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Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-09-21, Page 8
• J McIntosh}. ©O-OOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOO ? The Wingham ? g Business College x 1 i THE MANSION HOUSE; _ • • * jTime for broken prices :•••• « August ofIn each year we hold this big CLEARING SALE >« the , ■.y-0U compare and criticise prices. Take advantage of bargains offered We are not worying about the verdict. This Sale will positively end on AUGUS 31 st T i ALL ARE INVITED ■» D. R MulNTOSHi : LUCKNOW. : s * FANCY & & & & 4* & We are now showing one of the largest and most up to-date stocks of these goods ever shown in Lucknow. A A A 1“T V We are also the head- quarteas for all kinds of Fancy China Cut Glass Fancy Glassware Stationery School Supplies, Etc. ••••• Call and examine our stock. T L TRELEAVEN | PHOTOGRAPHER | aCKWaceKeaaacmsaaa^KKKKKw If you expect to amount to anything in this world keep moving. Don’t sit down and waib for success to come to you. Do some thing for yourself every day. Take every chance that offers to fit yourself for doing some useful and well paid work, an then if opportunities don’t come your way go and hunt for them, and ndoa 8top hunting until you enroll with us for one of our splendid oourses which will open out for you sure success in all the avenues of business life. We have no vacation. For further information and rms write S’ N. Reginald Fletcher, Prin. 9 George Spottan, Manager. g C-O-O-O-O-OO-OOOOO-OOGO-O-OOOOOOO-OO Beautiful China T. L. Treleaven has just opened a large consignment of handsome china no two setts alike. They are reason able in price and choice in quality. Now is the time to purchase dainty wedding or Xmas gifts. No trouble to show goods. Grain Deliveries As deliveries are exceedingly light here compared with surrounding points. I wish to remind farmers that I am open and ready to receive grain and paying full market price. D. Sheriff, Grain Dealer. Lucknow Markets The following is the market prices or grain on Thursday morning. Wheat..........................68 to 70 Peas.............................60 to 60 Oats..............................27 to 28 Barley..........................35 to 40 Eggs, per doz...............16 to 17 Butter, fresh, per lb..15 to 17 Pork, per 100 lbs....460 to. 460 Pork per cwt dressed.6 50 6 50 Potatoes, per bushel..35 to 40 Apples, per bag..........25 to 50 Wlnsham Fair Wingham Fall Fair will be held on Thursday and Friday, September 27 th •nd 28th. On Friday afternoon there will be speeding in the ring. 2.19 pace or 2.16 trot, purse $200; 2.30 pace or 2.25 trot, purse $150; 3 Minu te trot, purse $100. Double hitching race, $5, $3 and $2. Wingham Citi zens Band in attendance, and High land piping and dancing by D. Mc Donald and Mabel McDonald. Ad mission to grounds 25c.; Children lOf Vehicles 25c. J. J. Moffatt, H. B. Elliott, Sec-Treas. Pre*., We Want Money It is cot often the Sentinel subscribers. When we do so we need the money, and that’s the case just now. More of our subscriber* are be hind this year than ever before, aod we*cannot afford to do without the money any longer. During the past few weeks we have placed several hun dred dollars of back subscriptions in other hands for collection, and as there are a great many more still un paid in our books, we ask them to call and settle up, or we will hand over for collection. NOTICE. A" '4.. duns them There] will be sold on September 23 the old bridge timber on the 12 Oon., Wesb Wawanosh. Sale will be at the new bridge. Welsh, Anderson, Councillors. BULL FOR SALE. A first-class two year old Durham bull, at a reasonable price. Apply on the premises Lot 21, Ooncession 14, West Wawanosh, James Forster, Lucknow, Ont. / ------------------- Fall Fair* Lucknow.........................October 4 - 5 Mildmay.................... Sept 25 - 26 Listowel...........................Sept 26 - 27 Ripley....................... Sept 26 - 27 Goderich . .......................Sept 26 - 27 Harriston _......................Sept 27 38 Teeswator..............., ....Oct 2 - 3 Brussels........ ...............Oct 5-6 Gorrie ................................Oct 7 Bly th...................................Oct 10-11 Dungannon.........................Oct 12-13 BORN. Me Innes—In rKinloss on Tuesday, September 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McInnis, twin?, son and daughter. VOTERS LIST 1904 H 03036 VOTERS JjIST 1905 For the Municipality of the Township of Kinloss, County of Huron. News Agency Now is the time to leave jour or der or renew your subscription for a daily or weekly newspaper, periodicals, fashion books, etc. You cannot do better than give him a call. He also Issuer of Marriage licences. Harry Days, Lucknow, Ont. Just Arrived We have just received a nice lot up-to-date suitings, pantings and ovei- coating for fall and winter wear which we will make up to your order at lea aonable prices. Any one in need of the same will do well by calling in and haviog a look through our stock and see the values we are offering. Fash ion plates for the season just arrived. S. S. Strome, Merchant Tailor. Sale of Pure Bred Sheep Mr. Edwin Purvis, of the concession of Kinlcss, intends to have an auction sale of his well bred sheep and about 20 head of two year old steers, and three good heifers in calf. The sale will be held on Friday, Oct. 6th, at 10 o’clock sharp. John Purvis, Auctioneer. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the par ties mentioned in sections 5 and 7 of the Ontario Voters List Act, 1889 all •opies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll .of the said Municipal ity at elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Munici pal Elections , and that said list was Orst posted up in my office this 14th day of September 1905, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate pro ceedings to have the said errors cor rected are according to law. G. G. Moffat, Clerk. Dated 14th day of September, For the Municipality of the Township of West Wawanosh, County of Huron Notice is horeby given that I have transmitted tr delivered to the parties mentioned in Sections 5 and 6 of the Ontario Voters List Act, 1889, all copies required by said Section to be transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said Municipal ity at elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and all Munici pal elections, and that said list was first posted up in my office on the 14th day of September 1905, and remains there for inspection. Electors are cal led upon to examine the said list and if any ommissions or any other error are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have said errors correc ted according to law. W. S.McCrostie, Clerk. Dated 14th day of September. FARM FOR SALE. That very desirable property known as the “Hudson Farm,” situated on Con. 3, Kinloss, 1| utiles west of the Gravel Road, 3f- miles from Lucknow. The land is A 1 and has been under grass for several Jyears. It is well fenced and drained and has an Arte sian well and windmill, with water works system to the house, brrn, and extending to the back part of the farm. There is a splendid orchard and several acres of hardwood bush. It has a first class dwelling house and one of the finest bams in the county of Bruce, with separate sheep pens and hen houses. There are few nicer homes in the township than this one. See ib at once. For Particulars apply on the property, Lot. 5, Con. 3, Kinloss, or o Mr. P. H. McKenzie, M. P., Luck now. STORE FOR SALE. The large frame store on Crmpbell Street, next to B. JMcClure's for sale cheap for cash. This is a decided bargain. Apply to Mi«s Murray, Lucknow. TEACHER WANTED Teacher wanted for 8. S. No. Kinloss, to start as soon as possible after holidays. Apply, stating salary, to 9 H. A. Graham, Sec.-Treas. Kinlough P. 0. Ont. IN PRINTS RESS GOODS CLOTHING MILLINERY. ETC of LOc anrM oTe ¥rgains for September in prints and dress goods A lot ot KJc and 12|c prints we are selling for 8c a vard A Inf nf i J Me to ,1.00, all for 25e . „,.d. Doa’t mis8 pHceS 1hJ the e ° S° f‘°"’ In men’s olothing we are also offering 1 ig cu's in odd lines. Good suits from $3.50 to $4 50 each. Tn new dress goods we have some very desirable lines. Also in lady’s coats for fall we are showing good styles. Our milliners are busy preparing for the seasons business. Miss Pent and will be pleased to show our la est styles and fill orders promptly. £ ♦++++4”l’++++«M-+++4'-H’++'b++l*t* gSjM■■■«—*——i n » ***«»*wm 1----------------------rrmmnrnim ••*^WMi*i*n***Mianri*aMui*MaaaMMamMM**muMiijaMMUwjL4xwLXk»»sl4w»Ulw»»j Is absolutely new in de- sigif unequalled in the beauty of its lines and the artistic effect of its ornamentation, and unexcelled in operation. There are more Home Penin sular Ranges in this district than of any other make every one of which demonstrate the unparelkd excellence of a perfect mechanical achevment See the range inquire of its merits and be convinced that for $35.00 there is no more superb value. INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE GUELPH DR. BROWN. L. K. C.P., London, England. Graduate of London, New York Chicago. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose Throat. ------------WILL BE AT------------ CAIH HOUSE, LUCKNOW THIRD Wednesday of each month Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. SAW-MILL FOR SALE and and The undersigned has for sale the saw-mill situated on the 12th conces sion of Ashfield, on the Goderich road, one mile and a half south of Luck now. The mill and machinery are in first class condition, one twenty five horse power engine and thirty horse power steel boiler. The above mill will be sold cheap on easy terms as the propiietor is going to retire from the business. A complete shingle mill in connection will also be sold. For terms and particulars, apply to Marriage License. OUR WINDOW ^^^^^0"CH>000-0<>-0-0000000000 OOOOOOC OOOOO 000-0 O-OOOOO-O0-0000 ^OOK in our winpow to-day and see the the new styles Dorothy Dodd Shoes Observe the rich Patent leathers for dress and semi dress, tlie soft lustrous black kid for general wear and thu smooth mellow tans of Russian call. Note the small Bluecer effect, and the natty Gibson and Court, ties with wide ribbon laces and bows. See these and tell us have you ever seen quite so tasteful an array of footwear with style so smart. Prices so moderate. E. Bowers, Belfast P. OXFORDS $3.00 BOOTS Sold Only By W. J. LITTLE,LUCKNOW W, CONNBLD, Lauer of Marriage License gent for Allan Line and Dominion LineB of Steamships . Life and Accident Assurance. Campbell St. Lucknow. WM, CONNELL NOTICE For all kinds of lumber, plank, bridge timber, posts, lath, sbinel«R,etc Apj ly to Cha\ Thoms, Wingham Wanted-fin Idea gsg Protect your Ideas; ttaev may bring you wealth Write JOHN WKDDZMBtJRN & CO., Patent Att<«K Deys, Washington, D. C., for their $1,800 prize oflet and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. <• (• A Coiled Spring Wire Fence With large, stiff stay wires, makes a perfect fence running-^with. THE FROST WEDGE-LOCK, making an absolutely’StockrproofVence. The Lockabind without kinking or crimping eitht^fhe«tays<nr lateral Wzes. VgiTkjiot slip, and oar new method of enameffinjpimd'ta to the appearance* It is the heaviest W. J. SPINDLER, Lucknow, | Notone pound, of soft wire enters into the construction of THE FROST. Th^uprights are immovably locked to the