HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1905-09-28, Page 1VOL XXXn-38 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28th. 1905 WHOLE NO. 1646 BA.NK? HAMILTON HEAD Off ICE, HAMILTON. ONT. Capital Paid TTp $2,235,000 00 Reserve Fund 2.235,000 00 Total Assets $26,553,846 57 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Hon. Wm. Gibson, President. . A. Birge, J. Proctor, J. S. Hlendrie. G. Rutherford. Chas. C. Dalton, Toronto. Turnbull Vice-Pres. aDd Gen. Manager. H. M. Watson, Asst Gen-Man A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers’ Notes discounted and advances made to farmers to feed stools. Sale Notes bought and collected. All rates moderate. Drafts issued payable at all the principal points in Canada and the United States. Savings Department- Deposits of $1.00 and upwards, received And interest allowed at current rates from ate of deposit to date of withdrawal. The depositor is not subject to any delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. Interest compounded May 31st and Nov. 3Cth in each year. R. R. MacLEOD, Agent. LUCKNOW. The Hub Grocery If you have not tried a pound of Hill’s 28c tea you should for those who have are getting five pounds. Try a pound of cooked ham it is delicious. We have the best line of sweet biscuits. Try our Scottish short bread and oatmeal biscuit they are all fresh all the time. J Fresh tomatoes, cucum­ bers, and all other fruits in season. We always keep on hand a large stock of the best Vinegars and all kinds of Spices. J- W. W. HILL | LUCKNOW. | Have you seen the OMEGA Fifty million watches had to be made before Science and Art presented us with the perfected product in the O M E G- A There are no movements equal to the Omega in mater­ ial and workmanship. They are the best watch made in the world, price lor price. The Omega itself has been its own best advertiser, As we are the sole agents we always carry a large stock of these perfect time keepers •••••••• Watch Repairing Guaranteed W. J. MITCHELL 3WELER & OPTICIAN Geo, A. Siddall. BANKER LUCKNOW ONTARIO. ESTABLISHED 1888, I do a general banking business, issue drafts throughout Canada and the United States. Make collections on nil points including :— Western States, Manitoba and the North­ west Territories and,all collections whether notes or accounts will receive prompt atten­ tion. Notes discounted and farmers’ sale notes cashed; I loan to farmers on double or single notes at from one to twelve months’ time, and especially to farmers desiring to feed cattle over winter and grass* •'hem during summer, at low rates. I loan small or large amounts on second mortgages on farms or other real estate security, and on first I chattel mortgages, on live stock, implements and crops. I have a large amount of funds to advance on first mortgages at lowest rates. I represent the leading English and Cana­ dian Fire Insurance Companies, and can effect insurance on all. cl asses of property in stock or mutual companies as desired. OFFICE HOURS 10 a.m. to 4 p.m THOMAS 8. REID, Jun. MANAGER. LOCAL ITEMS S The apple crop this year is not very heavy. Miss Annie Grundy is home from Georgia. Miss Lou Treleaven is -isitiDg friends in Stirton. Miss Maggie Gollan is visiting her friends in London. Mr. J. G. Anderton left for Brigh­ ton on .Friday last. The pretty autumnal tints are be­ ginning to appear. The Ripley fall show‘on Wednes­ day was a big success. Mr. John Watt, of Walkerton is visiting friends in town. Thirty pieces of prijiti were 10c and 12^c at Sc. a yard at Connell’s. When you want good groceries at right prices go to the Bee-Hive. Mrs. A. J. Elliott left last weak to visit friends in New York City. Auctioneers and pedlars paid $1475 into the county treasury last year. Miss Donalda McLeod has returned to Montreal to resume her studies. A quanity of fancy goods for less than cost at at Mrs. E. J. Smith’s. The hunting season for hare and cotton tail rabbits open on Oct.^ 1st. Mrs. J. F. Berry, of Mt. Forest was the guest of Mr. G. W. Berry, last week. See the window display of crockery and fancy glassware at the Bee-Hive Grocery. Mrs. (Dr.) Thompson, of Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Watt. Murdoch. Those wanting fancy centre pieces can have a variety to choose from at Mrs. Smith’s, Don’t forget the bargains we are offering in men’s ready-made suits at W. Connell’s. Miss Emma McGill, of Chicago, is the guest of Misses Annie and Sadie Boyd of this village. Don’t send to Toronto for the Geo. A. Slater Shoe, W. J. Little has them at city prices. The scarcety of beech nuts is a sign of an open winter. There are not many of them this year. Lost—A ladies hat, between Gray Ox and Lucknow. Finder please leave at this office. