HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2011-12-22, Page 18PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2011.Special guest accompanies 4/5 class in Blyth concertContinued from page 3Cronin did a wonderful job as ourpiano player and Joel Snell was aspecial guest and accompanied theGrade 4/5 class with the guitar.A representative from CentralHuron Secondary School, Mr. Muir,visited the school to explain to theGrade 8 students everything theyneeded to know about high school.Mr. Muir was assisted by former Blyth Public School students Amy and Leanne who shared their experi- ences and assured the Grade 8 stu- dents that they had a wonderful experience waiting for them in high school. F.E. Madill Secondary School representatives will be visit- ing in January. This week, the Grade 7/8 students finished their novel The Giver. Some students found it interesting that the major characters in this novel had Hebrew names like Jonas, Asher, Gabriel and Caleb and were intrigued to see how the plot in this novel dovetailed with our Christmas Concert story. By Courtney Bachert Students are all excited for their Christmas break. All are looking for- ward to spending time with their families and friends. Mr. Gole’s Grade 2 students have been learning about different winter holiday tradi- tions, things like Hanukkah that are celebrated by some people in Canada and in other parts of the world. All of the students enjoyed learning about these different cul- tures and traditions, they tried some new festive treats, games and even gave their best shot at cooking. In math, they are continuing their investigations on the different ways to add one and two-digit numbers, using a variety of manipulatives and number representations. In reading, they have been reading stories that focus on the virtue of the month, compassion. They are writing, as well, to express their understandings of the main idea(s) in the text. Mrs. Decker’s Grade 4/5 class is having fun in art, creating Christmas dioramas. In technology, they received six new livescribe pens, which they will use in collaborative work. You can view them on their website at heatherdecker.pbworks.com In math, they are learning about arrays to help solve multiplication problems. Mrs. Zembashi’s classes are all doing well. In health, the Grade 6/7 students are studying the topic, “Harrassment” and are discussingwhat it means to them. In French, theGrade 7/8 students are learning andpractising the verbs, Avoir and Etre.Mrs. Zembashi is especially proud ofthe Grade 4/5 students because oftheir awesome performance of“Silent Night” in French, on thenight of the Christmas concert.Mrs. Todd’s Grade 3 students areall reading the novel, “The Best Christmas Present Ever”, by Sylvia Green. In the novel, the main charac- ter, Puss, the cat and his family have moved from a small town to the city. Puss is not happy about this, so he runs away from his family to get back to his territory in the country.The students predicted that it wasgoing to be the “Best ChristmasEver” because he would return to hisfamily. But by reading further on,they discovered that Puss meetsanother cat. They now think thatthere might be kittens for Christmas.They are all enjoying the book andcan’t wait to see what happens next.In Grade 7 math, they have been learning about number patterns and make tables of values to figure out the pattern rules. They have been using collaborative learning to solve problems. They have been working with others in the class and are able to learn from the points of view oftheir peers.By Kathryn ChalmersHello, my name is KathrynChalmers and I am a Grade 8 student at Blyth Public School. Over thenext few months you may see myname from time to time. I will befilling in as a student writer as theyneed me. Howson & Howson Ltd. Blyth Elevators 519-523-9624 Flour Mill 519-523-4241 May your faith be renewed and your soul inspired by the message of this holy season. With heartfeld thanks for your valued business this past year. Celebrate The Miracle! Lee's Service Centre 348 Dinsley St., Blyth 519-523-9151 • Repairs to all makes & models of Cars & Trucks • Air Conditioning • Welding • Snow Removal Have a very Merry Christmas! Here’s hoping everything runs smoothly for you this holiday season. I thank you for your patronage and look forward to serv- ing you in the coming year!                                                                    From all the staff HH UU RR OO NN TT ii rr ee &&AA uu tt oo Mike, Lorne & Doug 519-482-3752 Hwy. 4 South, Clinton, Ont. ...And many thanks to you, our neighbours, for the goodwill you've shown towards us this past year. Please accept our warm wishes for a very, merry holiday season. With best wishes and gratitude to our valued cus- tomers and friends. ~ Don & Julie ~ 1 mile west of Blyth on Blyth Rd. 519-523-9771 Landscaping & Supplies Taking care When acting out the nativity scene, there is only one baby that matters and it was Amber Shannon’s job to keep the baby Jesus safe with Cayden Mason by her side on Dec. 14 for the final Blyth Public School Christmas concert at Memorial Hall. (Vicky Bremner photo)