HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2011-12-22, Page 43THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2011. PAGE 43. AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are impostors who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or dam- aged vehicles. BUSINESS OPPS. SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME. Do you have 10 hrs/wk you'd like to make productive? Work from the comfort of your home office. Free training & sup- port. www.fromgreen2green.com. CANADIAN HEALTHY VENDING. New regulations have created huge demand for our interactive, healthy vendors. Earn up to $100K+/year. Be 1st in area. Full-training. No-Selling, PT/FT. Invest req'd. Free Info Pkg. 800-750-8363 maxvend.ca. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. 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The provincial government has kept its promise and the OFA is pleased to be involved in the FIT program review process. Farmers are in a unique position. All farmers are consumers of energy and rely on an efficient generation and delivery system across the province. But now there is also potential for many farmers to participate in the generation of energy through the FIT and microFIT programs. The OFA’s critical assessment of these programs will identify both strengths and weaknesses in each. The intent will be to recommend changes that enable both of these programs to continue into the future and provide opportunities for Ontario farmers to contribute to Ontario’s long-term goal of generating green energy from renewable sources. The OFA’s submission to the FIT program review is in the final stages of drafting. It will be submitted to the Ontario Ministry of Energy by mid- December and posted to the OFA website. The position will include recognition of the balance of improved technology cost implementation and consumer pricing. The OFA continues to advocate for the development of green energy for farmers, consumer pocketbooks and the health of the province. All farmers are power consumers. And now they have opportunities to become power generators. We must ensure policies embedded in the FIT programs are in the best interests of all Ontarians. Green energy has an important place in our industry and we’re working to make it a better fit. Continued from page 33would put so many chairs in and fillthe place and people would just jam in there.”Scott said that there were so manytalented students involved that it was hard to decide who to feature where,but that in the end everyone had funand the show was always wellreceived by the capacity crowds in attendance. “I remember that the dress rehearsal would sometimes not always be as good as expected but, come time for that concert, the kids would really pull together and put on a great show,” he said. Aside from the shows being great, he said there were several things he could count on happening every year. “No matter what, one junior or primary student would always find their parents while they were on stage and wave to them, the students would always face adversity, be it illness or stage fright, and they would tough it out and the showwould be great,” he said. “Thestudents were able to do that becauseof the teachers’ involvement, and they should be commended on their efforts.” He said that everyone in the school was helpful, whether it was the custodians helping to set up chairs or whether it was the secretary helping with logistics, everyone chipped in. “Everyone helped even if it was to just be involved with the Christmas carol singing in the weeks leading up to the show that got everyone in the spirit,” he said. While he didn’t remember much difference during his teaching days, Scott said that, as a graduate of #7, a one-room schoolhouse near Londesborough, he did notice a hugedifference then.“When I went to school we justhad the one room, so we shoved all the desks to the sides of the room and the trustees would build us a stage,” he said. “They would put a wire and bed sheet across for curtains and that would be where we would perform.” Scott said he enjoyed it because there were 15 students at the school and they usually did two to three different numbers in the show, be they skits or carols, so everyone got to be involved in several skits. He said that he has always liked performing and continues to play guitar, which he often played for the concerts. OFA advocates green energy for the good of the province Scott recalls changes over several decades Give them a spin Chad McKee was on Bingo duty on Dec. 8 at the Belgrave Community Centre, as the Kinsmen held their annual turkey Bingo fundraiser. Over 100 people were in attendance hoping to bring a tasty bird back home for the holidays. (Vicky Bremner photo) Get wedding advice and tips, see a case study and read about local brides on the Brides in Huron section of our website www.northhuron.on.ca