HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1905-09-14, Page 8\D. R. I i McIntosh^ • 0 • • • a. ■> ■ -W. ,W. -W- -W. -T- -W- -T- JT- .W. .W, .W. ■>- -T. ->■ @0**W"*#* 0**r"B"*0**®*"l"*0**®"*0,*r**0"*B**0**0*"0* • 0 <X}{XK>000<K}0<HXX;OC-0-0€'0<X)OCO 9 0 The Wingham Business College 0 THE I MANSION HOUSE: : •Time for : 0 0 0 0 •broken prices :• • • • In each year we hold this big CLEARING SALE to «• « If you expect to amount to anything in this world keep moving. Don’t sit down and> wait for success to come to you. Do some­ thing for yourself every day. Take every chance that offers to fit yourself for doing some useful and well paid work, an then if opportunities don’t come your way go and hunt for them, and ndou stop hunting until you enroll with us for one of our splendid courses which will open out for you sure success in all the avenues of business life. We have no vacation. For further information aod terms write N. Reginald Fletcher, PriD. 0 George Spottan, Manager. 0 <xxx>o<xxxxxxxx><xxxxxxxx><x>o- Seymour, of Paisley was elected 1st Vice-Pre?. and Mrs. Ashcroft, of Purple Valley, 2nd Vlce.Pres. Friday night, a fine vocal duet was rendered by Mesdames Krug and Mercier, o f Chesley, and a solo by Mr. Archie Scott, of Lucknow, bo h of which was much appreciated, and after singing, “All round the world the ribbon white is twined” and “God Save the King” the last meeting of a must successful convention was brought to a close and the delegates returned to their homes stregthened for the lrhours of mother year and with kind memories of the friends Soutpamptoh. FARM FOR SALE. Being the east half of lob 6 and the south of lot 5 in the 11th Concession of the Eastern Division of Ashfleld, containing 200 acres. The farm is wed fenced and has good buildings and plenty of water. There is a good orchard of three acres, contnuing all kinds of fruit. It is five miles from Lucknow on good roads. For further particulars apply on the farm, to Wm. Spears, Lucknow. VOTERS LDT 1904 For the Municipality of the Township of West Wawanosh, County of Huron VOTERS LIST 1905 HOME PENINSULAR pc !« ■« ,w I 5 M X'V W'X X^>;X>XIX¥XlX>X=XlXiXlM. IN PRINTS RESSGOODS CLOTHInG MILLINERY, ETC Tn men’s olothing we are also offering big cu's in odd lines. Good suit8 from 83.50 to $4.50 each. Tn new dress g^ods we have some very desirable lines. Also in lady’s coats for fall we are showing good styles. Our milliners are busy preparing for the seasons business. Miss Pent and will be pleased to show our latest styles and fill orders promptly. Train Wreck On Wednesday afternoon of last week the mail train from Toronto met with an accident about five miles from Lucknow and how the passengers and railway employees escaped from serious if not fatal accideut is miraculous. The train was some hours late of sehe dule time and was running between 30 and 40 miles an hour, when the drive shaft of the engine broke. The engineer immediately applied the air brakes, but the broken shaft with every revolution of the wheels, tore up the track and finally lifted the large drive wheels of the engine clear of the rails. The four small wheels of the engine however remained oa the track, but as the big wheels passed along the outside of the rails they clipped off the plate bolts which held the ends of the r ails together, which allowed the rail s to spread, and the baggage car and two coaches were thrown off the road against the bank. About one hundred yards of the rails and ties were torn up, but strange to say no one was hurt. It was fortun­ ate, indeed, the accident occurred just when it did, for had it taken place, fifty yards either way from where it occurred, nothing could have saved the lives of all on board the train. The accident was a revelation to the railway men themselves as well as the crowds of citizens who went to see the wreck. There was scarcely a sound tie in the whole portion of the road torn up, while the great majority of them were rotten throughout and notjfit to hold the spikes. The wreck­ ing train was soon on hand and Dext day traffic wa3 resumed as usual. For the Municipality of the Township of Kinloss, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the par­ ties mentioned in sections 5 and 7 of the Ontario Voters List Act, 1889 all copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said Municipal­ ity at elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Munici­ pal Elections , and that said list was Orst posted up in my office this 14th day of September 1905, and remains there forinspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate pro­ ceedings to have the said errors cor­ rected are according to law. G. G. Moffat, Clerk. Dated 14th day of September, the you advantage of baigains offered compare and criticise prices. Take We are not worying about the verdict. This Sale will positively end on AUGUS T I 3! st i ALL ARE INVITED o 0 D. R MulNTOSHi . LUCKNOW. : £•0000000000000••••••••••• FANCY I ejfc *36 .