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray, of Calumet, Mich., are visiting friends in Lucknow and Paramount. Mr. J. G Anderson of this village was judge on fruits at the Uobourg Fall Fair on Monday last. Mr. John Pennington, Lowry, Minn., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Andrew, of Ross St. 40 hands wanted to work in the Lucknow Evaporator. Work to commence on Monday, October 2nd. Apply at once to John Joynt. All parties owing R. Moody will confer a great favor by calling before October 1, and paying their accounts, We have opened up a large ship­ ment of crockery and glassware that we are selling at rock bottom prices. Give us a call and we will show them to you. R. Moody. An entertainment of more than usual merit, will be given by “The American Concert Company in the Town Hall, Lucknow, on Thursday, eveuing, October 19th. Full annouce- ment later. A thoroughbred Jersey c »w for sale. Good milker and ycuDg. Apply to W. Connell. If you are going to have an auction sale this fall it will pay you to get your bills printed at this office. The new penelope canxas and a choice lot of material for fancy work for sale thia week at Mrs. E. J. Smi< h’s. The population now of London, England, now exceeds that of either Canada or Australia, being over seven million. Call and see the display of trimmed hats next Wednesday and Thursday, October 4th and 5th. Miss McColl. LOST—On Monday last, in the township of Kinloss, a gold filled watch. The finder will oblige by leaving at this office. Mr. R. J. Henderson, of Toronto, passed through here on his way to Kincardine, in his beautiful automo­ bile, on Tuesday evening. There has just been received at Mrs. Smith’s a choice assortment of Berlin wool and yarns, also a variety of outing hats in all the latest styles and colors. A lot of dress goods at 25c per yd. were all the way from 50c. to $1 per yard. Taeie are some of the bargains at Connell’s. A lot of soft felt hats at 50c. each. Just the thing for threshing season, full price of them was $1 to $2 each. W. Connell. The frost of Monday night was quite a pincher. Ice formed on ves­ sels containing wat?r out doors in different places. Mr. T. W. Mithchell, of New York, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Berry last week, sang a beautiful baritone solo in the Methodist Church here on Sunday evening last. Mrs. Sim West and son Lawrence, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawrence for several weeks, left for their home in San Francisco, California, on Wednesday. 1 According to the figures published by Rev. Dr. Cornisb, the membership of the Methodist church in Canada is now 305,720, an increase for the year of 5,957. The County Council of Huron has appointed three valuators to equalize the assessment rolls of the county. The valuators are to receive $5 a day and expenses. Watch for the fall business announ­ cements in the Sentinel. It pays to read the advertisements, as many a dollar may be saved in a year bv get­ ting the special bargains. The Church of England wgg nicely decorated with fruits, flowers, grain, etc., for the annual thanksgiving on Sunday last, There were large con­ gregations present and the services were very successful. Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon, Ocu- lisb, Specialist, treats diseases of the eye, ear, and nose, and fits glasses properly. Will be at Cain House Lucknow, Monday, October lfltb. A few years ago High School teach­ ers was left almosb entirely to men. But now the ladies who are preparing for this branch of the profession out­ numbering the men almost three to one. Miss Aggie Lindsay, who has as summed the management of Mrs. Smith’s business for the present, is prepared to take orders for fall and winter millinery, Miss Lindsay will be pleased to show her new fall goods. It will pay you to watch Moody’s ad. on page 4 each week. A Third Party “Fighting Joe” Martin, of late years in British Columbia, has been in Manitoba, his old hunting ground, during the past week, organizing a third political party. The liberals displeased him, and ha has no use for the Conservatives hen0e he wants a third party. Inasmuch as he really has