HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2011-12-22, Page 25THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2011. PAGE 25.
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Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a
“Tornado-Free” Happy New Year
Grey’s Gr. 1 class describes their ideal ChristmasThe students at Grey CentralPublic School have some bigaspirations for their Christmasmornings. Recently they told The
Citizen what they hope to see when
they wake up on Dec. 25 from their
breakfast to their activities to the
celebrations they take part in.
Here are some of their hopes for
their perfect Christmas morning:
“I would wake up early to see all
the presents, then I might wake my
parents up and then open my
presents. After that I would have my
favourite breakfast food; waffles and
hot chocolate. Then I would play
with my sisters and play with our
new toys together.
“My Christmas morning should
start early this year because I would
open one present on Christmas Eve
and the rest on Christmas morning. I
would have breakfast after I woke up
and have my favourite foods: Fruit
Loops with hot chocolate to drink.
Then I would go wake my parents
up. If I got the big yellow
Bumblebee Transformer it would be
my perfect Christmas.”
“I would wake up early before my
whole family, except my brother. We
would wake up at the same time.
Then we would go downstairs and
play, then come upstairs to open
presents. We usually skip breakfast
and have lunch because it’s late. My
perfect lunch would be roast beef
and gingerbread.
“I would wake my mom up and go
downstairs on Christmas morning
and have just milk and bread for
breakfast. It’s fast, so I would be
able to eat it quickly and get to the
Christmas tree. First we open our
stockings and get toy cars and treats.
For my perfect Christmas Day, I
would get Wall Tracks, they’re race
tracks for cars but they attach to the
wall so the car can ride on the wall.”
“Me and my brothers and sister
would sleep in late but then wake up
and find our presents in the kitchen.
Then we would take them and open
them in front of the tree. For
breakfast we would cook something
nice, like colourful pancakes, which
are green and pink pancakes.”
“My perfect Christmas was the
one when I got a red fire truck, so I
would do everything like I did that
day. I would wake up early and wake
my family up and we would open
our first presents, then we would
have happy pancakes for breakfast.
Happy pancakes are pancakes that
have a smiley face on them with
syrup. They’re happy until you start
eating them. After that I would play
outside with Terra, Joe and Chance.”
“My perfect Christmas would be
snowy. There would be a lot of snow
there when I wake up early. I would
have Fruit Loops for breakfast and
then my family would open
presents. I would hope to get pet
shops and talking things that have
bug ears and baby animals and
necklaces and jewelry and Kinder
Eggs. Then we would go outside and
play in the snow.”
“My brother would wake up really
early and he would wake me up on
Christmas morning. Then I would
find my presents, but wait for my
mom before I opened them. Then we
would have breakfast before playing
outside. I would eat Rice Krispies.”
“I would be loud because I’m
happy on Christmas morning. I
would wake up early because my
two brothers and two sisters would
wake me up. I would have breakfast
before opening any presents and I
would have my favourite cereal:
Cheerios. Then I would look at my
presents and hope to find a new
dump truck.”
“I wouldn’t have breakfast on
Christmas morning if I didn’t have
to. I would be to happy too eat.
Christmas is really exciting in my
house. We open our stockings, go to
the Christmas tree and then look for
our presents. I’m hoping to get a
pellet gun to kill pigeons with when
they steal our chicken and cow feed.
My brothers and I play with all our
presents, and we play with each
other and don’t have to do chores
because it’s Christmas. I play with
the stuff I got.”
“I would wake up with my sister
and start sorting our presents out and
then start opening then. Then my
sisters and I would play with them
after that, and sometimes my mom
makes pancakes shaped into
Christmas trees. For my perfect
meal I would have the special
pancakes and orange juice that is
minty. After that my sisters and I
would go outside to play, then we go
A lot of students at Grey Central School start their mornings of
right, even on Christmas Day. When The Citizen asked what their
perfect Christmas day would be like, many of them said they would
start with a big bowl of cereal. After that they would have the
energy to wake up their parents, tear through their gifts, play
outside and do a plethora of other things. Shown are, back row, from
left: Brayden Cochrane, Camden McNevan, Lucas Ward, Adam
Martin, Cameron Terpstra, Hudson Smith and Hayden McGee. Middle
row, from left: Manny Teichroeb, Andreas Pilatzke, Kaleb Roth, Joe
Teichroeb and Brooklyn Rose. Front row, from left: Jayse Wylie,
Ayden Sheppard, Kierstin Fraser, Lauren Silcock and Avery
McCutcheon. (Denny Scott photo)
Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year from
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Continued on page 29
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