HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2011-10-20, Page 27Continued from page 12 faded out of circulation. Today, the talk of a food crisis is on the rise again and there are new challenges in feeding a hungry world. Moving forward, the challenges facing agriculture are different from those of the past, but agriculture is willing to take them on. Providing global food security is an incredible challenge for farmers around the world. Food price volatility is just one of many factors that influence food security and the impact of this volatility is experienced far more acutely in developing countries. Ultimately, farmers and industry will bear the burden of meeting this challenge. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2011. PAGE 27. Interesting Late last month a student brought a pet snake into the school for a little bit of show and tell. Examining the slithery pet are, from left, Chantal VanSchaik, Brandon Marshall, Brennan Kolkman and Sven VanHittersum. (Photo submitted) A Brussels man was ordered topay over $1,000 in fines, but had acriminal charge dismissed in respectto an incident in Brussels on April 20. James Hubbard was ordered to pay a $750 fine for a Breach of Probation charge by Judge R.G.E. Hunter in addition to two Highway Traffic Act violations for which Hubbard received a $250 fine for each. In a criminal trial, however, Hubbard had his charge of Flight from Police dismissed by Hunter after a trial. Hubbard pled not guilty to the charge of Flight from Police and entered into a trial in Wingham court on Sept. 15 Crown Attorney Trish McCarthy called her first witness, the arresting officer that day, Const. Patrick Armstrong of the Huron OPP, for the lengthy testimony. Armstrong stated he was stationed just outside of the Brussels OPP office when he observed a red Chevrolet truck travelling with no rear licence plate at approximately 2:36 p.m. Armstrong stated he wasattempting to be alert in looking formotorists driving without wearingtheir seatbelts as the OPP was in the middle of its annual seatbelt campaign. Armstrong said the vehicle was driving towards him and he saw the driver travelling with a blonde female passenger before the truck passed him. After it passed him, Armstrong said he noticed the truck didn’t have a rear licence plate either so he engaged his emergency lights to pull the car over. Upon pulling in behind the truck, Armstrong said, the truck then “gunned it” making a quick turn which resulted in the truck going up onto the curb and eventually the sidewalk. After making the turn, Armstrong continued, the driver pulled the truck into the first driveway, parked the vehicle and both parties then proceeded to exit the car and leave on foot, running down Turnberry Street in Brussels. Armstrong said he parked his car and chased the couple on foot, losingsight of them on three differentoccasions for varied amounts of timebefore catching up with who he believed was the male driver in a thrift store on the main street in Brussels.Upon entering the store,Armstrong said, several women inthere directed the officer to a corridor by pointing and waiting at the end was Hubbard, who, according to Armstrong, was bentover and appeared to be out ofbreath.It was at this time Armstrong arrested Hubbard. He was not able to Brussels man found not guilty of evading police Global food security a challenge for farmers AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. 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