HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1905-09-28, Page 4Bf3BS®E®KS®E«3 SWS EJB BK® f Lucknow, Sept 28th, 1905 TEACHERS CONVENTION. BEST SATISFACTION Peaches, Pears, PI unis and Tomatoes in stock. ROOFI TOMATOES GOODS DELIVERED 7 R. MOODY. 3 >3 ■a Make This Red-Hot Coal Test A ISAN SHOES FOR MEN 'jr’ijcou suoob uro made of the best Chrome taned G r . , extra quality. Will stand anywear anc never Set ^ard. Try a pair and have the most °e made. ___We also have a number af Womens button shoes hat we are selling at and below cost. Repairinn' neatly and promptly done. J. E. AGNEWe LUCKNOW on Rex Flintkote roofing. Fire generally spreads because of flying sparks, embers or blazing brands landing on shingle or /ar roofs which quickly catch. This is the common cause of most country fires, and farm buildings not properly protected, quickly burn down. Rex Flintkote absolutely protects the building against danger from such sources. Without claiming it to be non-inflam­ mable (for if lighted on ihe cut edge it will slowly burn), we do claim that when laid, its fire-proof surface will give positive protection—there being no cut edges exposed. So that Rex Flintkote is Good Fire Insurance^ It resists rain, snow, heat, cold and war, and thoroughly protects the stock in most extreme weather. & Any careful laborer can lay it by following the directions and using the outfit which comes in every roll.f* Our Handsome Booklet e samples and photos of Rex Flintkote farm buildings ofall kinds. Questions gladly answered. Beware of substitutes. “Look for the Boy” on "W every roll. Write us to-day for samples. T. LAWRENCE *New Furniture Store. HOUSE AND OFFICE FU11NITURE. Your wants can be supplied best by us. Our prices bring us the trade. The contention of West Bruc I Teachers was held as arranged in Kin­ cardine on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 14 and 15. The weather was favor­ able and a remarkable good attend-" ance was recorded. The principal speaker was Mr. Deer ness, Vice-Presiden, Normal School, London. The subject of his first ad drees was “How to Teach Nature Study.” He also spoke on “The Re­ cent Tendency for Arithmetic.” He received the closest ettention and his remarks had all a practical bearing on education. Mr. D. Ross, Southampton gave a helpful paper in his opening words as President of the Convention. “How to Secure the obedience and co-opera­ tion of the pupils” was wisely dealt with by Miss T. K. McNabb, Luck­ now. Miss A. M. Bax, North Bruce, gave an inspiring paper on “General Deportment and its Influence.” J^Lr S. C. Clark. B. A., Port Elgin H. S., pointed out "Some Practical Gains in Teaching History.” “Busy Work for Primary Pupi's” was the subject of an instructive paper by Miss Miles, Kin­ cardine Model School. The officers elected for the coming yat were — President, Mr. Beer, Prin­ cipal Kincardine Public Scbooi; Vice- President, Miss BaX, North Bruce; Secretary, Mr. Fuller, Paisley. Au interesting feature was the Ses­ sion in the Town Hall on Thursday afternoon, when the High School stu­ dents were given the opportunity of bearing Mr. Dearness. A vots of thanks was unanimously given to Mayor Cook and Miss Nina Sellery for their helpful services at the concert held on Thursday evening It was decided to meet in Kincar­ dine again next year, an 1 the singing of the National Anthem closed one of the most successful conventims ever he d in this Inspec o at«. Among the teachers present were Poit Elgin -Misses M. Cairns, Box, Ewing, Evans, Campl ell, McKinnon, Cairns, McPhee, Messrs. J. C Clark, Rankin, B. Currie and A R. Innes Paisley—Misses A. P. Fee, B. E. McBeth, McIntyre, Goode, Smart Mrs. Morrison; Messrs. W. J. Rulle’, D. A. McDonald, N. McGilliv.ay and McLennan. GUmmis—T. C. McEachern, G. C. Mitchell and J. M. Robertson. Kiolotigh—P. D. Lane, A. Lane. Underwood—Miss Ena Henderson. Pinkerton—H. S. Sanderson. Walkerton—Walter