HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2011-12-15, Page 10PAGE 10. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2011. Central Huron relieves CAO of duties Blyth BIA elects its inaugural executive Central Huron wants input Central Huron Council wants to know what the municipality’s residents have to say about user-pay garbage collection in the area. While no further action on the matter has been taken, municipal staff is hoping to gauge the public’s interest in collection through the municipality with a poll on the Central Huron website (www.centralhuron.com). The issue will be further discussed at a strategic planning The Blyth Business Improvement Area (BIA) is one step closer to becoming a reality with the only ‘i’ left to be dotted being North Huron Township Council’s approval. After the inaugural meeting on Dec 7, the group has an executive picked and several board members nominated and awaiting their confirmation. They also approved a working constitution that may see some revisions before implementation and a sample budget with maximum and minimum levies placed at $95 and $250 for business properties. The minimum is the lowest amount that every commercial property owner will pay on their tax bill. Larger businesses will be charged more based on assessment. At the inaugural meeting, Deputy- Reeve David Riach of North Huron Township Council, a member of theBlyth Business Association (BBA)who will be sitting as council’s representation on the BIA’s board, stated that the meeting, and what it signifies, is an important moment in Blyth’s development. “This is an important milestone in Blyth,” he said. “I look forward to good things happening because of this and with the desire of those here, they’re sure to happen.” Deb Sholdice, General Manager of the Blyth Festival stated that the entire idea behind the BIA was to unify the forces in Blyth. “The BBA and the Blyth Idea Group wanted a structured, united front,” she said. “About a year ago the two groups started investigating how to form a BIA.” The organization itself is run through the municipal act and has a very structured format. The BIA will be represented by a board of management voted on by members who will be sent to NorthHuron Council to become acommittee of council. The board of management, which includes the group’s executive, will have one member from North Huron Council (Riach), several members from local businesses and a maximum of one associate member from the Blyth Centre of the Arts, the local service organizations, local churches and associate members. Associate members are representatives from groups like churches and service clubs that are non-profit organizations as well as businesses or groups that are outside the BIA’s area. The members of the board representing these groups will be non-voting members, but will attend meetings to guide policy as a way of having the community represented. Sholdice explained that a BIA is better than a business association because of the consistency thataccompanies the former.“Because of the levy, which is a more consistent income for the group, the BIA can plan ahead,” she said. “The BBA can’t plan for three years, they don’t know what their membership will be that far ahead.” The levy is, according to Sholdice, similar to the BBA’s current fees or dues and based purely on assessment between the aforementioned maximum and the minimums. Sholdice also explained that the BIA will be able to, by being a committee of council, apply for grants that were formerly not available to the BBA. The executive for the group is as follows: • Chair Rick Elliott of Elliott Nixon Insurance. • Vice Chair Peter Gusso of the Blyth Station House • Secretary Tamera Riach of Davara Studios • Treasurer Sharon Davis ofSharon’s Cars in MiniatureNominated board members who weren’t in attendance include John Elliott, James Peters, Les Cook and Janice Peters. Sholdice will be representing the Blyth Centre of the Arts as a non- voting member. The inaugural annual general meeting for the group is set to be 90 days from the beginning of the year to co-inside with the expected release of the North Huron financial statements. North Huron Council was to be provided with a copy of the slightly- amended draft BIA constitution and budget for their committee of