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With the eye of tenderest love!
(J.R. Miller, “Daily Bible Readings in the Life of Christ” 1890)
“He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them.”
Mark 6:48
Jesus always sees our toils and distresses in this world. We do not see Him--and
sometimes we think that He has forgotten us; but that is never true. He never forgets us,
nor is He indifferent for a moment.
On the heights, while the battle was in progress, stood a group of men watching the
struggling armies on the plain below. In this group was the American general Sheridan,
who watched the mighty strife with the keen eye of a soldier. King William was also
there; but his interest was different from Sheridan’s His son was in the thick of the fight-
-and he watched the battle with the eye of a father, as well as of a king.
Just so, Christ looks down upon our struggles in this world. He sees us straining and
toiling; He beholds all our battles and strifes. He sees us in the waves and in the storm.
He sees us, not merely with the eye of the calm spectator--but with the eye of tenderest
This is a great thought! If we can only get it into our hearts--it will give us wondrous
courage in the hour of toil, sorrow, or struggle. Jesus knows... when the battle is hard,
when the night is dark, when the temptation is more than we can bear.
The winds were against His disciples--even though Christ sent them out to sea. We learn
here, that even when we are doing the things which God has bidden us do--we may
encounter great opposition and difficulty. We may even be beaten back, and find the trail
too great for our strength. Many of the Lord’s disciples have to make their voyage over
very stormy seas--on their way to glory. For some, duty is often very hard. Indeed, a
true, noble, courageous, holy life--must always exist in the face of opposition and
contrary winds.
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956
Kay Hesselwood, right, was presented the Blyth and area Citizen of the Year Award last
Thursday at the 38th annual Fall Rally of Zone 8 of the United Senior Citizens of Ontario held
at Memorial Hall in Blyth. Hesselwood was announced as Blyth’s Citizen of the Year last month
for her extensive work throughout the community. Presenting the award was Lois Van Vliet, a
member of The Citizen’s Board of Directors. (Shawn Loughlin photo)
By Courtney Bachert, Hunter Dale and Phaedra ScottIt sure has been a fun few weekshere at Blyth Public School. Thecross-country meet was a great
success, everyone finished and Mrs.
Zembashi is very proud of them. The
district cross country meet is on Oct.
14 in Benmiller and that also will be
a great success we’re sure.
The Grade 1/2 class has had a very
busy week. On Oct. 4 the students
joined the Grade 2 class and took a
trip to Blake’s Apple Orchard. The
students had a great trip and picked a
variety of apples. They experienced
many learning opportunities which
focused on apples. They also had a
great time making and eating
They also had an amazing
experience with David Archibald
and created an awesome song called,
“The Big Red Slide”.
The Kindergartens are having an
awesome time with Mrs. Thorpe-
Hearn. The senior kindergarten classbegan its huge unit calledColourFall. They started learningabout the three primary colours thatcannot be made by any other colour
but can be found in nature.
Their first day was blue day and
they all were to wear blue that day.
They had fun eating blueberries,
blue corn chips and blue candies.
They rated their reaction to the
things that they tasted and went on a
scavenger hunt in their class to find
things that were related to Blue’s
Clues. They cut out blue magazine
pictures and wrote down blue words.
While they were reading the book, I
Love You Blue Kangaroo, they
inferred what was going to happen
The next day was yellow day and
they concentrated on making
connection between text and their
experience while they read Big
Sarah’s Yellow Boots and rated their
tastes for lemon slices, pineapple
and yellow peppers. They alsopractised their sewing skills bystitching up a yellow lion.For red day, they read the bookRed is Best and made connection for
that as well. They cut apple puzzles
and sorted through red photos and
made a list of items that they found
in nature that were red.
The Junior class celebrated their
unit on bears by having a party day
where they brought in their favourite
teddy bears, graphed then ate
gummy bears, sang and played teddy
bear songs and wrote a story about
an adventure they had with their
teddy bear. They had lots of fun.
They have been making
connections between themselves and
story characters they have met,
looking at clues found within the
text and the illustrations to inform
and expand their understanding of
books they’ve read in their unit.
They enjoyed learning some classic
bear book chants this past week, like
“Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What doyou see?” and re-enacting thesequence of events within thefamous fairytale Goldilocks and theThree Bears using both props and
puppets. They played bear snap,
learned about what kinds of food
bears prefer to eat, ordered nine
bears in sizes from smallest to
largest and matched each of the
bears with the appropriate-size bowl,
clothes, chair and bed. Next week
they will begin looking at the natural
world around as they observe,
record, classify and write about the
signs of fall.
The Grade 2 students have been
using the theme of apples in their
Pollard, McClinchey, top
Monday afternoon euchre
Happy birthday to Bo Wharton who
will celebrate Oct. 17; Joyce Craig
of Atwood, Oct. 19 and Jessie France
of Huronlea, Brussels, who will
celebrate her 96th birthday Oct. 19.
The euchre held Monday
afternoon had four-and-a-half tables
at play. Winners were: high lady,
Doris McClinchey, 76; high man,
John Pollard, 75; low lady, Pauline
McMichael, 54; low man, Jewel
Plunkett, 51; ladies’ lone hands,
Berva Cartwright, one; men’s lone
hands, Edyth Glousher, four; door
prize, Len Archambault; share the
wealth, Darrell Wood and John
The next euchre will be Monday,
Oct. 17 at 1:30 p.m. in the Legion
Hall. Come and enjoy the fun and
By Marilyn
From Marilyn’s Desk
FROM BLYTHContinued on page 8
Blyth PS runners look to district meetTHE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2011. PAGE 3.