Ros*. Pu’ple Grove—J. F. Gaynor. Teeawater—VlRses Martin, Sharpe, McKenzie Tuck, Redburn, Green, Howe, McDonald, McNaugh’or, Messrs. W. Lawr, and R. E. Gibson* Southampton—Misses B. Bremer, J M. Milne, M. A. Chapman, M. Mai colm, G. Wills, Donald Ross. Lucknow—Morley Salmon, Claude Walker. Ripley—Miss N. Thornburu and Mr. B. F. Howsod. Belmore—E. F. Collins, Oonmans. A very enjoyable concert was given on Thursday evening at the Opera House, Kincardine. Tke programme consisted of solos by Miss Mae Dicken­ son, of Toronto, and readings by Miss Kerr, Stratford, and Miss Nina Sel­ lery, of Kincardine. Mayor J. 0. Cook was chairman, and his recitation was much appreciated by the large audience present. i You have our personal supervision and satisfaction guaranteed, We have always on hand a large assortment of the latest styles in furniture, etc. Now that cold weather ia approach­ ing it may be in order to advise the citizen not to overheat their houses or close them to tightly, so that little fresh pure air can gain admittance. Do not keep the shutters closed to much. Better have a sunny home and a faded carpet, than a dark, damp foul-smelling room. Keep your bed­ rooms especially well ventilated—a little night air ia not harmful< NEW SHOP, NEW GOODS, LOW PRICES AND PROMPT ATTENTION. » -A„ T_ 2DJk.'VISOlSr The Leading Undertaker and Embalmer. Fifteen hundred thousand men be­ longing to the Holy Name Societies from different parts of New Jersey participated in a great demonstration in Jersey City l*8t Sunday afternoon, as a protest against blasphemy. The members ta*e an oath not to tike the name of the Deity in vain, and to use their influence to prevent others from doing so. The mayor of Jersey City was in the procession. Such a society is much De,del in this country, where a great many young men, and some not young, daily and hourly in­ sult their Maker with their blasphe­ mous language. PROMPT ATTENTION 1 Ij -Zk. Now is the time preserve the best Vinegar aed Spices. Spice Window display, ceipts to net filled. of the year that PICKLES s t‘d<e the artention of the housewife We have them for sale. See and Get our It will pay yon to call on us with your re- Muyuno Tea put up in packages at 25, 30, 35, 40 and 50c a pound BLUE RIBBON TEA IS GOOD TEA. BAN/\NAS WATER MELONS CABBAGE HIGHEST HLRICLES FOR FuARdVE EBODUCE SPECIAL VALUES ITST TZEAEH & COEEEES' BUTTER EGGS WANTED A Wonderful Discovery BROWN’S CELEBRATED HAIR CROWER. Physicians, Scientists, Etc, Lave given their unqualified tests to the only known remedys which will absolutely do what is claimed for them, and at the same time may be relied upon as absolutely harmless and effective. We do not claim to grow hair on a shining bald head where the roots of the hair are dead or destroyed and no fine hair left, but if there is any fine hair left we can make it grow, we have grown hair on heads that have been bald for years and years and there is not a case to be found where ayoung man or woman who is losing their hair and becoming bald where our celebrated hair growing remedies will fail to produce a good healthy head of hair, if used according to the directions. Bhisis to certify that I haye used orown’s Celebrated Hair Grower, and it has grown for me a good full head Tf hair. I was quite bald before I used it and now I am permanently urel of baldness, falling hair and dandruff. J. R. Johnson, Guelph. Dated this 18th day of December 1903 <^kFOR sale by-^ T. WATSON, BARBER LUCKNOW, - ONT J. £. BROWN & 00-, Guelph D E K T I S T.. G A- NEWT0H, Henor gradnate in dentistry, Toront0 Dental College, and Doctor of Dental Sur­ gery, Toronto University. All modern plan of operation and carefulness in workmanship e in Allin’s block, upstairs. 'AW,W. WAV.W, 7AW.V. w W. WW-VW. V^V. V.WZWr I LAWRENCE. & JOHNSTON I I i WE KEEP ALL KINDS OF GLASS ■ Furniture Dealers ana Undertakers i T 1 KNOW [ Ii £ £ I I ON'Pj 1*/