the whole meeting on Dec. 12, however comments from council weren’t available as of press time. The group intends to finalize its constitution and budget at the first meeting, which is scheduled for Jan. 5 at the Bainton Gallery at 7 p.m. The Municipality of Central Huron has confirmed that Kevin McLlwain is no longer its Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). After a lengthy closed session on Dec. 5 where the issue was discussed, it was announced shortly thereafter that McLlwain was no longer employed with Central Huron. Central Huron Mayor Jim Ginn called the future of the CAO position situation “uncertain” saying that council would be looking at several different potential scenarios going forward, and not just the filling of the CAO position. Ginn said he was not at liberty to discuss the reasons behind McLlwain’s departure. Ginn said if council decides not to simply fill the position left vacant by McLlwain’s departure, it’s very possible that a new position could be created that would encompass municipal duties along with economic development for the Clinton Raceway and the Regional Equine and Agricultural Centre of Huron (REACH). Another option, Ginn said, would be to hire an office manager to deal with municipal office matters in addition to an economic development position, which Central Huron currently doesn’t have. Any scenario, however, Ginn said, is merely speculation until a strategic planning meeting officially takes place later this month where council will address the situation for the first time since the closed session on Dec. 5. Ginn said first council will meet to discuss the municipality’s options and then council will meet with Central Huron’s senior management team to further examine the municipality’s next move. Ginn couldn’t comment on an exact timeline as to when the municipality will be hiring, but he said it would likely not be until the new year. McLlwain began his time with the Municipality of Central Huron in January of 2008 as the Director of Finance. He took over the position of CAO in February of 2010, filling the vacancy left by former CAO Richard Harding when he left the municipality to become CEO of REACH.                                                   ;: ;98 786;543 215:6 0/.-,43 +346* )9,( ,( 4 38',(34;8& %88;,6' 58$1,58& #" !8-;,:6  :/ ;98 +3466,6' -; !0  ;: &,(-1(( 58,(,:6( ;94; %4" #8 58$1,58& ;: ;98 786;543 215:6 0/.-,43 +346*          )915(&4" 46145"   4;  % ,6 ;98 8-1;,8 :45&5::% 72 786;58  88-9 !;588; 73,6;:6  ;94; ;98 786;543 215:6 0/.-,43 +346 -4%8 ,6;: 8//8-; :6 13"   46& ;94; 16&85 (8-;,:6  :/ ;98 +3466,6' -; *!*0*  4( 4%86&8& 786;543 215:6 7:16-,3 (9433 58,(8 ;98 0/.-,43 +346 ;: 86(158 ;94; ,; -:6/:5%( ,;9 5:,6-,43 346( 94( 58'45& ;: %4;;85( :/ 5:,6-,43 ,6;858(; 46& ,( -:6(,(;86; ,;9 :3,-" (;4;8%86;( ,((18& #" ;98 5:,6-8* 15;985 786;543 215:6 7:16-,3 (9433 58,(8 ;98 :/.-,43 346 ,/ ,; -:6;4,6( :3,-,8( &843,6' ,;9 4584( :/ 8%3:"%86; ;: 86(158 ;9:(8 :3,-,8( 458 -:6.5%8& :5 4%86&8&* )98 (8-,43 %88;,6' ,33 %45 ;98 (;45; :/ ;98 58,8 5:-8(( 9,-9 ,33 ,6-31&8 /15;985 -:6(13;4;,:6 46& 1#3,- %88;,6'(* )98 786;543 215:6 0/.-,43 +346 4//8-;( 433 346& ,;9,6 ;98 16,-,43,;" :/ 786;543 215:6*     %4" 4;;86& ;98 (8-,43 %88;,6' :/ 7:16-,3 46& :5 %4 8 5,; ;86 :5 85#43 5858(86;4;,:6 4#:1; ;98 58,8 :/ ;98 786;543 215:6 0/.-,43 +346*            :/.-8 9:15( 4; ;98 786;543 215:6 16,-,43 0/.-8  3#85; !;* 73,6;:6    46& ;98 7:16;" :/ 215:6 +3466,6' 46& 883:%86; 845;%86;  4,85 !;588; :&85,-9    * 4;8& 4; ;98 16,-,43,;" :/ 786;543 215:6 ;9,( ;9 &4" :/ 8-8%#85 * 586&4 4-(44- 7385     %$#"! $ "% $  $%"%   % %#  # !$$#"$% $ # %"!""# $ ! %# $% # %$#"! ?>=? ?>< ;:98765 :4 ?>< 3986762=56?1 :4 ;<8?0=5 /90:8 2=..<- ,1+5=* )(+'&%% :8 ?>< $ ?>-=1 :4 #<7<"!<0 '&%% 98-<0 <7?6:8 ) :4 ?>< 5=8868 7?  %& =. ="<8-<- % # %$#"! ?>=? =81 2<0.:8 :0 =<871 "=1 =22<=5 ?: ?>< 8?=06: 3986762=5 ,:=0- 68 0<.2<7? :4 ?>< !1+5=* !1 568 *6?> ?>< 75<0 :4 ?>< 39+ 86762=56?1 :4 ;<8?0=5 /90:8 8:? 5=?<0 ?>=8 ?>< '( ?>-=1 :4 #<7<"!<0 '&%% = 8:?67< :4 =22<=5 .<??68 :9? ?>< :!<7?6:8 ?: ?>< !1+5=* =8- ?>< 0<=.:8. 68 .922:0? :4 ?>< :!<7?6:8 =77:"2=86<- !1 2=1"<8? :4 ?>< 4<< 20<.706!<- 98-<0 ?>< 8?=06: 3986762=5 ,:=0- 7? $%# $  2=1=!5< :8 =22<=5 6. %'$&& 851 68-66-9=5. 7:02:0=?6:8. =8- 29!567 !:-6<. 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