HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2011-12-22, Page 40PAGE 40. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2011.By Pastor Ernest Dow, Living Water Christian Fellowship (EMC), Blyth Expecting a baby is an exciting time in life for any couple. One of my own daughters is expecting to give birth in February; my daughter- in-law’s ‘due date’ is in March. So, of course, there are names to be picked. One wants to do this carefully, as it has a habit of sticking with the person the rest of their life. (Remember the ballad, “A Boy Named Sue”?) I am the youngest of three boys. My oldest brother got my father’s primary name as his middle name. My next-oldest brother got my father’s secondary name as his middle name. When I was born, the supply was exhausted – my parents really had to start getting creative. I’m thankful they didn’t choose too zany a moniker for me (even though I have had to share it with a certain Muppet from Sesame Street). Christmas is about the birth of a particularly special baby – one whose name would need to be chosen with great care. Some seven centuries before, Isaiah had prophesied that a child born to a virgin would be called “Immanuel”, God-With-Us (Isaiah 7:14). This most unusual child would represent Almighty God taking on human form – hard to imagine as that might be. This Son would be “the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being...” (Hebrews 1:3) The One through whom all things were made would become flesh and dwell among us, making visible God’s glory. (John 1:14) Isaiah went on to prophesy more about the name of the child who would become Israel’s ultimate deliverer: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Is. 9:6) Each of the terms for this special Baby merits consideration. “Wonderful Counsellor” – We may be intelligent, but none of us is infinitely wise. We appreciate guidance from well-meaning parents, helpful teachers, trusted spiritual leaders, experienced experts. What if we could tap directly into the marvels of divine wisdom? For that, we can come to the manger. Dr. Ronald Sisk writes, “Even if you and I don’t have anybody else in our lives we can count on, we can count on Jesus... He knows you and me so well that He always tells us the truth. He loves us so well that He never stops listening, never gives up caring and hoping and calling you and me to a better life. He is always available...His name is Wonderful Counsellor.” “Mighty God” – The Jewish people in the Hebrew Scriptures regarded God as the powerful Creator of the universe, who gave birth to their nation through a barren elderly couple (Abraham and Sarah) and delivered them from slavery in Egypt by many supernatural miracles at the Exodus. They looked for a Messiah who would grant victory over oppressive enemy dictators and establish a government akin to David’s so that peace would never end (Is. 9:6f). The Child born to Mary established His credentials through such great miracles that people would come from far and wide to be healed and delivered from all sorts of physical and spiritual ailments. And after this Son was crucified, He “was declared with power to be the Son of God by His resurrection from the dead.” (Romans 1:4) “Everlasting Father” – while the preceding phrase emphasizes Christ’s divine power, these words highlight His constant care and oversight in the likeness of a father; in particular, the One He called our “Heavenly Father”. Our earthly parents may be good or leave a lot to be desired, but they are definitely not perfect. Yet the Bible promises that God through Christ can be the superior ‘father’ we never had: “Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close.” (Psalm 27:10) “Prince of Peace” – How much our planet needs peace today! Nations collide over treaties to prop up the Eurozone. The ‘Arab Spring’ THE CATHOLIC PARISHES OF NORTH HURON AND NORTH PERTH CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO ATTEND HOLY MASS. OUR SUNDAY LITURGIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Brussels: St. Ambrose Saturday 6:00 p.m. 17 Flora Street Wingham: Sacred Heart Sunday 9:00 a.m. 220 Carling Terrace Listowel: St. Joseph Sunday 11:00 a.m. 1025 Wallace Avenue N. Worship Service & Sunday School at 11 a.m. CORNER OF DINSLEY & MILL STREETS MINISTER Rev. Gary Clark, BA, M. Div. All Welcome MUSIC DIRECTOR Floyd Herman, BA, M. Ed.OFFICE: 519-523-4224 CHRISTMAS EVE ~ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24 ~ Christmas Stories Series, The Grinch CHRISTMAS DAY ~ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25 ~ Christmas Stories Series, It’s A Wonderful Life getlivingwater.orgPastor: Ernest Dow ~ 519-523-4848 Living Water Christian Fellowship at Blyth Public School, corner of King & Mill Saturday, December 24 Christmas Eve Celebration ~ 7:00 pm Titus 3:1-8 From Glory to the Gutter -- to Profit You Participatory Children’s Pageant Evangelical Missionary Church No Service Sunday, December 25 Regular Worship January 1, 2012 BRUSSELS - ETHEL PASTORAL CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Celebrating our Christian Faith together in worship Sandra Cable, Worship Leader Church Office 519-887-6259 E-mail - bepc@wightman.ca THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Welcomes you to come and worship with us Trinity, Blyth 9:00 p.m. St. John's, Brussels 11:15 p.m. Christmas Eve Services Holy Eucharist with Pastor Perry Chuipka www.nabcom.ca/church No Services on December 25 at either church Trinity, Blyth 9:15 a.m. Church Office: 519-317-4883 St. John's, Brussels 11:15 a.m. 519-887-6862 New Year’s Day - January 1 Youre Invited to come worship with us Sunday, December 25 Brussels Public School at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday School for children 4 to 11 years of age (mornings only) Childcare provided for infants and toddlers Coffee & cookies after the morning service For additional details please contact Pastor Andrew Versteeg 519.887.8621 Steve Klumpenhower 519.887.8651 Rick Packer 519.527.0173 Chris McMichael 519.482.1644 MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BRUSSELS Rev. Elwin Garland Wheelchair accessible ~ Nursery care available 519-887-2664 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24 ~ 7 pm Christmas Eve Service SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25 ~ 11 am Please join us at Brussels United Church 119 John’s Ave., Auburn 519-526-1131 www.huronchapel.org Rev. Mark Royall, Sr. Pastor 9:25 a.m. ** Sunday School for all ages 10:30 a.m. at 7:00 pm Come enjoy candlelight, beautiful music and a wonderful time together! ** There will be no Sunday School December 25th and January 1st From the Minister’s StudyNaming a baby can make all the difference Continued on page 44 Hwy. 4, Blyth 519-523-4743 www.blythcrc.ca SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25 Christmas Service 10:00 am No evening service SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31 New Year’s Eve Service 7:30 pm SUNDAY, JANUARY 1 Morning Service 10:00 am Evening Service 7:30 pm BLYTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Glory To The Newborn King You’re Invited To Join Us In Worship Saturday, December 24 Ethel United Church Christmas Eve Service at 5:30 p.m. No service Christmas morning. Saturday, December 24 Brussels United Church Christmas Eve Service at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, December 25 Christmas morning service at 11:00 a.m.