been “figncing” Joe front his youth up, on the hustings, in Parlia­ ment in the Cabinet, in the court room, in the presence of the Judge and every possible place and occasion it is somewhat doubtful if this third party could ever consist of more than one, and that one himself, for any great length of time However, there would be a fine chance for that $7000 salary recently voted to the leader of the Opposition. No leader could be so truly in “opposition” as Joseph. He was born for such a place. Our Big Fair. Wednesday and Thursday Next. One west more, Then the Big Show. October the 4th and 5th. Don’t, fail to come und see it. What are you going to exhibit ? Are you a member of the Agricul* tural Society ? If not, why not 1 The Lucknow brats band has been secured for the big show. Go and hear it. Secure your tickets for the concert at Armstrong & Hildred’s. Bring the whole family and frie nds Every farmer should have a special in­ terest in his local show. Do you realize it ? Lucknow’s big ■how will be held next Wednesday and Thursday. Ladies, you should exhibit in your departments at the show. Encourage your girls to enter the cooking, dairy or other ladies work. It is desirable that entries for the fall fair be made as early as possible. Several of the large,exhibitors have sent in their lists already. The Lucknow fair has always been one of the best in Ontario. This year extra efforts are beiDg taken to have every department first-class. The committee who have in charge the concert to be held the night of the second day of the exhibition have been fortunate in securing very superior talent for the occasion. There is plenty of time yet to get your grain, roots, fruit and vegetables in shape for the big >how next week. directors what have you done to help the interest of the fall show ? You can at least make an exhibit of some kind, and don’t fail to do so. We want to see the Town Hall packed to the doors at the concert on Thursday evening, We know the talent is the best, and we want you ■11 to hear it. Two hours and a half of first-class entertainment. The prizes offered for competition at the Lucknow Fair on the 4th and 5th of October, are unusually liberal. The aggregate of prizes is about $1,000, The Directors who will look after the different departments at the show are:— Horses—Hunter and McIntyre. Beef Cattle—Purvis and Mclvor. Dairy Cattle—Jas. Crowston. Sheep —Greer and R. E. Lane. Pigs—W. Kickley. Ladies Department—McIntyre and Murdoch. Dairy and Grain—Corrigan & Moore, Roots and Vegetables—McDairmid & McKay. Implements—W. W. Smith. Fruit, Etc—James Bryan. The hall will be open the first night of the show and the people of the vil­ lage will have an opportunity of seeing the indoor exhibits to a good advantage. The brass band will give a good musical program. Look up your entries of the show; don’t wait till the last minute. New Blacksmith Mr. Walter Horn has taken posses­ sion of the blacksmith shop, lately oc­ cupied by Mr. Bert. Snellgrove. Mr. Horn is well known in the village and surrounding country, and has the reputation of being one of the best blacksmiths in the province. MARRIED. Miss Sadie Boyd, of Lucknow and Mias Emma McGill, of Chicago, were guests of Miss Annie McLennan one day last week. James Johnston is seriously ill at present. Dave Johnston and Mrs. Treat, of Chicago, have been called home to their father’s bed side. (Rev.) Mrs. Millar is away on a trip to Toronto. Miss Sarah McIntyre spent a few days in Goderich lately. Mrs Nicholson died on Monday last and her remains were interred in inloss Cemetery. Logan * Johnston An exceedingly pretty wedding took place at Lucknow, on Wednes­ day, September 20th, at the home of the bride\ mother, when Miss Mar- gareb Johnston, her eldest daughter wig united in wedlock to Mr. W. H. Logan, of Purple Grove. The cere­ mony was performed by Rev. R. W. Millyard, of Lucknow. Precisely at 10 o’clock a. m, the bridal party took their places beneath a ball of milk- white asters which hung before an en twined background of maple branches and lilies of the valley. In front was a great bank of variegated asters. While the strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march were beautifully rend­ ered by Miss Mamie Joynt, the bride entered leaning on the arm of her eld­ est brother, Mr. Robert Johnston. She wore a white silk dress trimmed with silk medallions with a yoke of silk embroidered ohiffon and carried a bouquet of white