£> We are now showing one of the largest and most up to-date stocks of these goods ever shown in Lucknow. -A/JL A A J▼ ▼ TV ’ We are also the head- quarteas for all kinds of Fancy China Cut Glass Fancy Glassware Stationery School Supplies, Etc. 00000 Call and examine ou^ stock. T.LTRELEAVEN | | PHOTOGRAPHER | w C T U Convention She 18th Annual Convention of Bruce County W. C. T. U., which met Jin the ^Presbyterian Church, Southampton, on August 24th and 25tb, was one of much interest and profit. The local Union had spaied no pains to make everyone comfort­ able and happy. The opening devo­ tional ^excercises were conducted by Mrs. (Rev) McLaughlan, of Hanover. Ah address of welcome of more than ordinary merit, was given by Miss RobertsoD, President of Southampton Union and was replied to in a few well chosen words by Mrs. Halliday, of Chesley. Hie mass meeting of the children was addressed by Mrs. Rev. McLauchlin, who gave a B. B. talk on God’s Plumb Line, and Mrs. Ashcroft and the President, urged the boy3 to be total abstainers from liquor and tobacco and the girls from reading trash books and usingeslang. On Thursday evening a iS public meeting was hold when Rev. Dr. Dougal, Walkerton delivered address on Earl Grey’s Public House Trust. He proved conclusively that, if we had such a thiDg in Canada, it would be much worse than a well enforced Lie ence law, Mr. Fairweather of Saint James Cathederal, Toronto and two solos in excellent voice, Miss Smellie, Chesley and Mrs. Brown and the choir rendered musical selections. Hearty addresses of welcome were given by Rev, Terryberry and Cobb and Editor Humffle, which were responded to by Mrs. Rev. McLauchlin, of Hanover. On Friday morning a helpful bible meeting and consecration servic6 was conducted by the President, which gave the key note of the days session. Friday, all Friday morning reporos of the different departments were read and after interesting discussions were adopted. Friday afternoon the sub-rxecctive were all re-elected except Vice-Pred- ent Mrs. M. Keeling’s resignation as accepted with regret, Mrs. Rev. Notice is horeby given that I have transmitted tr delivered to the parties mentioned in Sections 5 and 6 of the Ontario Voters List Act, 1889, all copies required by said Section to be transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said Municipal­ ity at elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and all Munici­ pal elections, and that said list was first posted up in my office on the 14th day of September 1905, and remains there for inspection Electors are cal­ led upon to examine the said list and if any ommissions or any other error are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have said errors correc­ ted according to law, W. S.McCrostie, Clerk. Dated 14th day of September. FARM FOR SALE. That very desirable property known as the “Hudson Farm,” situated on Cod. 3, Kinloss, 1| miles west of the Gravel Road, miles from Lucknow. The land is A 1 and has been under grass for several s years. It is well fenced and drained and has an Arte­ sian well and windmill, with water works system to tho house, brro, and extending to the back part of the farm. There is a splendid orchard and several acres of hardwood bush. It has a first class dwelling house and one of the finest barns in the oounty of Bruce, with separate sheep pens and hen houses. There are few nicer homes in the township than this one. See it at once. For Particulars apply on the property, Lot. 5, Con. 3, Kinloss, or o Mr. P. H. McKenzie, M. P., Luck­ now. STORE FOR SALE. The large frame store on Crmpbell Street, next to B. '"McClure's for sale cheap for cash. This is a decided bargain. Apply to Mi-s Murray, Lucknow. TEACHER WANTED Teacher wanted for S. S. No. Kinloss, to s'art as soon as possible after holidays. Apply, stating salary, to 2, H. A. Graham, Sec.-Treas. K inlough P. 0 . Cnt. Is absolutely new in de­ sign unequalled in the beauty of its hues and the artistic effect of its ornamentation, and unexcelled in operation. There are more Home Penin­ sular Ranges in this district ; than of any other make every one of which demonstrate the g unparelled excellence of a g perfect mechanical achevment ® See the range inquire of its B merits and be convinced that | for $35.00 there is no more | superb value. | D. C. TAYLOR, LUCKNOW INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE GUELPH DR. BROWN. L. K. C.P., London, England. Graduate of London. New York Chicago. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose Throat. -----------WILL BE AT----------- CAIN HOUSE, LUCKNOW THIRD Wednesday of each month Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. SAW-MILL FOR SALE and and The undersigned has for sale the saw-mill situated on the 12th conces­ sion of Ashfield, on the Goderich road, one mile and a half south of Luck­ now. The mill and machinery are io first class condition, one twenty five horse power engine and thirty horse power steel boiler. The above mill will be sold cheap on easy terms as the propiietor is going to retire from the business. A complete shingle mill in connection will also be sold. For terms and particulars, apply to Marriage License. OUR WINDOW <W<^M0^(><X>000<«><><><>000<X><K>(>0(>WOOOOCK)0(mOOO-0000<:0 'n 0UF W*nd°W t0"day anc* see th® new styles Dorothy Dodd Shoes Observe the rich Patent leathers for dress and semi dress, the soft lustrous black kid for general wear and tho smooth mellow tans of Russian calf. Note the small Bluecer eflect, and the natty Gibson and Court ties with wide ribbon laces and bows. See these and tell us have you ever seen quite so tasteful an array of footwear with style so smart. Prices so moderate. E. Bowers, Belfast P. OX FORDS $3.00 BOOTS $3.75. Sold Only By W, CONNBLL, Issuer of Marriage License gent for Allan Line and Dominion LineB of Steamships. Life and Accident Assurance. Campbell St. Lucknow WM, CONNELL W. J. LITTLE,LUCKNOW NOTICE For all kinds of lumber, plank, bridge tin her, posts, lath, shinties,etc Aprlv to Cha’. Thom’, Wingham. Wanted—An Idea SS3 Protect your ideas: thev may brlug you wealth Write JOHN WKDDZxBtJRN & CO., Patent AttjH. nays, Washington, I>. C., for their $1,800 prise otlel *ud ltet of two tumdiu*! inventions wanted. I A Cofled Spring Wire Fence With large* stiff etay wires, makes a perfect fence Notone-poonAxrf soft wire enters intothe construction of THE* FROST. Ttm^oprights are immovably locked to the running-wires with THB FROST WEDGE-LOCK, making absolutely Stock>ptoaC3ence. The I^y.kshind without kinking or crimping either fi» stays^ifatasl ““ > Wkmot slip, and our new method of ■eaamrTThTgeaAT tO'thttappearane6*<®4he^feflBftti„, it is the W. J. SPINDLER, Lucknow. |