren are cordially invited. Jas. S. Hamilton, R. Graham, Chief Ranger, Rec-Sec, House and. Land for Sale. For sale in the Village of Lucknow, a good frame, house and one acre of ground attached containing all kinds of fruit with barn and stable, drive house and wood shed Both hard and soft water. Also four acre on Bob street. The property will be gold together, u Lucknow Lodgb In­ dependent Order of Foresters meets in the Oddfellow’s Hall, on the second and fourth Tues­ day of each month, as 7;30 o’clock. Visiting brethren are cordially invited, F. E. McDonald, T. E. Lawrence, Chief Ranger, Rec-Sw Lucknow Lodgb of the Ancient Order ot United Workmen, meets in the Oddfellows’hall on the second and last Monday even­ ings of each month at eight o’clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited Tobbancb, Master. Wanted-An Idea Protect your Ideas: *srmay bring you wealth Write JOHN WKDDEHBURN & CO.. Patent AttZ neys, Washington, D. C., for their 81.800 prise otM and list of two hundred inventions wanted.i And there is pleasure in having a thing well don e so before you have your painting and decorating done it will pay you to call on ROBT. SNEIGROVE I He is the most up-to-date pain­ ter ana. decorator and has the latest tools with which to work •••••<•••••••••••••••••••• ALL WORK GUARANTEED You can see him at his residence two doors east o the Sentinel office. PAINTER & DECORATOR |