roses and ferns. The bride was attended by her sister Miss Jean Johnston, who was gowned in blue crepe de chene and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. Little Miss Hazel Irwin, of Ripley, cousin of the bride was flower girl and looked charming in a white silk dress. The groom was ably assisted by his brother Mr Clark F. Logan, of Toronto. After congratulations, the bridal par­ ty and guests, numbering over eighty repaired to a marquee which was ar­ tistically and patriotically decorated with flags and bunting of .red, white and blue, and partook of a daintly prepared breakfast. With Mr. Mill­ yard as toast-master, toasts were pro­ posed and responded to in happy speeches by Messrs. C. F. Logan, Jno- Joynt, of Lucknow, Geo. Mooney, of The Ripley Express and the groom. The presents to the bride, some of which came from Goderich, Pt, Elgin, Winnipeg and British Columbia, were very many and were unusually valu­ able and useful. The groom’s gift to the bride was a gold watch and fob, to the groomsman, a gold stick pin set with a pearl, and to the flower girl, a twin opal ring. The bride’s gift to Miss Joynt was a Kuroki Rose Jar. The bride’s going away suit was a dark blue broadcloth with hat and gloves to match. Mr. and Mrs. Logan left for a trip to Toronto on the 2 p. m. train. They were escorted to the depot by all the guests, who gave them a most pronounced expression of their good will and wishes by showers of rice and flowers. They were met on the train at Parkdale by their many Toronto friends who enlivened their early honey-moon with songs and bushels of rice. At the home of the groom’s parents, Huron St., Tor­ onto, a reception was given at which a few intimate friends were present. After a two weeks visit to Toronto and out-lying points, Mr. and Mrs. Logan will take up their residence at Purple Grove. CRBWE A number from here went to Sea­ forth to consult that famous'doctor. Mrs. M. Shackleton has been suff­ ering terribly from rheumatism for the past two week. Our population was largely in­ creased last week. Mrs. Geo. DurniD, a son, Mrs. John Kennedy, a son and Mrs. John Petie, a son. Mrs. N. Pierce has been very sick for some time, We hope she will have a speedy recovery. ST. HELENS ni . We are sorry to hear that Mr. Took is still very ill. Miss McKenzie, of Campbellford visited at D. Todd’s recently. Miss Allan, of Kincardine, is visit­ ing at the home of her brother, Robb, Allan, Miss Mary Clark returned this week, after spending a few days with friends at Kintail. Miss M. A McPherson returned last week from an extended visit to friends in the West. Quite a number from here attended the tea meeting at Bethel and report a good time. On Wednesday evening a congrega­ tional meeting was held to make ar­ rangements for the anniversary ser­ vices, which are set for October 8 th. The shipments of the fall season’s earliest goods are being received and unpacked, and on tlie shelves and count­ ers you ‘11 find an excellent stock of new and handsome fabrics of many kinds. We would especially like you to see our dress goods in the new materials and latest shades for fall wear. We are showing a fine range of those fashionable Venetians and Box Cloths in the variou s colors at 75c, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50. In lower priced goods we recommed a range of plain dress goods in all the popular shades, very suitable for childrens dresses. These goods are 43 inches wide good weight and fine finish and a bargain at 25c. See our range of staple dry goods, They will commend themselves to you both in quality and price. •••••••••••••a R. D. CAMERON THE BUSINESS OF A WATCH Is to tell th© time. Itmust tell the truth. It must run for years without any notice­ able variation If it will do that it is a good watch no matter what it looks like. If it will not do that it should be corrected or got rid of. We can supply you with any watch that is made but we have some that we especially recommend. Note our spec- offer. 17 Jewel nickel Waltham movement Otted in a 120 year gold case Price— $14.50. Ladies watches $10.00 up in 25 year gold cases. Repairing promptly and sat­ isfactorily done ••••••••••••••«••••••••••• ARMSTRONG & HILDRED. •••••••• JEWELLERS & OITICIANS. MEDICAL HALL JUST ARRIVED A full line of School Books and all other supplies for School Opening. STATIONERY Fine selection of writiug materials and stationery open for your inspection now. A. M. Spence, M.Di